IV/CB Community Forum Minutes

June 3, 2022

Good morning, Forum. I’m Denise Davis your moderator. Ronda Tycer is our Forum Recap Editor. And John Crockett is our tech guru today. As a reminder, our meeting is being recorded. Before you begin speaking, please state your name. While speaking, be respectful. Personal attacks will not be tolerated. For those online, if you’d like to share URLs, post them in the Chat Box and they’ll be included in the meeting recap. We partner with IVCB Community 1s.t.org and IVCBA.org to get information out. So be sure to visit their websites and sign up for their newsletters. To sign up for our Forum meeting notices and recaps, send an email to us at ivcbcommunityforum@gmail.com.

Kari Ferguson – Incline Village General Improvement District Communication Coordinator

Happy virtual Friday, everyone. I want to give you a few updates. As you know the Board of Trustees meeting was last Thursday. The summary of the revisions of recreation privileges in Ordinance 7 is up online. The final document is not up yet. I just did a summary, but that was my take on what happened—and I was helped on the “take.” I’ll let Denise go over some of that as well but I’ll drop the link in the Chat Box. Some of the other things I wanted to announce are the golf and event programs. I will put the link to the golf events. We have Ladies Day next week. That’s a very fun event at the Mountain Course. If you’re even remotely interested in golf, that’s a great event to break into golf and meet some other ladies who are also interested in learning about golf.

The Grill is now open from 11am to 7pm—dine in and takeout. I want to mention the Burnt Cedar Beach closure on June 9th. It will be closed in the morning only, opening at 1pm. We’re super close to being finished with the restoration of the pool project. We’ll have a grand opening later this month. I’m waiting until early next week for the date, but as soon as I get it, I will email it to you all. We also have some Park and Recreation events: Senior Program and Youth Program events happening this summer. We have a lot of fun things happening. I’ll let Denise—given she was on the committee—do a little recap of Ordinance 7. I’m happy to answer questions.

Denise Davis – Moderator

Actually I’ll let you do the Ordinance 7. I wasn’t taking very good notes. I was listening but not taking notes.

Kari Ferguson

So right now I’ll grab the link. I have all these links in the Chat—things about beach access and guest fees and residential dwellings. I’ll put the whole link to that in the Chat Box so everyone gets the same information, because I’m afraid I will muddle it up by talking about it and take up the whole meeting.

Denise Davis

That was my concern also. I think I remember what the decisions were, but I didn’t write things down, so I would refer to the IVGID website.

Jeff Cowen – Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, Public Information Officer

Good morning everybody—just a couple of quick updates from us. The Lake Tahoe Destination Stewardship Plan public workshops are continuing. We had several public workshops last week with 140 folks attending around the region. We have two virtual workshops coming up June 9 in English and June 10 in Spanish. I’ll get the link into the Chat in just a second. That will round out the first set of public workshops. We’ll have more workshops later in the summer.  That core group of organizations continue to study recreation and tourism in the Basin to get a different shared vision for the future. We have an awesome “What’s Happening on the East Shore?” webinar for the Environmental Improvement Program (EIS). It’s a new EIS roadshow. We’re going around the Basin talking about what’s happening with projects that are continuing and coming up on shores around the lake. We had a really great one on the West Shore. We had one for the East Shore set for June 2, but we didn’t have enough folks signed up for it, so we postponed it to the 23rd. We will have a new e-news coming out this afternoon. We’ll try to distribute that flyer with the webinar information. We appreciate you all getting the word out on the webinar.

June is Tahoe Bike Challenge month. TRPA and the Tahoe Bike Coalition are teaming up again to try to get as many people in the Basin out on their bikes on the trails and out of their cars for this month. There are a lot of really fun events. I’ll post those two links in the Chat now.

You may have seen the announcement that Joanne Marchetta our Executive Director of TRPA is stepping down June 30. So our Board has been in discussions on how to go about recruiting her replacement for that position. Joanne has been at the helm of TRPA for 13 years as Executive Director and as Legal Counsel for 4 years before that, so a total tenure of 17 years. She’s had a really remarkable tenure in terms of culture change and changes to the organization, and how it’s refocused on environmental restoration and also encouraging people to do projects. So this is a good time. It’s an interesting time. I think after listening to the Board talk about it at the last meeting when they got the announcement, that they feel like things are going in a good direction. That doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot of improvement to be had. They’ll be discussing at their public meeting June 22nd what the process will be for refilling that position. Meanwhile, the Interim Director beginning July 1 is John Hester. He is our Deputy Director and current Planning Chief. He was with the Reno Planning Department a number of years, so you guys may know him from various circles. I’ll stop there. There is a lot more happening with communications and public outreach over the coming summer.

Denise Davis

Jeff, I have a question as far as signing up for the EIS program webinar? By when do people need to sign up for that?

Jeff Cowen

It can go up to the last minute. I’ll forward the updated flyer to you and you can help distribute that way. It will be on our website and going out in our e-news this afternoon.

Ann Nichols – North Tahoe Preservation Alliance Director

Good morning. I’ll put in the Chat Box the link to the CBS Sunday morning show that was just great about Arches National Park. The name of it was “Too Much Love.” What they are doing is having a reservation.gov. You have a time and a reservation to get into the area. They have 1.8 million visitors per year; Tahoe has 15 million. All the parks in the country have 93 million visitors; we have 15% of tourist visitors—“the invasion” I’d call it—in the entire country. This isn’t sustainable. Anyway I’m going to put the link for it. It’s a great video. This is happening all over. Hawaii has shut down attractions. You can’t go to Waipo Valley anymore. They are keeping certain attractions open only on weekends for locals because they work all week. The population pressure is happening everywhere. I appreciate the time and will put the link in the Chat Box.

Denise Davis

Jeff, to follow up on that… When I was at the Destination Stewardship Meeting in Incline a few weeks ago, there was some discussion about “Can there be a reservation system for the Tahoe Basin”? I heard a few comments from people from different agencies saying that really can’t happen. Do you have any comments?

Jeff Cowen

No, and Ann has really good points. Yosemite is another park that’s had a reservation system for quite a while too. It’s been looked at and talked about. Whether it stays in the kind of framework of “What are we going to do in the future about tourism?” it’s unlikely to be in for a lot of reasons. You need State support and County support to start looking at closing off public roads and access to public lands. If you have too much pushback— like a showstopper essentially—in their partnership—if any one organization draws a line in the sand—that is never going to happen. Then if you close a few roads and have entry processes for a few of them, it will just bottleneck everyone into other places where they can get in and out. Let’s try other methods before we get to that point. I think the coordination that’s been happening for the last few years has been a really big improvement. There’s a lot of potential for looking at how can we do things differently from here forward that doesn’t include that. I think in general we’re focused on trying other things before that’s thrown up. It’s a major uphill battle to consider something like that.

Ann Nichols

Andy Chapman at the Sustainability meeting said that they could charge a user fee—that is allowed by the Compact. And as far as things getting better, Jeff, I don’t think so. I’m glad TRPA thinks that. But traffic is getting worse, and everything is getting more impacted. I wish TRPA would be real about that.

Ronda Tycer – IVCB Community Forum Recap Editor

We have a lake to protect. So what has worked in other places doesn’t work here. I think we have to remind ourselves that the lake is deteriorating. Given our stewardship of the lake, we may need to take measures that have not been considered so far. I appreciate having these different seminars. I recognize there is greater coordination around the Basin. But I still don’t see things being changed enough to make a difference.

Denise Davis

Just to follow up—I have been in contact with Reno Transportation Commission (RTC) to see if there’s a possibility of continuing or expanding the flex-ride service they offered last summer. They said that unfortunately this summer they have a lack of staff and a lack of equipment. So there are no plans for the flex-ride to Tahoe this summer. I would suggest that is something we all need to work together to reinstitute. I know that they didn’t have as much ridership as they were expecting. It was COVID, smoke, and fires. I personally would like to work some more with the RTC to get programs developed for the day-trippers to come up. I think that would alleviate a lot of our traffic—not all—but some.

Jeff Cowen

I won’t continue on this much longer, but I want to ask, “Are people from this group on the Mobility Committee for Washoe County?” There are two Mobility Commissions going on—one from TTD and one from Washoe County.

Denise Davis

John Crockett and Carole Black who regularly attend the Forum are on the TTD Mobility Committee.

Jeff Cowen

So there’s some representation there.

Diane Becker–Washoe County Manager Citizen Group Representative, Citizen Advisory Group Chair, Ordinance 7 Group Member

Jeff, when you say there’s been improvement, could you cite that improvement for us and give us some support for it? And when you say we can’t do something—that sounds like a very easy answer. But if we want something done, what do we do to get something done to either start a reservation system or somehow start protecting the area? I think it’s easy to keep talking about how we’re going to service more and more tourism up here—which seems to be what TRPA is doing—and really ignoring the fact that, as Ronda said, the water quality is going down. As Ann said, she hasn’t seen any improvement. And I don’t know of any locals in North Lake Tahoe who will say we’ve seen an improvement. So I’m not satisfied to hear you say, “Well we can’t do it.” What can we do?

Jeff Cowen

What I meant is that it’s not being considered—but it’s not “never going to happen.” But right now it is not being considered. The improvements that we’ve seen come in the form of additional traffic stops, the Ambassador program, stewardship pledges—the – improvement and expansion of the “Take Care” campaign educating people on how to take care of their waste. These are improvements that aren’t difficult to measure because we can say, “One year there was this many pounds of trash, and then the next year there was fewer pounds of trash.” Those numbers will be tracked and coming out. Other improvements are to expand transit service. So the micro-transit system has expanded from North Shore and is starting on the South Shore. Those are all in the realm of improvements through coordination and better management. We’re seeing the Corridor Plan for Highway 28 come through. That will continue to put in additional parking spaces, additional reservation systems, and additional bike-trail connections to Spooner to alleviate pressure in the middle. So those are the things that are counted in the improvements.

Diane Becker

You’re talking about trash pickups. You’re not talking about limiting people or requiring them to make reservations. Many people here have traveled many places. When we go places, we find those places have put in activities that do restrict tourism. I think you heard a long list of places doing that. So who do we talk to—as people who actually live here and are really concerned about lake quality deteriorating and other things. What can we do? And if you’re counting trash pickup, should we stop our groups up here in Incline Village who are doing that for free? In Incline Village there’s an entire group of people who regularly pick up trash. So should they stop so you really see that the trash is getting worse and worse?    

Jeff Cowen

Just continue to stay involved and engaged in the Destination Stewardship Plan. Continue to stay engaged in all the transportation projects and all the transportation planning. You’ve got great representation on the TRPA Advisory Planning Commission. You can continue to engage in those ways. That’s how you’re going to get your voice in and try to encourage additional changes.

The reservation system at Sand Harbor was going to start this summer, but has been postponed. But that is one example of getting different reservation systems going around the region that will help meter out people so they are coming at different times.  So that way everyone isn’t coming at the same time, the same day of the week, the same time of the day. We’re also seeing the Visitors Bureaus doing the same thing with their marketing. They’re pushing more emphasis on the shoulder seasons and non-peak holidays. They are not marketing as heavily as they would have earlier on busy times.

I understand that your feeling is that those are not all good enough. I can’t really argue right and wrong, back and forth with this group. It doesn’t really improve much and doesn’t give more feedback to folks above.

Diane Becker

Are you able to tell us about the reservations for Sand Harbor? Who do we give feedback to? This summer we were told that…

Jeff Cowen

Jay Howard at Nevada State Parks. He will be on the EIP forum on June 23rd.

Sara Schmitz – Incline Village General Improvement District Trustee, IVCB Community 1st Director

To follow on, and understand we’re not here trying to criticize you. But we have made our voices heard. We write, we attend meetings, and frankly, it doesn’t matter. What’s really disappointing here is that I thought TRPA was an organization to protect our environment. And to me it seems like they are an organization protecting tourism. There’s no measurement of what’s happened to the lake. I have never seen the lake this cloudy, and this full of algae. We seem to be focusing on transportation and trash pickup without understanding or discussing what is the impact we’re having on the lake.

Last week they approved higher density. The higher density not only allows more runoff, but—as we attended a meeting showing—it increases fire risk because the buildings and structures are now closer together. It seems like TRPA has lost its mission, and is focused on development and tourism to the detriment of our environment and to the detriment of the lake. I don’t know who we need to talk to. Our voices need to be heard more than they have been over the past couple of years. I’d like to know who we need to speak with.

Jeff Cowen

I’ll continue to represent this group’s interests on my channels. You have Public Comment periods in all the Governing Board meetings. There are myriad interests in the Basin that all need to be balanced. So when one community group’s interests don’t appear to be met, that doesn’t mean that those other interests aren’t in the balance as well. That’s the best description I think I can give for how it is that requests aren’t always met. It’s a balancing of different interests.

And yes, TRPA is fully and entirely committed to protecting the environment. There are newer and better ways of doing that including encouraging environmental redevelopment. If we don’t take care of some of our housing situation, we’ll continue to have long commutes, we won’t have vibrant communities. We won’t be able to invest in our towns and our communities.

Sara Schmitz

Is that in TRPA’s mission? I thought TRPA was here to ensure that what we do—that all causes—we are protecting our environment. When you say there are multiple interests, I understand that. But if we can’t stop deterioration of the lake, the rest becomes irrelevant.

Jeff Cowen

For sure! This is how we get to more water quality improvements and more erosion control measures by encouraging environmental redevelopment and investment in property renovation. So we are a Regional Planning Agency. The Bi-state Contract called for TRPA to create a plan for orderly development and growth in the region that achieves the environmental thresholds. So it’s all in the same realm. It is within our mission.

Kathie Julian – Citizen Advisory Board Member

Thank you for coming and thanks for fielding all these questions and views. My question goes to the issue I raised before about notices. When things happen in the community and you send out things to the property owners it does not include renters of said properties. Can you again go back to your management and ask them if they can work with our community to figure out how can we together reach out to renters in these spaces that are affected by TRPA initiatives, so that they are informed as well. It takes a partnership, it takes a community? It could be something as simple as your people  

providing us with materials in English and Spanish and our volunteers distributing those door-to-door. We need that cooperation. If you could, take that up the chain of command. Certainly it isn’t violating any NRS ruling. Talk it over with your lawyers, whatever. Thank you very much. 

Jeff Cowen

Thank you, Kathie.

Diane Becker

Jeff, is there a possibility that we could arrange for a meeting here, where we as a community could talk about the environmental impacts that are happening here with the Board or if not the Governing Board, at least with someone involved in Regional Planning, so they can understand how seriously we take this issue. If we go to the

State legislature, they are funding you to protect the lake. We feel it is getting worse and worse. We’d like to express that, but so many people can’t travel all the way around the lake to your (South shore) meetings. Could you at least see if that’s a possibility?

Jeff Cowen

Yes, I’ll brainstorm it and see what we can do.

Diane Becker

Thank you. And we do appreciate that you come. 

Doug Flaherty – Incline Village Resident

I appreciate Jeff’s position as spokesperson for TRPA. That’s what he’s here for and he always does a good job representing TRPA. I just want to make a general comment here as I listen to everyone. The Bi-State Compact calls for the TRPA to harmonize all of the environmental considerations: traffic, growth, lake clarity… a large list of requirements that basically say it’s TRPA’s job to harmonize the Lake Tahoe basin, primarily in the interest of environmental considerations. So I guess my statement is that we are significantly out of harmony – whether it’s the algae, the traffic, the growth, the reshaping of the thresholds they are trying to accomplish right now to move away from the environmental issues into the more social issues.

I guess my question is, “How does TRPA measure its responsibility?” What metric does the TRPA use to decide whether we are out of harmony as required by the Compact? I would say that the only way to measure that is to focus more on the cumulative impacts of every single action taken by TRPA. I think if that doesn’t happen very soon, then there will be a movement towards another moratorium. I’m going to say it. People are fed up. That’s all I have to say.

Denise Davis

The good news, Jeff, is that we all care. We all express that in different ways. So we do appreciate you being here and for voicing our concerns to the people above you who can possibly address what we’re concerned about. So thanks again for being here.

Corey Solferino – Washoe County Sheriff Office Captain

Sergeant Colacurcio is doing an amazing job. I appreciate all the work he’s doing with our traffic enforcement, and with the planning and logistics for the upcoming 4thof July parade on July 2nd with the Heroes meet-and-greet afterwards. So I just want to give him a huge shout-out. It’s just a ton of logistical work and a lot of stuff he does in his free time at home. So I appreciate that wholeheartedly.

We just held motor interviews to replace our motor vacancy in Incline Village. School’s coming up later this month and depending on who the “victor” is… We have 4 people competing for 2 positions in the Valley and Incline Village. We hope to have that person up in Incline as soon as we can. Other than that, we’re “status quo.” People are doing great work. We had a nice and light Memorial Day weekend due to the weather. We did have two rescues on Marine 9 for a couple of kayakers who went out in bad water and got stranded on the rocks. That happened on Friday evening. Other than that I have nothing to report unless you guys have questions.

Denise Davis

Again thanks to everyone at the WCSO for all the work they’re doing. I know that lots of little things have gotten cleared up around town. And we all appreciate the extra effort.

Tia Rancourt – North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District Public Information Officer

Good morning everyone. You may have seen we went into summer fire restrictions June 1. We put that information out the day before. There’s no charcoal or wood burning allowed, which also applies to the Incline parks and beach charcoal grilling areas. We want to shout out to IVGID to thank them for collaboration and working with us on that to keep our community safe. Our chipping and defensible space services are up and running. Those are going really well. If anyone is interested, you can sign up on our website nltfpd.org. We want to remind everyone about our pancake breakfast July 2– from 8-10am right before the parade. So come have some coffee, pancakes and fresh fruit, and then go enjoy the parade.

Denise Davis

Tia, just to clarify, it’s no solid fuels but gas BBQs are okay. Are there any restrictions for individual residences?

Tia Rancourt

No restrictions inside; only outside. If you have a solid fuel-burning device inside that’s okay. We did get that question.

Denise Davis

I think Chief Sommers said if you were using a fire pit it needs a screen. Is that correct?

Tia Rancourt

 It needs to have a screen and also a permit. We need permits for those. Just give us a holler and we’ll come out and take a look and issue a permit.

Ann Nichols

The community and neighborhood is disappointed in the condition of the Biltmore property. They have failed to remove the asbestos, much less take down buildings. It’s worse than it was before with broken glass and torn plastic. The NLTFPD has been training there, which I know is a wonderful thing for the Fire Department to actually be on a building, and cut holes in the ceiling and the roofs and everything. But I wish you could get that over with quickly so they can take it down. They haven’t approved their demo permit so they could take those buildings down. It’s a terrible eyesore and now actually a health and safety issue.  There was a gate open yesterday—or 2 days ago. You can slide under another fence. It’s an attractive nuisance. There was a front-end loader with a propane tank parked right by it. We’ve been through so much for 15 years with this project and the mess, so if you could just get your training done so we can get it fixed I’d appreciate it.

Tia Rancourt

I will look into the timeframe. I haven’t heard anything lately about it. I’ll see if I can get any dates and get back to you.

Ann Nichols


Linda Offerdahl – Incline Village Crystal Bay Community and Business Association, Executive Director

It used to be August as the season for fundraisers, but it seems now it is really June. This week the Boys and Girls Club of Tahoe has their online auction. Next Friday, Parasol has their fundraiser at the Parasol Building. Saturday June 11 is the Pet Network Fur Ball.  They’re bringing it back. We are still taking entrants for the parade and the community faire. This is open to anybody who wants to have a popup tent and wants to distribute information or want to interact with the public. We are not selling anything on the green. There will be other entertainment. There’s something called the Jambulance.  The WCSO will have their meet-and-greet with all their fun toys. The Canine Unit will be there. The Mounted Unit will be there with horses. It’s going to be a lot of fun. Please encourage everybody to come out for that. This year the Veterans Club is doing all the normal stuff to celebrate the birth of our country.

John Crockett – Washoe County Library Head Librarian, Tahoe Transportation District Incline Mobility Hub Committee Member

We have early voting going on through Friday June 10 from 10-6 daily including weekends. Here at the Library we are hiring. We are recruiting for branches across the Washoe Library system – 1 part-time vacancy and 1 fulltime vacancy here at the library. Folks can find out more about applying for the job. The website is posted in the Chat Box under Washoe County Jobs. And we had our summer reading challenge kick-off party. Kids can sign up, receive a bag with an activity sheet, reading log, and track reading through the summer to earn free books. That’s what’s going on.

Denise Davis

We did get an update from Sara Tone regarding activities at Boulder Bay, which is now the Resort and Residences at Tahoe. If you’re interested to receive those updates, send an email to Development@washoecounty.gov to be added to their email list and you will get the monthly update or any interim updates as to what’s going on. You can find our road construction information at: inclinehighways.com.

Don’t forget that the Primary Voting Day is June 14th at Aspen Grove. There is early voting going on at the Library. But if you want to vote in person, it’s June 14th at Aspen Grove.

We also have a CAB meeting coming up on Monday June 6.  The CAB meeting starts at 5:30. There will be a presentation from Ebie, the developer of the Resort and Residences at Tahoe. Also his Senior Vice President Tom Jacobson is scheduled to be with him. Also on the agenda is an update on the State Route 431-Highway 28 project. Also there will be a presentation from Amy Cummings who joined us in March about the Washoe County transportation plan. That is an online meeting only. The information can be found on the County website under the CABs tab. I believe Kari already mentioned that there is an IVGID meeting June 8 at 6pm. Diane did you want to say anything else about the CAB?

Diane Becker

There will be a number of things posted with the agenda that might be useful for CAB attendees.

Patricia Moser Morris – Incline Village Resident

This is a general comment. Speaking of the 431/28 projects, people have suggested there should be traffic lights on some of the intersections on 431 because of the recent serious traffic accident. I’m trying to find out who or what entity is responsible for a decision as to whether or not to install traffic lights on 431. Some say it’s Washoe County; some say it’s NDOT, and I have no clue. Does anyone know?

Joseph Colacurcio – Washoe County Sheriff Office Sergeant

It will be the NDOT Engineering Department for getting a traffic light installed on a State highway.

Patricia Moser Morris

Thank you very much.

Denise Davis

Do they have to do a traffic count or any kind of study before they do that?

Joseph Colacurcio

The probability of getting a traffic light on a State Highway is going to be minimal. They do have to do traffic studies. The State records all that data for traffic accidents. Then they look to see how many accidents have occurred in that area. They have access to our data as well as the State data to make that informed decision. But they will also do additional traffic studies to see if a light is required in that area.

Doug Flaherty

 I have just a couple of items. This morning I noticed, almost overnight, we have at least 8 boats parked in a vacant lot, lined up together like in parking spaces although it’s a dirt lot at the corner of Incline Way and Village. I’ll be making a complaint to the Washoe County Code Enforcement folks today to see if there’s some sort of Use Permit pulled to allow boat parking in that particular area.

The other thing I did want to mention was we were talking about the Biltmore property. And I did send a formal complaint alleging violations of the County Public Nuisance code to the County and others to make sure we get that officially followed up on.

And the third thing I want to mention is I also filed a formal complaint to TRPA regarding the violation of the TRPA Code of Ordinances that requires TTD to have a Temporary Use Permit under the TRPA Code of Ordinances to be able to use the Old Elementary School property—which they are applying for this year. But we’ve had approximately 9 years of violations of the TRPA Code of Ordinances and violations to the Compact. And there are some stiff penalties that go along with that. So I made a formal complaint that it should be followed up on by TRPA. They’ve been vague on what they intend to do with the complaint. They told me in an email they were going to take it up with the Hearing Officer Process on May 26 for the hearing for the Use Permit—at which nothing was discussed regarding my notice that they look into the violation of misusing that property without a permit, and—by the way—sidestepping any Environmental Checklist for the last 9 years (less the 2 they haven’t been operating because of COVID and a shortage of bus drivers).

So there are a few things happening at least on my part. I know many others of you have weighed in on a lot of these issues.

The final item I want to mention is that there is a strong likelihood that we’ll file an appeal of the Hearing Officer’s finding that they will approve the Temporary Use Permit for the East Shore Express. There are way too many holes in their … analysis, which I call a sham Environmental Checklist… but that remains to be seen.

Anyway, those are just a few updates on what myself and others are trying to do try to keep the “village” in Incline Village. Thank you.

Denise Davis

Sergeant Cola, do you want to remind us of how we should report parking issues?

Joseph Colacurcio

Sure I can take care of that for you. If anyone has a parking issue not on private property – going through Code Enforcement is the right way to deal with the boats on that property in that area for the Use Permit.  But if there is a parking issue and it is causing a traffic hazard in any which-way, we request that you call the non-emergency number for the WCSO: 775 785 9276. Put in a request for a “parking problem.”  That will allow one of my deputies or myself to go out to handle the parking issue at that time.

Denise Davis

 I assume you’re keeping some statistics about problem areas.

Joseph Colacurcio

Yes, we do track where we do work. And those known parking problem areas are reviewed every day the best we can, to get out there and do enforcement for traffic safety. I’m putting the non-emergency number in the Chat Box.

Helen Neff – Incline Village Resident

NDOT has started the restriping. I’m hoping they’ll do the crosswalks soon on 28. But if you’re driving on 28 from Village towards Sand Harbor, the left-turn lane to turn into the 3rd Creek townhomes wasn’t painted. So if you’re going the other direction towards Boulder Bay, there are two lanes of traffic on 28 in that short section. People are speeding. (That’s for the WCSO because the Hwy Patrol is not on this call.) People are speeding. And if you’re trying to turn left, coming the other way people are honking at you because you’re blocking the one lane of traffic. So I put in a request to NDOT to correct that yesterday. I don’t know how long it will take. But just be careful when driving there. There are people who are not used to the area and don’t know that it used to be a left turn lane, which is now not painted.

Kathie Julian

I have a quick question for the Sergeant. Could you remind us about boat parking on our streets? To what extent is it allowed? What are the rules and regulations? Specifically, as I was driving down Ski Run I saw there were boats parked there from California. It looks like they are there for a while. What are the rules?

Joseph Colacurcio

The rules and regulations are simply as long as the vehicle or trailer is parked legally, it’s allowed to be parked there up to 72 hours, not as storage or sales.

Kathie Julian

If we see that it is parked there for longer than 72 hours, then someone in the neighborhood should or could call the nonemergency number.

Joseph Colacurcio

And you can make a parking complaint. And as soon as they move it the 72 hours clock starts over again. It has to be marked and tagged for the 72 hours to actually start.

Kathie Julian

Okay, thanks.

Yolanda Knaak – Incline Village Resident, IVGID Trustee Candidate

I want to mention that I’ve been hearing a lot of complaints about short-term rentals (STRs). I want you to know there is an emergency contact phone number for the County Commissioners if you have problems with STRs. That is: 775 785-9276.

As I’m listening to all these complaints, I think some people are pretty serious about their unhappiness with the STRs. I just want to make sure people understand that—this is my personal opinion—the only way we could ever get rid of STRs is to have a vote on the ballot at the general election.  There are items on the ballot. That’s about the only way we could ever get rid of STRs. I want to verify that because people are mad at the IVGID Board Trustees and the General Manager Indra about the STR problems. But it’s not for them to make that decision, It would have to be a vote. The ballot measures are put out by the Secretary of State.

Joseph Colacurcio

Just to clarify, the phone number that Yolanda just gave you guys is the nonemergency number for the WCSO. So if you have an emergency issue that requires a police response—if you have an emergency—dial 911. If you have a complaint or a noise complaint that would require a response from the WCSO, please call that number. If you’re calling just to say you have issues about the owner and STRs, we’ll tell you to call the County. I don’t have that number. But I’m letting you know that the number Yolanda gave you is the nonemergency number for the WCSO. So if you have an emergency or wish to issue a citation, or something along those lines for noise disturbance, that is the number you would call for your STR issue or your neighbor for a noise response. It is not just for STR complaints.

Yolanda Knaak

If you look at the County Commissioners website, that’s the number they give you. Obviously, you’re going to have to call the County Commissioners. I wasn’t aware that was the WCSO nonemergency number. The Commissioners should correct that on their website.

Sara Schmitz

If you go to the IVCB Community 1st website, click on the Resources tab and there’s a page for Resources. It has where and how to report STR complaints. It has where to call for parking issues. So the Resources page is intended to be a sort of one-stop shop for community issues. It is posted there. There are email addresses. There are phone numbers. It’s all there.

Also let people know that on the IVCB Community 1st.org website, there is a new post that explains Pacaso. It explains how they operate and where they are operating. It gives you information. If you’re interested you can sign a petition. It also has another post that identifies what other communities are doing. So I would encourage people to take a look at that. A great deal of effort and research has gone into that information in the post. And all that information has been shared with the County Commissioners, the General Manager, and Code Enforcement.

Denise Davis

Thank you Sara. We’re getting close to the end of our meeting, so I’m going to ask candidates if they would like to say anything. I’ll start with Ray. You have 3 minutes.

Ronda Tycer

I just want to know if we’ll be able to ask questions of the candidates.

Ray Tulloch

I’m certainly happy to answer questions, but that’s up to Denise.

Denise Davis

I think we’ll stick with our 3 minutes. You and I can discuss questions. Okay Ray, go ahead.

Ray Tulloch – IVGID Trustee Candidate

Thank you everyone for taking the time out. I’ve been out and about in the community as much as possible, to attend as many forums, and to speak to as many people as possible. I know that’s different than some candidates. But I’ve tried my best. A common theme I got was everyone in the community is disappointed that there has not been any open community forums and a chance to speak to candidates to understand what the candidates are about. I’ve tried to address as many as possible. Unlike some candidates I’m not campaigning on slogans, which you can understand if you look at my website: tulloch4ivgidtrustee.com. You’ll see I have set there various policies I intend to work for. I believe that anyone who is asking for votes owes that to the community to demonstrate what you propose to do, not just slogans that can mean anything.

As far as I’m concerned, my platform is very much based on stewardship and sustainability of our community. The Board has responsibility for accountability and oversight. And I think that’s their primary duty. We should expect them to do that.

I’m very humbled by the support I’ve received from the general community. I’m not standing for any special interest group. I’m not trying to sell things. I’m not trying to develop things. I’m trying to make sure we keep our community designed for the residents—not to be overrun by tourists and tourism, as has been highlighted in the TRPA section here. Look at my specific policies. I’m very open to speak to anyone. If you want to follow up, you’ll find details on my website. I’ve been answering emails from people who are concerned.  I would humbly ask you to look at the candidates. I’d love you to vote for me but I’d ask you to look at the candidates’ policies.  Whether there’s something there more than just “making life better.”  Better for whom? Better in what way? I thank you for taking the time to listen to me.

Yolanda Knaak

Thank you so much. I’ve gone over my platform in the past on this forum, so I just want to ask you to look at my website electyolandaknaak.com. If you have any questions you can email me at yolandaknaak4ivgid@gmail.com.

Thank you so much for this forum. And by the way, I will contact the County Commissioners and let them know they have the wrong phone number for nonemergency contacts for STRs on their website. So thank you so much.

Denise Davis

It looks like we’re at the end of our hour. We’ll meet again in 2 weeks on June 17. We’ll be back to our hybrid meeting in person and on Zoom. I want to remind everyone to stay safe. Keep an eye on the fires. Remind everyone you know it’s a dry summer, and we all need to stay safe. Alright. We’ll see you in 2 weeks. Bye.



09:06:53               From  Jeff Cowen : http://stewardshiptahoe.org/

09:07:03               From  IVGID Communications : Youth programs:


09:15:15               From  ann nichols B.4527 : WATCH THIS:https://www.cbsnews.com/video/protecting-national-parks-from-too-much-love/#x

09:20:46               From  ann nichols B.4527 : Andy Chapman said we can’t afford to keep the free micro transit going.  It costs too much money.  The Sustainable Tourism Committee is planning on charging all of us and Tourists through Civitas.  https://civitasadvisors.com

09:23:15               From  ann nichols B.4527 : Jeff, you said a few meetings ago that you wanted discussion?

09:23:33               From  Judith Simon : Our common interest is Lake Tahoe!

09:24:28               From  Jacquie Chandler : thank you Sara

09:28:50               From  Jacquie Chandler : TRPA is mandated to uphold these 9 Thresholds https://thresholds.laketahoeinfo.org/

09:29:06               From  Jacquie Chandler : thresholds are clear – adherence is not

09:29:15               From  Jacquie Chandler : https://thresholds.laketahoeinfo.org/

09:32:45               From  IVGID Communications : ????????

09:34:22               From  Jacquie Chandler : https://www.trpa.gov/wp-content/uploads/documents/archive/Thresholds_Regional-Plan_Amended_2019_4_24.pdf

09:35:54               From  Jacquie Chandler : is EKN the developer, Arya K

09:37:51               From  Jacquie Chandler : arya@ekndevgroup.com Arya Nakhjavani 949 315 0158 Maybe it would be good to invite him to these meetings to talk directly to him about the project?

09:37:55               From  IVGID Communications : Thank you Linda. I’ll put some event links in the chat!

09:38:13               From  Washoe County Libraries : https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/washoecounty

09:39:11               From  IVGID Communications : 4th of July Kid’s bike parade:


09:39:20               From  Washoe County Libraries : development@washoecounty.gov

09:39:30               From  Washoe County Libraries : inclinehighways.com

09:39:39               From  IVGID Communications : Vets pancake breakfast: https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/events/vets-pancake-breakfast-1

09:41:34               From  IVGID Communications : IVGID BOT Meeting: https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/ivgid/board-of-trustees/meetings-and-agendas

09:43:24               From  Jacquie Chandler : https://www.dot.nv.gov/projects-programs/programs-studies/mt-rose-highway-corridor-study

09:47:47               From  Washoe County Libraries : 775-785-9276 – WCSO Non-emergency

09:47:49               From  Jeff Cowen : TRPA still has not received a permit application from the Resort at Tahoe/Boulder Bay project proponents. We may be receiving an application next week.

09:48:18               From  Sgt J Colacurcio : Washoe County Sheriff’s Office

09:48:35               From  Sgt J Colacurcio : 775-785-9276 or 775-785-WCSO

09:53:53               From  Jacquie Chandler : or the County could adopt a’ Stewardship Hosting Standard’ https://www.sustaintahoe.org/uploads/1/2/7/7/127782591/the_tahoe_standard_for_str.pdf

09:55:29               From  Washoe County Libraries : STR Hotline number : 775-277-6701 (Call this number for an immediate problem with an STR)

09:55:38               From  Washoe County Libraries : https://ivcbcommunity1st.org/resources/

09:56:45               From  IVGID Communications : Thanks everyone. I have to hop off! Have a great weekend!

09:56:57               From  Washoe County Libraries : Thanks Kari!

09:58:08               From  Washoe County Libraries : https://www.tulloch4ivgidtrustee.com/

09:59:48               From  raytulloch : tullopch4ivgidtrustee.com

10:00:18               From  raytulloch : ray@tulloch4ivgidtrustee.com phone 2074094872

10:00:33               From  Corey Solferino : Have a great weekend!!!


Ann Nichols

Beth Davidson

Corey Solferino

David Simon

Denise Davis

Diane Becker

Doug Flaherty

Helen Ness

Jacquie Chandler

Jeff Church

Jeff Cowen

Jon Davidson

Joseph Colacurcio

Judith Miller

Judith Simon

Kari Ferguson

Kathie Julian

Kristina Hill

Linda Offerdahl

Myles Riner

Pam Straley

Patricia Moser Morris

Randall Fleisher

Ray Tulloch

Ronda Tycer

Sara Schmitz

Svata Trossen

Tia Rancourt

Yolanda Knaak

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