IV/CB Community Forum Minutes

February 18, 2022

Jeff Cowen – Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, Public Information Officer

Good morning everybody. I’ve really missed attending, but I appreciate you’ve saved a space for me. I really appreciate it. I’m here to answer questions. I know we have a number of projects coming forward in Incline Village that you guys want to know about. The main update is that the Tahoe Keys Controlled Methods Weed Removal test was approved. Everybody involved at TRPA went into it with the same kind of trepidation we heard from commentators. But eventually it became clear it was going to be the best way forward.

Next week on Wednesday at our Governing Board meeting, we’ll be hearing a proposal to change our code regarding Forest Health and Fuels Reduction treatment so ground-based mechanized equipment can be used on steep slopes. Right now on slopes of 30-50% grade, the current code only allows handcrews. We did some analyses. and about 61,000 acres in the Basin are between 30-50% slope, and 41% of those are within the wildland-urban interface areas—the defense zones around our communities. We’re hearing from our partners in the team that this is going to be a game-changer. Right now I think there are almost 300 wildfires burning in California since January 1. The Bishop fire is exponentially increasing in size. Wildfire threat is so massive that we’re doing everything we can to increase the pace and scale of fuel reduction projects.

Denise Davis

Jeff, do you need to go off to another meeting?

Jeff Cowen

I’ll stay for questions. My meeting just started at 9, but again, this is most important. So I hope I can give answers to everything. There’s loads to update, and not all of it is good.

Steve Dolan – Incline Resident, Friends of Third Creek Director

This question is based on news I just learned. It’s directed to TRPA, NLTFPD, and the US Forest Service who is recommending thinning the urban forests which are mostly around streams. Within 100 ft of the stream it’s very important for—get this—flying squirrels. I didn’t know they existed here, but they do. So I just want to give a heads up. I know the US Forest Service is planning to thin around Incline Creek and Third Creek in our urban area. So I just want to give a heads up. Thank you.

Sara Schmitz – Incline Village General Improvement District Trustee, IVCB Community 1st Director

Jeff, thanks for being here. I’m reading TRPA might be expanding outside the Basin because of the understanding that development projects outside the Basin inpact the inside. I’m wondering if you have an update on that. And if you also have an update on the Boulder Bay project. 

Jeff Cowen

Sure. What you’re seeing in the news about the Martis Valley West Development was a court decision—for both Tahoe Palisades and Martis Valley West. The judges ordered that those developers do a better job of incorporating Lake Tahoe issues and thresholds into their plans. But it does not expand our authority into those areas. When those Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) come forward, public agencies are all invited to comment. And also TRPA— whenever those projects have come forward, where there are EIS statements to incorporate impacts to parts of the Basin, we’ve always offered whatever comments we can. We don’t know much more beyond that because these are both fairly recent decisions and they haven’t moved into the next phase of solutions for those proposed projects. So we’ll know more in the next year as EISs are updated and those projects are revisited by their proponents. We’re here to help them in any way we can to meet our environmental goals and reduce impactsto the Basin. But our jurisdiction stops at the watershed.

Sara Schmitz

And what about the project formerly known as Boulder Bay?

Jeff Cowen

I checked in with our Planner on the project, Paul Nielson, and he still hasn’t received a formal application from them. So you’ve seen the statements that we put out saying a lot of “we don’t knows.” Until we have a formal application in front of us, it burns a lot of energy trying to guess at what the answers to a lot of these questions are. But at least we’re aware of a lot of the community’s concerns already. We’ll know how to answer those questions better when we get an application.

Chris Wood – Incline Resident, Citizen Advisory Board Member

To follow up on that Boulder Bay question. What’s next for TRPA with respect to that development? Is it just you’re waiting for the application, or are there any other matters coming before you?

Jeff Cowen

The overall project has an approved permit. If they don’t propose any changes, they still have to get approval for phases of that. So on the grounds permitted, they still have to apply for demolition, grading, road reconfiguration, etc. Those are approved in the concept, but they still need a submitted application for each of those individual phases. And then when it comes to construction, they would need an additional application for the details of that. But in principle they have an approved project, and they they could move forward with that tomorrow. They could say we’re going forward with this project as it was planned. And we’re ready to begin grading, demolition etc. (which wouldn’t be able to start until May).

Chris Wood

What  organization within TRPA, what subcommittees, would these other applications go to?

Jeff Cowen

I’m not sure. Myaybe the more significant ones might go to a Hearings Officer. But I think generally when we have an approved project, they’ll go to permits at the staff level. I’ll try to get an answer to that question.

Chris Wood

That would be great. Thank you.

Kathie Julian – Incline Resident, Citizen Advisory Board Member

I’m following up on Sara and Chris. It seems we’re caught between this. We’re waiting for an application. You say that to do demolition and specific items they would need to come to TRPA for a permit, but I hear you say this goes to a staff person perhaps, so the public may not even be aware they’ve come to you for a permit. How does TRPA know this project has not changed in scope? I think the concern of the community is that this project has evolved. And until there is a comprehensive review of what the project is as they now envision it, it will be piecemeal developed perhaps even with permits given at staff level but no public involvement in terms of any kind of information. So I think that’s the public concern.

Jeff Cowen

If they propose significant changes, we will know then if anything has changed so much we need to require a public hearing process. If it doesn’t change—then following up on Chris Wood’s question—at what level would each of those permitting applications be reviewed? Project components can’t change piecemeal fashion. I can’t recall what we call it. But it’s like if I were to propose a little bit of grading outside my yard and it was qualified as exempt; and then , 6 months later I do another one, and 6 months later another, etc. That isn’t allowed. Each would be reviewed as part of a whole. Same with Boulder Bay/Resort at Tahoe.

Kathie Julian – Incline Resident, Citizen Advisory Board Member

It’s good to understand at what level that is reviewed and the extent to which it’s open to the public for information. Thanks.

Margaret Martini – Incline Resident, IVGID Ordinance 7 Committee Member

The project was approved 10 yrs ago. So when you get an approval from TRPA, does it go on into infinity? Aren’t there time limits? Because things change so. A 10-year-old project approval doesn’t seem relevant to today. I don’t understand why there aren’t parameters for expiration—for letting it die.

Jeff Cowen

Large scale projects can be phased, once they’re approved, and they continue in phases. So they still have an active permit. It’s pretty standard operation— nothing special was done to keep that EIS going. Even if they say we’re going to build exactly as we said before, we’ll still sit down at that moment and look around to see if anything has changed outside of this project over this time that would need to be updated in the environmental analysis. So we’ll look at that. I just want to explain that significant changes in traffic analysis and things like that are… So just hypothetically, “Was an 80-bed hospital built within 4 miles?” “Was a significant development created down the road or across the street?” “Were 300 new rooms developed across the street?” Those are the kinds of triggers that we would be looking for—even if the project didn’t change—to say that analysis would need to be updated before we get too far down the road. Kathie, I didn’t say thank you for your question and thank you for your service.

Judy Simon –  Incline Resident, Citizen Advisory Board Alternate Member

This is to do with Boulder Bay again. Help me understand. The Washoe County Board of Adjustment approved some excavation. Is Placer County involved? What is TRPA’s role? It seems to me once excavation has begun, you’re already disturbing the soil. I asked someone at 

TRPA and they indicated they were working off this 11-year old permit. So what’s California’s involvement?

Jeff Cowen

I don’t know. That’s a good question. The developer would be reaching out to the County. I don’t think we would proactively engage that unless we found something on which we felt they needed to be engaged if the applicant hadn’t already done so. Grading can’t begin until May 1. And they need a permitted application to start grading. And we don’t have an application yet.

Helen Neff – Incline Resident

I have a quick question for Jeff as well. The Boulder Bay is an old application. I find it hard to believe that an updated traffic study is not required. Since they put in their application King’s Beach has totally changed their traffic, which results in our traffic getting backed up. And my biggest fear is if we all have to evacuate.

Jeff Cowen

I can’t exactly address that yet because we don’t know yet. We will look at it when we know they will be moving forward. We haven’t decided that no updates are needed.

Helen Neff

So possibly a new transportation study could be required?

Jeff Cowen

Can we say “possibly and possibly not” only because I don’t want people to get an impression one way or the other.

Helen Neff

Okay. Thank you.

Sara Schmitz

Do we have any idea what’s going on with the Cal Neva plans?

Jeff Cowen

I don’t. We have not heard a peep. I’ll find out if there’s an actual application in or not.

Steve Dolan

If anything changes across the street at Cal Neva… Since the Boulder Bay permit was approved,  Cal Neva has been authorized by TRPA to add an additional 400,000 cubic feet in their casino. I think a 400,000 cubic foot expansion would merit a new review. I don’t know how Boulder Bay is supposed to report these changes or who monitors these changes in the neighborhood. But I would think that would be a trigger for a review of the entire permit for Boulder Bay. Maybe yes maybe no?

Jeff Cowen

It’s a big question. It goes back to the Regional Plan update in 2012. And the way the 1987 Regional Plan set growth limits in the Basin. The steps to limited growth were tied to environmental improvements. If a project is within the growth cap, then it can move forward into permit application and environmental analysis and can be considered. Projects that are within the development limit—size, building envelope, development rights—can come in to get reviewed. They won’t be stopped at the door. We look at projects across the street from one another, if they’re in the development caps for the region, then they can be proposed and reviewed.

Steve Dolan

Jeff, as far as I know, there was deep research on the part of the Cal Neva group to find a loophole that wasn’t utilized in the 1960s. But their research was done after the 2012 time period. I don’t know enough but I know that former Commissioner Berkbigler was part of this group that authorized it on behalf of Washoe County and TRPA. So it seems to be because it’s after those parameters – and this was almost a grandfathered-in concept that they approved—that it seems to merit a flag on both Boulder Bay and…  the Cal Neva expansion is done in that particular casino area.

Jeff Cowen

I’m taking notes on that. Thank you Steve.

Denise Davis

Well, Jeff we really appreciate you being with us this morning and answering questions. I know there’s not a lot of detail at the moment. But we appreciate your efforts.

Jeff Cowen

What we’re hearing is a desire for public process and a desire to know as soon as things happen. I want you to know you’re being heard, even if I’m not here every other week—but I certainly hope to be more regular.

Kari Ferguson – Incline Village General Improvement District Communication Coordinator

Happy Friday everyone! I want to let everyone know about our Audit Committee meeting on Tuesday at 6pm. The link to the agenda is already in the Chat. All of our Board Meetings are listed for the next 6 months on the website, so take a look there. We have lots of things happening. At Diamond Peak, tonight is the Community Snowshoe if the moon is still gorgeous out there. We have a Stoke Mountain Tour March 2 which is a cool way to get self-certified for our sustainability efforts. We have a Sunrise Skin March 6. And also on March 6 is our annual spring demo day at the Village Ski Loft. March 14, which is 3.14 or the mathematical number pi, we’ll be handing out free fruit pies. March 20 will be our annual downhill dummy day. We’re calling for everyone to please make a dummy for March 20. This will be the 20th annual presentation of this fun event. I’ll put the link for that in the Chat Box as well. We’re hoping to get folks to build dummies and come to watch it. We have another new program for Seniors. On Monday mornings they’re offering cross-country skiing. It’s a very good price and—if you’ve never done it before—it’s a great way to get introduced. You’re skiing with a buddy. You’re not out there by yourself. And it’s lots of fun. That’s about everything.  We’re working with the Fire Department and other community collaborators on the 4th of July. Once I get a schedule I’ll get it out to you guys.

Denise Davis

I do know a little bit of information about the proposed Drone Show is online. That information is in the Chat already. That’s an exciting new change for our fireworks. Thanks for being with us Kari.

Kari Ferguson

Of course. Thanks you guys. Have a great day!

Ryan Sommers – North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District Chief

We’re status quo. Right now, no news is good news.

Corey Solferino – Washoe County Sheriff Office Captain

I don’t have a lot. I’m meeting with Tahoe Tribune later today, going over some of the things we talk about in this meeting with parking enforcement and traffic citations and speeding and what not. We have received some pushback as you can imagine with people getting ticketed for parking in “No Parking” areas. I just want to let you guys know there is a balance to that. We like to come out and do education and come out and do enforcement. We like to get in front of it with these meetings. So for the next meeting, I have Sergeant Colacurcio working on some analyses this morning—sorry he’s not here. We’re going to present this meeting with some statistics that we have been doing up at the lake as far as enforcement action and our speeding campaigns. This month we are doing a “Second Chance” ticket program. It’s sponsored through the Nevada Donor network. People that are committing violations that would normally result in a citation are given a second chance opportunity and information on how to sign up to be a donor through the donor network. That’s been going on with great success this week.

Sara Schmitz

Thank you for being here to answer our questions. At our last meeting, we started talking a little bit about bicycles. The seasons will change. I did some research on the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS). And NRS does say that bicycles that are human-powered are allowed to ride on sidewalks unless there’s a local ordinance that forbids it. There’s a second NRS definition of electronic bikes. It uses the word “bicycle” as well. So do we have any clarity about what are the rules about e-bikes being considered “bicycles” and being allowed on sidewalks? The NRS language was confusing. Do you have any clarity?

Corey Solferino

So the LCB hasn’t addressed the specificity of electronic bicycles yet. By definition, a bicycle is human powered. So anything electronically propelled would no longer qualify as a bicycle. To be a motorized vehicle, however, it has to have certain CC parameters. So that very topic is one we’re working with Commissioner Hill on—some of those ordinances or county codes that we could possibly implement to keep the recreational pathways for walkers and runners; and figuring out how to integrate the e-bikes into a motorized fashion. If we start going down that rabbit hole, then it looks like we have to deal with OHVs and licensing and registration. So suffice it to say technology has caught up with us but the NRS has not. So we go back to the “common decency” standard. If we have somebody that is on a roadway and making it uncomfortable for the motoring public—not abiding by the rules—we will interact accordingly. If there’s somebody on a pathway and they have an e-bike that isn’t being used in conjunction with other recreationists, not obeying the rules, t hen we have  to intercede accordingly. So there’s no perfect line. A lot of law enforcement is in the gray area. It’s not so much black and white. Routinely when we’re down in Carson City and writing new laws, sitting down as lobbyists, arguing on behalf on public safety – you get 8 different people in the room including the attorneys and legislators writing the law—and 8 people interpret it differently. So it is noted. We’re working on it at the County level with County Code. And we’ll take those to Carson City in 2023 to try to hammer out some of those things because e-bikes are here to stay. We need to learn how to co-exist and enjoy all the seasons for all the entities.

Chris Wood

Hasn’t Washoe County passed an ordinance regarding bicycles as it was authorized to do per NRS? And those regulations apply here in Incline Village except on Highway 28. Do you know about these regulations and what they tell us to do?

Corey Solferino

To my knowledge, nothing has been passed regarding the ordinance on e-bikes. That’s news to me if it has. I will look into that and report back next meeting.

Chris Wood

I guess my question wasn’t very clear. Isn’t there a regulation regarding human-powered bikes that has been passed by Washoe County?

Corey Solferino

Again, normally I charge based on NRS. Because County Code can take a few years to get caught back up with NRS. I’ll have to look into that. Our guys don’t normally charge Washoe County code, because the NRS is more specific with a bit more legal teeth as we navigate our way through 6300 sq miles that are Washoe County. But I’ll take a look and report back to you. I apologize but I’m driving at the moment so I can’t pull up a reference.

Chris Wood

No, no problem at all. I just thought I heard that on a chat here at the Forum a few meetings back. But I’ll look into it too. Thank you.

Linda Offerdahl – Incline Village Crystal Bay Business Association Executive Director

Hi everyone. I’m Linda Offerdahl with IVCBA. I have three community announcements for events taking place before the next Forum in March. This Sunday at the Cornerstone Church, Toccata has a performance at 4pm by Elizabeth Pitcairn who plays the famous Stradivarius Red Violin. IVCBA has an event next Tuesday from 4:30-6:00pm. It’s combining two things: part of our Tap Into Tahoe welcome program inviting any new residents to come combined with a new member orientation. [inaudible] It will be at the place where we have our office at Mountain Workspace. It has an art gallery open 9am-2pm five days a week. We are switching artists from Marty Gollery and Karen Colbert to Monica Piper-Johnson and Liz Paganelli. The artist reception is Thursday March 3rd 4:30-6:00pm. Again it’s open to the community to see their beautiful work and it will be there for the next couple of months.

Sara Schmitz

Where is Tuesday’s event being held?

Linda Offerdahl

At Mountain Workspace at 885 Tahoe Boulevard.

Denise Davis

I just want to make everyone aware that the Citizen Advisory Board (CAB) which is through Washoe County will be held Monday March 7 at 5:30. The agenda items include the North Lake Tahoe Emergency Evacuation Plan—something we’re all interested in—and also we’ll have a

presentation from IVGID by Trustee Sara Schmitz and General Manager Indra Winquest – to speak about the work and the role of an IVGID Trustee, and how you can take an active interest in IVGID and its operations. The CAB meeting Monday March 7 at 5:30 is online. The URL is in the Chat and the recap.

Kathie Julian

I’d just like to add about the CAB meeting that there is space for public comment before and after the CAB meeting presentations. So if there isn’t an issue on the agenda that a member of the public would like to discuss, or comment on, they’re welcome to make a comment on their own topic briefly in 3 minutes within the context of public comment.

Judy Simon

I received a postcard that outlined times of all CAB meetings. I’d like to know if that was generally distributed because I think it was.

Denise Davis

I see heads shaking yes. I also received one.

Kathie Julian

I did not receive one.

Denise Davis

Oh, Jack Dalton says he received two… so he got yours Kathie.

John Crockett – Washoe County Library Head Librarian

I have a few announcements. Just to let you know, our mask requirement at the library has been rescinded. So it’s recommended and we do provide them, but not required or enforced. And food and drink are now allowed in the meeting room. So if you have a meeting in the meeting room, you can bring refreshments. Our library-lending kiosk which we call Library-To- Go is now functional. So you can get a book 24/7. If you come to the library on the weekend and we’re closed so you can’t get a book, and you absolutely need your next read, you can scan your library card and check out a book from the vending machine. We have books for all ages – kids, teens, and adults, and DVDs. So you can try that out.

We have some programs coming up. Next Thursday is Pajama Story Time at 6:30 with Ms. Robin. Then in March we start a few new programs including the “Inclined to Read” book club on Tuesday. March 15th we’re reading The Invisible Life of Addie Larue by V. E. Schwab. Our former librarian Phyllis Rogers is hosting that group. We’re also starting a service called Book a Librarian. Previously we had Seniors to Seniors where you could get tech help at the library. We’re giving it a more general name now called Book a Librarian. You sit down with us and ask questions. You can learn how to download an ebook, how to sync an Ipad and Iphone, create a resume, set up an email account—a wide range of things we can help you with. That starts in March. You can Book a Librarian for 1 hour at a time between 2-7pm on Tuesdays and 10-3 on Fridays. We have a great program with the Tahoe Institute of Natural Science (TINS) on Tuesday March 1st about initiating the Wildflower Big Year. It’s counting as many wildflower species as you can in a calendar year in the Tahoe Basin. Sara Hawkins Smith will be here to discuss that. Lots of stuff going on all of a sudden.

Denise Davis

Thanks John. And just one more brief reminder that the Washoe County Board of Commissioners meeting is on Tuesday at 10am. One item on the agenda that caught everyone’s interest pertains to new voting rules. If you want to discuss that in a few minutes we can. Just remember you can watch on youtube or the Washoe County channel, but you’re not able to comment through the online options.

Sara Schmitz

Thank you. As it relates to the proposed changes, I encourage IVCB residents to write Washoe 311 and the Commissioners about the item receiving mail-in ballots by certified mail. All of us in Incline Village already have challenges with normal day-to-day mail, let alone trying to get certified mailed ballots. I just don’t think the County Commissioners understand the challenges we all have just receiving mail consistently and easily. I think we need to remind the Commissioners, and ask if they have any ability to pressure the US postal service to make some improvements for us. That would be wanted as well.

Margaret Martini

John’s not here for the School Board thing. An unnamed gentleman has initiated a Recall Petition for Angie Taylor, the head of the WCSD School Board. It’s very much needed. And he has put up the money—originally right now $30K—but there’s more where that came from. He’s committed—as a lot of us are—to changing the School Board and what’s going on at the Board. And also he’s funding actions at the County Commissioner level. There have been a couple of affidavits against Bob Lucey for gross sexual misconduct. And they were done by a current and former commissioner. And there are things going on there. And also the same gentleman who is looking to recall Angie Taylor is initiating a recall for Vaughn Hartung, the current head of the County Commission. And I think that’s also much needed. [Final comment removed-RD]

Judy Simon

I’m just wondering, I know there’s no one from the County here, but I have looked at the agenda item regarding voting, and it seems very restrictive. I don’t know how it has arisen or the background. But I would urge people to weigh in on this.

Denise Davis

If everyone’s okay with it, I printed out the actual memo and I was going to read through the items. They have 20 items to address regarding voting. They include:

“• Immediately correct the current voter registration list in-verification with the USCIS SAVE program, National Change of Address (NCOA), and Washoe County Assessor and Vital Records; 
• Ensure the strict use of Washoe County residents as poll workers;

• Provide equitable and fair opportunities for observation; 

• Limit private contributions per contributor to the Registrar’s Office to $2,500 
per year; 

• Enact any other measure that ensures the accuracy, security, and purity of 

• Quarterly reporting by the Registrar of Voters of all measures, and improvements 
thereto, used to ensure accuracy, reporting, and purity of elections; 

• Utilize stealth paper ballots as the primary method of voting, with provision of one 
electronic voting kiosk for ADA qualified voters; 

• Ensure mail ballots are sent certified receipt so only intended voter takes 
possession of it; 

• Ensure ballot envelopes are scanned as “received” at intake stations connected in real time to voter database before being deposited into ballot boxes.

• Ensure bipartisan teams, who are not married, are utilized throughout election processes, including but not limited to verification of registration applications, intake stations/ballot boxes, ballot pickup teams, sorting sealed envelopes into precincts, delivering sealed envelopes to precinct tables, opening envelopes, verifying signatures, counting ballots, tallying results, etc.; 
• Ensure bipartisan teams are approved by respective Central Committees of primary parties; 
• Ensure bipartisan teams are scheduled in two shifts (one morning/day, one afternoon/swing) for all positions; 

• Ensure there is a Nevada National Guard presence at each polling/ballot box location, as well as the central counting center; 

• Ensure the counting procedure is public and continues without adjournment until completed (NRS293.363); 

• Ensure ballots are counted by hand in order to be counted by hand in a recount (NRS 293.404);

• Ensure same day registrations are issued a paper provisional ballot of a different color than precinct paper ballots; 

• Ensure all voter registration forms are verified against the USCIS SAVE program, National Change of Address (NCOA), and Washoe County Assessor and Vital records BEFORE they are entered into the voter registration system; 

• Ensure registrations in voter registration system expire 5 years after registration/renewal; 

• Ensure renewal notifications are mailed in January to “active” electors whose registrations expire that year;

•Ensure forensic material of elections is maintained for a period of 10 years.”

So that’s what’s being proposed in the memo and the agenda item.

Kathie Julian

Thanks for these. I think it’s important to clarify that this memo is a memo from the Commissioner Jeanne Herman who is proposing these measures. This is  not a Staff Report. It is a memo to the Board through the Washoe County Manager. It is basically her memo proposing this. And in the memo she gives no basis for changing the policies. Although she says our election system is inadequate, she gives no evidence for that. It truly is her memo to the Board and that’s what they are being asked to vote on. I would encourage people to go to the website and look at this and think about some of the ramifications from these various measures, including some that are ill-defined like the one that says any measure to ensure the “purity” of our elections, which is very ill-defined. I do agree with Sara that the certified mail suggestion is completely unworkable here in Incline.

Chris Wood

Kathie, you said this was a memo from one of the Commissioners. I’m looking at the link Sara put into the Chat, and I opened up the memo and it says it’s from Staff. Is that not the memo you’re talking about?

Kathie Julian

The memo I’m speaking about at the very top says Washoe County Staff Report. But it is a memo from Jeanne Herman to the Board through the County Manager. I have emailed Eric Brown to confirm this and I’m still waiting for the confirmation. If you read the memo, it is her memo. She bases her memo on—one of the things she cites is that they they had a very robust discussion on February 8th where a number of people gave public comment who thought the elections were fraudulent, and that there were many problems with the elections. At least one news report said these were baseless allegations of the public. I think it demands that people do look into this and research this. I’ll be happy to send links to some of the articles. I did look at this last night. I really think that people need to read the memo and make their own decision on it. Thank you.

Chris Wood

And thank you too. I do see it’s from Jeanne Herman.

Denise Davis

Jeanne Herman is representing District 5 of Washoe County.

Sara Schmitz

I just want to give a big of background. Back in 2018 Jeanne Herman brought to the attention of the County Commissioners a stack 12” high of ballots that were mailed to her address. At that time, the County Commissioners requested an investigation into the practices of the Office of the Registrar. Perhaps the results are not available to the public. I have not had the opportunity to see the results from that investigation. But I too started digging into our voter list because I was a candidate. After I saw the list I contacted the Secretary of State about irregularities in the voter list. And I learned a great deal about how voter lists are not cleaned up. And what resulted with all of the mail-in… An example is the people who used to own the house next to me who hadn’t owned property there for about 7 years. They received a mail-in ballot. Because they were still on the Voter Registration list. So I think the initiative has merit in trying to clean up lists. And do it for the integrity of our elections. I think that’s a good step and a needed step. As I mentioned, there was an investigation in 2018. Perhaps that’s not public knowledge, and the Commissioners might have the information and we don’t. But the other thing I did hear —and it’s hearsay—but local pollworkers observed people driving into Incline with out-of-state licenses and walking in and voting. Because they had no authority, all they could do was write a report about their concerns. They were never given information, to my knowledge, to say those votes were not counted. So I do think that as a community and as residents it’s important for all of us to ensure when voting occurs it is correct and accurate. I think it is important and we should all understand the County Commissioners are trying to do the right thing. If there are changes we need to incorporate in this resolution—specifically as I already mentioned about certified mail – it’s our duty also to give them our input and feedback. And hopefully we’ll have a better and more accurate election in 2022.

Steve Dolan

I got one of these emails. And I see Kathie’s up and can probably respond to this. It said, “regarding the Resolution R22-28 we need to respond before 4pm today for this to be public record. I just wanted to give people a heads up regarding that.

Denise Davis

Also, just so everyone is aware, the emails you send or comments you leave on 311 are no longer read or heard live during the Commissioner meetings.

Kathie Julian

I put into the Chat a link to a report of a detailed study by the Nevada Secretary of State’s office in April 2021 responding to various complaints about out-of-state voters and immigrant voters and so forth. The Republican Secretary of State found that there was no basis for these allegations, and the cases of the very limited fraud were being investigated and handled. If you read that article, it’s from one of the journals in Nevada. There’s also coverage in the NV Indie. It’s very clear there is no basis for allegation of fraud in elections in Nevada. Please read the article. Thank you.

Denise Davis

I just have a comment to add to the end of all that. If you’re aware of fraud – please report it. If you have first-hand knowledge of fraud – report it. If you see things violating IVGID policy. You need to report it. We’ have a lot of hearsay—oh, I heard from so-and-so that this happened—but it’s hard for people who are in a position to enforce it if it doesn’t get reported. If you have first-hand knowledge of violations, please report them.

Ryan Sommers

I’m sorry but I have to say something. Denise you open these meetings up very very well.You’re doing a great job moderating. But I need to emphasize that local government isn’t required to be here. We’re here as a courtesy and there’s a lot of good information and we like to give our feedback. But the last comment by Ms. Martini [removed-RT] to me is a threat for Alexis Hill. And I don’t think that should be tolerated in this meeting. That’s all I want to say. Denise, you’re doing a great job. But a lot of us put in long, long weeks. And to come here on a Friday morning and listen to some of these comments, it’s starting to wear on me personally. We don’t need to have that. Let’s keep it cordial and keep it informational, and everybody leaves these meetings with the information they need and the points they need to make. That’s all I’d like to say.

Denise Davis

Thanks Chief. While we’re on the topic of elections, the three administrators of the Forum have had a discussion about the upcoming election season. So Ronda, John, and I have discussed how we want to handle candidates. Our thoughts are they’re welcome to attend our meeting,  and have a 1 minute announcement or introduction. It’s likely going to be at the end of the meeting. So if anybody has any feedback about how you’re feeling about candidates, we’d like to know what you’re feeling. That’s just where we’re at, at the moment. Last call for questions or comments?

Steve Dolan

First, I want to endorse Chief Sommers’ request. I know that it’s somewhat part of the Forum bylaws –and secondly, regarding allowing political candidates to speak. One minute sounds perfect, but I would suggest that at the beginning of the meeting rather than at the end, because often we run out of time. Thank you.

Denise Davis

Alright. I see no more hands. So have a good holiday weekend and we’ll see you in 2 weeks.


09:00:45 From  Jeff Cowen : Good morning all! I have another meeting going on but wanted to prioritize seeing you all again. It’s been too long!

09:01:06 From  Washoe County Libraries : Good morning Jeff!

09:02:02 From  Sara Schmitz : www.ivcbcommunity1st.org

09:03:10 From  Washoe County Libraries : Links for today’s meeting…

09:04:07 From  Washoe County Libraries : our forum email is:


Board of County Commissioners (BCC) general info


BCC agenda for Feb 22, 2022


Planning applications for Commission District 1

includes reports submitted for 947 TAHOE BLVD CONDOS and TAHOE LUXURY RESORT AND RESIDENCES (Boulder Bay)


Tahoe Luxury Resort and Residences website

IVGID Board of Trustees agenda and meeting packets,

Audit Committee agenda and meeting packets,

Livestream video link


IV/CB Citizens Advisory Board (CAB) agenda for March 7, 2022


IV/CB Community 1st meetings and community info


09:14:28 From  Ryan Sommers – NLTFPD : I need to step away for a minute.  

09:16:18 From  Washoe County Libraries : Thanks Chief Sommers

09:18:02 From  Sara Schmitz : Could we invite someone from Washoe County Planning to answer development questions?  Any update on Cal Neva?

09:20:00 From  Washoe County Libraries : Sara, yes, I’ll contact Planning and invite them to our 3/4 meeting.

09:26:57 From  IVGID Communications : https://www.diamondpeak.com/events/details/interpretive-ski-tours

09:27:08 From  Washoe County Libraries : Fun stuff, thanks Kari!

09:27:20 From  IVGID Communications : https://www.diamondpeak.com/events/details/dummy-downhill

09:27:35 From  Sara Schmitz : what is the status of the NLTFPD STR inspection fees?

09:27:45 From  IVGID Communications : https://www.diamondpeak.com/events/details/luggi-foeger-uphill-downhill-festival

09:27:53 From  Jodi Tripi : Parking Enforcement ! Yes please.

09:28:26 From  IVGID Communications : https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/events/cross-country-skiing

09:28:37 From  Ryan Sommers – NLTFPD : To Sara: Our Board voted to raise our STR Fee

09:29:15 From  Jodi Tripi : Yes Please Raise the STR Fees  .  It’s changing the community landscape of IV.  Thank You.

09:38:30 From  Jon & Beth Davidson : We received the postcard and it was really helpful

09:43:27 From  Sara Schmitz : Why hasn’t anyone from Commissioner Hill’s office been attending lately?

09:46:34 From  Chris Wood : Where is this memo available?

09:47:03 From  Sara Schmitz : Washoe County Commissioner Meeting agenda item 14 on the 22nd.

09:47:16 From  Judy Simon : it’s on the BCC agenda (online)

09:47:20 From  Washoe County Libraries : https://www.washoecounty.gov/bcc/board_committees/2022/files/agendas/2022-02-22/BCC%20-%202.22.22.pdf

09:47:29 From  Judy Simon : THX

09:47:33 From  Sara Schmitz : https://www.washoecounty.gov/bcc/board_committees/2022/files/agendas/2022-02-22/BCC%20-%202.22.22.pdf

09:48:09 From  Washoe County Libraries : Sara, I’ll contact Commissioner Hill and Alexandra Wilson at the Manager’s Office to invite them for next time.

09:53:36 From  kathiejulian : https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.reviewjournal.com/news/politics-and-government/nevada/nevada-review-finds-no-evidence-to-support-gop-voter-fraud-claims-2335504/amp/

09:54:28 From  Judy Simon : There probably is no fraud unless a ballot is cast.

09:55:28 From  Judy Simon : If someone comes in with an out-of-state license that person cannot cast a ballot.  There is a provision for people who recently moved here.

09:56:39 From  Chris Wood : Right about fraud. Also, I own a car with out of state plates. Not surprising to hear the poll workers heard this.

09:56:46 From  Washoe County Libraries : From the 2/22 BCC agenda:  Public Comment. Members of the public may also submit comments by mail, email to Washoe311@washoecounty.gov, or voice message at: (775)

328-2003. The County will make reasonable efforts to include all comments received by 4:00pm on February 18, 2022 by email and voicemail into the record. Comments are limited to 3 minutes per person and will be entered into the record only. Voicemails will no longer be played for broadcast and emails will not be read by the Clerk.

09:59:27 From  Sara Schmitz : Thanks, Chief Sommers!

09:59:35 From  kathiejulian : Thank you chief.

10:00:07 From  Jodi Tripi : Thank You Chief. And thank You Kathie for your article.  Most appreciated.

10:01:17 From  Washoe County Libraries : Thanks everyone!


Beth Davidson

Bruce Townsend

Chris Wood

Corey Solferino

David Simon

Denise Davis

Edie Farrell

Helen Neff

Jack Dalton

Jeff Cowan

Jim Nadeau

Jodi Tripi

John Crockett

Jon Davidson

Judy Simon

Kari Ferguson

Kathie Julian

Kristina Hill

Linda Offerdahl

Margaret Martini

Miranda Jacobson

Pam Straley

Ronda Tycer

Ryan Sommers

Sara Schmitz

Shirley Appel

Steve Dolan

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