IV/CB Community Forum Minutes

March 18, 2022

Kari Ferguson – Incline Village General Improvement District Communication Coordinator

Hi, Happy Friday everyone. I hope you all are having a good week and getting ready for the snow.  I want to remind you we have the Community Snowshoe Hike tonight. If you’re looking to see the full moon and do a little exercise and get outside before the storm hits, then this is a fun event put on by the Park and Recreation Department. It’s up to Snowflake Lodge at Diamond Peak. This Sunday we have the Dummy Downhill Event, so you still have a little bit of time to make your dummy if you’re interested. The event is just a kick if you’ve never been. That’s at Diamond Peak on Sunday. You can view everything from the Base Lodge deck or on the snow near there. We usually launch all the dummies that are submitted off of Lower Showoff so everyone can see. It’s a good time, so hopefully we’ll see you there.

Next weekend we have the Uphill/downhill event. There are several different routes—some recreational and others—so definitely try to get into that if you’re interested. You can get up the mountain any way you like. And there are lots of fun prizes for that.

We’re still accepting videos for the Diamond Peak video competition. We have lots of different categories. It’s a great way to get out with your friends and families and take videos and make those memories at Diamond Peak. I’ll put all those links in the Chat Box.

This morning we have our registration opening for the Bunny Trail Event. Registration opened at 9am this morning, so we have spots available. That’s for April 16th Saturday at the Championship Golf Course. Our next IVGID Board meeting is March 30th.

Jeff Cowen – Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Public Information Officer

Hello everybody. We have no updates yet on the Resort at Tahoe and Residences (RTR). We still haven’t received an application. I think a lot of you saw the news earlier this week that the omnibus Federal Appropriations Bill allocates a considerable amount of funding for restoration programs. One thing of interest to this group is that $2 million has been set aside for planning the Spooner to Sand Harbor trail. That was a really, really good thing for everyone in the Basin. That’s all I have to announce.

Patricia Moser Morris – Incline Resident

I have a question for either TRPA or TTD. I’m not sure who is more appropriate. I’ve been looking at the “Lake Tahoe Sustainable Transportation Funding Initiative” options report, dated

December 29, 2021. I found if you actually put that name in the search bar on either the TRPA or TTD websites, nothing comes up. I thought that was a little odd since this is public information and you would think it would come up. That means that if there’s anyone else who’s interested, they won’t be able to find it without great difficulty. So that’s my first question.

Jeff Cowen

We had a recent Governing Board meeting, and there is an updated version of that report in the meeting agenda packet. I’ll make sure you can go in, and I’ll maybe get it posted in some place more visible. I’m not sure why the search didn’t work. I usually put fewer words into the search bar not only in TRPA but most search sites—something like “transportation funding” or “regional planning” or something like that. If you’re too prescriptive, sometimes the website doesn’t understand because of spaces and hash tags and underscores and things like that. So I’m sorry that was difficult to find, but it is something we certainly want everyone to have access to.

Patricia Moser Morris

Do you happen to know the date of the meeting at which the updated version was presented?

Jeff Cowen

It was the last Wednesday in February. [February 23rd]

Patricia Moser Morris

Okay. And my second question is that I understood that the deadline for finalizing the recommendations and accepting them has been pushed back. But I didn’t get the actual new deadline. Can you tell me what that is?

Jeff Cowen

I don’t recall. But I will check and try to get that to you. I’m sure it’s just a bit later this year.

Denise Davis

I know that Washoe County Sheriff Office Captain Cory Solferino had another meeting so he won’t be here today. And I don’t see North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District Chief Ryan. So I’ll make a few announcements here. Our Washoe Commissioner Alexis Hill sent an email letting us know that the website is up and open for the Incline Village Mobility Hub application to serve on the committee that’s studying the Mobility Hub. The applications are due April 8 by 5pm. And on the website, the blurb says, “Incline Village community members—and I’ve been told that includes Crystal Bay—are invited to join the Tahoe Transportation District (TTD) Incline Village Mobility Committee. All applications are due by April 8, 2022. Transit riders, employers, and Incline Village residents will be considered.” There’s more information available. The URL is in the Chat Box.

I also want to let everyone know that the IVCB Citizen Advisory Board (CAB) will be meeting Monday April 4, 2022 from 5:30 to 7pm via Zoom only. On the agenda is “An Introduction to the Neighborhood Development Meeting Hub, which is a new Washoe County website. WC Assistant Manager Dave Solaro will be sharing how constituents may use the new online Neighborhood Meeting Hub. The other item on the agenda for April 4th is the WC Incline Village Mobility Study. Amy Cummings—who joined us here at the last Forum—will be at the CAB to present an overview of the study.

Diane Becker – IVCB Citizen Advisory Board Chair, WC General Manager Citizen Committee Member, IVGID Ordinance 7 Committee Member

At this meeting two other things have occurred about which we may be able to ask Dave Solaro. For one, if you look on the CAB website, we posted the new flowchart for Development Projects. I’m hoping we’ll be able to ask any questions about that, because the Hub is a part of the new flowchart. The other thing that’s posted is the revised CAB Handbook, which says we now can have development projects come before the CAB when we invite the developers. And, when we get to it, I do want to raise an issue about this new proposal where the Crystal Bay pipeline spigot would be opened. And it’s been proposed that IVGID would be selling water that would be bottled in Sacramento for sale outside the IVCB area. So I think that might be a topic to discuss today so that everyone knows what’s happening. Thank you.

Denise Davis

I just looked on the WC County website last night, and as of last night the people who have filed to run as candidates for IVGID Trustee are:
Albert Buckner

Tim Callicrate

Yolanda Knaak

Bradley Mindlin

David Noble

You have until 5pm today to get down to the County to file your paperwork to run for IVGID trustee. You can go to the County website—the URL is in the Chat Box—and click on each candidate’s name. They’re allowed to post contact information and why they’re running for office. Each candidate has a little or a lot of information already posted there. So far we have 5 candidates for the 2 seats.

Click here to view all of the candidates as of the deadline for the filing.

Steve Dolan – Incline Village Resident, Friends of Third Creek Director

The sandbagging event was great. I want to thank the NLTFPD for sending their crew. I want to thank Mike Hess and the Fulton family for donating equipment. I brought donuts and stuff. We filled 100 sandbags. So we’re prepared for the official start of the study on Monday. Yesterday, we cleaned both Third Creek and Incline Creek, and took out an amazing number of golf balls, dog balls, and tennis balls. We even removed a large Hyatt sign from the creek. So that’s all done and ready. The season is just starting so try to keep your dogs out of the creek all the way  up to Highway 28, because that’s how far up the fish spawn. If you see us working down there, you can drop by and take a look at things. If you see a lot of fish pens—nets that look like baby cribs—by the bridge, hang around because that’s a day we’re doing the collection. There are only 2 or 3 dates per season. It’s fascinating to see what happens. People might want to look at that URL in the recap a few weeks ago. If you haven’t looked at it, do.

John Crockett – Washoe County Library Head Librarian

I have three quick announcements from the library. On display in our galleries through April we have art by Incline High School students. It’s all around the library in display cases as well. They’re hosting an artist’s reception on April 5 at 6pm. You’ll get to hear students talk about what inspired them. There are two newer things at the library. We have the library “lending-to- go” kiosk which is outside the library. It functions like a book vending machine. Scan your card, enter your pin, and choose which book, DVDs, or children’s books you’d like to check out. And just completed in our Children’s Area is a beautiful mural by local artist Sara Smith who has done the other mural work in the library. It’s all around the [ ] so it’s a lot of landscaping scenes and pays homage to the Washoe Tribe with a welcome message. And there are lots of animals on the wall. It’s beautiful, so come check it out.

Denise Davis

Just to circle back to Diane’s comment.  At the last IVGID Board of Trustees meeting, former WC Commissioner Marsha Berkbigler and Steve Decia made a presentation, but no action was taken. He’s proposing a commercial water project to bottle Tahoe water for drinking. The Trustees commented on it. Sara, I don’t know if you want to add anything. If you want to watch the presentation, it’s on the IVGID website under the Livestream of the Board of Trustees meeting.

Sara Schmitz – Incline Village General Improvement District Trustee, IVCB Community 1st Executive Director

My understanding is that Chair Callicrate was to follow up with Trustee Tonking to get her weigh-in. And my understanding is that given whatever weigh-in she did with the Chair, this issue is not coming before the Board of Trustees. Again, this is my understanding.

Diane Becker

Sara, my understanding is if the fifth Trustee weighs in favorably—given two Trustees were against it including you… two said… Trustee Callicrate was in favor of it and Trustee Wong said she would like to see more investigation done. So if the fifth Trustee weighs in on that side, they will spend IVGID time investigating. They will not tell the proponent of the plan [ ]. So it’s really up to the fifth Trustee. And we won’t even know what that decision is since it won’t be public.

Sara Schmitz

I just repeated what I heard, which was there was a weigh-in and it’s not going to be coming before the Board again.

Diane Becker

Oh, there already was a weigh-in. Now I understand what you said.

Sara Schmitz

No worries. But I don’t have details. That’s all I’ve been informed about.

Denise Davis

So just to be clear, no action was taken on it. I know that another item people would like to discuss today is that on Tuesday March 22, the Washoe County Commissioners have an item (Number 16) on their agenda to hear an appeal regarding the Special Use Permit (SUP) for the Boulder Bay project, now called the Resort at Tahoe and Residences (RTR) by EKN, the developer. I want to let everyone know that it’s on the agenda for no sooner than 2pm on Tuesday. I’ll warn everyone that public comment at the beginning of each WC Commissioner meeting has been running quite long, possibly extending for 2 hours or more. Another point is… if you’re able to, you can watch the meeting live via Zoom or the County website, but you’re not allowed to make acomment via electronic means. If you want to comment, you can submit it ahead of time to Washoe 311 or email it directly to the Commissioners. But if you want to make a comment in the meeting on the 22nd, you have to be there in person. And that part of the meeting will not begin before 2pm. It may begin after 2pm. I believe Doug has asked to speak about the appeal.

Doug Flaherty – Incline Village Resident

Thank you. As mentioned, the appeal issue will be heard at 2pm or after on Tuesday. There are 3 appellants. One is, of course, Ann Nichols and her group. There’s also the Boulder Bay Granite Place condominium owners HOA, and then myself.

So without arguing the points of the appeal, the main issue that has reared its head here is that an unusual amount of Washoe County Planner staff time was devoted in the Staff Report to the legal issue of “standing” [i.e., whether the appellants have the legal right to appeal based on how far they live from the project and the extent to which they might be affected by it]. It looks like there’s a good possibility the Board will take up the issue of “standing” first regarding all of the appeals. What that means is—there’s a difference of opinion of whether the critical distance from the project is 500 feet or 750 feet—but for anyone living outside of that radius, the County could rule that they have no standing to make the appeal.

So the larger issue is for us living in the Tahoe Basin with is unique environmental requirements—and operating under the TRPA bi-state compact—that the County may be in a position to believe that they can stop this appeal… by simply not allowing the finding of standing [of the appellants].

So the long-term effect is that any Incline Village resident – whether it’s the new condo project on Tahoe Boulevard, or any up and coming project—it could be we will be allowed to comment  publicly at meetings, but we will not be able to request an appeal to the County Commissioners, because we don’t live within 500 to 750 feet of the project. So that’s my opening.

Denise Davis

Any comments or questions?

Chris Wood – Incline Village Resident, CAB Member

This is an interesting issue. I don’t know much about it. But what occurs to me is I read the decision by the court in California recently handed down about the Martis West project. The Environmental Impact report didn’t take into consideration the impact of that project on the Lake Tahoe Basin, and so the court threw it out. It seems to me that is the issue that Mr. Flaherty is raising.  Maybe standing is an issue, but somebody within 500-750 feet should contact one of those organizations that fought the Martis West development—as having undue influence on Lake Tahoe Basin traffic, fire evacuation, and related safety issues. So maybe “standing” is a narrow issue, but there seems to be other ways to deal with the Boulder Bay development, and getting them to tell us about the impact on traffic and fire evacuation, and other matters that impact the Basin. Just want to put that out there.

Denise Davis

Just to be clear, at the hearing on Tuesday, there are three different appellants: the Granite Place Homeowners Association—residents of those 3 condo buildings already constructed along Highway 28; Mr. Flaherty; and Ann Nichols’ group—the North Lake Tahoe Preservation Alliance. So there are three appellants, and the standing issue is solely in regard to Mr. Flaherty. Is that correct Doug?

Doug Flaherty

“Kinda.” We don’t know for sure. As Chris mentioned, there are a lot of environmental impact issues that have been raised in all three appellants’ appeals. In my case, I have about 10 pages of appeal points I’ll raise. I don’t want to get into those today because we are facing the hearing. But—basically, it probably wouldn’t be in the best interest of the County to allow my comments and my appeal points to come to the forefront for a lot of different reasons.

So I’ve hired an attorney to represent me at the appeal process. Without debating the appeal points—which are numerous between Ann Nichols, the HOA, and myself—I wish to alert every

one that if the County finds that any one of the 3 of us has no standing, it jeopardizes our going forward in the appeal process with the County.

I allege—but don’t want to get into a debate with anyone here or Jeff Cowen—that the County had no standing themselves to undertake this issue because they don’t have a project memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the TRPA. There are numerous code sections in the TRPA Compact, the Code of Ordinances, and the Rules of Procedure that prevent the County from finding that the project is not detrimental to the health and safety of the public. [This was Finding #4 in the Board of Adjustment decision.] My position is that the SUP has to be heard before TRPA first because the User Permit Application had changed significantly from the previously approved project permit… while the developer continues to say he’s only seeking a grading permit based on the previously approved permit.

So it gets a little complicated. But basically this appears to be an end run to avoid the issues coming first before the TRPA.

With regard to the new traffic study—there is a new traffic study needed. The old one is over 10 years old. Based on substantial changes to the project and the SUP application, it does warrant a new traffic study. And for the Board of Adjustment to find that there was no detriment to the public health and safety without that study was “arbitrary and capricious.” They were not in a position to make that finding. That—and the increased 35,000 cubic yards of excavation—and a myriad of other issues—are basically my points in my appeal.

However, if the County rules I don’t have standing, they will never hear those points. We’ll have to either go to Court or appeal to TRPA. In our environmental situation here in the Tahoe Basin, we should not let that stand.  We need to have the right to appeal these decisions if they impact our health, safety, and environment here in the Tahoe Basin.

Jeff Cowen

I just want to let everyone know I’m listening and hearing everything that Mr. Flaherty’s saying. I’m confused a little bit, and there’s just a lot more detail that TRPA needs to be in on. We still don’t have anything in front of us on which to take action. But like with all projects, EKN has to comply with all the rules in the Basin. It would be up to Washoe County to say that they would not be reviewing this project until TRPA does. But they haven’t made that option clear. So we’re just kind of stuck right now. We don’t have anything in front of us to really review. But just like Washoe County and other organizations in the Basin, we’re committed to the clearest and most transparent process that we can provide. As soon as we have something in front of us, we’ll have something to consider. I’m sorry; there’s much more detail needed to satisfy.

Denise Davis

Just to be clear, the current developer EKN has submitted nothing to the TRPA. Is that correct?

Jeff Cowen


Denise Davis

Was anything approved by TRPA for the previous developers?

Jeff Cowen

The whole project was approved.

Denise Davis

So the previous plan by a previous developer was approved.

Janet Pahl – Incline Village Resident

That was represented by Roger Wittenberg.

Ronda Tycer – Incline Resident, IVCB Forum Recap Editor

I have a question for Jeff. When you say there’s no project coming before the TRPA—I understand there’s no formal project that has been presented to you—but isn’t it the case that TRPA is in close contact with the EKN representatives talking about various issues that are of concern to them?

Jeff Cowen

Yes, that’s true, Ronda. I’ll explain that. But also reiterate that the project is already approved. If they want to move forward with the project as planned, they can do so at any time. They have let us know they are considering changing the project; and—I’m not sure what questions they’ve asked… probably just questions to understand the process: “If we were to do this what would the process be”? Those kinds of questions are being asked.

Ronda Tycer

So you’re saying that they do ask you procedural questions?

Jeff Cowen

Yes. So they need to submit an application to revise the plan. That would be like a major plan revision. Then we would have something to review. But they could come in and say, “We’re going to build what was approved.” And then we’d move forward with that.

Patricia Moser Morris

I have a question for Doug. If you were to be denied standing, does the option exist of having one of the other appellants who has standing appeal using some of the basis/grounds you’ve used for your appeal?

Doug Flaherty

Yes, I have made Ann Nichols’ appeal part of my appeal, and she has made my appeal part of hers. The condo owners have a slightly different set of issues having to do with Wassou Road and a “changed project.” We all believe the project has been substantially changed, and therefore, this should have been brought before the TRPA. With the lack of an MOU, it should not have been not reviewed by the County with the hearing result showing “no detriment.”

As far as the choices going forward, we’ll have to see what happens on Tuesday.  

From my personal perspective, I believe that the issue of standing is so vital, that—as I said, I’m not into threatening lawsuits—but we’re probably going to have to face an issue on standing from the Court’s perspective. But also, we’re going to immediately appeal to the TRPA based on the fact that we believe the environmental impacts are far-reaching, it’s a changed project, and the County Board of Adjustment had no right to find that the project was not detrimental to the health and safety of the public. I don’t know if I’ve answered your question or not.

Patricia Moser Morris

It sounds like the County will have to deal with the issues that you raise because one of the other appellants has added them to their appeal, which is good news, unless I misunderstand.

Doug Flaherty

Possibly. It depends on how the County interprets our appeals. They could say there’s no Severability Clause in our appeals. Appeals can be very lengthy in appeal points, but it might come down to points of law. In any given point of an appeal, if one point is found to be invalid, can the County rule against the entire appeal? We don’t know. So I don’t have an answer to your question on that.

Denise Davis

I want to let everyone know that on the County website where the agenda is posted for the Commissioners meeting, there are at least a dozen attachments in regard to this appeal. Mr. Flaherty and the Granite Place owners have already posted their materials, which are available along with what the County will present during the appeal as well as all the previous actions that have taken place. They have all of the previous public comment. There’s quite a bit of information there if you want to see what’s happened in the past, and what 2 of the 3 appellants have already posted for their appeal on Tuesday.

Janet Pahl

I’m familiar with what Roger Wittenberg proposed, which was approved. It was a hotel, spa, a conference center, and a restaurant. The people who bought the 18 units at Granite Place were also aware of what Mr. Wittenberg’s plans were. Plus they were going to build another 24-unit complex behind Granite Place. So what has changed? We keep talking about the new owner changing everything. What specifically are the changes?

Denise Davis

The new owner has a presentation that he’s given at least twice, which is available on his website [tahoeluxuryresortandresidences.com]. He shows illustrations of what he would like to do. Because he’s currently willing to go with the approved road plan, he’s going to design his buildings to fit within those roads. I believe his building design ideas are quite a bit different from the previous plan. But as TRPA and Washoe County have said, the developer has not submitted any official plans yet. He has shown illustrations, but no plans have been submitted. That’s my understanding. Does anyone else have a different understanding?

Chris Wood

When this came before the CAB, I thought the Boulder Bay gentleman said there were going to be 360 condos on the property. Is that different from the original permit?

Denise Davis

I don’t think there were 360 condos. There was a pretty large hotel facility. But I could be wrong. [RT Correction: 338 units = 59 condo units and 275 hotel units]

Chris Wood

I’ll go back and look.

Janet Pahl

There’s no way you could fit 360 condos on that land. You’d have to build up to the heavens.

Denise Davis

The current developer, Mr. Ebi from EKN, has shown a lot of illustrations, but he has not submitted any official plans yet. The illustrations are available on his website, which I’ll post in the Chat Box.

So just to recap, the Washoe County Commissioners meeting is on Tuesday. But this item will not begin before 2pm. If you want to make comments that day, it will need to be made in person down at the County building.

Ronda Tycer

I just have one more question for Doug. I understand you don’t want to get into the weeds about your own appeal, but I’m still unclear as to why this standing issue… I understand that if the County rules on standing and finds you or any appellant has no standing, they won’t move forward with their consideration of any of the issues you brought up. But why is it so important to our community that they not find standing based on the usual parameter of distance from a project—whether it’s 500 or 750 feet? What would be a good way for them to find standing if not using that?   

Doug Flaherty

First of all, the ramifications of stating that any one of the appellants don’t have standing because they don’t live within 500 or 750 feet—would be—going forward, it would be basically a “taking” of our right—not our right to comment—but our right to appeal—any project decision in Incline Village or Crystal Bay. It would stop every IV resident who does not live within that proximity from filing any appeals on any project.  

So for me, that’s the big issue for folks. If you believe your right to appeal should be allowed in the future in Incline Village on any project—since we do live in the Tahoe Basin under the environmental rules and regulation of the TRPA Compact and TRPA Code of Ordinances—you should at least make written public comments on this issue, because the ramifications are far-reaching.

Now, as mentioned in the Staff Report, the County Commissioners do have the option of deciding that the appellants don’t have the right to appeal because they don’t have standing—and in the same breath—take up the points of the appeal. I would be very surprised if they did that. Because if they did, I believe our arguments are so strong that it’s going to create a significant issue for them, because they don’t have a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Washoe and the TRPA, which is required in order for them to do this. It will eradicate their power to continue to hear these projects without the projects being under the auspices of review by TRPA via a bona fide MOU—if that makes sense.

Ronda Tycer

Well, it’s complicated, but I think I understand what you’re saying. You’re saying that—for me personally—the big issue is whether I believe I should have the right to appeal a bad decision made by TRPA or Washoe County, and would I like to retain my right to be able to appeal a bad decision, even if I don’t live close to a project? If I can show that it affects me—for example—we’re all going to be very affected by the traffic increased by the Boulder Bay project—so, if I could show that it affects me, I should still retain my right to appeal. That makes sense to me. The fact is, this particular Commissioners meeting may be setting a precedent that prevents me from making such an appeal, which is why I find it so critical.

Doug Flaherty

Yes, Ronda. And as an example on the traffic issue, literally only hours before the Board of Adjustment SUP hearing, the County Planners updated the Staff Report to change the time frame the developer has within which to do this mass grading, from a period of 2 years to 5 years. So that means, if we live in Incline Village, we’re going to be faced with significant traffic impacts to our health and safety for up to 5 years. And there is no guarantee the developer will finish the project. So that’s an example where basically the County would be saying, “Well Mr. Flaherty, you don’t live within 750 feet, therefore, you’re not impacted, and therefore we’re not going to hear your appeal.”

Alexis Hill – Washoe County Commissioner, District 1

Denise, I understand you already mentioned in the meeting the application for the TTD Mobility Hub committee. Thank you so much for getting that out. I put the link to that in the Chat Box. Again, in case folks didn’t get the link the first time, I want to make sure that anyone who’s interested and wants to be part of that committee applies by April 8 at 5pm.

I will have the big community meeting information for the Traffic and Parking study that Amy Cummings from Parametrix is doing, so as soon as I get that and the landing page for that study I will send it to the group as well. Those are my major updates about what’s going on in town.

Judy Miller – Incline Village Resident, CAB Former Chair

Will the subject of the Short-Term Rental regulation changes be coming back to the Board of Commissioners, and if so when?  

Alexis Hill

Yes, that was supposed to come back to the Commissioners on Tuesday, but as you all have talked about, we have a very intense agenda, so it’s been pushed. I don’t have the new date, but will send it to Denise to get out to the group.

Denise Davis

Are there any other questions for Commissioner Hill? I see Captain Cory is on. Do you have any comments to add today? [No response?] Okay. Jeff Cowen has posted a URL to the Chat Box.

Jeff Cowen

I know that access to the Chat Box is not easy for everybody, so I’ll put those into an email for Ronda and Denise.

Ronda Tycer

As long as I have the opportunity, I’ll ask a question, thank you. Commissioner Hill, I would like to know if the 2 or 3 members of the Mobility Hub committee will actually have the opportunity to have a deciding voice in selecting the site for the Mobility Hub. What will be their actual role in making that decision? Thank you.

Alexis Hill

Their role in making that decision will be helping us choose a consultant and helping us with community outreach. The deciding vote is the TTD Board. But we will be engaging with the entire community. Those 3 individuals themselves are not the deciders of the location. It’s the whole community we hope to engage with the process.

Ronda Tycer

Thank you.

Denise Davis

That brings to a close today’s meeting. We’ll see everyone in 2 weeks, which is April 1st. So no joke we’re having a meeting. Have a great 2 weeks. Stay in touch, and we’ll see you on April 1st. Bye.


09:05:16 From  IVGID Communications : https://www.diamondpeak.com/events/details/dummy-downhill

09:05:33 From  IVGID Communications : https://www.diamondpeak.com/events/details/luggi-foeger-uphill-downhill-festival

09:05:48 From  IVGID Communications : https://www.diamondpeak.com/events/details/diamond-cut

09:06:07 From  IVGID Communications : https://www.diamondpeak.com/events/details/winter-wildlife-snowshoe-hike

09:06:51 From  IVGID Communications : https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/events/moonlight-snowshoe-hike

09:07:08 From  IVGID Communications : https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/events/womens-ski-clinics

09:07:22 From  IVGID Communications : https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/events/55-ski-clinics-at-diamond-peak

09:07:48 From  IVGID Communications : https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/events/the-bunny-trail-community-egg-hunt

09:08:01 From  IVGID Communications : https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/events/youth-girls-softball-league

09:08:27 From  Washoe County Libraries : Thank you, Jeff.

09:08:28 From  IVGID Communications : https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/events/ladies-martial-arts

09:11:03 From  Washoe County Libraries : Incline Village mobility hub – application to be a committee member, info


Candidate filings for IVGID trustee (2 seats open)


Board of County Commissioners (BCC) general info


BCC agenda for March 22, 2022


Washoe County Board of Adjustment – Feb 3, 2022

[The Resort At Tahoe (aka Boulder Bay)]


time stamp 14:00

Planning applications for Commission District 1


IV/CB Citizens Advisory Board (CAB) agenda for April 4, 2022


IV/CB Community 1st meetings and community info


09:11:25 From  Washoe County Libraries : IVCBA (Incline Village Crystal Bay Community and Business Association)


Tahoe Fire and Fuels prescribed burns map


09:39:42 From  Chris Wood : Read how the California  3rd District Court of appeal decision (2/14/22) has shut down the Martis West development – even though not in the Tahoe Basin – for lack of information about traffic and fire evacuation data. Here’s the link: https://www.courts.ca.gov/opinions/documents/C087102.PDF  – Case name: LEAGUE TO SAVE LAKE TAHOE MOUNTAIN AREA PRESERVATION FOUNDATION et al.,


09:40:00 From  Alexis : I wanted to hop on here and post a link to the TTD Mobility Hub Committee. I’d love if Incline Village and Crystal Bay residents would apply to be on the committee to help us with input to the RFQ for the alternative site analysis and other public engagement processes over the next year – https://www.inclinevillagemobilityhub.org.

09:40:21 From  Alexis : Applications due April 8 @ 5p.m.

09:41:43 From  Washoe County Libraries : Great, thank you Alexis!  Denise announced the call for applicants as well.  Thanks for being here.

09:50:19 From  Chris Wood : Notes from the minutes of the 2/7/22 CAB meeting following the presentation by Tom Jacobsen the EKN Project Manager (“Boulder Bay”): “I know it might be difficult to give the exact breakdown now, but going back to the 2011 approval, what was approved in terms of the mix of the hotel and the condos? Mr. Jacobson said there were 334 total units, including the already built 18, as a total build-out of the project… “

09:51:29 From  Jeff Cowen : I looked up some information on the original Boulder Bay approval.


09:52:22 From  Chris Wood : Thanks Jeff



Alexis Hill

Bruce Townsend

Chris Wood

Corey Solferino

Dave Simon

Debbie Nicholas

Denise Davis

Diane Becker

Doug Flaherty

Greg Jewel 

Jack Dalton

Janet Pahl

Jeff Cowen

John Crockett

Jon and Beth Davidson

Judy Miller

Judy Simon

Kari Ferguson

Kathie Julian

Mike McNulty

Pam Straley

Patricia Moser Morris

Ronda Tycer

Sara Schmitz

Shirley Appel

Steve Dolan

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