Washoe County Resolution to Enforce Voter Policy

February 17, 2022

On the Commissioners’ agenda for Tuesday, February 22nd at 10:00 a.m., is the recommendation to accept the Election Resolution R22-28 and direct the Registrar of Voters to implement procedures enforcing policies by the 2022 Primary election.

The memo written by Commissioner Herman to the Board included the following comments:

“On February 8, 2022, the Board of Commissioners of Washoe County received significant public comment expressing a desire to adopt proposals related to the accuracy, security, and purity of elections.

This matter is brought to the Board’s attention to publicly set forth on the record challenges within the current system of voter registration and processing of ballots in Washoe County which have been shown to be inadequate in meeting various requirements of the Nevada Revised Statutes, Nevada Administrative Code, Nevada Constitution, and federal laws, as well as fiscal responsibility. This item requests the Board to approve a resolution authorizing measures for the same.

Washoe County also recognizes its responsibility to conduct its elections in a manner that follows the law and ensures accuracy and security, reduces opportunities of fraud, reduces outside influences, ensures fiscal responsibility, ensures the ascertainment by proper proofs of persons entitled to the right of suffrage, and preserves the purity of elections (Nevada Constitution, Sec. 6). It is recommended that a Resolution be adopted in support of that position and direct measures to be implemented as allowed by law.”

The agenda may be found by clicking here. This issue is agenda item 14. The staff report is available through the agenda. If you are unable to attend, you may provide public comment by email to Washoe311@washoecounty.gov, or voice message at: (775) 328-2003. The County will make reasonable efforts to include all comments received by 4:00pm on February 18, 2022 by email and voicemail into the record. Comments are limited to 3 minutes per person and will be entered into the record only. Voicemails will no longer be played for broadcast and emails will not be read by the Clerk.

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