IVGID Meeting Highlights January 31st, 2020

January 31, 2020

Wednesday, January 29th

The major issues before the Board were the submission of the 2019 CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) to the Nevada Department of Taxation and Board direction on Phase II of the Effluent Export Pipeline Project.

In addition to the 3 minutes of public comment permitted at the beginning and end of our public meetings, Chair Callicrate invited all interested community members to comment on each agenda item.  Citizens were appreciative of the opportunity to speak on multiple items.

The Trustees unanimously received the CAFR and directed staff to submit it to the Department of Taxation.  A letter was attached with the submission which included each of the Trustee’s comments and/or independent opinions on the contents of the CAFR. This letter may be viewed by clicking here.

After a lengthy conversation with a representative from the US Army Corps of Engineers (“USACE”) and a presentation from our Federal legislative lobbyist Markus Faust, we learned there are funds available for the lining of the effluent emergency storage pond. This project is estimated to cost $2.7M.  The funding would potentially cover 75% of the costs.  It was also stated by our lobbyist that there is the potential of $8-10M for Staff’s projected $33 million cost for the replacement of the 6 miles of aging effluent pipeline.  Agreements with USACE for both projects needs to be formalized within the upcoming weeks before the actual funding amount is determined and committed.

The feasibility of the co-location of any or all of effluent pipeline within the next phase of the Tahoe Transportation District’s (“TTD”) East Shore multiuse path will be decided by the District as more information becomes available on TTD’s Final Environmental Analysis as well as the District’s formalized plans for pipeline segment replacements.  The timing and benefits of co-location may not be viable or as financially beneficial, as previously presented to the Board.

The Board unanimously approved a motion to establish projects for the expedited replacement in SR-28 of 5,067 linear feet of the pipeline in Segment 3 and for the effluent pond lining.  Segment 3, which is comprised of more than 13,000 linear feet, has been identified as the most vulnerable segment posing the greatest risk for imminent failure. In order to avoid expensive and environmentally hazardous line breaks, Segment 3 must be repaired or replaced as quickly as possible.

On a vote of 3-2, the Board approved $30,000 from the General Fund for Interim General Manager Winquest to engage an independent attorney for a limited scope of legal work.  Chair Callicrate and Trustees Dent and Schmitz voted to approve; Trustees Wong and Morris voted against the motion.

In response to public requests, Board Packets will be searchable after February 3rd.

Wednesday, January 22nd

The Board elected Trustee Callicrate to serve as Board Chair, Trustee Dent as Vice Chair, Trustee Schmitz as Treasurer and Trustee Wong as Secretary.  The newly elected Audit Committee members are Trustees Callicrate, Dent, and Schmitz.  The first meeting of the Audit Committee has been tentatively scheduled for February 12th at 4:30.   The agenda and confirmed date and time will be posted on the IVGID website.

The Board would not retroactively approve the payment of $13,000 of unauthorized and unbudgeted legal fees incurred by Attorney Beko in the Mark E. Smith v. IVGID lawsuit.  This additional amount exceeded the Board approved budget of $10,000. Board Chair Callicrate and Interim General Manager Winquest were asked to discuss the issue with Mr. Beko and report back to the Board. The Board did approve up to $7,500 for Interim General Manager Winquest to work with Mr. Beko to settle the litigation. To date, the District has incurred more than $60,000 in legal fees to defend the District and defendants Trustee Wong and Counsel Guinasso.  As this is a public records lawsuit, in the event Mr. Smith prevails, the District may be liable for payment of his legal fees.   Trustee Wong disclosed at the meeting that she had been removed as a defendant in the lawsuit.

The Incline Beach House design was discussed with the Board preferring the smaller 1700 sq. ft. option.  However, the Board expressed a need for “grab and go” food to be included in the design.

A review of the District’s internal controls was referred to the Audit Committee.

Administrative updates to Ordinance 7 were discussed.  Currently, Ordinance 7 covers all Recreational and Beach Venue privileges. Interim General Manager Winquest would like to create a separate “Beach Ordinance.” Trustee Schmitz suggested that all Beach Resolutions be incorporated into the “Beach Ordinance.”  By having all of the Beach rules in one ordinance, it will provide clear understanding for staff and the community.

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