IV/CB Community Forum Meeting Minutes – Feb. 2

February 2, 2024

Denise Davis – IVCB Forum Moderator

Good morning, forum. I’m Denise Davis, your moderator. Ronda Tycer is our forum recap editor, and John Crockett is our tech guru. In case you didn’t hear, the groundhog did not see his shadow, so we are supposed to get an early spring.

As a reminder, this meeting is being recorded. Before you begin speaking, please state your name. While speaking, be respectful—personal attacks will not be tolerated. If you’d like to share URLs, post them in the Chat Box and they’ll be included in the meeting recap. We partner with IVCB Community 1st.org and IVCBA.org to get information out. So, be sure to visit their websites and sign up for their newsletters. To sign up for our forum meeting notices and recaps, send an email to us at ivcbcommunityforum@gmail.com. I don’t see Kari yet so Chief Sommers, would you like to start us out today?

Ryan Sommers – North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District Chief

Good morning, everybody. Not too much new with us over here. We’re just tackling the weather as it comes in. We have completed pile burning for the season. We’ll be done with that. So, unless anyone has another question, basically that’s all I’ve got. And, if you start sliding, steer into it, because we’ve been going to help a lot of cars that are off the road.

Denise Davis

All right. Are there any questions for Chief Sommers? No, so moving on. I see Lieutenant Colacurcio is on. And before you start, Lieutenant, I believe I heard you got a special award either this week or soon. Am I correct?

Joseph Colacurcio – Washoe County Sheriff Office Incline Station Lieutenant

I got nominated for the Trauma Intervention Program (TIP). So, if there is a crisis or a life-altering event that occurs and we respond to, we can have these volunteers come out. We call TIP, ourselves, and fire. We utilize this group of volunteers to come out and help us mitigate the traumatic circumstances and help provide resources to anyone having a traumatic event. TIP, in turn, nominates officers from different agencies around the region for what they call Have-a- Heart. So I was nominated this year. I haven’t won an award, but I have been nominated as a Have-a-Heart Hero or a Hero-With-A-Heart for this year. I go next Thursday for a nice dinner to find out what that is about and see if I’m a winner or not.

Denise Davis

Congratulations, and good luck.

Joseph Colacurcio

Thank you. On the other end of that, for the Sheriff Office, we’re pretty much status quo. We’re working through everything. Like Chief Sommers says, I too would like to recommend that everyone take it easier out there with the recent weather and the roadways. Please drive safely. Obviously, if you start sliding, you have to steer into it like the chief said.

Last time I think I said we had our trainees that were still in training up here. So, now they are all through training. We have up here Deputy Hugh Shook, Deputy Eric Jerow, and Deputy Courtney Slaman. So, our staffing is pretty much full. So, that’s where we are with that. We’re just moving along with the weather.

Denise Davis

I also saw that on the WCSO Facebook page, there was an announcement about retired Sergeant Eric Frederickson who worked in Incline, saying he recently died of cancer. So we extend our sympathies to his family. I know there were people commenting about how helpful and ‘always around’ Sergeant Frederickson was.

Joseph Colacurcio

Yes, he recently passed, and we have recognized it. We do have… his son is actually employed for us in a civilian capacity at the WCSO. We definitely miss him and we’ve reached out to the family to send our warm regards and ask if they need help with anything.

Denise Davis

I also saw a post from the WCSO about phone scams going around. If you get a call and they say they are from the WCSO and they are demanding money, it’s not the WCSO.

Joseph Colacurcio

Yes, I can confirm that. We will never call you and ask you for money any which way. Nor do we actually take direct payments for bail money. We will always recommend that you go to the court and handle that stuff.

Denise Davis

And for sure you don’t do gift cards.

Joseph Colacurcio

No, we don’t do gift cards—no Google Play cards, no Amazon gift cards,, nothing along those lines. My recommendation is if you do have “an interesting phone call” or something that just doesn’t seem right, call the nonemergency number. We will confirm it. Nothing is going to be an “act right now or oh, my goodness,” or anything along those lines. If you feel you’re in an emergency or you need emergency assistance, call 911. But if it’s just something along those lines that you’re getting a phone call that seems a little off, and they’re asking for money, you can always call us to verify and we will verify whatever we need to verify for you.

Denise Davis

And they will not be showing up at your door to arrest you.

Joseph Colacurcio

Well, we’re not usually going to call if we have a warrant out for your arrest. We’ll just come knock on your door. In this day and age we may communicate that with you if you do have an active warrant or something, we’ll work with the court to make sure you can get your warrant quashed. But we are definitely not going to be calling you and telling you to provide us with a Google gift card number or a credit card number, or anything like that over the phone to take care of your warrant. If anybody has any questions, we’d love to hear them.

Denise Davis

I don’t see any hands raised, so we’ll just move along. Thanks, lieutenant

Joseph Colacurcio

You’re welcome, and you folks have a great day.

Denise Davis

Thanks, and stay safe out there.

The next IVGID Board of Trustees meeting will be February 14th. So if you’re not busy having dinner with your valentine, feel free to join our trustees. All right. Jeff Church, do you want to fill us in about the school district before you head out to your meeting?

Jeff Church – Washoe County School District Trustee

I was interested in the heart award because I was told I wasn’t eligible because ‘I have no heart.’  Hopefully my sense of humor is interpreted that way. Also, send those gift cards to me instead of the Sheriff Department, I’ll be happy to take them and I won’t come to arrest you.

There’s really nothing going on. I call it NSTR—Nothing Significant To Report—other than we are meeting today to proceed on the election of our new superintendent, and how we’re going to do the process. We hope to have a new school superintendent in place by May, but that’s all subject to change. You never know. But that’s where we’re at. Life is good and things are plodding along fine. Really I have no other things to report unless there are questions.

Denise Davis

Okay. I don’t see any hands.

Jeff Church

I’ll give you my address for the gift cards.

Denise Davis

I do see Mary Danahey, so I’ll check. Do you have any education announcements to share?

Mary Danahey – Incline Education Fund Founder

Yes, just a couple of them. It’s relatively quiet on the education front. There is a Community Read-Along February 13 from 5:30-6:30. There is a book called, The One and Only Ivan, which is geared toward 1st through 6th graders. Both Lake Tahoe School and Incline Elementary School are reading it together, as are the home-school parents and others like that who are coming to the library. 

The Incline Village High School Crab Feed is coming up. I will put the link for tickets in the Chat because that sells out every year. I do know there will not be any crab this year. When they had to sign the contract with the Hyatt, crab season was not in effect and they didn’t think they were going to be able to open the Crab Season. So they had to pivot real quickly. So, the theme is more like a Hometown BBQ.  But you’ll see all that information in the link.

In other exciting news, there is a brand new art program starting at the Incline Elementary School that Incline Education Fund (IEF) is funding. It started 2 weeks ago. It’s for all the K-5 students because art is not funded through the district. So we’re bringing it in separately. We do need volunteers for that program. So, if anyone wants to come help at the elementary school just for an hour a day on Monday and Tuesday, sometime between 1-2 pm or 2-3 pm, we’re looking for volunteers.

“We the People” is going to the State competition this Saturday at the University of Nevada, Reno. It starts at 8:30 am. There are a number of ‘exploratories’ at the Incline Middle School that IEF is funding—cross-country skiing, swimming, culinary, and “lights-camera-action” video podcasting. There’s a class that they’re wrapping around the “Trash to Treasure” program, which is really exciting stuff.  

The only other thing is that there is a Political Action Committee (PAC) being formed. Incline Education fund has nothing to do with it, but I want to let people know that if they’re interested in the potential closing of the Middle School, there is a PAC being formed to provide information around that. They can reach out to me: maryd@inclineeducationfund.org if they want to connect with those who are organizing the PAC. That’s it.

Denise Davis

Thanks, Mary. I did get some texts from Kari. Her appointment is running long. She wanted to let everyone know that this week is Community Appreciation Week at Diamond Peak. If you have a Picture Pass you can ski for free. If you already have a Diamond Peak season pass, I believe you can get free demo rentals.

At the IVGID Board of Trustees meeting on Wednesday night, it was announced that the search for a new permanent General Manager is starting over. There was a lot of discussion about it. There was a lot of discussion about most agenda items. I would encourage you to watch the Livestream recording of the meeting, and get it straight from the trustees. Also, Kari said if anyone has any questions, please email her at kmf@ivgid.org.

John Crockett

Just curious… is there a one-sentence reason why the GM search is starting over?

Denise Davis

I heard—and I believe I heard it again at the trustee meeting—that some of the candidates may have been contacted by various residents giving their side of “this is what Incline Village is like.” I’m doing this off the top of my head.

John Crockett

Sorry to put you on the spot.

Denise Davis

I believe there may have been one candidate who withdrew the application. I do know that Trustee Tulloch had hoped that at least one candidate would have some experience in the private sector. All of the candidates listed for the meeting Wednesday night were government experienced. He had expressed earlier he would like to see at least one person from the private sector. So, that’s where we are at with that. Our search for a general manager continues.

I’ve told Mr. Bandolin in private and publicly that I think he’s doing a great job. I’m sure he would just like to be dealing with Diamond Peak, but he’s a very calm presence. I think people feel listened to and heard. So, I just want to give him a shout out for stepping up and doing what I think is a really great job. Moving on. I don’t see Linda. On the IVCBA website there was an announcement about a “gofundme” page to help with medical expenses that have come up for the Incline High School Custodian and Site Facility Coordinator Marvin Cruise. If you’re interested in helping with that, the URL is in the Chat Box. And Mr. Crockett, I believe on Saturday there is the Quad Maker Space event.

John Crockett

Yes, that’s right. You can come by. Please register. We have appointments at 10:30, 11:00, and 11:30. You can make a custom wooden sign with our equipment and materials. This is our once-a-month Maker-Space hands-on activity. We have spots available this Saturday.

And I’ll agree with what Mary said about the Incline Community book group with The One and Only Ivan. It’s a kid’s book but it can be read by all ages. It’s very entertaining. It’s part of a series. There will be upcoming events through the spring for books 2 and 3. So, come on by on the 13th for that.

Jeff Church

On the library thing, it was posted on the website that there is going to be a ballot measure in November 2024. I don’t know if anybody wants to comment on that. The bottom line is… I went and met with the Secretary of State in person at the office. There’s a tax that expires in 2025. I think it’s $.02/$100 whatever that means. And unless that gets put on the ballot, that’s going to expire. Apparently there is a move to get that on the ballot. The only way I’m aware of to do that is by a petition. I’m not aware of any group having filed yet to do that but it has to be done by June.

So I’m not advocating for taxes, I’m not opposing taxes, I’m just putting on the record what I heard, what I was told, and what I read. I don’t know if anybody wants to comment. The bottom line is the tax is going to expire unless it gets put on the ballot to continue.

John Crockett

Jeff, that’s right. This is an “expansion tax.” The key is that this is not a new or additional tax. This is just telling Washoe County to apportion the amount you mentioned for the library. It would impact our operations. We have multiple branches open 7 days a week. Incline Village is now open 6 days a week. Those hours would be impacted if the tax renewal doesn’t go forward in November. So yes. The library system is working with the county to get that on the ballot. That’s going to be coming up in November. There will be more information coming out throughout the year. But the key is it is not a new or additional tax, but we do want to get this approved and passed in the fall.

Jeff Church

Would it be a petition or through another mechanism?

John Crockett

I believe it’s a ballot measure. I apologize if I don’t have the terminology right. But my understanding was it was a ballot measure.

Jeff Church

It’s a curious measure, but I think it has to be a petition. But I’m not sure. I’m not positive. So, just having met with the Secretary of State… Thanks for putting it on the record. 

John Crockett

Absolutely. Thanks for bringing it up.

Judy Simon – Crystal Bay Resident, TRPA Advisory Planning Commission Member

As a former member of the Library Board, I will attest our library really needs this money. It’s not a new tax. I don’t know that there’s anything… I know that the Board has had some controversy lately. But I don’t think they are… at least I hope they’re not seeking to defund the library using this mechanism. These are critical times.

Denise Davis

I got a text from Kari. She has put the URL for Appreciation Week in the Chat. She also wanted to remind everyone that the IVGID water-service line survey is still happening and they need our help with that. She said they’ve also put together a new video. I put in the link she texted me about the water-service line survey. Please, if you have not responded, please do that before it snows this weekend and then you’ve got it checked off your list.

We had a Citizen Advisory Board (CAB) meeting last Monday. County Manager Eric Brown joined via video and shared with us some 2023 Washoe County accomplishments.

He delineated funding that came in, a lot of it from Federal. He did delineate some Incline Village funding that had been dispersed. By their accounting they have funded $1.957 million for IVCB. Grants that were awarded were:

• Incline Village High School HS Engineering and Entrepreneurship – $50,000. They provided grant-writing support. And it says funding is available, so apply for that.

• Incline Village Justice Court renovations — $747,800. I’ll just add it was on top of other money we’ve spent on the old library.

• IVGID Recreation $250,000. As I recall, that was from the county’s ARPA funding from the Federal government. IVGID is going to use that for improvements to the skate park.

• Tahoe micro-transit pilot project $400,000. I believe that’s Tart Connect.

• Tahoe Lending Locals project $350,000. That is for helping find housing for the local workforce.

• IVCBA Mainstreet Program $75,000. I know Linda Offerdahl and IVCBA are involved with that project. She said that part of the Mainstreet project is fixing up the roundabout at Mt. Rose Highway and Tahoe Blvd. We seem to have a lot of people who want to run into the bear. So it gets repaired a lot.

• Envision Tahoe from the Tahoe Prosperity Center $47,500

• Tahoe Transportation District (TTD) $37,500. Off the top of my head I don’t recall what the TTD is planning to use that funding for.

County Manager Brown also gave some Citizen Advisory Board (CAB) statistics. The CABs are run through the county. We in Incline Village have been one of the more successful CABs in terms of attendance. Our IVCB CAB had 212 public participants and 103 staff, which included presenters and county staff who attended. So, we have almost a 2-to-1 citizens-to-staff ratio, which is apparently pretty good for a CAB. Our meetings are well-attended. As always, our community tends to have opinions about things. So, keep up the good work, community.

And a big shout-out to Diane Becker. She is our Incline Village Crystal Bay CAB chairperson. And she arranges topics and speakers. So, if there’s something you’d like to discuss at the CAB, please contact Diane, and she’ll be happy to look into it and see what she can do.

Also at the CAB meeting, Rachel Shaw from the TRPA came to talk to us about the 2024 “Vision Zero” strategy, which is a new way or a different way of looking at traffic design. Helen, do you want to say anything about the “Vision Zero” strategy? You’re probably more well-versed in it than I am. I don’t see her unmuting. So moving on…

The Board of County Commissioners has cancelled the meeting scheduled for February 13th. But there is a special meeting now scheduled for Friday February 16th. No agenda is available yet. So, I don’t know what is on the agenda. I did put in the URL of the county website. So please check to see what will be on the agenda.

Kathie Julian – Incline Village Resident, Board of Adjustment Member

We had a Board of Adjustment meeting yesterday. There was nothing  Tahoe specific there. The next meeting will be on March 7. There is a small request from residents in Crystal Bay that should be on the agenda. And that is in the links in the Chat Log. We did have a discussion on Neighborhood Meetings, and the way that input from community members in the neighborhood meetings gets translated back to the county staff and to the various boards for any kind of decisions. I’ll wait to talk about that until we have the minutes and our slide presentation. At our next meeting I’ll talk about that issue. Thanks.

Denise Davis

Thanks, Kathie. Just as a quick recap, the neighborhood meetings are an entirely different entity from other community meetings—CAB meetings or forum meetings. It’s the new format the county is using to get community input regarding development projects. They would like to get the comment sooner in the process rather than later as it used to be. So, anyone with a project is now required to have a neighborhood meeting. Those are the meetings Kathie is talking about.

Kathie Julian

Can I just clarify something? Yes, the county says its better for the developer to get the community comments early. Let’s define community. They are the people who live within 750 feet of the project. So, it doesn’t necessarily mean the entire community. That’s one issue. The second issue is the developer is intended to get the comments. But actually, the county relies upon the developer to give a summary of it. They do make a recording of the meeting. I would say it‘s more like it’s a vehicle for the developer to get comments, not necessarily for the county to get comments. Thanks.

Denise Davis

And the 750 feet are the people who should actually receive a notice in the mail typically. It doesn’t mean that the meeting is limited to only those within 750 feet.

Kathie Julian

Absolutely. And you can go on the website—the link is in the Chat—and sign up for notifications for District 1. You’ll get notifications about all the neighborhood meetings. But at least then you’ll be sure to get noticed when something in IVCB happens. Thank you.

Helen Neff – Incline Village Resident

I just want to circle back on Vision Zero. If you want to wait, I can call back in. Other people may have a comment on this.

Denise Davis

Okay. I think we do have some Planning and Board of Adjustment comments. So I’ll circle back.

Ann Nichols – Crystal Bay Resident, North Lake Tahoe Preservation Alliance Director

I’m on TRPA and “Vision Zero.” Actually I’ve never heard that term before, it’s a new one.  So circle back to me, too.

Diane Becker – Incline Village Resident, Incline Village Citizen Advisory Board Chair

I want to say that the county was considering terminating the CAB and actually had a meeting with various members of the CAB to get our input. One of the issues I raised was returning to a discussion of large and important development projects at the CAB. The discussion was held about the neighborhood meetings. The comments were that we do need comments on separate neighborhood meetings. And the comments by every person attending the meetings—which wasn’t a lot of people because they were small meetings. They were meetings where I think they were really listening to what people were saying. Comments were that we do need to have comments separate from the neighborhood meetings. The neighborhood meetings are a good idea in terms of giving early input to the developers. The county’s issue is they don’t have the money to do both. I think all of us should encourage the county—because the county obviously has money for many different things—that the CABs should have some input on the larger development projects. I think you all know and I raised the point that it’s almost impossible to get the developers to come to the CABs because they’re not obligated to do so. So, in the end, whatever happens at the neighborhood development meetings, is submitted by the developer. They do the summary. If they don’t put it in the summary, it doesn’t get done and it pretty much gets lost.

So, one of the things I would encourage at every opportunity anyone of us has, is to emphasize that the neighborhood meetings are a good idea, and we like them early, but it would be important to get large projects discussed at the CAB. We don’t need all the little things we used to have at the CAB like 2-foot setbacks, but just these large development projects. I can tell you— because I do set up the meetings it is really hard to get anyone to come and speak.  

Denise Davis

When I first joined the CAB, the only things we could discuss were planning issues. Then they revamped the CAB, and now we’re allowed to discuss anything but planning issues. If we could just hit some happy medium that would be great.

All right. Before we circle back to “Vision Zero,” let me remind everyone that on February 6 the Advisory Planning Commission (APC) has a meeting. And on their agenda is the Lake Tahoe School amendment to their Special Use Permit to increase from 220 to 250 students. All right. Helen Neff.  

Helen Neff

I put the link in the Chat for the full draft of 128 pages. As usual—it’s another long report. But you can skim through lots of it and just read the pages related to Incline Village if that’s your preference. “Vision Zero” started in the 1990s in Europe in Sweden and Norway. It has been very successful in a lot of European communities. It came to the United States in the early 2000s. There are some communities on the East Coast that are doing really well with it. Basically all the transportation entities agree on the goal to have zero fatalities by a certain date. TRPA has synced with California and Nevada, which have goals of 2050.

It’s a comprehensive plan to address education and road design knowing both factors can have a lot to do with making our roads safer. I encourage everyone to look at the report. Today is actually the deadline to send comments to Rachel Shaw. [ed – Send by Monday.] And I’ll put her email in the Chat. It is scheduled to go to the TRPA Governing Board later this month. I encourage everyone to send in comments and to really hold TRPA accountable to work on what’s in the report. I sent my comments in. A lot of what I said is when you’re approving development, you’re talking about how this will make our town centers pedestrian friendly. Development doesn’t do it. You need to put in changes to street design in order to get people out of their cars and make streets safer. That’s just my opinion. Everyone put in what you feel comfortable with. Thank you.

Ann Nichols

I read about this safety thing. And I wonder how they’re going to be able to do that when TRPA is having trouble doing a lot of other stuff. What I want to talk about is the net zero VMT. When you want to talk about TRPA, let me know. Or should I do it now?

Denise Davis

We’ll get there in a minute. Thanks. Before we move on, any comments on the previous topics discussed? Seeing none, then moving along.

The Tahoe Transportation District (TTD) has a variety of meetings scheduled on Wednesday February 7.  At 1 pm it’s the Regional Partnership and Communications Committee. One thing on their agenda is to define the roles and responsibilities between TTD and the TRPA. At 2 pm the Finance and Personnel Committee will meet. There are some Wood Rogers contracts on their agenda regarding the new path south of Sand Harbor and also some design planning for the mobility hub at Spooner Summit along with the Invasive Species center. Those contracts on design and planning will be heard by the Finance and Personnel Committee. At 3 pm is the TTD board meeting.  

The TRPA has an Advisory Planning Commission meeting scheduled for February 14th. So, again, if you’re not spending it with your valentine, feel free to spend it with the APC.

Judy Simon – Crystal Bay Resident, TRPA Advisory Planning Commission Member

I can speak to that. The position that I hold has been advertised. I checked with Alexis Hill. She said I should put in an application, which I have done. It’s really unclear. She said that… I hate to put words in her mouth… but I got the impression that she would support my candidacy unless there was an issue with term limits. I haven’t heard back from her. But she said go ahead and put in the application. I looked up the records I could discern. I was just appointed once starting April 13, 2021 to replace Tim Callicrate who resigned his position as the Washoe County public member. The term was set to expire on July 31, 2022. So, I’ve been attending. Sometimes there’s a rule that if no one else is appointed, you continue. But I really haven’t heard either way from the county. That’s where it stands. I still appear on their list. So, we’ll see how that goes.  And Diane, I believe those applications close on February 9. I can look it up.

Denise Davis

Do you happen to know what the topics will be for the upcoming APC meeting?

Diane Becker

May I respond to Judy’s comment? I don’t have the date. But I would like to encourage all of us to write in and say that Judy is really knowledgeable about the community and her statements have supported community sentiment on a number of issues. I think it would help if we wrote that to Commissioner Hill… if a lot of us wrote it in. I don’t know. I’m asking Judy if she’d like us to, because I believe there may be some other applicants and they may not fully support the community sentiment.

Judy Simon

Yes, I would appreciate that. And I’ll have to look it up. Maybe I’ll go offline and come back. If you want to do that there’s a staffer who can attach that to my application. So, let me do that real quickly. Thank you for the vote of confidence. I don’t feel that I’ve always been successful, but at least I’ve expressed the views of the community, and I’d like to continue.

Denise Davis

We appreciate the time and effort you’ve put into the APC. If you’re willing to continue, I think you’ll have a lot of support.

Judy Simon

Thank you.

Denise Davis

The January 31st meeting for the Tahoe Living Working Group was cancelled and was to be rescheduled. I have not found any information about a new date.

Judy Simon

I’ve been serving on that but it’s been cancelled more than it’s been held. At the TRPA meeting where they adopted the height, density, and coverage; they made a number of changes to the proposal. My perception is that Karen Fink and staff are trying to incorporate those changes to see how to move forward to Phase 3. They were supposed to have a meeting to go through that, but apparently that didn’t transpire. And I don’t have a new date.

Kathie Julian

I think it’s important for community members—when it’s scheduled—to actually go to that meeting. I think they have an option by zoom, because my recollection is that the list of people at that Tahoe Living Working Group, which is a kind of an advisory committee, is comprised of a lot of group representatives with financial interests in development–the realtors, the contractors, the developers, the resort associations. So, it’s important for the community to actually listen in and speak and attend those meetings at least by zoom. Thanks.

Ann Nichols

Last week was a big week for TRPA. The TRPA Legislative Oversight Committee met in Carson City. The committee got an earful. There were about 50 people there from all over the lake—north, south, east and west—expressing upset and disappointment in TRPA. It was big. The Oversight Committee looked confused about what they were supposed to do. Anyway, we’ll see how it goes. They have more meetings coming up.

Then on Wednesday, there was a TRPA Governing Board meeting. It was fascinating. By December 31st 2023, TRPA was supposed to have come up with an ongoing reliable, sustainable way to support the $1.5 billion for transportation that the Tahoe Transportation District (TTD) wants. What that is—is a tax on us. I’ve attached a link to the document. They are looking at a .5% sales tax. They’re looking at another 1% TOT tax. They’re looking at a real-property transfer tax of $1/1000. They’re looking at a basin-wide sales tax, and a basin-wide TOT tax. This is to fund trails and Tart Connect.

In their typical way, TRPA is trying to think of workarounds to this because the Natural Resources departments in California and Nevada and the League to Save Lake Tahoe are holding their feet to the fire. If they don’t get this ongoing… And the basin-entry fee is not going to work because neither governor wants to do that. If they can’t get this on, they can’t approve projects unless they have zero-net VMT, which is going to be difficult for large projects. Of course, they will try to think of a workaround. But this is a big deal. People don’t know about it because they did this during COVID. I encourage everyone to stand up and get involved.

The Boatworks project in Tahoe City—I know it’s in Tahoe City—but it’s traffic for all of us… They’ve released their notice of environmental impact. They’re going for a big condo project. Then there’s the Kings Beach 39-Degree project. Placer tried to give $38 million in tax rebates and a $2 million forgive-able loan. And it hasn’t even been presented to the public. So, the march for big projects is still on, but we’ve got to protect the lake. Thank you.

Denise Davis

I do know that several articles have been appearing in the Nevada Current regarding TRPA and the Tahoe basin. Recently, KTVN Channel 2 covered the opposition to some of the TRPA policies. Kathie Julian put the URL for that news clip in the Chat. The little snowball is finally starting to roll and picking up steam. I encourage all to make your opinions about the TRPA and its thresholds and science known. Whether you support or question TRPA, I just encourage everyone to be involved.

The Interim Legislative committee meets 6times during the interim. This was their first meeting.  We’ll stay tuned for when their next meeting is. Did anyone else attend the Interim meeting? Okay, Ronda. Do you want to give any comment about what happened?

Ronda Tycer – Incline Village Resident

Well, the most important thing for us is that Alexis Hill did present the intentions for Washoe County in our area. I have made a summary of that, which has been added to the IVCB Community 1st newsletter that just went out. Basically, Alexis Hill was talking about all the things that will interface with TRPA including such things as the Incline Mobility Hub. Of course, that’s my pet project. It sounded to me like—if she was sincere— she was actually thinking seriously about alternative locations and possibly using the Old Elementary School (OES) as workforce housing or some such thing, which is what we’ve been saying for 4 years. I don’t know if it was just a campaign speech or whether it was sincere—because as you know, the Mobility Hub Committee has been disbanded in Incline. So, the only way we find out any information is through the TTD and Alexis Hill. Hopefully she’s sincere, and they are changing focus, and they are thinking about alternatives to that particular site, so we will be able to save that site for the community instead of it being predominantly for tourists.

Denise Davis

Thanks, Ronda. We’re not quite at the end of our meeting, so does anyone have any other topics they want to discuss? Judy Simon, are you putting information in the Chat?

Judy Simon

I’m trying. I’m going to try to copy and paste. Her name is Alexandra Wilson.

Denise Davis

She is the county staffer who works at our CAB meetings.

 Judy Simon

Okay, good. Let me try to put that in there once more. There it is. I don’t think the link is there.

Kathie Julian

I’d just like to make a comment. I actually think Alexis Hill is sincere about understanding the OES is not supported for the type of mobility hub that has been discussed by TTD. So, I think we should probably give her the benefit of the doubt in terms of trying to find other locations. Also, I think it would be a great idea if we could have employee housing—workforce, affordable, moderate housing—rental housing—at that Old Elementary School site. I think if people want to convey that to her, that would be great to show that the community is behind it. 

Tim Delaney – Incline Village Resident

Hi. Thank you so much for allowing me to speak. I don’t trust Alexis Hill. No way. I read this write-up recently, and it sounded like she wanted to continue the East Shore bike trail out to Highway 50. I am wholly against that. It’s sacred land. It’s very sensitive forestland. You have Golden Eagles and Bald Eagles that use that for their nesting grounds. All the mobility hub on Highway 50 will do is… You’re going to have a parking fiasco out there. And all these people are going to come in with their e-bikes, toys, and coolers, and everything else to try to get to those beaches. You’re going to have garbage in the forest, all over the place, and more garbage down on those beaches. So, I look at Alexis Hill and just her behavior here with TRPA and everything, and it’s a nonstop development agenda, and pumping more people into the region when the region cannot handle it from an environmental perspective or a public safety perspective.

I also want to remind you that your hospital systems in Northern Nevada can’t handle any sort of disaster. If they “unsafe discharged” Suzette Primo and killed her—this Native American lady—like they did a few months back… They also threatened to “unsafe discharge” my mother. It is just a corporation. They don’t care about people. It’s just about making money.

So, you have all that around you. You have TRPA pushing all of this stuff. Everyone’s trying to get access, to find a way to get more people into the region while building affordable housing. The writing is on the wall. They will destroy the east shore. And you’ll wake up one day and find an Incline Village that’s quite different. And you are going to be very unhappy with it.

So, I don’t trust her. If I could get something out of these people—just something—like get the lead cable removed and maybe “hands-off” the east shore. We have 72 miles of rim. Do you have to touch all of it for the Lance Armstrong bike riders? I mean, c’mon. It’s ridiculous. It’s totally pathetic. So, until I get something out of her for the environment in Tahoe that protects Incline Village and Crystal Bay, that limits the people, and she shows me some serious action here, and stops this nutty action that’s going down around the lake—I can’t trust her. I have to say, ‘no way’ and throw my hands up. That’s my perspective. I just see this as a never-ending show.

Denise Davis

Tim, what is your last name?

Tim Delaney

My last name is “Delaney.”

Denise Davis

I couldn’t remember.

Tim Delaney

No worries.

Denise Davis

Not to dispute your comments, but Alexis Hill is just one of many people who are supporting extending the bike path beyond Sand Harbor.

Tim Delaney

Yeah. I don’t look at that. When I see that I see a concrete superstructure over boulders I used to dive off of when I was a teenager by Sand Harbor. It’s ugly. I can’t support that. No way. I understand. You know it’s a want. It’s not a need. So, anyways… thank you so much. That’s what I have to say. I’m against it. And I don’t support her.

Denise Davis

Thanks, Tim.

Helen Neff

I know you only have a couple of minutes. I just want to follow up on what Ronda and Kathie have said. From attending the Incline Mobility Hub meeting, I really got the message that the community would support parking lots outside of the basin, a transit system into the basin, and a true around-the-lake transit system in both directions. I realize there are so many different agencies involved. But I come from the corporate world and we had “shared-services” agreements all the time. It is possible to do it. I believe if many people around the lake would support that concept of feeder buses, and then a linked around-the-lake transit system, and microtransit in the neighborhoods, it could solve some of the VMT problems, although probably not all of them. But also it would provide transit not only for visitors, but also for the workforce as well.

Denise Davis

Thanks, Helen.

Diane Becker

I would just like to say really quickly that I don’t think there’s any evidence that there’s a determination not to proceed with the mobility hub at the intersection of Southwood and Tahoe Boulevard. But I think what we should do is to continue to write both to the TTD and to Commissioner Hill and tell them what we think. This is almost like a “waiting game.” This has been going on since August 2019. Many of us were really active in August 2019. I was actually closing down emails on my computer, and I saw I was writing emails constantly then. But I’m now writing them on other things. I think the important thing for us to do is write about our continued opinions, and ask to know what’s happening. Just so you know, as the CAB chair, I requested Mr. Hasty to come to the next meeting—I don’t know if he will be—to report on what’s happening. If you recall, I requested it toward the fall of last year, and he didn’t report anything. A bunch of PR people came and said they were working on something ”but we can’t tell you what we’re working on.” It’s important that we not lose our input because we’re getting so tired of it.

Denise Davis

Thanks, Diane. We’re just about to wrap up. I want to remind everyone that the DMV has a kiosk at Raley’s near the Produce Section. I’ve used it. It works. So, I urge you to check that out.

I want to remind everyone if you get your annual payment reminder from the Post Office, please see about waiving the fee. Since they are phasing out home delivery, post office boxes will be free.

Lastly, I heard at a meeting yesterday that the McWhinney group redeveloping Cal Neva has put out the word that they’re wondering if a local author would be interested in writing a book about the Cal Neva. They are getting tons of stories about things that happened at the Cal Neva, goings-on at the Cal Neva, and a lot of Cal Neva stories. So, the comment was made that maybe it would be a great idea if we could hook up with somebody that wants to write a book about what all has gone on at the Cal Neva. So, if you’re an aspiring author, or know an aspiring author, you might put that thought in their ear.

Ronda Tycer

My husband Richard Miner is the past president of the Incline Village Historical Society. I’ll put out the word to him and his buddies to see if any of them would like to take on that challenge. It sounds like fun.

Denise Davis

Great, because they said they are just getting tons and tons and tons of stories, and they would love to get it documented, but they are trying to get the Cal Neva reopened by 2026. So, that would be great.

Okay, last call for any comments or questions? If not, we will see you in 2 weeks. We will be back to our in-person and online meeting. We do have a storm predicted starting Sunday so please—as our Lieutenant and Chief reminded us—please slow down and be careful on the roads. And we will see you in 2 weeks. Bye.


Ann Nichols
Chris King
David Simon
Denise Davis
Diane Becker
Greg Juhl
Helen Neff
Jeff Berkley
Jeff Church
Joan Spelletich
Joe Colacurcio
John Crockett
Jon & Beth Davidson
Judith Miller
Judith Simon
Kathie Julian
Mary Danahey
Ronda Tycer
Ryan Sommers
Tia Rancourt
Tim Delaney


09:02:59             From Washoe County Libraries : ivcbcommunityforum@gmail.com

09:03:30             From LtCol Jeff Church : Jeff Church here prepping for 10 AM meeting on new Superintendent so I may have to go and or not able to speak. NSTR – Nothing significant to report other than we hope to have new Super by May.

09:04:13             From Denise Davis : our email is: ivcbcommunityforum@gmail.com

09:05:30             From kathie julian : Only one IVCB application coming before the County Board of Adjustment (so far) on Thurs, March 7th:

09:05:38             From kathie julian : Case Number:  WPVAR23-0005 Summertide

Planner:  Tim Evans, tevans@washoecounty.gov  

Planning Area: Tahoe

Tentative Hearing Date: March 7, 2024

Reviewing Body:  Board of Adjustment      

09:06:56             From Ann Nichols : https://www.trpa.gov/wp-content/uploads/documents/NV-Oversight-Committee_Transportation-Report_fnl_2022.pdf

TRPA potential funding sources to support transportation $1.5b and 777 Plan.  $6m/yr for Tart and micro transit.

09:08:44             From kathie julian : Check out any Upcoming Washoe County Neighborhood Meetings relevant to IVCB at: https://neighborhood-washoe.hub.arcgis.com/

09:11:27             From Mary Danahey – IEF : Here is the link for the IHS Crab Feed:  https://inclineboosters.ejoinme.org/MyEvents/HighlanderHome2024Fundraiser/tabid/1408766/Default.aspx

09:15:31             From Washoe County Libraries : kmf@ivgid.org

09:19:09             From Denise Davis : Diamond Peak community appreciation week

09:19:46             From Denise Davis : www.diamondpeak.com/event/ivgid-community-appreciation-week/

09:20:20             From Denise Davis : IVGID water service line survey video

09:20:28             From Jon & Beth Davidson  to  Washoe County Libraries(Direct Message) : John, just finished “Hello Beautiful” for the reading group in July.  Great choice- interesting creative & well written.  Hope to participate in July – Jon

09:21:13             From Denise Davis : www.yourtahoeplace.com/news/2023-public-works-lead-copper-rule-survey

09:22:11             From kathie julian  to  Washoe County Libraries(Direct Message) : John Pls reach out to me about that tax issue.  I would like a contact of someone who can help me inform our local Dems.  Thanks

09:23:40             From TimD : I am 100% supportive of libraries. Not supportive of taxes for TRPA’s transportation agendas. Books are good! I always vote in favor of taxes for libraries. Always, always. Can’t expect anything else from a guy with an Engineering Physics Degree from UNR.

09:27:57             From Ann Nichols : i don’t see how to raise a hand?

09:29:28             From Washoe County Libraries : Hi Ann, there should be a ‘raise hand’ option under the Reactions button in the tool bar.  But we see you and can recognize you next.

09:30:22             From Ann Nichols : got it

09:32:24             From TimD : So true. The developers and money folks always game the system to the disadvantage of community as a whole.

09:34:27             From Helen Neff : https://www.trpa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024-Draft-Vision-Zero-Strategy.pdf

09:34:43             From Helen Neff : Above is link for FULL draft – 128 pages

09:38:08             From TimD : They, TRPA sure does move fast when they push greedy developers. When you want to destroy an environment you fast-track the concepts.

09:38:10             From Helen Neff : There are also abbreviated drafts attached to the press release so look for above full report for all the details

09:38:57             From Helen Neff : Comments due to rshaw@trpa.gov by today but probably okay if sent over the weekend.

09:43:44             From Diane Becker : please write in to support Judy Simon on TRPA if you can.

09:47:27             From TimD : I don’t want my tax monies going to environmental destruction.

09:47:45             From kathie julian : Regarding TRPA, this news coverage may be of interest:[KTVN] “TRPA Complicated Set of Priorities”


09:50:28             From TimD : I am against any more east shore bike trails and connection to H50. It’s Native American sacred land with Golden and Bald Eagles. Once they connect that and TTD creates their hub you’ll see crowds triple at the beaches along with garbage and ruin.

09:51:54             From Judith Simon : If you would like to senD a letter supporting my candidacy for reappointment as the Lay Member of the Advisory Planning Commission of TRPA I think you can just direct it to Alexis Hill—you can also send it to the staffer listed below and ask that it be attached to my application—

09:52:05             From kathie julian : In the Nevada Current, Dana Gentry investigates Tahoe Regional Planning Agency in “Who’s protecting Tahoe? Regulatory agency enamored with development, say critics.”

Click here.

Also check out an opinion piece by Incline Village resident Pamela Tsigdinos in the Reno Gazette Journal in Cronyism puts Tahoe at severe risk.

Click here.

09:52:38             From kathie julian : https://nevadacurrent.com/2024/01/19/whos-protecting-tahoe-regulatory-agency-enamored-with-development-say-critics/

09:53:16             From kathie julian : https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/cronyism-puts-tahoe-at-severe-risk/ar-AA1nbkqg

09:53:17             From TimD : Alexis is not sincere. I’d give up wishing for that. As long as she is pushing more east shore bike trail development you can forget her being nice about anything.

09:53:20             From Judith Simon : continued Alexandra M. Wilson

Community Outreach Coordinator | Commission Support

Communications Division | Office of the County Manager

alwilson@washoecounty.gov | Cell: 775.386.7420

1001 E. Ninth St., Bldg. A, Reno, NV 89512

09:53:51             From Washoe County Libraries : We see you Tim, if you’d like to speak next

09:54:13             From TimD : OK. Will Do.

10:00:40             From Jon & Beth Davidson : C

10:00:51             From TimD : Corporations are greedy. PrimeHealthcare is a company, business, corporation. Whatever. They killed Suzette Premo a Native American lady, for the bottom line. It’s about money. Not environment or quality of life. There are very very few good CEO’s. Most are evil.

10:01:00             From Jon & Beth Davidson : Can someone put the links in the Chat re Diane Beckers’s comments

10:02:49             From TimD : Honestly. Make Paris Hilton pick up the beaches. Maybe these CEOs can clean them up. Have Alexis clean up a portable toilet at Whale Beach.


Our email is:


Washoe County Sheriff Office (WCSO)

non-emergency dispatch  775-785-9276

Incline substation Facebook page


Red Day / Green Day info



“Where’s My Plow?” real-time map


North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District website


non-emergency fire dispatch (Grass Valley)  530-477-0641, then pick 7

Washoe County emergency alert sign-up


Washoe Regional Emergency Information Center


IVGID water service line survey


(URL is case-sensitive)

GoFundMe page for IHS custodian and Site Facility Coordinator Marvin Cruz

TRPA draft Vision Zero Strategy (will be discussed at Feb 28 Governing Board meeting)


Jan 31 – Tahoe Living Working Group meeting was CANCELLED, no date posted yet

Feb 6 – Washoe County Planning Commission agenda


Feb 7 – TTD committees and board meetings

Feb 13 – Washoe County BCC meeting CANCELLED

BCC meeting listed on the calendar for Feb 16


Feb 14 – TRPA APC meeting


Feb 14 – IVGID BOT meeting


Washoe County voting info


Presidential Preference Primary info

Washoe311 – request for service

call 311 or 775-328-2003


all applications for Washoe County Commission District 1


Neighborhood Meetings for upcoming projects


IV/CB Community 1st meetings and community info


IVCBA (Incline Village Crystal Bay Community and Business Association)


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