At their meeting on Wednesday, the board heard from their legal counsel regarding steps being taken to obtain documents that have been reported to have been taken from...
IVGID Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights
A general business item proposing change orders for the already completed phase of the Mountain Golf Cart Path Project was pulled from the agenda by the General Manager. GM...
IVGID Audit Committee Meeting Highlights
Presentation and discussion: Draft Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2021 and results of the audit. Jennifer Farr, of Davis Farr LLP the...
IVGID Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights 11/10/21
REPORTS TO THE BOARD The meeting began with a verbal update from two members of the District’s Golf Advisory Committee. The consensus among committee members is that...
IVGID Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights 11/3/21
General Manager’s Update GM Winquest gave a brief summary of his 12-page written report beginning on page 3 of the Board packet. The installation of the Burnt Cedar pool...
Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights
Approval of Agenda - At the request of Trustee Schmitz, the item proposing amendments and an extension of the General Manager’s employment contract was moved from the...
September 30th Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights
Chair Callicrate called for a moment of silence in memory of long time Public Works employee, Bob Lockridge. Public Comment – several members of the public commented on...
Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights
Approval of agenda Items H2 (Rec Roll Policy) and H5 (Strategic Plan) were removed for consideration at a future meeting due to the absence of Trustee Dent. Long Range...
Board Of Trustees Meeting Highlights
Agenda: Trustee Tonking asked to remove from the agenda the item to review the Audit Committees proposed Whistleblower Policy until the Audit Committee Policy (15.1) is...
Audit Committee Meeting Highlights
Audit Committee Chair Ray Tulloch announced the resignation of At-Large member, Derrek Aaron. Chair Tulloch requested an agenda item for the Audit Committee to consider...
Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights
General Manager’s Update GM Winquest reported he met with the USFS planner and has submitted a Special Use Permit for the land across from Incline High School for use as a...
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