Commissioner Hill secured $100,000 of funding for Parametrix to complete a Tahoe Transportation Study for Incline Village/Crystal Bay. Amy Cummings, the project lead from Parametrix, conducted feedback meetings during 2022. The draft of the full report is available here: Public comments may be sent to and was extended to March 17th.
The goals of the plan are to:
- Improve safety
- Expand connectivity
- Optimize mobility and parking
- Strengthen community vitality
Page 30 of the report provides the results of the study survey taken in Spring, 2022. The #1 concern of survey respondents is SAFETY. The report highlights the number of crashes along SR28 in IV/CB and notes that the intersection of Village Boulevard at SR-28 as having the highest density of vehicle crashes. Page 12 of the report says, “Speed is a determining factor in the severity of crashes for vehicles, pedestrians, and wildlife.” Yet, there are no recommendations to address speeding on SR28 through Incline Village.
In addition, the intersection of SR-28 and Southwood/Northwood (east side) near the skate park has a level of service rating of “F”. The report states this intersection is “under evaluation” by NDOT. NDOT is responsible for SR-28, so safety improvements would need to be initiated by NDOT, not Washoe County. Therefore, the report contains no recommendations for these critical intersections as they are not within the jurisdictional authority of Washoe County.
The report does mention ways to improve safety at the intersections of Village and Northwood (by the elementary and high schools) and Village and Southwood. Other recommendations include bicycle and safety improvements, winter maintenance, parking management (including one-way traffic on Lakeshore between Village and County Club), and transit.
We all drive, walk, and/or cycle in our community and have to opportunity to voice our opinion about the safety of our streets. Please submit your comments to Parametrix using the email addresses below, by March 17th, 2023. We suggest to also send a copy of your comments to Commissioner Hill at
Draft full report is available here:
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