Washoe County to Grant IVGID $100K

The proposed Washoe County budget, anticipated to be approved on Tuesday by the Washoe County Commissioners, includes a $100K grant to IVGID. This grant will offset the costs of providing youth and senior programs offered by the District. Thanks to the efforts of...

Lake Tahoe Destination Stewardship Plan

This week workshops were held around the basin in an effort to gather concerns and ideas for managing tourism. To stay informed as their planning efforts progress, visit their website at stewardshiptahoe.org and sign up for their eNews. Their efforts include a...

Proposed Changes To Ordinance 7

Ordinance 7 is the ordinance Establishing Rates, Rules and Regulations for IVGID Recreation Passes (IVGID Picture Passes) and Recreation Punch Cards by the Incline Village General Improvement District. The Board has been discussing recommendations provided by the...

Road Construction Update

Starting Tuesday, May 17 and lasting through Friday, May 27 crews will be milling and repaving SR-431 (Mt. Rose Hwy) from the Summit west down through the Meadows. Traffic will be reduced to a single lane and controlled by flaggers. Drivers can expect up to 30-minute...