IV/CB Community Forum Meeting Minutes

June 16, 2023

Jenn Boyd Lemming –NDOT PIO Team Member for SR 431/28 Incline Highway Project

Yes, I’m happy to. Good morning everyone. We also have McKenna Temen on the line, too. Our updates are brief. We finally got through the weather mishaps that delayed paving on Mt. Rose highway. The dense grade paving wrapped yesterday. They’ll do the final 1-inch of paving, which goes pretty quickly later this summer. That went all the way down to the roundabout. From the roundabout towards Stateline will be done later this year. Right now Mt. Rose is almost wrapped. We’re getting really close to finishing that aspect of the project. I’ve been at a few of your meetings. so most folks know us, but there are always new people attending.

As we look ahead, we’ll come out with stakeholder updates. We’ll have no newsletters this week. I’ll put the link in the Chat Box if anyone wants to receive our stakeholder updates. I believe most of this group is already signed up. You can sign up for news and information. You can also sign up for text alerts and websites. We’ll put it all in the Chat as a reminder. But as we look ahead to the 4th of July holiday, we’ll send out the schedule. For everyone on the call, we’ll be off the road Friday June 30th by 8am. Work won’t resume until Thursday July 6 in the morning. There may be a possibility we’ll get approval to start some night work on Wednesday the 5th. There will be more details to come.

As we look further into July – they’ll start the guardrail work on SR 28. And now that IVGID is almost done with their project, we’ll be starting Marlette Creek work around July 10th. I’m happy to answer any questions. We’ll put those resources in the Chat. Thank you for the time to provide updates.


McKenna did you have anything else you wanted to add??

McKenna Temen

Jen covered everything we’ve got so far. I’m McKenna Temen and also part of the team at NDOT.

Denise DavisAny questions for our roadwork representatives?

I got an email from Washoe County, letting us know that they too are going to be doing some road construction and closures from June to August. July 3-7 there will be work going on at Freels Peak. Be aware. And later in August, there will be other work on Southwood. The County along with everyone else is doing roadwork. It’s the summer of roadwork, and I hate to tell you but it’s not our only summer of roadwork.

Jenn Boyd Lemming

It just seems especially cumbersome this year with a lot of repairs from the big winter, a massive culmination.

Denise Davis

Just keep telling yourself it will be great when it’s done.

Sara Schmitz – incline Village General Improvement District Trustee

I appreciate you being on the call. I know that Sheila Leijon of IVGID has been trying to connect with someone at NDOT, because what we as an improvement district and as a community have been trying to find out is if NDOT can post on their message boards on 431 when the Sand Harbor parking lot is full to avoid people driving into the community, and discovering its full, and driving around creating traffic. That was the request we put in, and Washoe County is aware of this request and has been trying to help us connect with NDOT. If you have any ability to help us to work through that, we’d be grateful.

McKenna Temen

Thanks, Sara. We can relay the message to NDOT’s traffic control team. I know they’re willing to work with the community with what’s going on, with messages on their big overhead signs on the highways. But any construction message boards are strictly for construction messages. But using the big overhead ones, they are definitely willing to work with the community as long as there aren’t any NDOT messages that override. But we can relay that message and see what they can do. 

Sara Schmitz

Thank you very much. And if you want my contact information I can put it in the Chat.

McKenna Temen

Sure, that would be helpful. Thank you.

Diane Becker – Incline Village Resident, Incline Village Citizen Advisory Board Chair

This is a question on the situation with the private home. I’d suggest that anyone who is experiencing delays as a result of the private home construction on Highway 28 at Gonowabie, write to NDOT and explain the problems you’ve had. Four homes will be built there, which will be blocking traffic over an extended period. I hope everyone will take the opportunity to let NDOT know how much time we are losing going back and forth just to Kings Beach and Crystal Bay.

Denise Davis

I think Kathie has some information about that. Can you give us a brief update?

Kathie Julian – Incline Village Resident

Yes, actually I was just on the phone with the NDOT inspector who’ll be handling the private sector housing development in terms of any impact it has on the right-of-way. NDOT doesn’t deal with housing construction or driveway construction. They deal with it when it impacts the right-of-way. The gentleman told me they have not yet received any paperwork coming through their office to monitor. Therefore what we’ve been seeing recently has not been due to—according to NDOT—that construction activity. I will continue to interface with him on this and keep you apprised of what’s happening when they do start building those driveways.

As a member of the Board of Adjustment, these permits for the actual construction come through the Board. But I wasn’t on the Board when this project was originally approved. But I’m knowledgeable about those two properties being developed. At least two, but I’m not so knowledgeable about the other two.

Denise Davis

As Kathie was telling me yesterday, as with everything at the lake, there are layers of people working over there. So we have NDOT, IVGID, and private contractors.  

Diane Becker

Kathie could you please send around or give Ronda the email or phone of that individual? I’ve spoken to four different people at NDOT. They all told me everything we have been sending has been forwarded to the responsible inspector. And he is inspecting and coordinating to make sure there’s compliance. So anyone who has written to the website or to Meg at NDOT should forward the information to this individual. I didn’t get through to that person. Thanks. [Contact: Paul Q. Pettersen, District II Permits Inspector: ppettersen@dot.nv.gov; 775 400 6982 or 775 834-8330]

Helen Neff – Incline Village Resident, Take Care Tahoe Director

Maybe someone can help me with this. I took time to go on the TRPA website to look for the permits of those construction projects. According to the permits, there’s lots of regulations regarding monitoring traffic and storage and parking for people working on the site. But I didn’t have time to go further. I think it’s a good warning flag on TRPA when they issue permits. Where is the follow-up from their side on the requirements of the permit? If someone’s more familiar with deep-diving into the TRPA website, that would be helpful.  

Denise Davis

Okay. Moving on. Sergeant Cola, do you want to let us know what’s happening in the village?

Joseph Colacurcio – Washoe County Sheriff Office Sergeant Incline Substation

[12:21 inaudible]

I’ll start with a recent post on the WCSO web page, June 13. You may have questions about it. Alexander Difoggio-Wasson was arrested and booked for sexual assault, false imprisonment, and attempted murder. It’s an ongoing investigation in Incline Village. If you guys have any further information related to the current cases, we ask that you call our Secret Witness number if you want to remain anonymous. That is 775 322-4900. Or if you don’t want to remain anonymous and have pertinent information, you can contact Detective Claire Hoops. She is down in our Detective Division. Her direct line is 775 225-0511. You can reference WC Case # 226452 and WC Case # 232654. If you have any further information, please come forward and provide more information regarding those charges. All the information we’ve released is posted on the WCSO Facebook page. That’s all I can give on that now because it’s an ongoing investigation.

As far as other things happening in the community, if you’ve been driving down Lakeshore, you’ve probably seen more 25 mph signs. It says, “Strictly Enforced” in the area. Those are part of our improvements to help with speeding on Lakeshore. Also, you’ll see on Country Club and Lakeshore some radar feedback signs. As you’re driving down the roadway you’ll get feedback on how fast you’re going. Hopefully it will help slow individuals down in our problem areas. That’s pretty much what’s been going on in the area. For those of you who don’t know, Sergeant Nick Tone took over my shift when I moved to the middle of the week. He runs the deputies during the day. I would say it’s his shift as he’s the supervisor for it. I’m just here for [14:43 inaudible]

Denise Davis

We also got a flashing stop sign.

Joseph Colacurcio

Yes, when you are traveling westbound, there is a stop sign, which is solar-powered and blinks red. Hopefully that makes people a little more aware right there at Lakeshore and [inaudible] so we don’t have any vehicle or pedestrian issues where the trail crosses Lakeshore.

Denise Davis

Chris King did you have a question for Sergeant Cola?

Chris King – Incline Village Resident

Yes. On Country Club I believe large trucks are prohibited, but I see a number of trucks running up and down and want to just bring it to your attention.

Joseph Colacurcio

What types of large trucks are we talking about? Any truck making local deliveries or anything of that sort? Or are they doing construction in that area? Or is that a feeder street to where they’re doing construction? Then they are allowed to drive commercial vehicles down that roadway. I don’t believe there’s an actual “no large vehicle” restriction on Country Club, but I’ll look into that and get back to you.

Chris King

Okay, thank you.

Denise Davis

I think we had a truck prohibition while they were paving on 431. They were not allowing large trucks over the summit while they were paving.

Joseph Colacurcio

Yes, so over Mt. Rose when they’re paving there’s an airbrake restriction when there’s construction—five speed with airbrakes or bigger or anything straight trucks. But if those trucks are on the construction, or related to it, they’re allowed to travel over because their storage spot is at Mt Rose Ski Resort for paving and such.

 Denise Davis

All right. Are there any other questions for our Sheriff Office?

Jennifer Greenough – Incline Village Resident

I live on Southwood. And I’m super appreciative of the speed controls down Lakeshore. I’ve seen officers over at the Recreation Center as well. That’s great. I walk and run everywhere. So that’s super and I appreciate it. I live on Southwood, and speeding on it is getting pretty bad. I think there’s a 4pm rush to the Post Office. I totally understand we all want to get there before they close. But people come around…. I live on Tanager and Southwood… and people come around that corner really fast. And with people speeding on Southwood it’s just a matter of time before we have a pedestrian accident. Kids are waiting for school buses and getting off school buses… runners, walkers, joggers, dogs. I want to know if there’s any thought about doing similar things to what you guys are doing on Lakeshore to that stretch of Southwood where there are no stop signs.

Joseph Colacurcio

If you want us to work in an area, we ask that you put in a service request.

Jennifer Greenough


Joseph Colacurcio

That’s how we work. If we have accidents or continuous accidents, we can work that area if we have calls for service. If you call in to complain, which is a service request, we then go work those areas and start recording data. And, if it’s bad enough, we involve the Washoe County traffic engineer to start making changes. So that’s how we work. We need service requests for that.

If you file a service request for Upper Tyner, we have traffic data-collector boxes. We put those out and they record all the speed, volume, time of day, day of the week, and all that. Then we go out and do directed enforcement based on that data. And if the data shows certain things, we get the traffic engineer involved to start mitigating problems in that area.

The way to write your service request is to go to washoesheriff.com. Click on “File a complaint” right on the front page. You can also use 311. They will actually forward it through that system. Or you can come down to the Sheriff Office at the substation and we’ll take a service request directly from you. Right now we’re located right next door to the library.


Grab a book and file a complaint.

Joseph Colacurcio

That’s right. Or get your complaint, fill it out at the library…  please return your books on time. I’ll say that I recently got my library card and started reading more. It’s a phenomenal thing to drop my book off whenever I can. The system is very easy —going back to the Dewey Decimal System I learned in elementary school.

One other thing I want to say is we don’t have any updates on our move. We’re proposing to be back at 625 Mt Rose Hwy, but there are still some things being mitigated at the substation. So we do not have a timeframe when we might be moving out of our current spot at the old library.

Denise Davis

It is important to file reports because our County loves statistics. So file your reports and help our numbers.

Sara Schmitz

Thanks for all you do for our community. We’re very grateful that you’re all here. I have a question related to those signs that give people feedback about their speed. When I asked originally, they said it would track how fast people are going and display it, which entices people to speed to see how fast they can go. Is it possible to configure those signs that at some speed, they instead flash a “Slow Down” message like the one currently in Crystal Bay?

Joseph Colacurcio

The signs that were installed are only for radar feedback only. They don’t have the ability to display the “Slow Down” sign and all that. Those signs were purchased and installed by Washoe County Roads. I can ask them but I’ll tell you I’m almost 100% sure they don’t have a “Slow Down” sign or flashing lights like our radar trailer does.

Doug Flaherty – Incline Village Resident, Tahoe Sierra Clean Air Coalition Director

Thanks for drawing a line in the sand between anarchy and peace. Do you guys know if you’re short on deputies.

Joseph Colacurcio

Currently we have 485 sworn. I can’t tell you exactly where we stand on staffing levels for the agency as a whole. I can speak for Incline specifically. We have Captain Beard and Lieutenant Miceli. Then we have 5 sergeants, 16 deputies assigned to actual shifts, with 2 motor officers on top of that. Each shift has 4 patrol officers. Two motor officers work Sunday through Wednesday, and 2 others work Wednesday through Saturday. They are doing actual traffic enforcement. That’s the only thing they do. You have the 16 who are responding to calls for service and service requests. So, currently Incline Village is fully staffed.

Agency-wide we’re always short. The reason is that in hiring you can’t put a body over a body already in a slot. Someone has to leave in order for us to hire to fill that spot. We are allowed a certain amount of “over-hires,” thanks to the County Commission, which usually helps us. But with attrition and retirement, and things of that sort, to get a single deputy from the hiring process through the academy and through the training program takes more than 18 months. From the time they submit their letter of interest, they take their civil service test, they go through the background process, then they start the 20-week academy, then about 12-16 weeks of training, then in the detention facility, then moved based on seniority. If they wish to go to patrol, they go through another academy—a 2-4 week refresher depending on how long they’ve been out of the academy, then they get pushed into a patrol training program which is approximately another 3 months, and then they become a fully trained patrol deputy. Which allows them to be their own. 

Currently, right now, I’d say there are 8 in the patrol-training program. As of 2 weeks ago, we graduated our Northern Nevada Law Enforcement Academy students. They have 2 more weeks of training, then they get pushed into the detention facility. We had 18 or 19 who just finished that program so they are ready to go into the detention program. How you make it around the agency is a “funnel-up” system. I believe we’re close to full staffing, but we’ll hit that number, and 3 months later we’re back down because of retirements, et cetera.

Denise Davis

And do you do your “How to get a bear out of the car” training once they get up to Incline?

Joseph Colacurcio

So, yes, that was me in that video. We work with the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW). They provided us with bear-awareness training: how to help bears, how to keep them out of cars, and bear-aware training for the community. Obviously, lock your cars. Please don’t leave food inside. My first experience here was an out-of-towner with a Volkswagon convertible bug. She left a bag of dog food. It was not a small bear sitting in her car eating the dog food on top of her convertible. It happens a lot. The recent unfortunate individual who left her car unlocked didn’t have any food in her car. The bear probably just thought it would look for something and got caught inside and decided to rearrange the interior. So we let the bear out and it was on its way.

Margaret Martini

Do you carry both your regular rifle and the [inaudible]

Joseph Colacurcio

Ms. Martini’s question was what are we carrying for less lethal and lethal options for bears? We carry a 40 mm foam round, which is a little bigger than a half dollar, and comes out around 400 feet per second. We call it the Big Bertha gun. It is used as a deterrent. That is what we carry for a less lethal option. Obviously, we don’t want to mix lethal and non-lethal rounds. So we switched to a 40 mm. It doesn’t fit in my pistol. It doesn’t fit in my AR or my shotgun. Those three are used as lethal options. It would be very rare if we had to use lethal options on a bear. It would be to protect life only. If that bear you cornered is attacking a human, obviously the lethal option is the only option at that point. We use the 40 mm round for hazing if necessary, which is also very rare.

Denise Davis

Just remember it’s our responsibility to keep the food away from the bears. All right. Are there any other questions for our sergeant? Thank you, Sergeant Cola. We appreciate you being here. The non-emergency dispatch number is 775 785 9276.

I want to remind everyone that the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training academy—those folks with the black hats and green sweaters— their training will be in July. If you’re interested in that, send me an email at ivcbcommunityforum@gmail.com, and I’ll send you more information. CERT works through the WCSO and is also supported by our NLTFPD – who gives us space to store our things at the station. And we use their meeting room.

Ryan Sommers – North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District Chief

We are having our annual pancake breakfast July 2 from 8-10 am. Come on down. We’re now fully staffed with our seasonal crews, so, we have 60 on the hand crews [28:35 inaudible]. We are doing projects around the community. The big thing that’s coming up… We’ve only had one meeting, so I don’t have many details yet, more to come. We are going to have a full-scale evacuation drill for Incline and Crystal Bay. No, the whole town is not evacuating. We’re picking a subdivision and asking them to evacuate, and we’ll put two other subdivisions on either side on notice. Hopefully we’ll use the new software Perimeter. I’ll give you more details on that if we’re allowed to use that as the emergency manager. Then anyone who would like to participate, especially if you leave your house, because an accountability system will be used, so you can say you came from the neighborhood [29:20 inaudible,] knocking on doors with CERT members, and [ 29:25] members. There will be a community-faire like thing at the Rec Center. Again, all is very preliminary. We’re working on this. Hopefully there’s more to come very, very soon, because it’s right around the corner. Washoe County hired a vendor to do this. My druthers were not to put it right in the middle of the fire season, but they did. So we will do our best with that.

Denise Davis

I have a list for you. The Lake Tahoe Basin Wildfire Protection Plan update survey closes August 31. Do you want to talk about that?

Ryan Sommers

For the Lake Tahoe Basin Wildfire Protection Plan we had a community meeting, which is part of the process. This is a plan for us to prioritize what fuels or what area of town needs fuels to be reduced to lower the wildfire threat and improve forest health. As part of that process, we held a Community Forum, which was pretty well attended—16-18 people online and in person. Then there is a survey that’s out.

Denise Davis

I have those links in the recap. 

Ryan Sommers

There’s a link you need to use to get to the survey to give us your input on that plan. The rough draft will be out this fall. You’ll have 30 days after the release of the rough draft to provide public comment. Then hopefully we have that out and finalized by the end of the year or the first part of next year. The reason why it’s taking so long is that it’s a unique plan that is basin-wide. It is 2 states, 5 counties, and 1400 personalities that have to get one plan taken care of.

[31:31 inaudible] is taking on the task. They are doing a great job with that. But it’s a huge task, so it’s going to take some time.

Denise Davis

I’ll remind everyone to go to Tahoe Living With Fire.com to learn how to prepare for wildfire. Our emergency personnel are prepared. We are less prepared. So, be responsible, have your personal plan, and be ready to evacuate. Do you want to talk about the Fireaside defensible space evaluation tool?

Ryan Somers

We launched a new software platform. The maker is Fireaside. It is a defensible space evaluation platform and also a chipping platform. It’s the first season for us using it. The data will be very useful. In a nutshell, we come out to your house. We conduct a defensible space evaluation. We give you a piece of paper. If you’re not at home, we’ll leave a door-hanger. And how you access your address through this new software. It will have everything that we are asking you to complete. Once that is complete, you can take pictures, submit that back to the website. We get a notification that the work has been done. We can finalize it from our desk. And then we also have the stats. [33:15 Inaudible]

Then the Chipper Day… If homeowners—not contractors—create a pile in front of your house from the defensible space work that you did, you take a picture of it, submit it to the Chipper Day website, and we will let you know when we’re coming around to chip your pile. We added the extra step of submitting a picture of your pile for two reasons.

1 – If we bring our chipper and we get there and if it’s half a mile long from a contractor…. we only schedule an hour, and that won’t work.  

2 – We administer North Tahoe Fire’s chipping program. They are notorious for calling and getting on the chipping list because they think the list is really long—and they think we’re 2 weeks out. So, we show up tomorrow, and there’s no pile, because they haven’t done the work yet. So, we drove all the way over there to get it done and there’s nothing to do. There’s a requirement that the homeowners have to take a photo so we send the right amount of people over.

Kathie Julian

You mentioned one of the subdivisions that would be involved in the evacuation. I think it was “wood” something? Where is that?

Ryan Sommers

It’s going to be the 2nd Creek Subdivision.

Kathie Julian

Could you explain exactly where is that?

Ryan Sommers

It is the 2nd Creed drainage area, but what we’re looking at is everything to the east of 2nd Creek:  Sugar Pine, Knotty Pine, Gale Drive.

Kathie Julian

Got it.

Ryan Sommers

We’ll draw the line –again, it’s just in sand—because we’re still working on this. We won’t be evacuating what I call Lower Tyner. I was born and raised here. I’ve got my own little name for some of these subdivisions. I don’t know if it’s the same for everybody else. So Lower Tyner…we will not be asking them to evacuate, but that may be one of the communities that gets a Perimeter Alert saying “be ready” in that scenario.

Steve Dolan

Chief Sommers, is it true you named the beaver at Village Green Dolan’s Dog?

Ryan Sommers

[36:00 inaudible] Mr. Dolan, yes it is.

Denise Davis

I want to remind everyone the Tahoe Fires and Fuel Team website gives information about prescribed burns. Please sign up for Washoe County emergency alerts. And would you like to discuss insurance?

Ryan Sommers

So, let’s talk about insurance non-renewals. It’s happening in California. State Farm will no longer write policies in California. That is starting to come over the hill into Nevada like everything else. We are working on this the best we can. Two Tahoe chiefs—Scott Lindgren from Tahoe Douglas and me—we’re working with insurer Mike Menath who has been phenomenal in this arena. He got us an appointment with the new Insurance Commissioner for the State. I’ll be blunt. It’s very uplifting that we have a new Insurance Commissioner and a new administration for the State. He’s very receptive and wants to talk with us. He wants to try to take this on and figure out what we do to not have such a big effect—or have any effect really—of that in our area.

If you get a nonrenewal from your insurance company, contact us. We will come out and perform a defensible space evaluation. More than likely you’re in great shape because you’re going up for your renewal. We’ll write a letter on our letterhead asking them to reconsider. We specifically tell them, do not use the Google Maps shot taken in 2015. They are basing all of their decisions on those. There’s been a lot of work done in this community since. We are definitely doing our best to back homeowners and policyholders who are running into this situation.

Denise Davis

I got the non-renewal notice this year and I was not with State Farm. So it’s not just State Farm.

Pandora Bahlman – Incline Village Resident

Several years ago, and please tell me if I’m off base, there was a sponsored program where you could actually get help to clean up our areas. They had the dumpsters out. Personally, it was very successful in our neighborhood. I think it might have been a collaboration. Is there any thought about doing that sort of thing again?

Ryan Sommers

We get a lot of questions about rebates. You’re going to do all this work on your home or property. In the past we’ve had grants available for rebates up to X-percent of the money you spent. That is an annual thing. Obviously it expired for last year. This year I need to see—because it’s about the time we start hearing about that because we’re getting into the season. I will find out if we secured any funds or not.

Panadora Bahlman

[39:32 inaudible] but they brought out dumpsters. Our whole neighborhood on one day…

Ryan Sommers

That was for the community cleanup [39:41 inaudible] you weren’t supposed to [inaudible] but that’s a good idea

Panadora Bahlman

Actually I think someone was out there cutting down trees on the lots that were not occupied by homes.

Ryan Sommers

We’ll look into that. That’s a good idea. It was several years ago that we did that.

Panadora Bahlman

That was great. Thank you.

Ann Nichols

I think the evacuation is in the Ponderosa subdivision where 2nd creek is one of the streets.

Denise Davis

All right. Last call for questions for the chief. Linda, do you want to give us a quick update?

Linda Offerdahl – Incline Village Crystal Bay Community and Business Association (IVCBA) Executive Director

The Local Hero 4th of July celebration is right around the corner. The parade Chief Sommers talked about… following the pancake breakfast, there’s a parade that starts on Southwood and ends at the Village Green, which will have a community fair. If they get all their permits, the Highlander Pride – the alumni boosters at the high school and all the athletic teams—will serve a backyard BBQ at Aspen Grove.

We need volunteers to decorate the parade route, but probably more important, we need you to volunteer on July 5 to clean everything up.  Reach out to me—linda@ivcba.org— if you can help.

The drone show called the Sky Show on the 4th also needs volunteers. There will be a DJ and MC and a lot of entertainment that day in addition to the laser and the drone show including food trucks and a beer tent hosted by Incline Spirits. We need people to check IDs and put wrist- bands on for that. We need 6-8 volunteers. The drone show still needs donations. Denise and Ronda, I’ll try to put that in the Chat or I’ll send you that link. You can find everything for the 4th of July at Ivcba.org. It’s going to pop up right away where to get all the information for both donating for the Sky Show and for volunteering. Any questions about the 4th of July?

Then I’d like to say a word about the Washoe Tahoe Housing Partnership. The Housing Partnership Roadmap was presented to the Citizen Advisory Board (CAB). We also are presenting it to different groups in the community. So if you didn’t see it or hear about the Roadmap, on June 26 Commissioner Hill will be presenting it to the Incline Rotary Club at noon. Anyone can come. Just let me know if you’d like to go. IVCBA brings nonprofits together periodically in the summer. And the Washoe Tahoe community collaborative will have a meeting on housing right after the Rotary meeting. So there is a second presentation at 3pm. Both meetings are at the Parasol Building.

The Housing partnership is a group of our local agencies – all of the people you just heard from—the hospital included—are in that partnership including our major employers and many residents from Incline—some are on zoom today. IVCBA is not the housing leader. We are part of it. Our goal is to convene people and help get the word out. There’s a pledge we are asking people to sign if you think workforce housing is an issue that needs to be addressed, then we urge you to sign it. The link is [https://tahoeprosperity.org/#pledge].  Please support that pledge if you think we should be looking at this issue. Thank you.

Denise Davis

At the May CAB meeting we had a presentation by TRPA’s Karen Fink regarding housing. At the June CAB meeting, we had a presentation by Heidi Hill Drum of the Tahoe Prosperity Center. If you would like the URL to watch the presentation at our CAB meeting, send me an email at ivcbcommunityforum@gmail.com, and I will send you the URL. 

Doug Flaherty – Incline Village Resident

I’d like to ask about Agenda Item #21 on the upcoming Washoe County Commissioners Meeting agenda. Linda, I’d like to know what the $100,000 the County is giving IVCBA is going to be used for specifically.

Linda Offerdahl

This is for the Mainstreet Program. Mainstreet is for revitalization and redevelopment of our commercial core. The Mainstreet Program is under IVCBA just like it is in the other unincorporated communities of Kings Beach and Tahoe City. We have formed a beautification committee, and we’re working on some initiatives. Right now that includes cleaning up commercial areas, signage, flower planting, and very basic things that would show some improvement in the community. The funding is to hire a manager to look at what the county called community initiatives. I think on the agenda they did put housing in there. IVCBA’s role in housing is strictly like any other organization that’s part of that housing partnership—and our role is generally to convene people. Many people in our town look at the downtown area because it’s been neglected. Mainstreet is a national program that helps communities come together, and brings stakeholders together to address those issues.

Doug Flaherty


Kathie Julian

I want to urge people to… I was one of the people on the partnership committee. I supplied comments on the draft of the Roadmap. I would encourage people to sit down and read the Roadmap, and come up with constructive questions and issues, but really to look at it as a first step. And move forth to engage constructively with the people who are working on the committee and so forth. I think the impression that some people got from the CAB meeting was that in this community we’re not supportive of low-income or moderate-income housing for our workers. I think that’s far from the truth. I think there are many—the broad majority of people in Incline Village—want to see our workers are able to be here to provide us with the services we need. So I think we need to have a very constructive engagement with this process. Thank you.

Ann Nichols

Could I have as much time as the last two speakers? Everybody wants workforce housing. But what is going is TRPA – and it is being promoted by this group which is Linda Offerdahl and various people at the Prosperity Center—wants a 240% increase in allowable housing density, a 37% increase in allowable height, a 75% increase in allowable coverage, and a 66% reduction in parking spaces. This is being promoted by TRPA.

We’re all for workforce housing. But you guys are doing planning, which is what I thought our government agencies like Washoe County or TRPA were for. So you’ve created a quasi-governmental agency that we don’t know about. We don’t have any redress on this. Who do we go to? Do we go to Linda if we don’t like what they come up with? Where is the public process? I’m very confused about TRPA’s relationship with the Tahoe Prosperity Center and IVCBA, Linda’s group. Thank you.

Denise Davis

Linda or Jeff Cowen, do you want to add anything to that?

Jeff Cowen – Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Public Information Officer

I guess I can. We received emails from Ann, and Ronda has asked me to try to speak to this again today as well. So we’re putting together all the information that they might need. So, government agencies just don’t have the bandwidth to do everything and know everything. So, contractors are really common where you have a contractor to come in to fill in the bandwidth and they have the knowledge and [inaudible]. And any policies that come out of that are the responsibility of the public agency. That’s how the accountability ladder is working. Maybe I jumped ahead a little bit. The basin is broken into five jurisdictions with dozens, maybe hundreds, of organizations that are all involved in kind of similar stuff. So working together collaboratively is what we’ve always done. And I think if you look at Linda’s IVCBA business association and the Tahoe Prosperity Center, the North Tahoe Business Association, Tahoe City Downtown Association, they are organizations that we reach out to in order to coordinate and collaborate as needed.

Linda Offerdahl

Washoe County is in charge of the whole thing in Washoe Tahoe. The Tahoe Prosperity Center was the convening group that—maybe the project management—that consultant that was hired for the housing partnership. That’s pretty much the extent. They work on housing throughout the region. And from that basis, we would work with them. TRPA and Washoe County and the Reno Housing Authority are all part of the Washoe Tahoe Housing Partnership. It’s a group that has all the stakeholders and all the players in it.  But at the end of the day, it’s still Washoe County in charge.

Sara Schmitz

Once again I’m very concerned—and I expressed this concern at the CAB meeting—the issue is that TRPA and Washoe County just approved less than 2 years ago the Washoe Tahoe (IVCB) Tahoe Area Plan, which allowed for increased density, reduced coverage, and greater height within town centers for the purpose of having mixed-use affordable type housing. Now that is being somewhat abandoned by a zoning modification that removes the restrictions and allows high-end condominiums to be built in these areas. 

Now they’re coming back and saying—gosh, we need more height, more density and reduced coverage and there’s no environmental study being done as far as I know relative to this. And it just seems like we’re on a dangerous path of saying we need more height, density, and less coverage—and suddenly abandoning the plan.  

We need to protect this basin. We need to protect the environment. And we need to protect the people who live here so there are adequate roads for evacuation and adequate services. I’m very concerned about the direction this is going, and the decisions being made to rezone areas that were zoned specifically for this purpose. Thank you.

Grant Meyer – Incline Village Resident, Incline Village Realtors Board President

I am a 32 year resident of Incline Village, and also president of the Incline Village Realtors for 2023. I also sit on the Washoe Tahoe Housing Partnership Committee. I want to address a couple of things.

As a resident I think we all know we need more workforce housing in the area. Studies have shown time and time again that anywhere between 86% to 93% of short-term rentals are used by their primary homeowners. That’s not the way to promote more long-term housing in a resort market. I’ve been working with our Washoe County Commissioner Alexis Hill to try to find some sort of large development program that we can do to provide a workforce housing option in Incline Village. Our real estate values are so high that you can’t put deed restrictions and small fixes on builders and mom-and-pop owners to try to fix this problem.

We need 400-600 workforce housing units in Incline Village, not one or two per 8 to 30 unit program. We just need to take a bigger holistic approach to this, and find Washoe County some sort of funding mechanism either through the hotel tax or the tourism board, somewhere, so they can provide a workforce-housing development. Deed restrictions through TRPA and loosening coverage restrictions and putting it on the individual homeowners can’t fix a 600-unit issue for our area.

Yolanda Knaak – Incline Village Resident

I want to bring up a couple of other issues that go along with this huge problem. One is they are changing the zoning on Tahoe Boulevard. Because if they change the zoning, they can actually— instead of renting to a business— they can sell their land to a developer and put in multi-million dollar condos there instead of our businesses. We obviously need to support our businesses. The other issue I want to bring up is the whole idea of putting parking lots in Incline Village. I recommend that they be down the mountain, and the people brought up by buses. The problem with putting parking lots in Incline Village is—yes, we do have a parking problem—but even worse– we have a traffic problem. We have winter season and road-repair season. And in road-repair season, our traffic is absolutely horrible. Thank you so much.

Kathie Julian

That was really interesting hearing from Grant on this. I tend to agree that relying on deed restrictions and 8.5% of a high-end condo complex to generate affordable housing is just a drop in the bucket. I think what is critical is that the folks thinking about these things work together to bring in a broader swath of community to discuss these issues, and to have a conversation about just how will it affect the lake. What will the environmental impacts be? There just needs to be a broader, deeper discussion with the community and not just—I’m going to say—“interest groups.” I hope the Roadmap can be an element to take it forward to discuss some of the things in there. Maybe say it’s not going to work, and you really need this. But we have to have that broader discussion. Thank you.

Ann Nichols

We can’t build our way out of this. There’s just not enough buildable land unless we start using Forest Service land. The definition in Merriam Webster of a “quasi governmental agency” is “a private party that receives public money. This is apparently what is going on with IVCBA and TPC. And what is worrisome is that you already hired a PR firm for your Roadmap and a consultant from Alaska on one and Portland on another. And I don’t know if they understand our issues. What everybody is saying is we feel like we’re involved too late. You guys have been meeting on this since 2020, and all of a sudden, bam, here it is. It’s all laid out. So I think you forgot about the public.

John Crockett – Washoe County Incline Branch Head Librarian, Citizen Advisory Board Member

I also serve on the Washoe Tahoe Housing Partnership committee as a resident and as a representative of the library and a local employer depending on local workforce to keep the library open. At the library, we’re off to a great start to the summer. We had over 200 people at our summer reading kickoff block party. A huge thank-you to our community partners who were there: the Sheriff’s Office, Fire Department, Raley’s supplied all the food, Incline Education Fund, Lake Tahoe School, IVCBA, the Pet Network… It was a great turnout and fun to have a community event here in the library parking lot.

Sign up for summer reading—adults as well. You get a free book when you sign up. Log your reading, and 600 minutes gives you another free book. Then we have great programs all summer. Starting next week we have a culinary camp—a 2-day cooking camp. Registration is full for this one. We have a Steam camp coming up in July. And Lego and robotics in August. So lots of fun stuff for the kids. We are open on Saturdays. The  meeting room is available and it’s been nice and busy. So come on by the library. Thank you.

Denise Davis

Don’t forget, if you just need a few herbs, you can get them from the hydroponic garden.

John Crockett

We’ll send out an e-blast and post to social media when we’re ready to harvest. Come by and we’ll give you some lettuce and herbs. Strawberries aren’t quite ready. But it’s really neat, so check that out. That was made possible by a grant from AAUW.

The Farmers Market is here in the parking lot from 3-6 on Thursdays throughout the summer. And another side note: Tahoe Transportation District Incline Mobility Hub meeting is here at the library on June 26th at 5:30.

We also have the Library Board of Trustees here on this Wednesday June 21st. This is the Governing Body for the Washoe libraries. They rotate meetings among the different branches and will be at the Incline branch this June. We’ll talk about what we do for outreach. How we get out in the community. I’ll give an Incline Village report. The director will give an update. We hope to have a new library board member appointed by the Board of County Commissioners on Tuesday.

Jeff Cowen

I just want to make a couple of announcements. I also want to say hi everybody. Good to see such a good turnout today and sorry I couldn’t be there in person. I definitely will try to be next time. June 28 is our next Governing Board meeting. The Washoe-Tahoe Area Plan amendment that we’ve all been discussing for quite awhile is coming to the board for a vote. There have been some modifications TRPA is suggesting that we covered at the Regional Planning Implementation Committee (RPIC) last week. I’m going to post that. So doing some inclusionary zoning and some mixed-use definition to expand what the property on the corner would do for affordable housing and expanding its commercial floor area (CFA) for mixed use. I just want to keep that on everybody’s radar.

Also on the Governing Board on the 28th will be the second year renewal for the Tahoe Transportation District to operate the temporary East Shore Express transit stop at the Old Incline Elementary School. Those are two items that might be of interest to you.

June 22 next Thursday our executive director Julie Regan is having a Coffee Talk at the Tahoe City Public Utility District. She’ll meet and greet and talk about your issues and also to listen. And then one will be held in Incline Village potentially on August 19 in the evening.

Kathie Julian

First, thanks Jeff, for attending. Is Julie Regan ever going to come to IV? Perhaps you can put that on her agenda for one of these talks. Second, on the Tahoe Area Plan  (TAP) amendment, is that going to reflect the mixed-use definitions that went to the Regional Planning and Implementation Committee (RPIC) in May?

Jeff Cowen

We’ll know more when the staff summary posts the week before. That’s been our intention for a little while. I don’t want to say for sure until that staff report is complete and ready. But that was what we were talking about. We are planning a Coffee Talk in August in the evening in Incline.

Kathie Julian

Okay, because on the definition of mixed use, I sent in comments I think are very insightful. So I think it behooves us all to review that very carefully because I saw significant flaws on what went to the RPIC in May.

Ann Nichols

I was very disappointed at the TRPA Government Housing Committee meeting June 14th. Alexis Hill was made the chair.  Although there were over 75 comments written and 17 people at the meeting, there were only 15 minutes for public comment. There are more and more limits on public input, and then you wonder why everybody’s freaked out. And Alexis is on:

Tahoe Prosperity Center board

Tahoe Transportation District board

 TRPA Governing Board

Washoe County Commissioners Chair

Tahoe Living Housing Committee

Local Government Housing Chair

Regional Planning and Implementation Committee

Federal Advisory Committee

The Citizen Advisory Board (CAB)

So how do we get any real skepticism, any checks and balances? Thank you.

Judy Simon

I have a question for Jeff about the development at 947 Tahoe Boulevard that has been discussed quite a bit—whether it’s going to be a zoning change or it ran into conflict because of the mixed-use definition. Where is TRPA on that?

Jeff Cowen

So, the 947-project was approved as multifamily. And then they wanted to apply to do an aerial subdivision into single-family. But that requires a zoning change. So Washoe County is supporting that, and they are applying to TRPA for the zoning change. That’s been going through a lot of review and the public input process for a while. So that’s what’s on the docket for June 28th. Whether that zoning change will allow single-family uses.

The discussion that’s been going around is a lot of community concern that that parcel was only to be used for affordable housing. We haven’t found that. And Washoe County hasn’t found that. So that’s how the process has gotten to this point. It’s still being considered.

The other aspect was to try to focus the zoning to just the two parcels versus all of Incline Village’s SA-1 commercial zone. (And I’m just trying to explain this from zero.)What we’re talking about…). So, concerns that TRPA has shared with the community are about affordable housing in this project and the amount of commercial floor area (CFA) that is being applied to the mixed-use definition. So, last month we brought to the RPIC a proposal to change the multiuse definition for the region and to add an affordable-housing component to mixed-use in town centers. Those are the kinds of concepts we’d like to bring forward to the region. But we’re thinking about applying the zoning amendments for what’s happening right now. Hopefully that wasn’t too confusing. It’s a lot of [1:10:10 inaudible].

Judy Simon

I hung in as tightly as I could. Is the zoning amendment in conflict with the Tahoe Area Plan, or is it part of the Area Plan revision process?

Jeff Cowen

It is an Area Plan revision. A zoning change is being set. Something was not in conformance with the Area Plan. The request is to add that. We continue to evaluate all of our stuff.

Diane Becker

Thank you for coming. I wasn’t going to speak on this but you made a comment and I want to ask you if something would be relevant. You said you haven’t found anything that shows that Tahoe Boulevard Special Area 1 was to be used for affordable housing. I have an email that I wrote to Eric Young that confirms that he told us that, so we withdrew some of our objections. I don’t know if I have a voice mail on that. Is that issue relevant? The reason I ask that is I wasn’t aware that now there’s a statement that Washoe County and TRPA never represented to the community that that affordable housing was the purpose of the increased height and density allowances. I want to know if that would be relevant and useful to be submitted. Is that one of the bases for rejecting what the community said we heard?

Jeff Cowen

I think I’m following you. We got that information from others and probably you as well that there were communications that affordable housing was the only thing allowed. We’ve been reviewing this from the legal side, and have the oversight of our board and other committees as well as Washoe County Commissioners, that this can still go forward. There wasn’t anything prohibiting it as far as an amendment goes.

I think both you and Kathie mentioned something about an earlier thing with height and density that we’re walking away from, and I can’t put my finger on what that is exactly. But height and density of the 947 project was only approved on its face. There wasn’t anything special about it. The only thing that’s happening now is its conversion, and if that conversion would be in nonconformance with height and density. Then they would have to come back and revisit their project. I think I’m tracking what you’re saying.

Diane Becker

No, I think what I’m saying is, and I may have misheard you, but you’re saying you found nothing in the record that shows there was a representation to the community that the reason for the January 2020 Tahoe Area Plan amendment process was because TRPA and the County desired to increase height, density, and coverage so there would be building of affordable housing. And that representation was made. And if you’re saying that TRPA is taking the position that it was not made, I’d like to know that.

Jeff Cowen

I would think that the height, density, and coverage allowances were for other things and affordable housing, not just for affordable housing. We wouldn’t be at this point if height, density, and coverage were not allowed for non-affordable housing, because we’ve never made an affordable housing proposal to start with. I’m just saying that I think there’s more than one aspect that got them to height, density, and coverage.

Denise Davis

Diane, why don’t you follow up offline? Okay, we are at 10:15, so Doug, you have…

Doug Flaherty

So, quickly, maybe this is a comment for Jeff. Claims are made by pro-developer agencies—which include TRPA– that this will not increase human capacity on these 40 SA 1 commercial lots. I guess that would be true if a developer ignored the conversion of all the little shops up and down Tahoe Boulevard that make a living here. If the owners of those parcels decided to sell to a developer who put in $1, $2, $3, or $4 million dollar condominiums, that would surely be an increase in human capacity, therefore increasing roadway overcapacity, therefore jeopardizing our safety during wildfire evacuation. So, it is not true that if the proposed amendment went into effect, and lots were sold and shops leveled, that it would not increase human capacity. Thank you.

Denise Davis

I want to let everyone know the room is booked at 10:30. So Kari, do you want to do some IVGID announcements?

Kari Ferguson – Incline Village General Improvement District Communication Coordinator

I’ll put everything in the Chat Box. The big thing is the water reduction request we’re looking at for next week Tuesday and Wednesday due to the tie-in of the first segment of the effluent pipeline. It says the 24th, so I’m just confirming that it’s from 6am Tuesday to 6pm Wednesday. But I’m waiting on confirmation for that. I gave you the wrong dates originally.

I also put in the Chat the information about the Preferred Parking program at the beaches, which begins this weekend. I put in the bike parade information for people wanting to register for that. That’s families walking and biking to start off the parade on Sunday July 2nd. Anyone who wants to be in that should sign up there.

Denise Davis

And we have another quick update. Todd Lowe is with us today. The Village League has a Flashvote survey out. I did put that information in the Chat and it will be in the recap.  

Todd Lowe – Incline Village Resident, Village League to Save Incline Assets Director

I’ll go really quickly. There’s plenty to talk about. We have a survey out. It’s only open for about 2 more hours. I won’t know the total results until it’s over, but the early results suggest that there is high awareness of our project and the initiative on incorporation of Incline Village.  Supporters dramatically out-weight opposition. The #1 reason—which I think was apparent listening to this meeting—is to improve local control and accountability. We did a quick website FAQ update. Based on survey comments I can see coming in—a lot of people have yet to read. It will be really helpful for people to check back on that. And given the way things are going, we’re looking at a petition drive in July. That’s it for me.

Denise Davis

Thanks, Todd. I want to remind everyone that most Washoe County offices are closed on Monday the 19th for Juneteenth, and also remind you that Tuesday there is a  Board of County Commissioners meeting. [Originally cannabis consumption lounges was on the agenda but it has since been removed—Recap Editor.] There is also a long list of ARPA monetary distributions.

Helen Neff

I will go to the meeting on Tuesday in spite of the very short notice, because they will be closed on Monday in order to submit public comment. But if you want to send in an email, you can copy me—I’ll put my email in the Chat Box —Hneff9@earthlink.net—and I will print a copy and take it down there, and speak to the Board of Commissioners about this. I have no idea why is it coming up 5 months after the Planning Commission decision was denied. My biggest fear is impaired drivers on our streets. I think most people know my story. Cannabis lounges don’t go with sustainable tourism. They counteract health issues. The county spends all this money on Vision Zero—and TRPA too—and we will never get to Vision Zero if we put more impaired drivers on our streets. Thank you guys. And also, if you need “Take It Slow Tahoe” signs, if there are none on your street yet, they’re back in stock at Raley’s.

Denise Davis

I want to remind everybody that the TTD’s Incline Mobility Hub meeting is the last Monday of the month, that’s June 26. They will start looking at sites for the future hub. So that’s an important meeting.

Diane Becker

The CAB meeting has been moved because of the holiday from Monday July 3 to Wed July 5th. It will be in person at the library and on zoom. This too is an important meeting for our community, because we will address emergency management and our Washoe Emergency Plan. It’s an opportunity for everybody. [1:21:40 inaudible]. Washoe Emergency Manager Kelly Echeverria is extremely oriented to protect the public but—as she told me—is not familiar with our area at all. She’s looking forward to a presentation and getting input from all of us. Our sheriff and fire department will also be there. It’s an opportunity to ask your questions and especially get information on our preparedness, which I think all of us will appreciate, and to talk about the drill that they are planning.

Christy Watrud – Incline Village Resident

My husband Chris and I are full time residents for the past 5 years. Like many other residents here we really enjoy outdoor activities all year round including summer biking, hiking, and walking.  On our down days we often go down to walk along the Lakeshore path. What we’ve observed is because with more e-bike companies opening in town, there are more crowds of e-bike participants who are usually without helmets often exceeding 20 mph and riding in larger groups. Sometimes coming from opposite directions they pass each other at the same time, and as pedestrians we literally have to jump to the side or get hit. We’ve come here to express our concerns and hopefully get a conversation started. We’d love to know other places where we can voice these concerns. We feel that just because accidents haven’t happened yet, they are very likely to start soon since the third e-bike company has just opened at the Hyatt. We’re particularly worried about children. We can see possible solutions to this problem might be to ban e-bikes—not regular bikes—from the Lakeshore walking trail. Put them on the roads because that’s the speed they’re going. Or put a speed limit for bikes on that path. That’s what we came here to say today. Thank you.

Denise Davis

I would urge you to contact our County Commissioner Alexis Hill (ahill@washoecounty.gov). She has been working on an e-bike regulation policy.

Doug Flaherty

Denise, you have a tough job. On the Washoe County Commission agenda, Item #13 cannabis lounges, and Item #21, giving $100,000 to IVCBA business association, and giving $22,500 in support of the Housing Roadmap to Tahoe Prosperity Center.

And on Item #29, we’re about to be ramrodded, as usual, with a change in the County Code regarding allowable uses, which includes Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). They make it sound as if they addressed this before and not much is changing. But they are adding the word “residential” to ADUs. That’s going to figure a way for Washoe County to make a sweeping approval of ADUs without TRPA’s input. They signed a Memorandum of Understanding between Washoe County and TRPA in the dark of night a couple of months ago. We need to make sure that everybody studies this and make sure ADUs in Incline Village is treated separately in a separate public hearing, and voice your concern that this will allow every residential lot in Incline Village including those smaller than an acre to have an ADU. Ronda Tycer is right on top of this. Thank you.

Grant Meyer

I’m sorry I have to respond to that. Part of the Tahoe Housing Alliance has found that Utah had the highest population growth in the last 3 years. The number one thing they did to allow for workforce housing, and to keep seniors living in their homes, and young people being able to buy homes, was adding ADUs. There are two types: detached and attached. Attached ADUs are just mother-in-law units in the same existing garage, or the same existing basement of the current property. Detached ADUs are a separate little mini-house on the property. TRPA already allows ADUs around 90% of the lake. Washoe County is the only area that is not allowing ADUs. [1:26:46 Inaudible] I just want to put it out there. We’re all concerned about workforce housing. We’re all concerned about residents being able to stay in their houses. We’re concerned about young buyers being able to afford houses in this area. This is a very easy low-hanging-fruit solution that we found across the country in other resort areas and in other states with massive population boons to provide those housing solutions. That’s all I wanted to say.

John Crockett

Sorry folks, but we have to wrap it up right here. If the Board of County Commissioners has an Incline specific agenda, they are offering public comment from the library. We get a heads-up the week before if there’s going to be an agenda item that will allow live-stream comment from Incline. Please check in with us before the meeting. Everybody have a great weekend. Thanks Denise for moderating today.

Denise Davis

Thank you all for coming and we’ll see you in 3 weeks.


Ann Nichols

Chris King

Chris Watrud

Christy Watrud

Chris Wood

David Simon

Denise Davis

Diane Becker

Doug Flaherty

Gail Krolick

Grant Meyer

Helen Neff

Jeff Cowen

Jenn Boyd Lemming

Jennifer Greenough

John Crockett

Joseph Colacurcio

Judy Simon

Kari Ferguson

Kathie Julian

Kristy Watrud

Linda Offerdahl

Marsha Berkbigler

McKenna Temen

Michaela Tonking

Mignone Wood

Miranda Jacobson

Nick Tone

Pam Straley

Pandora Bahlman

Ronda Tycer

Ryan Sommers

Sara Schmitz

Shirley Appel

Steve Dolan

Todd Lowe

Walter Beardsley


Our email is:


Washoe County Sheriff Office (WCSO)

non-emergency dispatch  775-785-9276

Incline substation Facebook page


North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District website


non-emergency fire dispatch (Grass Valley)  530-477-0641, then pick 7

Lake Tahoe Basin CWPP (Community Wildfire Protection Plan) update – survey closes August 31


QR code available at nltfpd.org

Helping Tahoe residents and visitors prepare for wildfire

Fire Aside defensible space evaluation announcement


Washoe County emergency alert sign-up


Tahoe Fire and Fuels Team (TFFT) prescribed burn info

Road construction updates


IVGID effluent export pipeline project updates


IVGID Passes info – Changes for 2023-24


IVGID Recreation Punch Card renewal


IVGID Preferred Beach Parking Program


Curbside yard debris collection (May, June, July, Oct)


Village League (City of Incline Village effort) FlashVote survey


June 20 – Washoe County BCC (Board of County Commissioners) meeting


June 22 – TRPA “Coffee Talks With Julie” – Tahoe City


June 26 – Incline Village Mobility Committee (bus hub) meeting


June 28 – TRPA  Governing Board meeting


July 2-4  IVCBA calendar of events

US Senator Rosen has created a statewide Senior Resource Guide

Galena Creek Regional Park S’more Family Fun Fridays

Washoe County Community Engagement Survey


All applications for Washoe County Commission District 1


Neighborhood Meetings for upcoming projects


Washoe311 – request for service

call 311 or 775-328-2003


Washoe County – Traffic and Roadway Engineering


IV/CB Community 1st meetings and community info


IVCBA (Incline Village Crystal Bay Community and Business Association)



09:08:47     From  Sara Schmitz : Sara Schmitz 925-858-4384 – NDOT signage noticing when Sand Harbor Parking lot it full.

09:10:09     From  Jenn Boyd Lemming : https://www.inclinehighways.com/ to sign up for newsletters/text messages. If you also want to put your email here we’ll add you to the list. Thank you.

09:19:52     From  Washoe County Libraries : washoesheriff.com, 311

09:28:44     From  Washoe County Libraries : WCSO non-emergency – 775-785-WCSO (9276)

09:32:45     From  Washoe County Libraries : tahoelivingwithfire.com

09:34:33     From  John Crockett/Incline Village : our email is:


09:43:15     From  Kari Ferguson : REDUCED WATER USE REQUEST – Tuesday June 20, 2023, 6:00am – Weds 21, 2023 6:00am

[On Tuesday June 20th, IVGID will be completing the first tie-in of a new section of the effluent pipeline on SR28. During this time, wastewater treatment operations will continue as normal. However, during the construction of the tie-in, the treated effluent will be stored at the treatment plant until the tie-in is complete and new section is fully operational and effluent pumping resumes. There is sufficient storage at the treatment plant for construction of the new pipeline tie-ins.

IVGID is requesting the Incline Village and Crystal Bay residents please make arrangements to minimize all domestic water use on Tuesday, where possible. This includes laundry, dishwashers, or any water use that goes down the drain. Reduced wastewater flows will help simplify the critical tasks IVGID treatment plant staff must complete once the effluent pipeline is returned to full service.] IVGID greatly appreciates your support

09:44:56     From  Kari Ferguson : Preferred parking program: https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/events/preferred-parking

09:45:28     From  Kari Ferguson : https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/events/summer-live-music-schedule-at-incline-beach

09:46:32     From  Kari Ferguson : Local Hero’s Bike Parade: https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/events/july-4th-kids-bike-parade

09:47:13     From  Washoe County Libraries : Pledge at https://tahoeprosperity.org/wthp/

09:48:41     From  Kari Ferguson : Interested in receiving IVGID Board Meeting agendas please email info@ivgid.org

10:08:53     From  Kari Ferguson : Sorry that date on water reduction is 6/20-6/21. Unsure why is posted the 24th.

10:10:32     From  kathie julian : That zoning change is not just about 947 Tahoe, it is about the entire Special Area 1 zone.  That is a serious change in our community zoning.

10:14:29     From  kathie julian : Our community needs to examine the Special Area Plan 1 zoning change carefully.  It could lead to the area along SR28 being developed as high end condos with minimal  mixed use and minimal affordable/workforce housing.  The community must look carefully at the details.

10:21:14     From  Jeff Cowen – TRPA : Thank you everyone. Kathie, Doug, et.al. Your comments are heard and noted. Diane, I will follow up to make double sure your email with Eric Young is on the record and will try to re-explain what building limits were applied to 947, again it would not have been approved if it didn’t meet existing requirements of the Area Plan. I have a feeling those building limits applied to affordable housing and/or other considerations, such as mixed use.

10:21:30     From  Washoe County Libraries : hneff9@earthlink.net

10:22:34     From  Chris King, Siemens : Jeff – I’m expressing my agreement with the comments by Kathie, Doug and others with their concerns. 10:24:15     From  Jeff Cowen – TRPA : I have to jump to another meeting everyone. Thank you Chris King!

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