IV/CB Community Forum Minutes

Note from Recap Editor: Because of difficulty with the recording, this recap includes a gap where [inaudible] appears. Corrections are welcome. Peter Todoroff – Moderator I’m wondering if anyone watched the Washoe County Commissioners meeting on Tuesday? There were...

Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights

Approval of Agenda – At the request of Trustee Schmitz, the item proposing amendments and an extension of the General Manager’s employment contract was moved from the consent calendar to General Business for further discussion. The GM requested to remove the...

The Role Of A Trustee

Direction setting and decision making happens by actions taken by of the Board of Trustees.  One Trustee does not have the ability to make changes, give direction or hire/fire staff; these actions can only be taken by the Board. All subjects discussed by the...

Washoe County Email and Website Addresses Have Changed

All Washoe County email and website addresses have been changed from washoecounty.us to washoecounty.gov. Email addresses will continue to work for a period of time, but please take a moment to update your contacts, should you have them stored. The Resources Page on...