Voting Locations

Early voting for the 2022 primary election is May 28th through June 10th from 10am – 6pm. The location for early voting in Incline Village/Crystal Bay is the Washoe County Library located at 845 Alder Avenue. Other early voting locations may be found here....

IV/CB Community Forum Minutes

Until further notice, the Incline Village/Crystal Bay Community Forum will be conducted the first and third Friday’s of each month at 9am, both in person and online using the meeting app Zoom. The Zoom meeting ID number is 815 3612 1755 and password is 1864. On...

IVGID Meeting Highlights – Ordinance 7

The Board of Trustees of the Incline Village General Improvement District held their April 13, 2022 meeting as an in-person meeting at the Chateau.  The public was allowed to make public comment in person and via Zoom. The meeting included the first presentation to...