IV/CB Community Forum Minutes

March 4, 2022

Kari Ferguson – Incline Village General Improvement District Communication Coordinator

Hi Denise, and everyone. Happy Friday! I’m going to be sharing a link in the Chat Box to the Outdoor Nevada Trout Spawning video that Steve Dolan brought to our attention. We’re going to be pushing this information out. I think it’s a great video for everyone to see and understand how environmentally sensitive our streams are to Lake Tahoe. This is a very special thing to share with you all. It will also be on our website by the end of the day and we’ll be pushing it out on social media too.

I also want to let you know what’s happening at Diamond Peak. We have a couple more Stoke tours. On March 22 is our Stoke Mountain Tour, which talks about sustainability at Diamond Peak, and how we are LEP certified. So that’s an exciting thing. I want to let you know Retro Ski Day is happening on March 6 and that’s also the Village Ski Loft Demo Day. So if you’re looking for new equipment, that’s a great event. March 6 ski at Diamond Peak, wear your retro-geezers, and come have a good time seeing everyone. We also have our Ski Clinics still happening. Tuesdays for women; Wednesdays for 55+, and we’re still looking for people for that. We’ve begun planning the Bunny Trail for the Easter Egg Hunt at the Championship Golf Course on Saturday April 16 from 11am to 1pm. People will be able to sign up for a time slot. Families can stroll through the Championship course and go on the Easter Egg Hunt with their family. If Trustee Schmitz is on, I’ll let her do the IVGID Board update. Have a good day, everyone!

Sara Schmitz – Incline Village General Improvement District Trustee, IVCB Community 1st Executive Director

The Board of Trustees has a meeting this Wednesday at 6pm. It will still be on Zoom. One of the things I believe will be on the agenda is the decision about the Board going back to in-person meetings. Also on the agenda and very important is the Utility Rate Study impacting our water and sewer rates and the funds needed to fund all of our utility projects. And also on the agenda is the Annual Report from the Audit Committee with recommendations for the Board based on review of last year’s financial reports.

We did have a meeting this past week. I’m not prepared to talk about highlights from that meeting. But there will be an IVCB Community 1st newsletter coming out this weekend and I’m hoping the meeting highlights will be included.

Jeff Cowen – Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Public Relations Officer

I don’t have a ton of updates. I think you all may have seen in the media lately that the Governing Board approved a policy change for fuel-reduction projects on ski slopes. That’s been really exciting. It’s been a long-haul to get the studies done that show you can use mechanized equipment on slopes of 30-50% in addition to hand crews, which opens up about 61,000 acres in the Basin to more rapid fuel-reduction projects. I’ll stop there because I’m really here to listen today and to hear what all of you guys have to say.

Denise Davis

Jeff, I do have one question for you here from the library.

Patricia Moser Morris – Incline Resident

My question is about the Lake Tahoe Sustainable Funding Initiative Revenue Options report public draft dated in November 2021. As you know the report lists 20 potential revenue -raising options for consideration by the TRPA and the TTD to fund transportation improvements. The plan is to select from the list of 20 some smaller dedicated sources of transportation funding to propose to the Nevada and California legislatures. I know the original deadline for submitting the proposal was December 31, 2021, and the deadline was extended to the first quarter of this year—now end of March, this month. Are you on schedule for that or has the deadline been changed, and can you give me any other reports on the status of that?

Jeff Cowen

I cannot give you any reports on the status of that.  I can try to find out how things are going with that. That presentation to the Governing Board was from my director Julie Reagan. She’s been closely involved in this. I would suspect that the deadline will likely be extended again. This is a long-haul proposal and plan to fund transportation projects.  You saw that those recommendations in there are local and State jurisdiction solutions. TRPA and TTD can’t raise revenues or funds. But we can work collaboratively with solutions that others can go forward to implement.

Alexis Hill – Washoe County Commissioner District 1

I can help answer that. I am on the bi-state committee on this. And what we’re looking at a three-way $7 million-dollar split among Federal, State, and local governments. There has been an extension on how we’re going to raise those funds, and how we’re going to split up our portions. Regarding Washoe County’s side of that million, what would we need to pay in annually, and how will we pay for that? We’re really not in favor of a sales tax increase. I’ll say, I’m not in favor—because sales taxes are already really high in Washoe County. So I think there are other ways we’re looking at raising revenues. Some of the opportunities could be parking revenue. It’s not finalized yet. It’s being discussed by the TRPA Transportation Committee. We meet prior to the TRPA meetings if you want to watch on the gotomeeting app. I think we’ll also be having an update at our next meeting on that. So that’s where that’s at. But nothing’s been finalized. As Jeff said, the deadline is being extended so we can be sure we’re really being thoughtful on how we’re raising revenue. We’re really looking at who is impacting our roads the most. It’s our tourism clientele. How can we tax visitors and not disproportionately tax residents? So that’s our main concern and goal.

Patricia Moser Morris

Have they set a new deadline? Or are they in process of deciding what the new deadline should be?

Alexis Hill

We’re trying to get it done this year. This is our year before the Legislature meets again next year– to get all our ducks in a row. I think we’re giving ourselves a little more breathing room instead of—“Oh, it needs to be done by July.” Those aren’t the discussions we’ve been having. It’s more like we need to get everything together so we can present to the Legislature next year about what our plans are to raise revenue.

Diane Becker – Incline Village Citizen Advisory Board Chair, Ordinance 7 Committee Member, Washoe County General Manager Citizen Committee

Denise, I have a question on this for Alexis. Will there be any opportunity for—I think there are going to be some local residents involved in the TTD site selection… This impacts Incline Village so greatly, I’d just ask, do we have any opportunity to have local representation on that group that is making these decisions? At least that person could gather input from the community and really have a seat at the table.

Alexis Hill

Yes. We actually are going to be and have been working with IVGID representatives and Washoe County staff representatives. We’re looking with the rest of the staff around the lake at what would be our “fair share” to put into that $7 million? That study will be through a TTD committee. And then my understanding is that we’ll be doing surveys and community outreach through TTD. So this isn’t like, “Turn around, you’re going to get a tax. Good luck.” We’ll actually be working closely with the community to make sure you understand what it’s going to be used for and make sure we’re receiving your input on what it could look like. Again we’re really pushing taxing the visitors, not the residents because the visitors have the disproportionate share of the trips to the lake. So we’re looking at how we can cut down on those vehicle miles traveled up to the lake.

Denise Davis

I want to announce that Captain Cory Solferino and his WCSO officers are at a funeral today for one of their deputies, so they’re not able to join us. He did not have any announcements. So, just keep our WCSO in your thoughts today.

Ryan Sommers – North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District Chief

Good morning, everybody. We’ll be doing some pile burning next week out of town. Tia has information on the exact location. I believe it’s towards Diamond Peak. Other than that, we’re status quo.

Denise Davis

I’m sure you’re happy to see the snow as well. [Ryan Sommers – We need it.] And you’re going to be at the CAB meeting Monday night, right?

Ryan Sommers

There’s a CAB on Monday night? [Denise Davis – Yes, they’re talking about wildfire evacuation.] I am. I know all about it. I’ll be presenting along with WCSO deputies and Washoe County Lands and Management. [Denise Davis – Okay, thanks.] You bet.

Denise Davis

I’d like to go back to Alexis Hill. Joining her is Amy Cummings from Parametrix. Commissioner Hill, I’ll allow you to tell everyone what’s going on.

Alexis Hill

I’m really excited to introduce everyone to Amy Cummings. I’ll just back up a bit to let you know what this study is and why it’s different from the TTD mobility study. It’s not that study at all. I just want to clarify that these are two different studies we’re looking to engage with the community at the same time. Actually I think this is a smart way to go because we can build off the data from both studies.

When I was running for the office for commissioner, I heard from so many IVCB community members that traffic was miserable during the pandemic. There were so many people coming up to the lake to escape the cities. There were nonstop parking issues with boats and vehicles all over town. And there were also tough situations for pedestrians and e- bikes. And all of these sorts of things were clashing together.  

Washoe County approved the Tahoe Area Plan just as I came on the Board. And one of the things I asked from the Board was “Can we do a comprehensive traffic-parking-multimodal study, which includes walking, biking, e-bikes, etc. in Incline Village so we can know what is needed?” Additionally I heard from so many constituents who were really concerned about the traffic on Highway 28. Highway 28 is a Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) road. So you have the joy of working with the State in the middle of your town in addition to Washoe County. You know we have overlapping work with IVGID. So you’re between two different jurisdictions, Nevada, California and also next to Carson. And so how do we work to improve safety on Hwy 28?

The Washoe Commission approved a $100,000 Request for Proposal (RFP) for a comprehensive transportation study. Amy Cummings actually comes from the Reno Transportation Commission (RTC). She was the Assistant Director over there and was a lead planner for most of her career in public transportation and road infrastructure in the Reno area. In this second part of her career, she went to Parametrix and they bid on this RFP. The County staff chose their agency. Amy has a really exciting plan for how she’s going to engage with the community and also work through all these different jurisdictions and issues.

Again this is separate from the mobility hub study that TTD is undertaking. We just had our Mobility Committee meeting this week. Our application for 3 IVCB community members will be out by the end of this week or early next week. I’ll get the application out to Sara, Denise, and Linda to make sure the links are on those websites, and also make sure we send that information to CAB members as well. That’s another opportunity for residents to get involved. And that’s looking at alternative sites for the mobility hub in IVCB. So these are two different studies.

Amy is focusing on traffic, Highway 28, multimodal and parking issues as well as snow removal issues in Incline Village. So now without further ado, I’ll let Amy take it from here. Thank you so much.

Amy Cummings – Parametrix Representative

Thank you so much Commissioner for that introduction. I’m excited to be here and appreciate the opportunity to speak with this group this morning. We’re just getting started, so this is the perfect time to be in front of you. We haven’t even had our agency kickoff meeting yet. That’s a couple of weeks from now. So this is an opportunity for us to introduce the study, share with you the scope of work, and talk about some opportunities for you to be involved.

I want to mention that Jennifer Valentine is on the call as well. She’s a colleague from Parametrix. She’ll make sure we record the input we hear from you today. I’ll now share a presentation that goes over some of the items we’ll be working with you on. [See Power Point Presentation below.]

As you’ve already heard, a big part of the mission of this undertaking is listening to the residents and to the community. So an important part of this study is to formalize the ways by which Washoe County can hear from you on all things transportation.

We are going to be working with all these partner agencies and sharing what we hear and what we learn. We’ll be working with the Citizen Advisory Board (CAB) as the advisory committee for this study. We understand the next two CAB meeting agendas are already full. So we’ll be in front of the CAB in May. So watch the official engagement component of this study. We’ll be working with the CAB throughout this process. And we have some other virtual meetings. Later in May we’ll launch a virtual public meeting. And we’ll have a big in-person public meeting at the Transportation Summit towards the end of the summer or early fall.

As you are very familiar, there are many partners we’ll be working with for this study. Washoe County brings certain resources to the transportation solution, and TRPA, RTC, TTD, Placer, and NDOT bring other resources to address transportation in the region. So we’ll make sure we’re all working together and collaborating and sharing resources to maximize the benefits to the community.

One of the first items we’re tackling is looking at how the County prioritizes plowing multiuse trails. And I know one of the things they’ve heard is there are just so many different types of trails. Snowplowing of the roads is a major undertaking as well. And how does that relate to the plowing of the trails? This includes both residential trails folks take from their home to shopping and to other resources as well as recreational trails.

We’ll be looking at some other Mountain Resort communities to see if there are any examples or frameworks that would be helpful to Washoe County. And are there any other creative solutions for public-private partnerships?

We will be looking at transit as well. Of course Washoe County doesn’t provide public transportation; but this is an opportunity for us to bring all the providers together and really focus on Incline Village and Crystal Bay areas to look at where are the service gaps, how is the ridership changing. Transit services across the whole country have changed dramatically. Our transit ridership has changed dramatically because of COVID. Those impacts are very unique. And in this very special resort community as well, because of the huge influx of people who want to get away from urban areas. So we’ll look at how those changes have been happening over the past couple of years and what are some solutions. Of course TTD, RTC, and Placer County [???} are the providers, so we’ll be working really closely with them.

Parking management, we’ve already heard a lot about today. A lot of work has already been done along State Route 28. So we don’t want to recreate anything that has already been studied. But this gives us a chance to look at some of the other roadways in the region. We’ll look at parking needs, and other opportunities for additional parking and shared parking. And look at how the County can support some of those needs that have been identified? 

Reducing the number of people in cars going up to the Basin and to the Incline area is another area of focus. RTC’s Smart Trips program and Tahoe trip reduction programs are already in place. The Truckee North Tahoe Management Association has had a lot of progress with their trip reduction program. So the first of this effort is again to bring those agencies together who are already doing these things and see what Washoe County can do to improve the number of people who use these programs and increase awareness and incentivize their use for specific area in Washoe County.

Access Management is primarily looking at State Route 28. One of the things I’m really excited about is envisioning what should the future of State Route 28 be. Some planning has been done. And a need has already been identified to increase multimodal connectivity and to address safety concerns. So we’ll get into a little more depth there. And that is really exciting to have NDOT be at the table with us and identify concepts that NDOT would then move forward. I think it’s a great opportunity for the community to be involved and share their concerns for that very important corridor.

In terms of our schedule, we are planning to wrap up by the end of this calendar year (2022). We’re in the initial kick-off right now. We’ll have the big public meeting in the spring. And then in the Fall have our Transportation Summit before the draft report will be out for Public Comment.

So, in summary, we are here to help address the community concerns that have already been voiced to the County, and continue to seek additional input from the residents on what matters to you. We’ll be working with all the partner agencies to bring our resources together and to see how the needs can be addressed in the most effective way.

So thank you. I appreciate being invited to speak before this group, especially because we are so early in the process and are really just getting started. So it’s a great time for us to hear from you. Thank you.




Your input is important to the development of this study!

The project team will listen to and address community concerns:

• IVCB CAB will serve as study advisory committee

• Presentations will be made to the Board of County Commissioners and other

• Virtual public meeting, Spring 2022

• Transportation summit for Washoe County at Lake Tahoe, Summer 2022


• Bring partners together to build consensus

• Build on coordinated planning initiatives

• Share data and analysis

Tahoe Regional Planning Agency

Washoe County

Reno Transportation Commission

Tahoe Transportation District

County of Placer

Nevada Department of Transportation


• Document existing practices and concerns of snowplowing of trails

• Survey of best practices in other mountain resort communities

• Develop framework to prioritize routes

• Identify public-private partnership opportunities


• Refine existing transit recommendations and highlight most beneficial near term investments

• Incorporate public/stakeholder input and recent rends

• Determine first/last mile improvements


•  Analysis of parking inventories and seasonal usage data

• Identify potential shared parking opportunities

• Coordinate parking and transit


• Identify ways Washoe County can build on existing programs and incentivize use


• Identify goals for access management

• Review existing requirements and processes

• Identify driveway consolidation option for targeted areas

• Recommend best practices and implementation strategies


Digital Community Outreach (throughout) & Bi Monthly IVCB CAB Meetings

• Kick off meeting

• Review Vision and Needs; Synthesize Data/Analysis

• Public Kick Off Event

• Develop & Evaluate Alternatives

• Washoe County Tahoe Summit

• Develop Draft & Final Report

• Monthly Agency TAC Meetings & Other Agency Coordination (throughout)


• Address community concerns

• Assist Washoe County leaders in addressing Tahoe area needs

• Bring regional partners together to build consensus

• Deliver an actionable plan

• Identify resources to implement results

Denise Davis

Amy, just to get started with the questions…  As you said, it’s early in the process. So if people want to be in touch to submit comments or find out more, is there a website they should go to? Should they contact you? How do you want people to start to be involved?

Amy Cummings

I’ll put my email into the Chat Box. And we are working on content for the Washoe County website where people will be able to comment through the WC webpage. That’s not up yet. So I’ll put my email in the Chat.

Denise Davis

So you’re okay with people sending you emails right now?

Amy Cummings

Of course. There’s plenty of time. You don’t have to do it all right now. I welcome your comments now. But if you think of things later, know we’ll be working on this for a number of months.

Carole Black – Incline Resident

Thank you very much. It’s great to hear all this stuff coming together and moving forward. It’s going to be interesting to watch it all evolve over the next few months. I’m so glad to hear both your comments and Alexis Hill’s comments about community input and the impact of resident use versus tourist use, et cetera. If it’s okay, I actually have a question I’d like to direct to Alexis, with all due respect, Amy. That was a lovely presentation.

I’m just a bit confused. It’s always a challenge when you have multiple tracks going on simultaneously to kind of keep them organized and coordinated. I hear a little baby boo. [Alexis Hill – Yeah, so we’re not on camera, sorry.] Many of us have been there and done that. [Alexis Hill – Yeah, you know.] Yes. My question to you is that you made a comment about all the feedback you have heard and the data that you now see emerging about tourist impacts over and above resident impacts and so I think it’s important to build on that. I’m wondering about—I don’t need an answer—I just want to toss this into your thinking—– about the interaction of those two in the planning around the effort to look at hubs in the OES and elsewhere. It seems to me that – in addition to worrying about sites, it’s important to think about what the actual functions of a hub in IVCB might be. As you know, and as I’ve advocated before and am still advocating for— initiatives to drive the outcomes we need in the community—which is fewer vehicles coming into the area and intercepts outside of Incline—not intercepts in Incline for traffic going to the 28 corridor. So I just want to flag that again and hope that will somehow get prioritized to consider as these efforts move forward. I don’t need an answer but I just wanted to mention it and run the flag up the flag-pole.

Alexis Hill

Well your ears were probably burning when the TTD Incline Village Mobility Hub Committee met, because you were specifically called out by one of the members who said, “I hope Carole Black applies to be on the committee.” And I do hope you’ll apply to be on the committee, because, yes, we are also looking at function. That’s where I think Amy and Parametrix studies plus the consultants we bring on TTD will share purposes and data. So Amy is meeting with Carl Hasty and Dave Solaro our Assistant County Manager to ensure we’re working together using this data. Amy’s study will extend over a year because we have different parking patterns and traffic needs in winter and summer. So recognizing that there are different patterns, we need to look at this over the course of different seasons in IVCB. So I appreciate that and we’ll definitely be keeping that in mind.

Carole Black

And you’ll be hearing from me. I’m in the process of moving across the street in Incline to get a bigger space. So I’ve been kind of invisible for the last few weeks, but I’m returning to visibility.

Alexis Hill


Patricia Moser Morris

I have a question for both. I apologize that I’m playing catch-up on this so I appreciate your patience. Amy, would you please give me the name of the study you described and give me the relationship of this study to the TRPA TTD work that’s ongoing with that report I referred to and also with the proposed mobility hub?

Amy Cummings

Yes, thank you for that question. I’ll build a bit on what Commissioner Hill has described. The Washoe County study for the Tahoe area is separate from the TTD’s study for the mobility hub. That’s really just focused on the mobility hub itself. And it’s very transit specific.

We’ll work with TTD. They are on our Technical Advisory Committee. As you just heard we’re going to be meeting with Carl Hasty to make sure we’re in alignment and not stepping on each other’s toes throughout this process. If we can coordinate our outreach efforts, we’ll look for opportunities to do that and share that information. But there are some areas where Washoe County just brings different resources to transportation issues. Plowing trails is one specific one, which is really the purview of Washoe County. The County has the unique ability to convene all partners together to work through some of these interdisciplinary issues. So we are going to be looking at transit as we talked about. But we’re also going to have a big focus on State Route 28. What is the future of State Route 28? How can we better integrate safety and multimodal transportation options into that corridor? So a large portion of this is facilitating conversation between the agencies to see what resources we can bring together. Does that help?

Patricia Moser Morris

Yes. And Alexis—a question for you if you wouldn’t mind. Many people in Incline Village believe the site for the bus hub or regional mobility hub has been selected as the old elementary school (OES) site – but I get the impression from what you just said that the site has not in fact been selected yet. Would you mind clarifying that?

Alexis Hill

Yes. We at TTD purchased the OES because it was one of those deals that was a great opportunity for us to do the site selection. The grant to purchase the property was running out. It was a way to start dialogue with IVCB about where a mobility hub could be. I will tell you that if you watch any of the TTD Board meetings, the Board as well as your Commissioner—Alexis here—I am not sold on the OES being the final site. There are other sites for sale in IVCB. And the County owns some property in IVCB. And I want—and so does the TTD Board—and we have funding to do this as part of the same grant that we purchased the site with—to do a site analysis. Then, to Carole Black’s point, to also see what we need. What’s really exciting is that our IVCB Visitor Bureau has done a lot of investment in micro-transit that many of you may have rode this past summer. IVCB had the highest ridership of all micro-transit around the lake last summer. A lot of kids were riding it. So do we need a big site like the OES if we’re going to focus on micro-transit?

Amy—as part of her studies—will really want to see what are the best options for public transportation around Incline Village—for the residents and to get folks out of their vehicles around the lake and before they even get up to the lake. That is going to help with understanding what site we need and finding the best site. The TTD Board is very open and our grant allows us to sell or trade the OES. There are a lot of options going forward. What’s nice about having that property is it’s in governmental hands. So we can use it for a public purpose. The County is even looking at a possible Justice Center with the WCSO. Because the Duffield Foundation has been so generous, we have more deputies and folks working in IVCB, and we need a bigger place than the current substation. As well, the Justice Court is going to be in a temporary location near the library. But we’d like to look at maybe putting in a Justice Center. Or maybe the County would be interested in selling the property, or there may be other government uses. Or TTD could sell it to a private property developer for workforce-housing projects. We’re very open as a TTD Board to see how this process plays out.

Jacquie Chandler – Incline Resident, Sustain Tahoe Director

On the Route 28, I hope it includes a bus from Stateline. Kingsbury Stateline is a perfect place to take care of people before they get into their cars if you put the shuttle bus with a trailer so they can bring all their paddleboards and their bikes. You could avoid all the parking along Highway 28. So I hope that’s included—the Stateline stop, and it could also stop at Spooner. That’s a good place for a bus stop.

Also, there’s an event—Trails and Vista—coming up September 10 and 12. This year it’s going to be located at the Mt. Rose Interpretive Center, which is past Tahoe Meadows when you’re coming from Incline and going up the hill. There’s hardly any sign. But it does have a great place for a shuttle to turn around. It’s just a 2-day event. It would be a great way to showcase— staging a Mt Rose Ski resort and Diamond Peak—staging parking at either of those places for the event, or at Summit Mall. And then have shuttles come pick people up and bring them up. It runs every 10 minutes and release 15 people to do this small hike. It’s just 1.3 miles. Wheelchairs can do it. Anybody can do it. It has little vignettes of art, music, and dance, and theater out in the forest. It’s a wonderful geotourism event. And it needs a transit. I’m wondering if this could be included as you’re looking at testing things. It would be 2 days. Shoulder season – September 10-11—Mt Rose Interpretive Meadow. Maybe one of those micro-transit shuttles could come from Incline. It would just be a way to test. Because we used to have a bus that went from Reno that came up here—which is, I know, a route we need. We need one from Stateline, at Kingsbury, from Reno, probably one at Summit Mall. The West Shore is pretty much already handled. You would reduce cars at least 50% if you made those routes solid. Anyway I want to know who I could talk to about doing a showcase for a test on September 10-11. Would that be you?

Alexis Hill

Jacquie would you email me about that because I can talk to Andy about that shuttle. We’re looking at doing the micro-transit again and trying to find some money for that, so yes. If you could email me about that I’ll see if he can do a test.

Jacqui Chandler

I will.

Sara Schmitz

I would agree with Carole Black that the important thing would be to have transportation that is outside the Basin so we’re not driving cars into the Basin. One thing I think we need to be thinking about with all public transit is the need to have restrooms and trash receptacles and pickup. Those things are just really important. Just look at what goes on at Tahoe Meadows in the sliding area in the winter. All of the people who go up there sledding find no trash bins and no restrooms. It’s a problem. So If we’re going to encourage more public transportation along SR 28, trash and restrooms need to be seriously considered.

The other thing that I just mentioned to Commissioner Hill is that in winter the US Forest Service lots along SR 28 are always closed off. Then people are forced to park along the road, which is unsafe. If there’s any way, please bring the USFS in to talk about the options in winter. I think that would be helpful. If this is outside your scope, perhaps you could guide me to USFS people I might talk to. It is important. I understand they may not want to plow those parking lots. But right now those lots are sitting with bare pavement and are closed off. People want to hike and snowshoe. So I think that’s important that we at least bring that into the discussion.

Alexis Hill

I think that they can be brought in and they actually have a new USFS supervisor I’m meeting with, and I’ll make sure Amy also gets that intro.

Denise Davis

Just to add to Sara’s comments, we do have a bathroom facility—a bit primitive— at the top of Mt. Rose, but it’s closed, locked, and shut from mid-October until summer. Well, people climb into it. They people break in. It’s frustrating for me to drive by all the time and see hundreds of cars parked at the Meadow, and there are no bathrooms. And just because “there are no bathrooms” does not mean “people don’t need to use bathrooms.”

Alexis Hill

Word on the street is that they’re rehabbing that bathroom. I don’t know the timing on that. But it’s my understanding as part of the Land Bill we’re looking to see if there’s any investment that could be made in the Tahoe Meadows for restroom facilities as well.

Carole Black

Alexis, just one other comment about micro-transit, which I’m glad to hear got so much use. There’s real discontinuity about how the micro-transits are organized as shown on routes on the maps—at the State line with California. I don’t know if there’s any logistical way to accomplish what I’m about to suggest, but it might be worth considering. I think there might be people in IVCB who want to go to Kings Beach and vice versa. I just wonder if there’s some way to coordinate those routes. Maybe they could possibly cross the State line? Maybe there are logistical or regulatory reasons why that’s just impossible. But it was a thought that occurred to me as I was looking at the routes last summer. Also it’s essential we all be cognizant of what’s about to happen with the development in Crystal Bay—and the traffic—both while it’s being developed and after the fact. I really worry about us in the summertime especially, and how we’d evacuate. So just a couple of thoughts.

Alexis Hill

I know that the Commissioners are really concerned about why we can’t have public transportation as well as taxis cross State lines. So we’re looking into that and I appreciate you bringing that up. That’s something we can add to Amy’s list.

Denise Davis

Okay, last call for questions. I don’t see any more hands. So thank you Amy and Commissioner Hill for bringing us that information today. We look forward to working on this project. And let us know if you need to get any information out.

Amy Cummings

Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.

Denise Davis

I want to let everyone know that the URLs we usually post in the Chat Box we’re unable to post today. We’re having technical difficulties. But all URLs will be in the meeting recap.

I also want to remind everyone that we do have a CAB meeting Monday evening at 5:30pm. On the agenda is the North Lake Tahoe Emergency Evacuation Plan—something we’re all interested in. And also there will be information on how to become a trustee on the IVGID Board. So if you’re interested in either of those topics, join us Monday evening on Zoom. The URL will be in the Forum recap. If you have any questions, send an email to me at ivcbcommunityforum@gmail.com.

On Tuesday March 8 at 10am, there is a Washoe County Board of Commissioners meeting.

On Wednesday March 9 at 6pm is the IVGID Board of Trustees meeting. I checked the agenda, but it wasn’t posted last night.

On March 16 the IVCB Visitor Bureau will be having a meeting.

That’s all on the list for meetings. I also want to let everyone know earlier this month Washoe County sent out a postcard about the Citizen Advisory Board (CAB), which is run by the County. We have a CAB meeting on the first Monday of every month. The County sent out a postcard that listed all dates for this year. So if you didn’t get one, please let us know.

Steve Dolan – Incline Resident

Yes, thank you. I have an announcement. We have every year for 7 years—and will again this coming Wednesday March 9th at Incline Beach at 10am—be having our “sandbag filling party.” Everybody bring a shovel. It’s part of the NDOW fishery study project. I don’t know if the URL that Kari downloaded is working or not but you can just type it in. It really is informative and a pretty great example—it’s done out of Las Vegas— for their NPR—but it’s very informative about the study we’ll be filling these sandbags for. So bring a shovel, 10am Incline Beach on March 9th. Hope to see you there.

Denise Davis

Sounds like fun, Steve.

Steve Dolan

Well, Kathie Julian was there last year and the Fire Department is there from year to year so we really appreciate all the help we can get. Thank you.

Sara Schmitz

I’m trying to find out if anyone has information. If you recall at the Boulder Bay community meeting they indicated they were planning to have a neighborhood meeting sometime around the middle of March. I emailed them yesterday inquiring if they set a date, time, and meeting place. I’ve had no response. If anyone has that information, please share it. I would like to include it in the upcoming newsletter.

The other thing I wanted to let everyone know is that the WCSO has designed a process to allow community members to alert WCSO to potential traffic problems in their neighborhoods or at specific IVCB locations. I actually put a post onto the IVCB Community 1st website that’s called “Request Speed Control or Report traffic problems.” I myself have used this. It’s very easy and helpful. It will be in the upcoming newsletter. But I just want to let people know that WCSO is being very proactive in giving us a tool to report areas of concern.

Denise Davis

Great, Sara. And I have reported parking problems and our local deputies have been quick to respond.  So if you are having problems or know someone who has problems, please ask them to report it. Thanks.

Are there any other comments from anyone on line or in person? I want to share with everyone that at the last Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday, there was a pretty informative discussion about what’s going on with our effluent pipeline and pond-lining projects. I’m no engineer, but I was able to follow along. Our community has had a lot of questions about what’s going on with that. When is it going to happen? What’s going to happen? Why is it taking so long? So I encourage you to go to the livestream of the meeting. The relevant discussion starts about 1 hour into the meeting. It lasts about an hour. It’s very informative. They explain why there are no real clear-cut decisions. For those who are unfamiliar—our water plant that treats water coming in from the lake is at Burnt Cedar. Our sewer and water treatment plant is above the Waste Management transfer station. Our effluent can’t be released into Lake Tahoe and has to be shipped outside of the Basin. So our effluent goes from our wastewater treatment plant in the effluent pipeline along SR 28 and over Spooner, and then down into our wetlands in Carson Valley. So this is not a small project, and it’s not an easy project. So to learn about the project including estimates of cost, go to the livestream through the IVGID website. Look for the Board of Trustees link and go to the livestream and watch the video. It’s very informative.

Amanda McFaill – Washoe County Library Librarian

So our kiosk is working so you can check out a book when we’re not open. We’re a

partner with the North Lake Tahoe Library Coalition—Incline, Crystal Bay, Tahoe City, and Truckee. We all share writing a little blurb for the newspaper listing all of our events. So check that out. It runs every 2 weeks in the Sun and Tahoe Daily news.  It gives you information about what’s happening at all the libraries in the region and lists all of our events. John may have mentioned last meeting that we’re starting a new program called “Book a Librarian.” You can get help from one of us librarians. We give tech help, how to fill out applications, resume help, etc. It just gives you one-on-one help like that. Formerly, it was called Seniors to Seniors. So it’s a spinoff from that.

Denise Davis

Okay. Once again, a big hand for Amanda for getting our tech problems solved. And if there are no more comments, we’ll see you in 2 weeks.

Chat Log:

09:13:10 From  IVGID Communications : Outdoor Nevada Trout Spawning video:  https://youtu.be/rWJ9ddvWL8I

09:14:21 From  IVGID Communications : Diamond Peak event calendar: https://www.diamondpeak.com/events

09:16:29 From  IVGID Communications : Forgot to mention the Cross country ski program. Here is the info:


09:17:50 From  IVGID Communications : Bunny trail egg hunt event: https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/events/the-bunny-trail-community-egg-hunt

09:22:53 From  kathiejulian : Incline Village/Crystal Bay Citizen Advisory Board Meeting Agenda March 7, 2022 at 5:30 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.

The meeting can be accessed by using the following Zoom webinar link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82231865379?pwd=TTF2M3FaSnR0bE9jQVA2Q1lJb2hqUT09

09:31:14 From  Amy Cummings, Parametrix : acummings@parametrix.com Amy Cummings email

09:49:44 From  AHill – Hill, Alexis : Thank you for having us!

09:50:18 From  AHill – Hill, Alexis : I’ve got to run my email is ahill@washoecounty.gov and phone 775.447.3017. Thank you!

09:54:32 From  IVGID Communications : IVGID Board of Trustee Interest: https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/ivgid/board-of-trustees/trustee-interest

09:56:51 From  IVGID Communications : Resources: https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/ivgid/resources/construction-updates/effluent-pipeline-project

09:57:18 From  IVGID Communications : Resources on Pond Lining: https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/ivgid/resources/construction-updates/effluent-pond-lining-project

09:58:14 From  IVGID Communications : Livestream from Tuesday’s meeting: https://livestream.com/IVGID/events/10212485

09:58:21 From  IVGID Communications : Hope these help:)

Links From Denise Davis:

Our forum email is:


Board of County Commissioners (BCC) general info


BCC agenda for March 8, 2022


Planning applications for Commission District 1

includes reports submitted for 947 TAHOE BLVD CONDOS and TAHOE LUXURY RESORT AND RESIDENCES (Boulder Bay)


Tahoe Luxury Resort and Residences website

IVGID Board of Trustees agenda and meeting packets,

Audit Committee agenda and meeting packets,

Livestream video link


IV/CB Citizens Advisory Board (CAB) agenda for March 7, 2022


IV/CB Community 1st meetings and community info


IVCBA (Incline Village Crystal Bay Community and Business Association)



Alexis Hill

Amanda McPhail

Amy Cummings

Beth and Jon Davidson

Bruce Townsend

Carole Black

Chris Wood

David Simon

Debbie Nicholas

Denise Davis

Diane Becker

Howard Beckerman

Jacquie Chandler

Jennifer Valentine

Kari Ferguson

Kathie Julian

Mary Danahey

Mike McNulty

Miranda Jacobson

Patricia Moser-Morris

Ronda Tycer

Ryan Sommers

Sara Schmitz

Stephany Arroyo

Steve Dolan

Svata Trossen

Tia Rancourt

Yolanda Knaak

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