IV/CB Community Forum Minutes

Peter Todoroff – Moderator Denise Davis – Co-moderator John Crockett – Washoe County Library Zoom-master Ronda Tycer – Recap Editor Participants: [Many participants were not audible as they said their names. If you participated and your name is not listed,...

Tahoe Water Suppliers Association Has Concerns

“Our members provide water service to all manner of users, rate payers, tax payers and visitors to Lake Tahoe. We are dedicated to the protection of Lake Tahoe’s pristine water quality and healthy ecosystem. We also appreciate recreational boating and...

Tax Revolt Payment Update

The Washoe County Commissioners Meeting scheduled on Tuesday November 9th includes the Washoe County Treasurer’s status report for the period ending October 31, 2021. Payment of refunds and interest since last update in the amount of $1,941,135 on certain property tax...