Planning Applications – District 1

There are many development applications for Incline Village and Crystal Bay. One area of concern is the steep lakefront slope below SR 28 between Incline Village and Crystal Bay. The link here provides access to the list of project applications within Commissioner...

STR Article by Informed Resident of IV/CB

The Reno Gazette Journal article, accessible by the link below, was written by a local resident who has been involved and is well versed on the STR activities in Incline Village/Crystal Bay, the Tahoe Basin and across our nation. She has devoted many hours to...

IVGID Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights

The Tahoe Daily Tribune did an admirable job of capturing the meeting highlights. An important addition is related to Trustees Dent and Schmitz, who are both members of the Audit Committee, objections to the proposed capitalization policy. Trustee Dent pointed out the...

Boulder Bay Special Use Permit Application

Boulder Bay, the project known as The Resort at Tahoe & Residences, will be requesting a Special Use Permit Application for grading and connector roadways before the Board of Adjustment at 1:30 p.m. on February 3, 2022. The entire application and related documents...

Truckee’s STR Survey

Wouldn’t it be nice if our Washoe County Commissioners asked for our input on STR regulations? Below is language lifted from the survey put forth by the Town of Truckee: “The Town of Truckee is considering updates to our community’s Short-Term Rental...