IV/CB Community Forum Meeting

November 4, 2022

Denise Davis – Forum Moderator

Good morning, Forum. I’m Denise Davis your moderator. Ronda Tycer is our Forum recap editor. And John Crockett is our tech guru. As a reminder, our meeting is being recorded. Before you begin speaking, please state your name. While speaking, please be respectful. Personal attacks will not be tolerated. For those online, if you’d like to share URLs, post them in the Chat Box and they’ll be included at the end of the meeting recap. We partner with IVCB Community 1s.t.org and IVCBA.org to get information out. So be sure to visit their websites and sign up for their newsletters. To sign up for Forum meeting notices and recaps, send an email to us at ivcbcommunityforum@gmail.com.

Kari Ferguson – Incline Village General Improvement District Communication Coordinator

Hello everyone. Happy Friday. We had 1700 people at our Trail of Treats last week. Luckily for us, the weather held out. Now we can bring on snow and winter, and Diamond Peak will open in almost 1 month. Speaking of Diamond Peak, we have a Job Fair this Friday. I’ll put those links in the Chat Box. That’s at Diamond Peak. We have part-time and full-time positions.

We have an IVGID Board meeting on November 9th. It looks like the agenda was just sent out. That will be in the Chat Box. And some of our Senior Trips for the fall that are very popular are our senior trip to Apple Hill on the 16th. That’s a really fun trip. I love Apple Hill but I hate driving there, so it’s great to ride with other people in the van. You don’t have to worry about parking or any of that. We do all that for you. You can get apple dumplings or whatever you want. Also, the Nevada City Victorian Christmas trip is one of my favorites, too. If you haven’t been, that’s a great trip on Sunday December 4th. I’ll put links for all those trips in the Chat Box. We also collaborate with Tahoe Family Solutions on the Brunch with Santa program December 10th at the Chateau. Tickets will be going on sale next week—I think on Tuesday.

John Crockett

I have a question. Kari, when hiring for Diamond Peak, is there a particular position you’re trying to fill?

Kari Ferguson

Yes, all of them. We are short-staffed. So, we do have some positions in food and beverage, and for instructors, especially for our adult ski clinics. We’re always looking for help out with those. Last year we were maxed out with our ski clinics. Most start up in January, but we’re trying to get people trained and ready [inaudible]. We need help with the lodge, parking, all of that.  

There are spots here and there. I’ll put a link to all the jobs in the Chat Box.

John Crockett

What are the benefits? You get a pass, and what else?

Kari Ferguson

Getting a pass depends on how many hours per week you work. I can put that into the Chat too because I don’t have that information. It matters if you work under 20 hours or over 20 hours. You get different benefits. And it also matters if you stay on and work in the summer, for example, doing lifeguarding in addition to your winter job, then benefits change as well.

John Crockett

And one more question. You guys have the “Hero Program” if folks return year after year.

Kari Ferguson

Yes, for people who keep coming back. And also for people who stay the whole season. Students have to leave to go back to school. But we need to get people for the whole season.

Denise Davis

I want to remind everyone that if you missed IVGID’s Special Meeting on the Recreation Center Expansion, we have the URL for that in our recap. And also, the Forum’s October 13th Candidate Forum is still available on YouTube. The URL will be in the recap.

Chris Wood – Citizen Advisory Board Member

Kari, for us skiers in the audience, is there a target date for opening Diamond Peak?

Kari Ferguson

Right now, we are targeting December 9th. [inaudible] If we do get more snow and temperatures stay cooler, sometimes we can open up the week before, which would be December 2nd. But right now, December 9th is our target date to open.

Chris Wood

Thank you. It’s on my calendar.

Kari Ferguson

And we do have a “Pray for Snow” party tonight. I’ll put the link in the Chat Box for that as well. If you want to help bring the snow, maybe we can open earlier.

Denise Davis

I’m making progress.  I can almost see everyone now. I’m having computer problems today. Chief Sommers, what’s happening at the Fire Department?

Ryan Sommers – North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District Chief

Not much. We’re getting ready for winter operations. Obviously, chipping is concluded for the year.

Denise Davis

I understand that prescribed burns might happen. Is that still happening with the snowfall?

Ryan Sommers

Yes, we’re definitely up-ramping our prescribed burning in the area. We’re starting with some pile burnings to get rid of those piles I hear about all the time from the public.

Denise Davis

Okay. And I also saw a notice that the fire restrictions have been lifted.

Ryan Sommers

We are going to lift ours on Monday. So open burning will be available with a permit starting Monday.

Denise Davis

I see no one from the Washoe County Sheriff Office. I want to remind everybody that now that we’re past Nov 1st, we have the red day/green day parking in effect. To find out if it’s a red day or a green day, call 775 833-5555. In the same vein, I saw they are demobilizing on the highway, so I believe the roadwork is done for this season. While there will be no paving delays, we may have other delays in front of us.

I met Jeff Cowen at a TRPA meeting this last week.  He has had some other commitments so he’s been unable to join us. The TRPA Governing Board has selected Deputy Director Julie Regan as their new Executive Director.

I also want to remind everyone there will be no Washoe County Board of Commissioners meeting on November 8 due to the election. November 15th will be the only meeting the Commissioners will have this month. And as we’re rolling into the holidays, they will have only two Board meetings in December.

As far as the Tahoe Transportation District, the Incline Mobility Hub Committee met on October 24, which was unfortunately at the same time as the Special IVGID Board meeting. There was a presentation from the consultant HDR who was selected to help the committee. The next Mobility Hub meeting is scheduled for Wednesday November 30th, but we have no agenda as yet.

John Crockett – Incline Mobility Hub Committee Member

The committee and public input continue to voice their opinion that the Old Elementary School is not a great location. And from the consultant and TTD—I feel they continue to maintain that they are open to different locations and that the scope of the project is up to the community. This does not have to be a large mixed-use facility. They really want to get public input on what the scope of the project looks like. And they continue to hear that the community is not keen on the OES as the location.

Denise Davis

While we have you on, John, do you want to make your library announcements?

John Crockett

Two great programs coming up the week of the 14th. Wednesday, November 16th we have history and culture of the Washoe people, and will have some folks from the Washoe tribe come to do some hands-on activities and share their history in the Tahoe Basin. That’s 11/16 at 4pm in our Children’s Area where we have the traditional Washoe winter shelter. Friday the 18th at 3:30pm we have Spellbinders. These are nationwide-renowned magicians. Larry Wilson, who is based in Reno, and performs across the country, is always a big hit and will be here on Friday the 18th at 3:30pm. Then next week on Wednesday we have delivery and install of a meeting-room pod. We’re calling it a “Zoom Room.” So, if you need to have an interview, a Zoom meeting with someone, you can reserve this meeting-room pod for 2 hours at a time and have a soundproof, well-lit, ventilated, wi-fi connected meeting with someone online. So that’s coming soon.

Denise Davis

Wow. That sounds great.

Helen Neff – Incline Village Resident

I have a question for John. So that sounds very optimistic about the HDR consultants who were hired by your committee and the TTD. It might be premature. But have they said how they’re going to request public input? Is it a survey, a meeting, a town hall?

John Crockett

I think it was all of those. So, no. I didn’t know the exact details or dates when they would have public outreach meetings. But they do seem open to what we’re asking. They’re really getting comprehensive input from the community, face-to-face meetings, surveys. Carole Black continues to ask for data in the form of cell phone data—people coming into the Basin. What we’re trying to glean out of that is who are the people coming here, what is the goal of the project. We want to reduce cars in the Basin, which is the main part of that. So, I think it’s coming from lots of different places.

Helen Neff

It’s my feeling that there’s been a lot of input in past years leading up to this. I appreciate that it would be documented and hopefully taken into consideration. Because I think there are a lot of people who feel their opinions have been expressed and not taken into consideration. This is good. I’m optimistic that you and your committee will hear the voice of the community. Thank you for that.

Denise Davis

Just a couple of things to add. I did write down at the meeting that their tentative planning at the moment is:

·       Site suitability will be discussed in March 2023

·       The Mobility Hub Concept Plan will be in April 2023

·       And the final Mobility Hub Plan will be in May 2023

That’s the tentative schedule they’ve laid out.

Kathie Julian – Incline Village Resident, Washoe County Board of Adjustment Member

I have a question for John. One of the issues about data is Mr. Hasty has frequently cited that the bus terminal and parking area is needed there for commuter traffic commuting out from Incline Village, sometimes citing the areas across from the OES as being a potential base for people who might use the bus. I consistently have said we need a transportation survey to learn who uses the bus for commuting purposes from Incline Village—and would that be useful? I think a lot of people who live near that area would not be the ones riding on the bus because they use their cars as part of their work. I’d love to see some data based on actually going out and asking people what kind of commuter transport is needed so we don’t have TRPA arguing that this is needed for “this purpose,” when we don’t have data to show it. Maybe it does show it. But we should have the data. Thank you.

Denise Davis

To follow up on your comment, that information may or may not be available at the Washoe County Tahoe Transportation Plan public meeting, which is scheduled for November 16 from 4-7pm at the Parasol Building. It says the presentation begins at 5:30 followed by small group discussions. Those questions might be addressed at that meeting. I just want to remind everyone that meeting is November 16th.

Also, On November 2, the TTD program Implementation Committee met. They discussed the Highway 50 Corridor Management Plan, bus purchases, and they reported on the Link-Link micro-transit service, which is the service that operates on the South Shore. An interesting discussion was that a lot of these things are going to take years to implement. We may be facing the same issues we face now for years. So that’s something you might want to comment on at the November 16th meeting at the Parasol Building.

Ann Nichols – Crystal Bay Resident, North Lake Tahoe Preservation Alliance Director

As I understand it, they are going to narrow Highway 50 to add a bike lane in addition to adding a round-about at 28 and 50. I don’t know how wise that is.

Denise Davis

Yes, there was discussion about a round-about. There is an above-average number of crashes at that intersection. A roundabout was discussed as a possible solution. Some of the lane-narrowing down near South Shore is to decrease the speeding. I believe they said that the average traveling speed is about 11mph over the posted speed limit. Some of the issues are more concerned with safety and accidents. That’s what I recall from the meeting.

Ann Nichols

We’ll see how safe that’s going to be for the bicyclists.

Denise Davis

I don’t know.

John Crockett

Where is the proposed roundabout?

Denise Davis

Possibly at Spooner.

Ann Nichols

I understand the bike lane will run from 28 all the way down to South Shore.

Denise Davis

They’re still discussing it. They’re having public meetings in the next few weeks. They are proposing to get public comment. Are there any other transportation questions? It’s important, if you can, to attend that meeting at the Parasol Building. The presentation starts at 5:30. That is the group with Amy Cummings who Washoe County hired. They did do a presentation at the CAB at which they gave some of the community feedback and showed some of the problematic areas that the feedback had pointed out.

The CAB meeting for Monday has been cancelled, because instead Washoe County is holding a cannabis consumption lounge public meeting. That will be a hybrid meeting online via Zoom or in person at the Chambers on 9th Street. I could not find information on the County website. So if you’re interested, please send an email to me at ivcbcommunityforum@gmail.com and I will forward you the information I have. It’s a community meeting to discuss Ordinance language pertaining to cannabis consumption lounges in unincorporated Washoe County. That means outside the city of Reno and outside the city of Sparks. The meeting is from 5:30pm to 7pm on Monday November 7th, but I could not find the information on the County website. I’m happy to pass along the email I received about this from the County.

The Tahoe Fund, and the Lake Tahoe Destination Stewardship Plan had their follow-up meeting. They have begun a Lake Tahoe Resident survey. Please take a moment to look at that. It’s a quick survey. That URL will be in the meeting recap.

The Washoe County Planning Commission passed a Development Code amendment for the Town Center. Kathie Julian, do you want to give any updates from the Board of Adjustment?

Kathie Julian

Yes, we had a meeting yesterday. The only item of interest to Incline Village and Crystal Bay was to deal with a property at 27 Summers Loop. It’s called the Rushing variance. And it was continued until January. Anyone in that area in Crystal Bay may be interested in following up on that variance. They’re asking for a setback from the street to be reduced from 15’ to 1’. I’ll put the link to this in the Chat Box.

Ann Nichols

Who is the owner of 27 Summers Loop?

Kathie Julian

I believe it’s a family by the name of Rushing. It was originally scheduled for the Board of Adjustment a month ago. It was postponed until now, and now again postponed until January because the staff originally denied the request. But now they’re going back and forth to see if they can work out an arrangement. That’s as much as I know. They’re reviewing it again.

Ann Nichols

I want to share my shock at what happened Tuesday night at the Planning Commission. The zoning for the entirety of Incline’s Town Center was changed by the attorney and owners of 947 Tahoe Boulevard—that 40-unit project—with no public outreach, no CAB meeting. That just goes to show you the power of developers to basically change everything. So basically, what was approved, is now—which wasn’t formerly allowed—is you can build condominiums on State Route 28 throughout the Incline Town Center. And this is just a foreshadowing of what TRPA has in store for us. They are going to change height, density, and coverage again. They did that once in 2000 and they’re doing it again now. And these developers did an end run, and got it through on Tuesday night—unanimous.

Helen Neff

Yes, I listened to that Planning Commission meeting and agree with Ann. It was just crazy how it was ram-rodded through. And if I heard correctly from the attorney for the developer, they had gone to the Planning Department and asked just to have an amendment for their two parcels, which are at the end of the Commercial Zone. The map is drawn a little bit unusually anyway. So that’s what they asked for, and the Planners came back and said, “No, you need to ask for the whole Commercial Zone to be changed with this variance.” I was very disturbed by that, but felt like I didn’t have enough information to make any kind of comment. So, my perception which could be wrong is that the Planning Department put the developers on the spot, that they should ask for this wide-sweeping change. Because the Planning Department asked for it, the Planning Department was going to approve it. We are the losers in what seemed to me a very back-room deal kind of way to do it. And if I’m wrong, somebody please correct me.

The other thing from the meeting I found disturbing is that there doesn’t seem to me to be a clear definition of what a mixed-use development is. Our Commercial Zone is approved for mixed-use development, which I would take to mean retail, office, and residential. But there’s no clear definition of the percentage of each of those components to make a mixed-use development. Somebody, correct me if I’m wrong, so I’ll get more information and know what I’m talking about.

Denise Davis

I did re-watch that part of the meeting last night. From the County’s perspective, there was some contradictory language between the County’s definition of things, the TRPA’s definition of things, and the definitions in the Tahoe Area Plan. So, from the County’s perspective, they felt they were addressing the contradictory terms.

I also want to remind everyone that according to Courtney Weiche from the County, that the County will have to go before the TRPA to finalize these amendments. That was my understanding of what I re-watched last night.

Judy Simon – Incline Village Resident, TRPA Advisory Planning Commission Member

Yes, that was my question, too. The Planners recommendation then goes to the Commissioners. Isn’t that true? And then I did look at the Tahoe Area Plan. It was vague. But it clearly said, if you’re going to be in a Commercial Zone, the development has to be commercial. There was a door open for workforce housing, but not for the type of development that the Planning Commission approved last night. Does anyone know if this now goes to the Commissioners for their blessing, and then to TRPA?

Kathie Julian

I think I can help a bit with this. I’m not positive on the flow, but I do know that if the decision by the Planning Commission were to be appealed by the community, it would go to the Commissioners, and they would review that decision by the Planners. That much I know, because that’s how it works for the Board of Adjustment. If the Board makes a decision and it’s appealed, it could go to the Commissioners for review. That’s as much as I know.

Denise Davis

One comment Courtney Weiche made was the intention of the County’s language for that area was they did not want “single-family-housing” in that part of town. They were open to multi-family-housing and affordable housing. But they did not want free-standing single-family housing.

Steve Dolan – Incline Village Resident, Friends of 3rd Creek Director

Related to what you just said, Denise, TRPA and this rezoning is more critically related to ADUs that have recently been redefined in California, and they’re working on here in Nevada. And correct me if I’m wrong, but in rezoning this, it allows the density to go from 2 additional units up to 10. That’s the real deep background story regarding this rezoning for 947. It’s actually a very dramatic shift, but one that the County and TRPA have been headed toward for a couple of years now. If I’m wrong, someone correct me please.

Denise Davis

I believe in Washoe County you’re still required to have an acre or more before an ADU can be considered. They may be considering changing that. But I believe the current regulation is that 1 acre is required.

Steve Dolan

That is correct, and that is what they’re working on. Our Commissioner’s been working on that for a while. It would still change the density from 2 to 10 allowable according to TRPA.

Ann Nichols

It definitely changes the density. I don’t care if… First of all, the TRPA has been captured by developers. It’s now being run by its PR person, Julie Regan, who’s a very nice person, but she’s the spin doctor. So, I have no confidence that TRPA is going to do anything other than “yes, yes, yes.” And the problem is… I don’t care if the rules conflict between the County and the TRPA, they should come to the public first, before they start changing zoning willy-nilly at the request of an applicant. I’d like to think the applicant wasn’t trying to ruin the entire Town Center, but their attorney is Lou Feldman who is just a king in doing this all over the lake. He’s really good. And by the way, condos are single-family residences. That’s how ownership is. It’s not multi-family, it’s single family; but now that’s okay. We will be condominium-ized all through Incline Village on State Rt 28.  

Helen Neff

To Steve’s comment, if I’m not mistaken, what was before the Planning Commission was only for the Incline Village Commercial District to change the zoning to allow “single-family dwellings” limited to “air-space condominiums.”  I don’t think it addressed ADUs. But what Ann said is correct. With this zoning change, any property owner on State Rt 28 in Incline Village could knock down their building and build luxury condominiums, which is somewhat disturbing. But I don’t think it addressed ADUs—not this particular meeting.

Steve Dolan

That is true. It did not directly address ADUs. However, the rules that are being evaluated around the lake regarding the addition of ADUs that have become legal in California have mentioned this particular zoning as necessary in order to—the happy words are—build workforce housing, low-income housing, and all that. But in fact, it’s for developers. Who knows how it will end up for workforce housing, but the background information on that ruling is it does affect ADUs.

Helen Neff

Yeah. I didn’t realize that rezoning the Commercial District would affect ADUs. There was also a post on Next Door in response to something Ann posted—Philip Gilanfarr saying that he has filed an appeal to the Board of County Commissioners on the Planning Commission ruling on Tuesday. He personally paid the $1043 fee for the appeal. So, it will be interesting to see what happens on that.

Kristina Hill – Incline Village Resident

Good morning. Yes, I find what they did atrocious. I can’t believe it. Because of all the years and years of planning that went into the Washoe Tahoe Area Plan at Washoe County. And they determined they didn’t want single-family dwellings. It should be multi-family dwellings in the Commercial Core. They just threw that out the window without any consideration. I would hope that as a community we could rally to go to this Appeal hearing and voice our support to appeal this decision. One thing that really bothers me is that Village Market closed down due to staffing shortages. Now there are two more markets being built in town. How are they going to be staffed? It’s crazy. People can’t afford to live here. It’s an atrocity for our community that people aren’t going to be able to live and work in Incline Village. That causes a lot of problems.

Kathie Julian

I urge people to look at the text of the Tahoe Area Plan. You will see in that text where it talks about these commercial areas, they talk about workforce housing and affordable housing. They talk about trying to encourage it. That is the concern I have, that this aspect was not really discussed. The importance of the Tahoe Area Plan is—as Kristina said—a lot of thought went into it, they were trying to encourage workforce housing, and it seems this will not encourage workforce housing. So that is unfortunate. Please go to the plan and read it.

John Crockett

And this plan is from 2021, correct?

Kathie Julian

I think it’s from 2017. But Kristina maybe you know. I’m not clear. I found it online. I can send the link to the pertinent sections.

Denise Davis

The current Washoe Tahoe Area Plan was approved in 2021

John Crockett

The point I was trying to make is this isn’t a plan from many years ago. This was approved recently.

Denise Davis

Yes. It was worked on for many years. We started, and then COVID, and the plan got delayed. It was in the works for several years, but only recently passed.

Ann Nichols

That’s correct, the Regional Plan was approved in 2012. But Washoe County was the last county to have its own plan. That’s why it was just done. And the outreach was terrible. People had no idea what was going on. And the next thing you know, it was passed.  

Denise Davis

A quick public-service announcement. The Washoe County website has a flyer about generator safety for both portable generators and permanent generators. If you need to brush up on any of that, it is available through the Community Services department.

Early voting ends today. Our early voting locally is here at the library, although you’re allowed to vote early at any location in the County. Today is the last day for early voting. On election day November 8, you can vote in Incline at the library, the Incline Village Middle School, and at the Aspen Grove Community Center. We urge everybody to get out and vote.

Kari Ferguson

I just want to remind everyone while voting, the kids are not in school because [inaudible].

Denise Davis

I see Mr. Lowe on line. Would you like to give us an update on the City of Incline Village effort?

Todd Lowe – Village League to Save Incline Assets President

Sure. I really logged on just to listen, because that’s what we’re doing. We’re quite busy. Just in the last week we had an early report out on the Beach Deed topic from our lawyers. We’ll get a formal report from them in about 2 weeks. That’s going to be a big, big deal. We’ve met with Fernley, which is the last city in Nevada to go through incorporation. That was illuminating. And I also met with the County Manager to talk about what we’re doing, and how they will or will not support us or interact with us during this process. Those are things we’ve done. The results of those things we’ve done we’ll write up and put on the website. I don’t have a complete report right now because some of that stuff is in motion. What I continue to say, is if anyone has a question or wants to make some input, go to the cityofinclinevillage.com. Put it there and we’ll respond to it in good time. There’s a lot of work going on. We’re learning a lot. Probably our next stop is to talk to the people about taxation with the State. We’re trying to cover all our bases here. Eventually, that will result in the publication of some decisions as to how we approach this—what we propose—so that you all can look at it, and tell us if this sounds about right.

I will say that listening to this meeting, and listening to the people talking today, is that we have some things being done around us that we’re not all that comfortable with. Most of the things I’ve heard about would fall into the domain, the province of the City and the people who run it. And if we can bring that a little closer to home, I think we can get results that are a little more satisfactory. Meanwhile, everyone must do what they must to appeal or oppose as necessary for what they would like using existing avenues of approach. Maybe someday we’ll have a different way to get this kind of thing organized and done in concert with our priorities and our preferences. So that’s all I have to say today. We’re listening. There’s a lot of work going on. I’m happy to answer any specific question if anyone has one.

John Crockett

I’d just like to say hi to Amanda Jacobson. She’s a writer for the Tahoe Daily Tribune. [Miranda do you want to say hi?—no response] I just wanted to let everyone know we have a representative from our local journalism sector.

Denise Davis

Yes, Miranda Jacobson, also known as MJ, was out on leave and we’re happy to see her back.

Helen Neff

Hi, MJ and welcome back. My comment is about the CAB. While Sara’s gone, I’ve been posting calendar items on IVCB Community 1st. I think someone put in the Chat Box a link for the CAB Zoom meeting on Monday. I will add that to the calendar. I also checked the CAB website, and it’s weird they don’t have anything on that site, but at least we’ll get this information on there. I would like to encourage everyone to sign on to that Zoom meeting because they are going to be discussing the cannabis consumption lounges.

To me, it’s again a very confusing situation. The cannabis board is saying they have allocations for 100 lounges, and they are going to be awarding them in early December. I’m confused about how that’s being done when there aren’t even regulations for Washoe County yet. I confirmed with the Sheriff’s Department that there is no roadside testing for marijuana impairment. This move has the potential to put more impaired drivers on our streets when we already have so many safety issues around being able to get safely from one place to another. I find this very disturbing. I think it would be helpful for anyone to connect to that meeting and make a public comment for it to be recorded with the County. And Todd, maybe you can take that into account. I know this is only for unincorporated areas of Washoe County. The cities of Reno and Sparks have already said, “Not in my back yard.” I can’t confirm that but maybe Todd has some information.

Todd Lowe

Actually, I don’t have too much information on that. I will tell you something that may be interesting to you. The city of Maywood, CA is a small incorporated city just to the east of Los Angeles with 20,000 or so people and only 1 square mile. So more than double our population but a fraction of our size—but 40% of that city’s budget it paid by marijuana taxes. I don’t think we’re going there, but it’s not all bad if you have a way to benefit from it. But this is another thing that it would be great if we could take this on our own and not rely on Washoe County to decide what we should do.

Helen Neff

To be clear, I do not mind what people do in the privacy of their homes, it’s their right. But I do mind if somebody is impaired and gets in their car and on the road and harms me or anyone in my family or anyone that I love or anyone in our community. And I can tell you from when I was hit, I requested the body cam video and the person who hit me has so many of the criteria of someone who is impaired. But she was not tested because the Nevada Highway Patrol officer told me it’s at the officer’s discretion. And it is way too much trouble to take the person down to Reno to be tested. Because with THC, the peak effect can occur in your brain at a different time than in your bloodstream. It’s a very complicated issue in terms of law enforcement, and almost always gets thrown out in court. So just keep that in mind when you try to cross the street safely. You don’t know what the drivers around you have been doing. That’s my concern. If people want to smoke in their homes, that’s their right.

Denise Davis

Just to add to that as a reminder, a few weeks ago, I was listening to the County Commissioner meeting, and Commissioner Jung brought up how impressed she was with this Grass for Grass program. I immediately contacted our Commissioner Hill, because I knew that the excise taxes and other taxes from the sale of marijuana went to the State Distributive School account. So, I wondered where the County was getting money from marijuana sales. The marijuana money comes to the County through the permit fees. So, keep in mind that the revenue stream for the County is through permitting, not through the sale of marijuana. Do they have an incentive to create more places needing permits? Possibly.

So, we are getting near the end. Before I turn it over to our candidates, does anyone else have any comments or questions or things you want to bring up? Seeing no hands, I will turn it over to Ray Tulloch.

Ray Tulloch – Incline Village Resident, Candidate for IVGID Trustee

Thank you, Denise, and thank you everyone. I’ll try not to bore you. It’s been noted that early voting finishes today. I know there are still people who like to vote on election day, which in lots of ways is the best way to do it. I appreciate all the support I’ve received across the community. As I’ve said before, it’s time for a change. If we elect the same old people, or the friends of the same old people, we’ll get the same old results. I think as a candidate, I bring a whole lot more experience—business experience running large and small organizations. I’m committed to making sure all our investments and all our actions are predicated on what the community wants and what the community needs—not just what staff believes are the community priorities. I’m committed to outreach with the community before we proceed with major investments so they are in alignment with community needs. Thank you all for your support. And make sure you vote, whoever else you vote for, make sure you vote for Ray Tulloch.

Yolanda Knaak – Incline Village Resident, Candidate for IVGID Trustee

Thank you so much for letting the candidates speak. I am Yolanda Knaak. I am committed to bringing people together through positive and respectful communication. I am here to solve the long-term problems that affect our environment. And to maintain our venues and upgrade venues and infrastructure as needed. Vote for me, Yolanda Knaak.

Denise Davis

Thanks Yolanda. John, how has the voting process been going at the library? Smoothly? Do we have lines?

John Crockett                        

Very smooth. No lines. Today they go until 7pm. There has always been a voting machine open, so it’s been very smooth.

Denise Davis

And in light of our upcoming storms, it might be a good idea that you get your voting in today. Steve do you have any brief wildlife updates?

Steve Dolan

No, I think they’re all under snow right now. I’m not going in to find out. Thank you.

Denise Davis

I don’t see any more hands. I just want to remind everyone that our next meeting is November 18th, 2 weeks from now. So, vote early. Have a great week. Stay safe. And we’ll see you in 2 weeks. Thanks. Bye.



Washoe County Sheriff Office (WCSO)

non-emergency dispatch  775-785-9276

Incline substation Facebook page


RED Day / GREEN Day parking info   775-833-5555


North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District website


Video of Oct 13 IVGID Trustee Candidate Forum


Video of Oct 24 IVGID Board of Trustees (BOT) special meeting


Nov 9 – IVGID BOT meeting


IVGID meeting reviews – email communications@ivgid.org to join mailing list

Lake Tahoe Destination Stewardship Plan / Tahoe Fund – Lake Tahoe Resident Survey


2022 Early Voting and Election Day Voting Locations


CANCELLED – Nov 7 IV/CB Citizens Advisory Board (CAB) meeting

Nov 7 – Washoe County Community Meeting:

Provide input on ordinance language pertaining to cannabis consumption lounges in unincorporated Washoe County

5:30 pm


Passcode is: cannabis

Nov 16 – Washoe County Tahoe Transportation Plan Public Meeting


Washoe County Planning – applications in Commission District 1


Washoe County generator flyer


Village League “City of Incline Village” website


IV/CB Community 1st meetings and community info


IVCBA (Incline Village Crystal Bay Community and Business Association)



09:05:39               From  Kari Ferguson : Links for the meeting:

Diamond Peak Job Fair: https://www.diamondpeak.com/about/employment

IVGID Board meeting on 11/9 link to page: https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/ivgid/board-of-trustees/meetings-and-agendas

Senior trip to Apple Hill 11/16- link to info: https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/uploads/pdf-parks-rec/Apple_Hill_Nov_2022.pdf

Nevada City Victorian Christmas 12/4- link to info: https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/uploads/pdf-parks-rec/Victorian_Christmas_2022.pdf

09:08:20               From  Kari Ferguson : TODAY AT 7 PM – 9 PM

Pray for Snow Party! Alibi Ale Works – Incline Public House.  Help us wish for more snow!

09:08:30               From  Beth & Jon Davidson : High to everyone from Seattle.  Back home in time for the snow next week.

09:09:14               From  Kari Ferguson : Diamond Peak Job info: Great pay and perks

Diamond Peak is committed to paying our employees a competitive wage, with opportunities to earn more based upon experience and certifications. The starting wage for the 22-23 season is $20 for most positions and $14 for junior positions.

View available positions for the 2022-23 ski season and apply online on our jobs site. Select “Department – All” and “Type – Winter” to view all winter jobs:

09:09:34               From  Kari Ferguson : Employee Privileges

Besides being able to live, work and play in one of the most beautiful places in the world, Diamond Peak employees enjoy additional privileges depending on their employment status. Privileges could include: 

Free season pass for employee and discounted or free for spouse/domestic partner & dependents

Free group lessons and standard rentals

Discounts on food and non-alcoholic beverages

Discounts to the Incline Village Recreation Center

Discounts at select theme parks

Potential for summer employment at other IVGID venues

09:10:10               From  Kari Ferguson : https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/jobs?_ga=2.162035196.1953223736.1667444465-923303053.1667444465

09:11:16               From  Kari Ferguson : IVGID BOT meeting agenda 11/9-https://files.constantcontact.com/f5fe4632801/ce78c183-89f3-419a-bead-55d17790e470.pdf?rdr=true

09:18:16               From  Washoe County Libraries : https://tahoe-transportation-plan-washoe.hub.arcgis.com/

09:23:33               From  Washoe County Libraries : https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82231865379?pwd=TTF2M3FaSnR0bE9jQVA2Q1lJb2hqUT09

09:24:10               From  Washoe County Libraries : Tahoe Daily Tribune has info on the cannabis lounge meeting on 11/7:  https://www.tahoedailytribune.com/news/washoe-county-commissioners-vote-to-allow-cannabis-consumption-lounges/

09:29:55               From  Kathie Julian : Just fyi, request for a reduction in the front yard setback from 15 feet to 1-foot to allow for a property addition at 27 Somers Loop in Crystal Bay. 


Case Number: WPVAR22-0004 Rushing Variance

Planner:  Kat Oakley, koakley@washoecounty.gov  


Ann Nichols 
Beth & Jon Davidson 
Chris Wood 
David Simon 
Denise Davis 
Greg Juhl 
Helen Neff 
Jack Dalton 
Jeremy Burton 
Joe Campbell John Crockett 
Judith Simon 
Kari Ferguson 
Kari Hawkins 
Kathie Julian 
Kristina’s iPad 
Miranda Jacobson 
Pam Straley 
Ray Tulloch 
 Ryan Sommers
Sam Levine 
Steve Dolan 
Todd Lowe 
Yolanda Knaak 

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