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Washoe County Commissioners Meeting

October 11, 2022 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Tuesday, October 11th, 10:00 am – 1001 E. 9th Street, Reno. Agenda items of interest are a report of tax refund claims paid, cannabis consumption lounges and workforce housing. Below are the details for these items:

Item 6.E.2: Recommendation to accept Treasurer’s status report for the period ending September 30, 2022, of payment of refunds and interest since last update in the amount of $1,459,479.14 on certain property tax overpayments for residential properties at Incline Village/Crystal Bay, in compliance with the October 21, 2019 Order issued by the District Court in Village League to Save Incline Assets, Inc., et.al. vs. State of Nevada, et.al., Case No. CV03-06922, as modified and clarified by the settlement agreement regarding the processing of refunds. Treasurer. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION.

Item 9:  Recommendation to initiate amendments to Washoe County Code Chapter 25 (Business Licenses, Permits and Regulations) and Chapter 110 (Development Code) to create the necessary code language to facilitate the Board’s policy direction regarding cannabis consumption lounges as provided during their regular meeting of September 20, 2022. The amendments may include, but are not limited to, the establishment of definitions, standards, location limitations, permitting requirements, and fees associated with cannabis consumption lounges, as well as the resolution of discrepancies that may arise within existing WCC chapters as a result of any new code language. Community Services.  (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION

Item 18:  Introduction and first reading of an ordinance amending Washoe County Code Chapter 45 (Public Welfare) by adding a section defining “low-income households”, “very low-income households”, “extremely low-income households”, and “permanent supportive housing”; and by amending provisions related to: the establishment and purpose of the Washoe County Affordable Housing Trust Fund (“the Fund”); the administration of the Fund, which is to be administered by the Housing and Homeless Services Division of Washoe County rather than a non-profit contractor; the use of a fiscal agent to collect, hold, manage and disburse Fund assets; the potential funding sources and availability of monies in the Fund; the use and disbursement of monies in the Fund; the location of units/projects to be assisted with Fund monies; and requirements for the annual evaluation; and all matters necessarily connected therewith and pertaining thereto; and, if supported, set a public
hearing for the second reading and possible adoption of the ordinance on October 25, 2022. Manager’s Office. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION

The agenda and links to attachments are available here:  https://www.washoecounty.gov/bcc/board_committees/2022/files/agendas/2022-10-11/BCC%20-%2010.11.22.pdf


October 11, 2022
9:00 am - 11:00 am
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