IV/CB Community Forum Meeting Minutes

July 7, 2023

Kari Ferguson – Incline Village General Improvement District Communications Coordinator

Yes. And Happy post 4th of July everybody. The effluent pipeline Phase 1 is over. Let’s do a little happy dance. And it was successful. Thank you everyone for your water reduction after our request out to the community. It really helped the process. They could tell a significant amount of less water was used during that time, and that made the project so much easier to complete. So thank you, thank you to the community. Phase 2 will begin after Labor Day. That said, NDOT will still be working on that stretch of road. I’m sure you’ll have more information on that during this meeting. But the first portion of the pipeline construction is complete.

Also noteworthy, our new IVGID Acting General Manager is Mike Bandolin, the general manager of Diamond Peak. I’m sure you all know him. He’s been here for years and years, over 30 years. Also, our Acting Finance Director is Bobby McGee who is new to IVGID. I’ll put all this information in the Chat. There will be a press release going out this afternoon.

We had an IVGID Board meeting last night. The golf cancellation policy was changed to 72 hours instead of 120 hours. I just updated the website this minute with the Community Services director Darren Howard. So that’s all online and ready to go.

I’m a little behind with the Board synopsis. So I have both last night’s and the prior one. I apologize. I was on family vacation. I’m trying to get caught up.

I want to tell you about the Pickleball Open, which is coming up on July 14 and 16. We still have space in the tournament and also for the after-party connected to the tournament. Originally we called it a “gala” because our head pickleball pro is from France where they call parties galas. But people thought it was a fancy do. But it’s just a party, so hopefully you can sign up and come to the party even if you don’t play pickleball. It will be fun.

Also, for golf, we have “Gals on the Green” coming up on July 19th. And we have a “Girls on the Green” as well. We have a few spaces left. It’s a very popular program modeled after “Gals on the Green.”

Denise Davis

Our next IVGID Board of Trustees meeting is July 12th at 6pm.

Kari Ferguson

Thanks, Denise. And I think our last night meeting was the quickest meeting on record. We were out of there at 5:33. That was awesome.

Denise Davis

The agenda for the 12th is posted.

Kari Ferguson

I’ll put the link to the agenda in the Chat.

Denise Davis

Our contribution to the Chat will be a bit late today. Kari I have a quick question about the bocce ball courts in front of the Rec Center. Do people have to reserve those through the Rec Center, or can they just come and use the courts?

Kari Ferguson

It depends. During the day, it’s first-come, first serve. If you want to do a special party, check in at the Rec Center to make sure there’s nothing else planned there. I will put that link in the Chat as well because we do have a page on that.

Denise Davis

And if people show up and it’s not being used, is there a fee for a “drop-in”?

Kari Ferguson

No, you don’t have to pay anything. We have bocce balls at the Rec Center you can rent for $20. So, if you don’t have a set, you can rent them and play. It’s a gorgeous facility. It’s beautiful right there and partially shaded and out of the sun. If you’re trying to escape the heat, it’s a good spot.

Denise Davis

The new IVGID Magazine is out in print and online.

Kari Ferguson

Yes, and it’s online as well. So please take our survey on the magazine as well. We’re trying to see if this publication is something we still should be printing, if people appreciate the copy that we send out, or if they just want to look at it online. We’re just trying to gather some feedback and no decision has been made. Have a great Friday.

Megan Ragonese – Nevada Department of Transportation Public Information Officer

I believe Jen might be here to discuss the road construction highway improvement project that NDOT has on State Route 28 and 431. I just want to give everyone an update on some permit work. First I want to mention—I think a lot of us know—but we do not permit private development – or have any jurisdiction over approving private development. Where we come in is we do permit any impact that private development—whether it’s development or an event—may have on State highways.

So when I talk about permits, that’s what I’m discussing. And we’re all familiar with the highway permit that was recently taken out on State Route 28 in the Gonawabie area. That previous work under that private permit is complete. But I did want to update everyone that there is an NV Energy project for the same area on 28 near Gonawabie. The permit request is to start work on July 10—this coming Monday. That permit work will last through July 17. We’ll see shoulder closures and periodic lane closures Monday through Thursday 7am to 3:30pm, and 7am to noon on Friday. So you’ll see those lane closures from Monday through July 17.

Denise Davis

Thanks. And I have in my notes that our vacation from road construction is over. It will start Sunday night at 8pm. In Incline, the conduit trenching will happen during the day from 7am-5pm. In Crystal Bay, they are doing sidewalk, gutters, and guardrails. That is day and night work, so from Sunday 8pm to Friday at noon.

Megan Ragonese

And just taking a look a bit further ahead, painting is scheduled to start mid-month on SR 28. The plan is to work from the Incline Village roundabout on 28 moving west. So just keep that in mind as well as we get toward the middle and end of this month.

Denise Davis

I would say that’s good news. It’s been a long summer already.

Megan Ragonese

Yes, we do all we can to limit that impact on traffic.

Denise Davis

I want to let everyone know that Washoe County will be doing road work on Freel’s Peak. And Incline Way will be closed the rest of the summer from Village Blvd to Southwood. Thank you, Meg. So what’s happening with the Sheriff Office?

Blaine Beard –Washoe County Sheriff Office Captain

Good morning.  There’s not too much to give an update on. The 4th of July weekend extending into the week was fantastic. The parade and drone show was a great thing to be a part of. So, I want to thank the community for making it an exceptional event and series of events. It was relatively quiet— not too many shenanigans I can say.

I know there’s some talk in the community about concern over some of the recent crimes that have occurred in the area. There is not an uptick of crime in the area. There have been a couple more cases actually deserving of media attention. But we have a Community Action Board (CAB) sheet. And every quarter, and now every month, our statisticians through our Information Intelligence Center come up with all the statistics for the areas. So in Incline Village and Crystal Bay, which is Beat 7, the quarterly report for Quarter 1 of this year shows the WCSO had a total of 2637 calls for service – whether that be dispatch or self –initiated. The 3-year average in Quarter 1 was 3204 calls for service. So that’s down approximately 500-600 calls for service. Our Dispatch calls are up over our 3-year average, but there were only 9 calls in the first quarter. The initiating calls are down, as are “unspecified” calls. So, there’s no real upward tick or trend. It’s just that a couple of the cases that occurred recently actually made it into the media, which raised everyone’s concern. Much as I’d like to, I can’t discuss the cases because a couple are still open investigations with our detectives. When the time is right the detectives and the County will make a statement regarding those crimes. Just to give you a couple more examples to keep you at ease. Larceny and theft this quarter we had 4. The 3-year average is 12. So that number is down. Liquor law violations have gone down. There is one case that made the media, of an alleged kidnapping that occurred. That individual ended up in this area. But that alleged crime occurred in Reno’s jurisdiction. So that’s debatable whether it’s an Incline’s crime. I just want to put you all at ease that crime is not trending up. We’re actually right on pace if not down from where we were previously in the first quarter. I can get more data for 2 weeks from now at the next meeting.

I attended the Citizen Advisory Board (CAB) on zoom this week. And Kelly Echeverria from Washoe County Emergency Management made a presentation. Some of you were there. But Chief Sommers will be discussing that in a few moments so I won’t belabor that. I’ll let him do that.

I’m in talks with community members and with Commissioner Hill and we’ll be meeting in the next week or two, regarding e-bike concerns in various areas around town on bike trails and what not. A good part of that is the congestion along Lakeshore where we get a lot of the people. We’re looking to put up signage —“Yield the right-of-way to pedestrians.” I called the local areas around the basin to see what kind of signs they have up and what their ordinances and jurisdictional boundaries are. So I’ll be working with the County Commissioner to see if we can get some kind of ordinance in place to have something enforceable for e-bikes on trails. That’s something that could take a little while. The signs are something we can get in place just through Commissioner Hill. That’s all I have. I’ll give the rest of the time to Sergeant Nick Tone who has a couple of updates as well.

Janet Pahl – Incline Village Resident

I was walking and along came bikers side-by-side blocking the entire lane in the road. And then you have to wait for any oncoming car to come before going around the bikes.

Nick Tone

So bikes on the road have the same rules as other vehicles. If they’re on a designated bike lane, the vehicle is supposed to yield to them.

Janet Pahl

When they’re on the road, not in a bicycle lane…

Nick Tone

Yes. So they are to follow the same rules of the road [19:41 inaudible]

Janet Pahl

So they’re allowed to ride side-by-side and block the whole lane? In IV we have bike paths…

Nick Tone

They have the same right to the roadway as a vehicle.

Janet Pahl

That should be changed.

Nick Tone

If there is no bike lane, they have the same rights as a car.

Janet Pahl

Well, in a bike lane I understand, but they’re not in a bike lane, they are on the road.

Nick Tone

Yes, but up here in Incline Village we don’t have the traditional bike lanes you see down in Reno. We have bicycle paths.

Janet Pahl

I appreciate that, but… not blocking the road. That’s wrong.

Blaine Beard

And if our folks are working and see something like that, and it’s actually impeding the progress of traffic, they definitely will initiate a stop and make contact with them and ask them to keep to the right. We will be proactive on that sort of thing.

Nick Tone

So I have a couple of updates. On the topic of e-bikes, the WCSO received a grant to get 6 e-bikes of our own. So we’ll train a couple of our deputies to go up and down Lakeshore and various other areas to have a presence and enforcement of concerns specific to the Lakeshore road and path. Others will be deployed in the near future as soon as we get those. We’ll have a few deputies on there every day.

Additionally, we’re getting two new positions here in Incline Village. They’ll be deployed to the Incline High School as School Resource Officers—so Deputy SROs. They’ll be deploying on Aug 21st, which is the first day of the school year. They’ll come up a couple weeks prior for training with school police. They will be there to augment and supplement the one SRO we already have. When school’s not in session, these two individual officers will help out with traffic enforcement and pedestrian safety, calls for service, and things of that nature. So they’ll be here full-time even when school is not full-time, and utilized in every capacity in the community.

Helen Neff – Incline Village Resident, TRPA Take Care Tahoe Honoree

Have you been in touch with Take Care Tahoe about the signage? I heard they’re working on their campaign for sharing the bike path. I don’t know what stage they’re at. I don’t know if they’ve published it. But if you want, you can contact Amy Berry at the Tahoe Fund.

Blaine Beard

Amy is actually going to be in that meeting.

Helen Neff

Okay, because they may have something in the works.

Blaine Beard

We just spoke with her yesterday afternoon.

Helen Neff


Denise Davis

At our last meeting, we did have a community member who wanted to talk about e-bikes. If I find her contact information, I’ll forward that. [Blaine Beard – Certainly.]

Kari Ferguson

I was in a meeting about 1½ weeks ago. A bunch of us crafted some language for bike etiquette on trails. It was a trail etiquette meeting with Take Care Tahoe. So definitely contact Amy because it’s all done.

Blaine Beard

That is fantastic. That will save a lot of work. Thank you. We’re looking forward to collaborating on this sooner rather than later.  [Kari Ferguson – Absolutely! Awesome.]

Denise Davis

Thanks guys and thanks Tiffany. I’d just like to remind everyone that our next Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training academy is July 13 to 15, and the 20th to 22nd. You may have seen our CERT members at the parade and the drone show. We actually do more than traffic, but traffic is a big part of our volunteer work. The most important thing to know about CERT is the purpose of CERT is to help you personally and your family be prepared for emergencies. You get free training and free equipment. You can become as involved in volunteering as you would like. But the purpose of CERT is to help everyone be prepared. With that, I’ll ask Chief Sommers if he’d like to announce anything. And thank you for breakfast. We all appreciated it.

Ryan Sommers – North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District Chief

Just as the captain came with data, I came as well and it has to do with the breakfast. We served over 1000 people – 2000 pancakes, 3000 sausages, and 20 gallons of coffee. It was very successful and I do appreciate everybody showing up and having patience because that line was impressive. You had to wait in line, but it was for free food, so I think everybody liked that.

Please sign up for chipping and defensible space evaluations. It’s a new online component to that. We got the information out a couple of times. But if you need it again, contact the Fire Department and Tia Rancourt has all that information.

Obviously, the hot topic is the Evacuation Plan from Washoe County Emergency Management. This is a very anxious and stressful topic for the community. And we understand that. And the variables change a lot with the amount of people coming into town. And it seems they keep coming into town, and the development keeps happening in town. So this plan has to be revamped every few years, so we are in the middle of another revamp. There are 5 phases total.

So all of the input that was given the other night (at the CAB) and the input we received over the last few months, won’t be put into the plan overnight. You won’t see that result tomorrow. But you will see the result hopefully by September, which is what I think Kelly said. I don’t want to put words in her mouth or a date on it just yet, but it’s coming out soon.

I had a conversation with Kelly after that meeting. And between the two of us, we are going to do our best to be more transparent about the plan and get that information out to folks to lower the anxiety level. But the one thing I cannot stress enough is—give us a chance to put out the fire. Don’t see the smoke rise and immediately jump in your car and take off. We have a very aggressive fuels program around here. We have done more to the vegetation and the wildland interface than any other community around the basin. We really have. Our fuels reduction program is noted nation-wide. We have fire departments coming in from all over the place. Just a couple of years ago we had folks from Texas and folks from Colorado come here to look at our program and they’re modeling their program after ours.

I think we’ve done a very good job. I don’t have an ego when it comes to this. I’m just trying to state the facts and what we’ve done. We’re very fortunate that IVGID owns 1200 acres –very key acres. They are the acres in the drainage areas below the houses that are built along the ridges. We can treat those slopes, and that fire will not be as intense on those slopes because of our fuels work. It’s like painting a bridge. We do it. And “no good deed goes unpunished.” When we go through, people are mad that we’re taking out the vegetation. Other people are mad that we’re not there doing it right away again. It’s a cycle. So, not annually, but we’ll be back in there about every 5-7 years. So, we’re doing our best with that. So, please understand that. Is there anything else? Denise, you’re good at having a list that I need to comment on.

Denise Davis

Just to make people aware, I did print out the actual paperwork for a defensible space inspection. I was getting ready to ask for one, so I thought, well, I’ll just see what we’re going to do.  There’s a lot you can do without going through the official process. Here’s the list. Also there are a lot of tips and a reminder that embers are the problem in a fire. So again it’s not just the fire, it’s the embers that are getting blown ahead of the fire that we need to think about.

Ryan Sommers

It’s called home hardening.

Denise Davis

I do have a printout of Kelly’s presentation. I want to remind you part of it is our responsibility: have a kit, make a plan, and stay informed. Do you want to announce the date of our evacuation exercise?

Ryan Sommers

Oh, thank you. Yes. August 16 we will have our evacuation drill. It will entail the neighborhoods in the Ponderosa subdivision between 1st and 2nd Creek. Those will be the actual houses where we’ll be knocking and going door to door to evacuate. I say “we.” It will be NLTFPD, WCSO, CERT, Search and Rescue. We will simulate a real evacuation, and you will need to actually leave your house and go to the Recreation Center. There will be a community fair there with a lot of information from different agencies, and a chance to talk to all those agencies about their services for Incline. So, animal services, WCSO, North Lake Tahoe Fire, … The list is actually getting longer because many people want to come up and provide information to the homeowners.

If you don’t live in the Ponderosa subdivision, we’re still asking you to come down to the Recreation Center. Everybody in town is invited to attend the Rec Center.

Denise Davis

We still have the Greater Tahoe Basin Community Wildfire Protection Plan Survey. It’s important to give input about things you are concerned about. We’ll put the URL in the recap.  

Ryan Sommers

That should close August 31st. September should be the draft of the plan, and you’ll have 30 days afterward for public input.

Janet Pahl

I want to add to what Chief Ryan said. Defensible space is a very, very important issue. Insurance companies are coming around now. Insurance prices are going up. Some—not here—but some in the Kings Beach area cannot get insurance. So please pay attention to your defensible space.

Ryan Sommers

So that’s a good point. The non-renewals are starting to happen in Nevada. We are setting up to have a meeting with the new NV State Insurance Commissioner in this administration. He’s very much willing to look at the issue and help us address the insurance companies. If you get a nonrenewal notice, contact us. We’ll come out and we’ll do a defensible space evaluation and give you the documentation noting the work that has been done…  or not done. But if that’s the case, it will be very hard to get you insurance. We do our best to go to bat with the insurance companies.

Janet Pahl

I found that if you insure your cars and trucks with your home insurance, and make it one package, it’s easier to get insurance.

Denise Davis

That’s not my experience. I got the nonrenewal notice this year.

Ann Nichols

Is there any conversation about a state plan for Nevada like the California Fair plan?

Ryan Sommers

Yes, there has been a lot of talk about pulling a plan for the State of Nevada. We’re currently looking at both Wyoming and Montana, which have that in place. So, some brokers around the lake are looking into it. So, there’s talk about it, but that’s all I know so far. 

John Feliz – Incline Village Resident

I’m in the Ponderosa tract. Last year, or a year and a half ago, trees in our neighborhood were tagged with red ribbons. I was told they were the Fire Department indicating they were going to take those out. But they’re still there. And I was just wondering about that.

Denise Davis

I think that’s the utilities company because they’ve been coming down my street. And the trees they’re taking out have the red ribbons on them. [John Feliz – Okay, fine.] So I think that’s the utility company.

Ryan Sommers

That’s true. In the corridor of a power line or such, NV Energy is coming through and marking trees with just ribbon. When we go and mark a tree, because we have full authority to do so with our Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with TRPA, we use paint. It’s not your average paint that you can buy at Ace Hardware, so people don’t go out and just start marking trees because they want a better view. Hopefully that won’t work. So if it’s us, it’s with paint. If it’s on private land, we will not take it down. That is when you’re required to get a contractor to come. And we’re not going to [34: 50]. The homeowner is responsible for taking those down. Unless it’s a power-line issue, then we would be doing that work because we have a contract with NV Energy for sub work.

Denise Davis

Thanks, chief. I also want to let everyone know that in relation to fire, there was a Forest Future salon June 28 through a group in Truckee (whose name escapes me right this second). Their guest was the USFS Fire Meteorologist Brent Watcher, and he puts out a 4-month outlook for our weather, our wind, all that in relation to general weather and particularly our fire concerns. He was just getting ready to issue the North Ops Significant [ ] potential outlook for July through October. We are having El Nino. He’s expecting warmer temperatures will be starting in August, and there are monthly outlooks available. So if you would like to know about those, send me an email at ivcbcommunityforum@gmail.com and I’ll forward you the information. It’s from the USFS fire meteorologist Brent Watcher. Just know that a lot goes on behind the scenes that we don’t see.

Jeff Church – Washoe County School District, Board Member District 1

I’m your representative at the WC School District. We had our graduation in Incline. It’s just so inspiring to see wonderful kids. My understanding is that Incline Village is the best [37:10 inaudible] High School in the entire state. So that’s wonderful.

Our next Board meeting is July 25th at 2pm at WCSD. We won’t have the agenda until the Thursday before, but one issue that will be on the agenda—and I’ll try to be discreet—they want to change the name. And the [37:32 inaudible] SHARE Sex Ed committee will vote on a number of changes in what they’re teaching 4th and 5th graders. I’m extremely concerned. I have to keep an open mind but it appears inappropriate for 4th and 5th if not for all. One thing they want to change is—you will no longer be known as a male or female or a boy or girl. You are a person with a vulva or a person with a penis. You can’t make this up. You will be a person with a vulva or a person with a penis. Enough said. That’s going to be on the agenda on the 25th of July. And that will be voted on by the SHARE Sex Ed committee.

Denise Davis

Thanks… I think… for that. Moving along… John?

John Crockett – Washoe County Incline Library Head Librarian

We’re off to a busy summer at the library. We have some great summer reading programs coming up next week including our connections with the environment. Cory King, former Incline Library staff member who works with the US Forest Service now will be talking about the interconnectedness of the environment.

On Wednesday, we have Kindness Cards at 4pm. This is a chance for kids to create and design two greeting cards, one of which will be delivered to seniors through Meals on Wheels. It’s a chance for kids to be creative, create a card, and then we’ll send it to a senior to brighten their day. Our meeting room and zoom room use is really busy, so please reserve online if you want to use them. Our meeting room is available after hours and on the weekends. And for the zoom room which is available for 2 hours if you need to do an online meeting or find a quiet space to work. That’s just during public hours. And don’t forget we’re open on Saturdays.

Denise Davis

Also on Saturday, the quad will be doing their project.

John Crockett

Absolutely. Our hands-on IV Quad is another great program. This is our Maker-State program. This week we’re making canvas tote bags. So you create an image and we print out a final sticker, and heat press it onto a canvas tote bag that you can own. We’ll do that on Thursday. Please book an appointment for Thursday 3-4:30, and once again on Saturday.

Denise Davis

It’s just important to pre-register so they know how much material to have ready.

John Crockett

We’re getting enough kids so we’re maxing out the room, so yes, please register. Thank you.

Denise Davis

As was already mentioned, we did have a Washoe Citizen Advisory Board (CAB) meeting on July 5, which is not our usual Monday night, but the holiday changed our time. We had a discussion on the update of the Emergency Evacuation Plan for Incline Village and Crystal Bay  with Captain Beard, Chief Sommers, and Kelly Echevarria. who is the Emergency Manager for Washoe County. Also, STR permit fees were discussed.

The Tahoe Transportation District (TTD) Mobility Hub Committee met on the 26th to discuss possible locations for the mobility hub. A workshop regarding the hub is planned for August 14th.

John Crockett

I serve on that committee. They presented alternative sites. The Old Incline Elementary School (OES) is still on the list. But they are looking at other places including the old Orbit station, the little real estate office across from 947 Tahoe, and several other locations. So I definitely feel that the committee is hearing the community’s opposition to the OES. They’re taking the next steps to look at alternative sites. So the next step is a project scope based on site availability. Please come to that public workshop in August.

Denise Davis

I do believe that the Sheriff Substation on 431 and the old Library building next door were mentioned. So we’ve sprouted several sites.

Yolanda Knaak – Incline Village Resident

Because we have such a bad traffic problem here in Incline, I believe it’s better to have the parking for a bus hub down the mountain. Because having parking here will only bring more traffic to our area. It would be better to have buses regularly coming up the mountain. So I think Galena would be a really great location or somewhere in South Reno for the parking, not Incline Village.  

Denise Davis

The Washoe County Commissioners Board of Trustees will hold a meeting on Tuesday July 11. There are two items on the agenda our community may be interested in.  Agenda Item 5 relates to cannabis consumption lounges, which will be considered again. And during Item 6, the County Commissioners will acknowledge the 2023 Washoe Tahoe Housing Partnership housing Roadmap. On Item 6, the Housing Roadmap item, remote comment will be available. The library here is not available. This room is busy that day. So Commissioner Hill said at the CAB meeting that remote public comment would be available at the UNR campus.

John Crockett

It was confirmed that it will be on the campus but I’m not sure what building. [44:50 inaudible]

Denise Davis

Again, only Item 6 has remote comment available. No other item. That’s the housing Roadmap item specific to Incline. If you want to talk about the cannabis consumption lounges or any other item, you need to be at the meeting in person.

Helen Neff

As Denise just said, July 11 the cannabis consumption lounges will be on the agenda. On December 6 last year, this was denied by the Planning Commission. On January 17th it was denied by the Board of County Commissioners. At the CAB, when I asked Commissioner Hill why it was being brought back, she said it was at the request of one of the other commissioners, specifically commissioner Mike Clark.

Lounges are not required by law. Different counties can opt out. Douglas and Carson have opted out. It’s not allowed on the California side of the lake. So if allowed, IVCB would be the only location, which means a lot of people driving impaired after they’ve consumed at the lounge. So the real issue is there is no test for cannabis impairment that is approved by the National Highway Transportation Safety Board. There’s no test that is upheld in court. I appreciate that our fabulous Washoe County Sheriff deputies say they can identify impaired drivers. But that’s normally after a crash has occurred and innocent people are hurt. Many of our roads are patrolled by the NV Highway Patrol, and we know that they’re not patrolled 24/7, and they are short staffed.

So since remote comment is not allowed, I will go to the County Commissioners meeting on Tuesday. I’ll ask John to put my email address in the Chat box. If you would like me to send you what I’ll say publicly, and I’ll add your name to other residents who are objecting. I will send you an email on that. I just started yesterday but we have 25-30 names so far. And every name counts. So if you’re not in favor of it, let me know. And just to clarify, I don’t object to cannabis consumption in the privacy of your home. I know a lot of people who have medical issues and get relief from cannabis. I have no objection to that. I just don’t think it should be a social situation until there’s an official test like for alcohol. Thank you. My email is: Hneff9@earthlink.net.

Denise Davis

In other county items, the Washoe County Clerk’s office offers passport services starting on August 1st for new applications only, not renewals. There is a Neighborhood Planning Department meeting on Tuesday July 11 – from 5:30-6:30pm at the Lake Tahoe School. The proposed project is a new Special Use Permit (SUP) to increase enrollment from 220 students to 250. No modification or construction is necessary for the new SPU request.

Also in the Board agenda was a report on the tax refund for IVCB. The total tax refunded was $22,338,711 and the total interest refunded was $21,307,611 for a total amount refunded of $43,640,322.

Ann Nichols – Crystal Bay Resident, North Lake Tahoe Preservation Alliance

If you don’t have it straight where the public can comment Tuesday morning and it’s now Friday, how will the public know? It seems to me it should be delayed until we know where local people can comment.

The Roadmap is extremely flawed. As a realtor for a “million” years handling rentals, their examples for rental costs are way off base. And they fail to say in their analysis that you can only spend 30% of your income on all your expenses and debt including car payments, utilities. It’s way up. I rent two 3-bedroom homes in Reno and the highest is $2200/month. I rent a 2-bedroom/2 bath up here for $3200/month. I don’t know where they’re getting their number of $6000 per month. It just seems extremely skewed. And on the agenda item, the link doesn’t take you to the Roadmap. It takes you to this quick short synopsis that means nothing.

Denise Davis

And several links in the agenda don’t go to what they say they go to.

Ann Nichols

And what they are proposing is supposedly all about housing. The Tahoe Prosperity Center—lovely people— providing some data but it’s from 2019 or 2020. It’s useful, but it’s old data and not current. And they’re proposing using the US Forest Service site—the 13 acres across from the high school for housing. Nobody’s against housing, but this agenda item is asking the Commissioners to adopt the Roadmap, which is vague and unclear, and based on bad data. They’re saying a total of 51% of affordable housing should go to people who make $120-$200K per year. So what is that doing for anybody? And why are they doing this approval now? Are they going to give TPC more money? Is this the precursor approval? So everybody… It’s a big deal. This is just the start. Thank you.

Denise Davis

Kevin, do you want to give us a brief update on the City of Incline effort?

Kevin Lyons – Village League to Save Incline Assets, Citizen Advisory Board Member

I’m Kevin Lyons. Todd Lowe who would normally give this is out of town this morning.  So, I wanted to be here to answer any questions about the City of Incline Village. We’ve just heard about the many millions of dollars the Village League and Todd recouped for us. I appreciate him as always.

We had a survey that went out a couple of weeks ago on behalf of the City of Incline Village focused on local services. We talked about that at the CAB and you can also see the results yourself. [52:53 inaudible] There was 2:1 support for the idea of the city in that survey. There was also 2:1 consensus that services from Washoe County have gotten worse over time. There are some other conclusions that are interesting.

Unfortunately, we’ve put the petition drive on hold. We were ready to launch on July 4th, but there’s been a rather divisive and negative petition effort in town unfortunately. And we’re not going to do something at the same time as that,  which might get confused or associated with it. So otherwise, it’s not a good time to do that unfortunately. So we paused the effort. We’ll be continuing to move forward with other work associated with the project.

We’ll actually be holding a Citizen Academy session I’ll be leading. That will be fun. It will kind of help our community understand local government a bit better, and maybe even identify some future interest, and create an on-ramp for people who might be interested in participating in the future in the City of Incline Village if it goes that way. With that I’ll answer any questions.

Helen Neff

Do you have an anticipated date for the petition?

Kevin Lyons

I don’t think so at this point. The earliest would be whenever the other petition wraps up for whatever reason.

Helen Neff

Are you still looking at getting it on the 2024 ballot?

Kevin Lyons

I don’t think the timing’s going to permit that with the delay.

Helen Neff

Then it would be 2026?

 Kevin Lyons

The ballot can be a general ballot or it can be a special ballot. It depends on the timing. There are a bunch of sequences of timing that are triggered once we file the petition.

Helen Neff

So to follow up on what Kevin said and Ann said earlier, I was at the Washoe Board of Commissioners meeting on January 17th when they approved the Tahoe Area Plan. There was a fluffy discussion of no substance. And all the other commissioners looked at Commissioner Hill for direction. She provided it. And that’s what happened. So just in view of the City of Incline Village, I think it’s important for everyone to know how things happen. [55:23 inaudible]

Kevin Lyons

That’s a good point. And at the CAB meeting on Wednesday we talked about some of that data from the survey. It will be helpful when explaining to other commissioners in the County, who naturally don’t have any idea of what our challenges are here, or what we actually need up here—whether it’s housing or other things. So I’m happy that some of that data will be useful.

Denise Davis

The URL for the City of Incline effort will be in the recap. John has an update regarding the remote comment.

John Crockett

For the Board of County Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, the county is putting out a press brief with details today. The comment option will be available at the Tahoe Environmental Research Center (TERC) building Room 119. I presume that’s the lecture hall in the TERC building. There will be WC staff to assist with signing in for public comment.

Denise Davis

That is for the Roadmap Item 6 on the WCC agenda on July 11.

John Crockett

Kathie Julian posted a link to the Roadmap in the Chat.

Aaron Vanderpool – Incline Village Resident, HOA President

I have a comment on housing related to the Roadmap. At the CAB they talked about short-term rentals. I think it’s crazy that not only are STRs they’ve permitted in the county making people’s lives miserable and increasing wealth inequality, but the County is not even making money on it. They’re losing money on the STR program it sounds like. People should be aware of that. The people supporting the program obviously are the people who already have multiple homes and want to rent out some of their homes to keep those homes. While we’re losing the people who just want a single home to live in. Thank you.

Denise Davis

The discussion at the CAB was in regard to the permit fees for STRs. When the program was started, the objective was to have the permit fees cover the costs of administering the program.

Moving on, the July 12 TRPA Advisory Planning Commission (APC) meeting was cancelled. At the June 28 Governing Board meeting, the Tahoe Area Plan (TAP) Amendment was approved with a list of conditions, which I won’t go into right now.

I want to alert everyone that TRPA has announced that on Thursday August 17 Executive Director Julie Regan will have a “coffee talk” at the UNR campus from 5:30-6:30pm. They’re asking that you please reserve your spot by emailing them at TRPA at trpa.gov. And on June 20 the Lake Tahoe Destination Stewardship plan was signed. About 20 organizations signed on to that. There will be a virtual workshop Monday July 10 from 5-7 pm on zoom only. The information to register will be in the meeting recap. If you want to know more about the Lake Tahoe Destination Stewardship plan, I urge you to sign up.

The Tahoe Fund announced that construction is underway on a 2.3 mile Tunnel Creek single-track trail on Tunnel Creek road. They’re hoping to reduce conflicts between hikers and bikers.

If you happen to be down in the Reno area on Friday nights at Galena Creek, they are having s’mores and programs. Treats start at 7:30. It’s at the Eagle Meadow, which is at the north entrance to Galena Creek. The program starts at 8. The program topic for this week is raptors. So it’s kind of a kid event.

So here’s a fun fact: did you know that the top 6 feet of Lake Tahoe is a Federal reservoir managed by the US Bureau of Reclamation and controlled by the Tahoe City dam?

Aaron Vanderpool

If anybody has free time on their hands and is concerned about safety, the east end of Oriole Way over the past 1 to 2 weeks is filling up with cars from Rich’s auto-body shop and there are boats parked on the sidewalk. It’s a really dangerous turn in addition to the use of the OES as the bus hub for the East Shore Express. So if anybody wants to take on something to report—I don’t have the time. Thank you.

Tiffany Clements – Washoe County Sheriff Office

I just have an announcement that the WCSO will hold the Sheriff-Community Association picnic on September 16 at 11:00am at Timberline Field at the Middle School. We hope you can all attend.

Denise Davis

I found my notes about Galena Creek. Yes, the program on July 7 is “raptor adventures.” On July 14th bring your ukulele and play in the forest.

Yesterday I heard at a meeting but found no further information that the Tahoe Summit is scheduled for Wednesday August 9 in Kings Beach. This year’s host is California US Senator Padia. They said they started planning a little late. I have no other details.

Kari Ferguson

I just want to make a correction of the Ridgeline Park Field– behind the Middle School for the Sheriff’s picnic. And thank you, Denise, for making all these notes and keeping everyone informed, because sometimes I forget a few things, so I really appreciate you.

Denise Davis

No problem. And in a closing note, our Nevada US Senator Rosen has compiled a Senior Resources Guide, which is online. Go to her website if you’re looking for any type of senior resources. It’s a pretty comprehensive list. It’s not everything, but it’s a lot of things.

We had a great 4th of July week. Keep safety in mind, and we will see you in 2 weeks. Thanks everyone. Bye.

John Crockett

Thank you Denise, and thank you, Ronda.


Aaron Vanderpool

Ann Nichols

Bill Devine

Blaine Beard

David Simon

Denise Davis

Greg Juhl

Helen Neff

Janet Pahl

Jeff Church

John Crockett

John Feliz

Jon Davidson

Kari Ferguson

Kathie Julian

Kevin Lyons

Meg Ragonese

Michaela Tonking

Miranda Jacobson

Nick Tone

Ronda Tycer

Ryan Sommers

Shirley Appel

Tiffany Clements

Yolanda Knaak


Bocce Ball information: https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/parks-recreation/outdoor-recreation/bocce-ball-park

00:43:47   Kari Ferguson:   IVGID aboard Meeting Agenda for 7/12 https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/uploads/pdf-ivgid/0712_Agenda_-_FINAL.pdf

00:44:40  Kari Ferguson:   Golf information: https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/golf-incline/championship-course

00:45:47 Kari Ferguson:   https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/events/girls-on-the-green-youth-golf-clinics

00:46:04  Kari Ferguson:   https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/events/gals-on-the-green-ladies-golf-clinics

00:46:57 Kari Ferguson:   Tennis & Pickleball events: https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/parks-recreation/tennis-center/specials

01:12:01  Lt Col Jeff Church:  No update on the closing of IV Middle School but it appears to be pressing ahead. No timeline.

Kathie Julian: WCSD Curriculum: Share (Sexuality, Health, & Responsibility Education): S.H.A.R.E. / S.H.A.R.E. (washoeschools.net)

01:17:33   Washoe County Libraries:   hneff9@earthlink.net

01:23:58   kathie julian:  Link to Washoe Tahoe Housing Partnership Roadmap is here:  https://tahoeprosperity.org/wp-content/uploads/FinalWTHP-Roadmap_May-10-2023.pdf

01:27:06   kathie julian:   Link to Washoe Evacuation plan with reference to Incline Village on pages 81-85.

01:27:14    kathiejulian:  https://www.washoecounty.gov/CABS/IVCB_CAB/2023/files/Washoe-County-Evacuation-Sheltering-and-Mass-Care-Plan-2022.pdf

01:28:15  kathie julian:  The evacuation plan vastly underestimates the population in IVCB to be evacuated.  Plan does not even include visitors/tourist population.


Our email is:


Washoe County Sheriff Office (WCSO)

non-emergency dispatch  775-785-9276

Incline substation Facebook page


North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District website


non-emergency fire dispatch (Grass Valley)  530-477-0641, then pick 7

Defensible space info


Lake Tahoe Basin CWPP (Community Wildfire Protection Plan) update – survey closes August 31


QR code available at nltfpd.org

Helping Tahoe residents and visitors prepare for wildfire

Washoe County emergency alert sign-up


Washoe Regional Emergency Information Center


Tahoe Fire and Fuels Team (TFFT) prescribed burn info

Road construction updates


July 10 – Lake Tahoe Destination Stewardship Plan virtual workshop – 5:00

register at  https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_KuXkyWntTB6872yk3oSz6w#/registration

Lake Tahoe Destination Stewardship Plan 


July 11 – Washoe County BCC (Board of County Commissioners) meeting


July 11 – Neighborhood meeting regarding Lake Tahoe School special use permit – 5:30 pm


July 12 – IVGID BOT meeting


July 13-15, 20-22 – CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training


Aug 17 – TRPA “Coffee Talks With Julie” – Incline Village 5:30 pm. Reserve your spot by sending an email to trpa@trpa.gov

Village League (City of Incline Village) petition paused


Results of City of Incline Village Flashvote survey


Tahoe boating app

Tunnel Creek Singletrack Trail info

US Senator Rosen has created a statewide Senior Resource Guide

Galena Creek Regional Park S’more Family Fun Fridays

Washoe County Clerk’s Office begins processing NEW passport applications Aug 1


Washoe County Health District – Air Quality Management Division (AQMD) is requesting written public comment on its draft Ozone Wildfire Mitigation Plan (which details how AQMD responds to high concentrations of ozone that are caused by wildfires)

draft plan is at


Comments will be accepted until midnight on July 28, 2023, and may be submitted via e-mail to

HealthAirQuality-Planning@washoecounty.gov. All correspondence must include first and last name and a complete mailing address.

Washoe County Commission Newsletter Summer 2023

Articles include 2023/24 priorities, Tahoe Transportation Plan, Lands Bill, Perimeter emergency mapping software

All applications for Washoe County Commission District 1


Neighborhood Meetings for upcoming projects


Washoe311 – request for service

call 311 or 775-328-2003


IV/CB Community 1st meetings and community info


IVCBA (Incline Village Crystal Bay Community and Business Association)


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