IV/CB Community Forum Minutes

June 17, 2022

Ryan Summers – North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District Chief

Chipping is up and running so anything you need chipped that’s been cut by the homeowner and not a contractor, we’ll come and do that. Give us a call and get on the list. Our pancake breakfast is July 2nd 8-10 am. Tia’s on here to back me up in case I mess something up. Then, the next issue is fire restrictions. Please know that the green trees you see outside are actually stressed beyond their limits. The beetle kill has started, so if you look, you’re going to see some brown tops coming up, and it’s coming up quickly. So that’s a clear indicator that we’re in a drought. We went into fire restrictions as well as the local agencies around the Basin. The restriction is no solid fuels burning. That includes charcoal BBQs—they cannot be used. You can use propane or gas unless it’s a Red Flag day. Then there’s no burning whatsoever. I had a meeting yesterday with the US Forest Service. They plan to go to the same fire restrictions June 29th. So, it will include US Forest Service lots and properties as well. No solid fuel burning. 

Tia Rancourt – North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District Public Information Officer

We’re doing our best to provide hard copies of this information. We have a flyer and we’ve gone around town to most of the retail locations. I wasn’t able to get into Raley’s the other day because they were repaving. I’ll do that today, and ask them to pull wood and charcoal from their shelves. Everybody so far has been very accommodating and glad that we’re doing this. We’ll continue to get these posted around town so that our visitors see the information as well. 

Patrica Morris Moser – Incline Village Resident

How do we find out if it’s a Red Flag Day?

Ryan Sommers

We’ll post it on our website and the weather service sends alerts out all the time. You can subscribe to them on social media. Your normal news channels will have it. The problem is it’s just 1 day. Which is a good scenario, but it’s hard to get the message out in 1 day. So just kind of pay attention to the weather, and if you have any weather apps on your phone, put in our zip code, and it should pop up.  

Steve Dolan – Incline Village Resident, Friends of 3rd Creek Director

The other day, the winds were up, and there was a big formal picnic at Incline Beach. They had standing propane heaters right next to the creek. Are those legal during Red Flag days or windy days?

Ryan Sommers

During Red Flag days, no they aren’t. Windy days, yes, because it’s not a Red Flag day. There are a bunch of parameters that have to be met for it to be a Red Flag day. And the fuel moisture content of the fire fuels isn’t there to post Red Flags yet, but that’s coming. The more the winds keep up, it’s going to dry out a lot faster. And we’re going to see Red Flags coming very, very soon. But they can use them. Hopefully it wasn’t next to the tent. If there’s a tent up, that’s not legal. But they are okay during this time. 

Howard Beckerman – Incline Village Resident, IVGID Senior Programs

I have a friend who was supposed to have a fish fry down at Burnt Cedar Beach, but it was a Red Flag day according to IVGID. They had the red flag posted.

Ryan Sommers

So, don’t confuse that red flag with the weather service Red Flag. That red flag up here is so you don’t launch your boat.  

Howard Beckerman

They were looking for some info from the Fire Department. I think it was the website that indicated, or which they interpreted to say, that as long as you had 36” clearance around the propane, you could still use it on Red Flag days. 

Ryan Sommers

No, on true Red Flag days from the weather service, they cannot use it.

Howard Beckerman

Tia may want to check the website and make sure that is very clear. I didn’t see it myself, but my friend was looking at it. 

Tia Rancourt

I’ll check that out, thank you.

Jack Dalton – Incline Village Resident

I have a question. My neighbors at Arbors take care of a property with small trees. It’s already been treated in the past for bark beetles. The neighborhood has a tree that is beyond salvage, and there’s also dwarf mistletoe. Is there any obligation for neighbors to take care of their trees? I assume that’s… legal… a legal obligation?

Ryan Sommers

So, let me explain the process. You can call us anonymously and give us the address. Anybody can call us if they think it’s an issue. We’ll go out and do a drive-by, and if it’s an issue, we will initiate our process to get them to take care of it. It’s not going to become a legal issue—this is the downside—it is not a legal issue—believe me I’m trying to work on this, but there is so much red tape – it’s not going to become a legal issue until about 18 months into the process. Then we can go onto the property and take care of it ourselves and go after them through different means. We are currently doing that with a property on Country Club. It’s been 3 years in the making. We’re actually going to court. We went in, we did the work, we did everything we’re allowed to do under NRS. They’re still denying it. So, we’re going after them. We’re putting a tax lien on the house. We have to do whatever our attorney elects to do but we’re going after them. I don’t have any problem with the process; I have a problem with the length of the process. And I’m working on that. 

Jack Dalton – Incline Village Resident

So, I can just come over there and give you the name of the property. Because I’ve already complained to the property manager. It’s a long-term rental.

Ryan Sommers

Let’s talk after the meeting and I’ll get an address. We’ll get it in the queue.

Helen Neff – Incline Village Resident

If we notice fire we think shouldn’t be happening, what’s the procedure?

Ryan Sommers

Call 911.

Helen Neff

Is there an emergency 911 and a non-emergency 911?

Joseph Colacurcio – Washoe County Sheriff Office Sergeant

There is—775 785-9276. If it’s an actual fire or it’s going to cause an immediate hazard, call 911. That gets the process started which sends the call to our dispatch. If it’s fire related they’ll send it to their dispatch, and their dispatch will pick it up from there and respond. 

I don’t have any announcements but I’m here to answer any questions. We’re obviously working and getting into the busy part of the season. So, traffic enforcement, parking, everything like that is very important to us. We’re doing a press release about leaving your animals in your car. It’s getting warmer. Nothing better than breaking a window on a nice car for an animal in distress. Let your friends know. Put it out there. Feel free to call us. I have no problems with people having to fix their windows for people who abuse animals. Together with a free window break, they also get a nice $600 ticket, and a time to meet Judge Tiras. That’s a mandatory; not a freebie. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask. 

Sara Schmitz – Incline Village General Improvement District Trustee, IVCB Community 1st Director

Sergeant, do you have any idea why there has been a backhoe sitting at the corner of Village and Lakeshore for the past month?

Joseph Colacurcio

I do not. I know it does move back and forth. It’s probably off the property on the corner there on the southwest corner. So, we’ll take a look at it and see what it is.  

Jack Dalton

I had a couple of questions. I did a lot of walking around for this and last election. Two years ago, there was a boat trailer on Country Club—a big boat trailer but no boat. It had been signed by—I don’t know—the Sheriff Department or somebody—who said that if you don’t move it within a month it will be pulled. And now it’s 2 years later. 

Joseph Colacurcio

Is it on private property? Is it the one up the hill by First Green? 

Jack Dalton

I don’t know. It’s on Country Club as you go towards 431.

Joseph Colacurcio.

On the right-hand side back in the woods? (Jack Dalton, Yes.) That is private property. We can’t touch it. If it’s private property the parcel owner has to…

Jack Dalton

Okay, then obviously…

Joseph Colacurcio

They probably made a mistake 

Jack Dalton

When they put the sign on it?

Joseph Colacurcio

That or maybe they put it to see if they would move it. Maybe it was ‘a swing and a miss.” I don’t know who posted it. But I can tell you, it’s private property because they brought it up multiple times. You can’t touch it. 

Jack Dalton

Well, it’s too bad because the neighbors complained about it as I was walking around. It’s too bad they didn’t know that. The other part is that there were a lot of signs put out for the election. I don’t want to make any criticism, but there were selective removals of some signs by some parties. What’s the law for political signage?

Joseph Colacurcio

I’d have to look that up. I know you can’t touch or deface political signs. If you put up a political sign within the roadway or within the easement, they have the right to remove it—NDOT, County easement, or private property. And if it’s on private property the owner has the right to remove the sign and destroy it. 

Jack Dalton

Private property, I can understand. But the Issue is about from the edge of the road—how do we know where private property begins? Because I saw a lot of signs that were illegal and stayed there. And I know I saw a lot of other signs that may have been legal but citizens just made decided that they were going to pull the signs.  But how do you determine where is the “legal” line?  Because I understood that on County property, for the election, it’s okay to put it there. Not on private property, on County property. 

Joseph Colacurcio

So, where the roadway easement is considered County property and private property, that’s something we obviously would need to get into and hopefully we could find a [inaudible]? Up here it’s a little harder to define unless you’ve had your property recently surveyed. With that, I can’t tell you the finer details on signage for that. Obviously on private property It’s your right to have it on yours, but you can remove whatever you want off your property. My guess would be the Registrar of Voters would have the political signage rules and regulations. 

Jack Dalton

Thank you.

Howard Beckerman

I just noticed an increase in those orange notices on vehicles that have been parked around trailers and things. I think that’s great that they’re doing that.  

Joseph Colacurcio

Thanks. We appreciate that. We’re hopefully working with some tow companies in town to make some things happen.  

Helen Neff 

Sergeant, thank you for all you do. I don’t see anyone on this call from the County, so I’m just going to say my comment now. I’m not sure there’s anything you can do but use your amazing influence. I’m a bit frustrated with the crosswalk painting. I contacted NDOT. I’ve been in touch with Washoe County and NDOT in early June, and they both told me to be patient. I get all that. But as you said, our traffic is building, people are speeding, the East Shore Express is coming, pedestrians are at risk. And a bright white crosswalk makes a big difference. If you’re going to the Post Office, just look at the crosswalk on Southwood that was painted last year. Then look at the crosswalks on Village, on Highway 28, and all our other places. So, If you have any influence at all and can help get our crosswalks painted before we get super busy, that would be great. Thank you.

Joseph Colacurcio


Helen Durfee

Thanks for that other question Helen Neff. I noticed coming up 431 from Reno, they repainted and eliminated a lot of the passing areas where you could pass. Is that because of construction or is that permanent? 

Joseph Colacurcio

That’s based on a traffic engineer from NDOT. So, that’s all with them. I couldn’t tell you what the traffic engineer did or if they’re going to repaint it and change it. But that’s up to the State how they wish to paint lanes. 


Do you or Tahoe City have plans to practice at the Biltmore?  I know it’s a good idea for the fire department. They aren’t going to demolish it for a year.

Ryan Sommers

We have been training at those buildings on the Biltmore property. We’re coming to a close with that. I think we’ll use them here and there. But we’re getting into the busy part of our season. So, it’s not going to be a priority like it was during the last few months. We’ll work with them to see if we can still use them, and/or if there’s anything viable for us to even train on. I don’t want to say we’re not going to, but it’s not on the top of the list right now. 

Denise Davis

Sergeant Cola, we appreciate you being here. I know you have other things you have to attend to. 

Joseph Colacurcio

If you have any further questions, or parking problems, or anything like that, call our non-emergency number at 775 785-9276. Feel free to call us.  And then 911 for any emergencies. 

Ann Nichols

I want to thank Chief Sommers. And I feel badly for the Fire Department, because I know you guys thought after you trained, it would be demolished, as I understood. But now that’s not going to happen for another year. So I feel like, you didn’t know it would be left and stay like this for years. It looks like a war zone. I appreciate that. And I’m sorry you got caught in this.  

Denise Davis

Okay, I have a few announcements. I want to make everyone aware that we have a Tahoe Community Fire Forum being held Thursday June 23 at 5:30pm. I believe it’s hybrid—in person and on Zoom. Chief Ryan and Chief Scott Lundgren who was here telling us about the helicopter, and I believe Mike Menath from Menath Insurance are getting together to discuss fire issues.

Ryan Sommers

That’s right. We have a forum that night to talk about the upcoming wildfire season, and a project that Chief Lundren and I are pursuing which is the scenic fuel breaks around the basin. Hopefully it will be a good turnout. 

Denise Davis

It’s at the Parasol Building at 5:30 June 23rd. They ask you to pre-register so they have an appropriate number of seats. Also, if you’re planning to attend via Zoom, you’ll have the Zoom information. So do check that out. The URL is in the Chat box and will be in the recap.

I want to remind everyone that our next IVGID Board of Trustees meeting is June 29th. The agenda is not yet posted, so check back with the IVGID website.

Ann Nichols

Is there an evacuation plan for IVCB on line yet Chief Summers?

Ryan Sommers

If you go to our website, you will find our Preparedness Guide, which does include an evacuation plan. but it is not the detailed one we’re still working on. 

Linda Offerdahl – Incline Village Crystal Bay Association, Executive Director

I want to remind everyone that the 4th of July weekend is coming up fast. This is the last Forum before the event. The best website to go to is 4thofjulytahoe.com for all the latest on the sky show, the parade, and the community fair. Any of those IVGID candidates that are now viable—I see Ray Tulloch is here—he’s registered for the community fair to have a pop-up tent. Anyone is welcome to be out there with information. All registration and everything happens at the 4thof julyTahoe.com website.

Ann Nichols

Linda, are you going to put on your website the CAB update on Boulder Bay announcing they are not going to start construction for 2 years, so they aren’t going to demolish the buildings as they are now for a year. I know you had 2 full pages on how it was going to be revitalized—so just to update the community. 

Linda Offerdahl

Yes, we work with IVCB Community 1st. And we take their updates and put that kind of thing on there. That’s our best vehicle right now. We will have a new website in a few months and it will make it easier to post that kind of information. Right now our website is very awkward to work with. Thanks Ann. 

Diane Becker – Washoe County General Manager Citizen Committee Member, Citizen Advisory Board Chair

In response to Ann’s question, on the Community 1st website we’ll have the full audio transcript of the meeting. I’d also like to say that at the CAB meeting coming up, I’m hoping many people will attend who are interested in the Incline Courthouse topic. We’re having the meeting on July 5th. It will be on the Incline courthouse. We have Kate Thompson giving us a status update. I don’t know what that will be, but I think it will be of interest to all of us who are interested in the Incline Courthouse. 

Shirley Appel – Incline Village Resident, HOA President

Linda, if we have our own pop up tent, at what point can we put it on the Green? 

Linda Offerdahl 

We’re going to have the Green open at 6:30 – 7:00am Saturday morning. We recommend putting them up at that time so there is no liability. We have no security to make sure your tent is safe the night before. 

Shirley Appel

Also, if we were to use your pop-up – is there anything underneath the pop-up? 

Linda Offerdahl

No, you need to bring your own tables and chairs.

Shirley Appel

Okay, thank you.

Sara Schmitz  

I just wanted to clarify something for Ann. I’m working to get the full presentation. I noticed you had a posting on your website. But I’m actually looking for the presentation that was given by EKN at the CAB meeting, so Diane Becker is working to get me that information. I’m sitting here right now updating the website including the Tahoe Transportation Plan Survey, and the NDOT update that was given at the CAB meeting. All those things will be posted today. And if I can get that presentation it will be out in the next newsletter, which I’m trying to get completed by tomorrow. 

Steve Dolan

I’ve been running the North Shore algal study for this season. It’s going on with nine agencies. I report to three agencies right now. Then that information is distributed across the other agencies. I just want to let everybody know that we are looking for any sign of an algal bloom on Incline beaches. We have swimmers, and land-lubbers, and kayakers all out observing conditions on the lake. If it gets a green cloudiness or that fishy kind of smell, or if you’re swimming you’ll taste it in the water. If in fact you observe that I welcome you to call me at 775 843-7244. Then we’ll send someone down to verify conditions and that will set in motion nine agencies to observe the process of the algal bloom on the North Shore. 

It’s pretty important, it’s stimulated by a report from Duke University of Australia fire ash In the southern ocean. Basically, the fire ash that’s been occurring in Tahoe for the past 3 years theoretically has increased algal bloom each year. Last year was the biggest. We saw evidence in the water and on the ripples of the sand beneath the water for the first time. There was kind of a sediment of algal blooming. So, we’d love to have your help. Like I said, we have kayakers and swimmers, and land people doing it. Give me a call. Please don’t confuse it with the yellow pollen that’s on the surface. It’s really a subsurface condition. And once we verify that there’s an algal bloom, these agencies will come and start testing the waters. So, thank you very much. 

Denise Davis

Thank you, Mr. Dolan. I’m going to continue with some other announcements. TRPA is sponsoring an East Shore webinar also taking place on Thursday June 23. This was postponed from earlier in June. It’s the Environmental Improvement Program (EIP) partners. They are previewing projects happening near us—the Marlette Creek restoration project, forest health initiatives, and the next steps for Spooner and Sand Harbor. That is a Zoom meeting, so you will need to register to receive the URL for that. Information is in the Chat Box and will be in the recap.

Some information was forwarded to me by the TRPA Governing Board. It will hear an overview of the Tahoe Living Housing and Community Revitalization Strategic Initiative at the July 27th meeting. You should be able to find information on the TRPA website. The meeting materials will be posted 1 week prior. On the 20th you’ll be able to find information on the TRPA website.  

Regarding County news… most Washoe County offices will be closed Monday June 20 – in observance of Juneteenth. A few things are open but not very many. 

Washoe County is asking residents and visitors to participate in the online survey for the Washoe County Tahoe Transportation Plan. That URL will be in the Chat Box and in our recap. That is the project with Amy Cummings of Parametrix who has spoken to our Forum and the CAB.  It’s regarding problems and concerns all of us have with mobility issues – vehicles, pedestrians, bicycles, etc. So, if you have comments to make, go to the survey and put them in.

Diane Becker

Anyone who looks at the Transportation Survey, I think it’s important that especially residents make comments. One of the comments I made—verbally to her and in the survey— is that the survey asks about things that will impact visitors more than major issues important to us as residents. And I had suggested that among the important issues to us are the emergency evacuation and unending increase in number of cars, and what they’re going to do to the traffic and the environment, and the people who live here. I think that—the community can come to their own conclusions after reading the survey—we should urge that emergency evacuation is the issue of paramount importance to our local community. Please do the survey. Thank you.

Denise Davis

An update on the Incline Village Crystal Bay property tax refunds is that as of the end of May, $26 million has been refunded— $13 million in overpaid tax and $12,742,000 in interest on that tax. If you have not applied for your refund or received your refund, the deadline to contact Washoe County will be approaching soon. 

On this week’s Washoe County Commissioner meeting agenda… In case you’re interested in what’s happening with the 4th of July drone show and are concerned about safety issues, they have submitted their application and are up for approval at the Commission and all that information is in the agenda for the meeting. 

Daniel Lazzareschi has been appointed to the Washoe County Planning Department as a new planner for our District 1, and also Kathie Julian has been appointed to the Washoe County Board of Adjustment to represent District 1, replacing Kristina Hill who has termed out. We wish both of these appointees well. 

Linda Offerdahl discussed what is going on for July 4th. They have lots of events, Saturday July 2, Sunday July 3, and Monday July 4th. IVCBA.org has helpful hints for what to do about the drone show. I’ll share a little bit. The best viewing for the drone show is from the Incline Middle School ball fields. There are two drone shows. One at 9:30 and one at 10:15. There is a laser show before and during intermission. There’s music and a beer garden. Please bring your blankets, beach chairs, and picnic baskets. If you want more information, I’ve put the URL in the Chat Box and it will be in the recap.

Also, in case you hadn’t noticed, construction continues on 431 and 28. If you’re looking for more information, go to www.inclinehighways.com. They will be shutting down for the 4th of July holiday. 

A few weeks ago, someone asked about how to dispose of medicines. I haven’t done a thorough follow-up on that, but Village Pharmacy accepts pills only, and Walmart pharmacies has a box for pills and liquids.  All medicines need to be in original packaging so they know what it is you’re turning in. 

Chief Ryan talked to us about the fire restrictions. And I’m sure, as always, he would like us to work on our defensible space. So that’s all I have. Does anyone have anything they want to discuss today?

Jack Dalton

 Well I think the County election—we won’t talk about the IVGID election—but it’s nice to see one person who is not very friendly to Incline has termed out and another other lost. So maybe we’ll have a better response from County Commissioners. It would be nice. Because these two people won’t be on the commission, and come next January they will no longer be in place. 

Howard Beckerman

One more announcement. The Veterans Club Pancake Breakfast is July 4 from 8-12 at Aspen Grove. That is their big fund raiser for the various activities the Veterans donate to. It’s $10 per person adult and $5 for kids (I don’t know what the child age limit is). And I think they have $5 mimosas and Bloody Mary’s available. 

Denise Davis

Great. Way to start your day!

Sara Schmitz 

Kari isn’t on but my understanding is that the Burnt Cedar pool will be having a soft opening to test all the safety features and what not. I think there’s going to be a limited group as part of that. But I do believe the pool will be open the week before 4th of July. So, we are expecting that beautiful new pool to be opened up in the next week or so. Keep an eye out for those announcements. 

Shirley Appel

I had hoped to be able to speak with our County Commissioner, but it doesn’t seem anybody is here. I was very disappointed with the way the election was run at Aspen Grove. I’m hoping things improve before the General Election in November. My suggestion is to use the library. It was run so much better. To have only 2 people checking in, and 4 machines working is not acceptable. Having such long lines is unacceptable. As I said, I hoped to have someone from Washoe County here to discuss this, but we don’t. So, we’ll try again. 

Amanda McPhaill – Washoe County Library

Shirley, give a call to the Registrar of Voters and let them know. The library does have a few things coming up. We have our annual book sale bonanza from June 23-25. We will be open from 3-6 on Thursday, 10-6 on Friday, and 10-4 on Saturday. The great thing about this book sale is that all proceeds stay at the Incline Village branch. So, come over and buy some books and spread the word. I guarantee you’ll get the best deal on the lake. I don’t think you can find anything for $2 around the lake but you’ll be able to get a great book.

We also have a local author talk on June 21st at 5pm.That’s [inaudible] also known as Brooks Brownlee. He’ll be reading exerpts from his book The Bishop.  He’ll have his book for purchase and will sign, and talk about the writing and the publishing process. 

We have a great program [inaudible] which is a type of Japanese drumming. That’s on June 22. They are incredible music artists into techno-drumming. Fascinating. They’ll talk about the cultural aspect of techno-drumming in Japanese culture, and they have the music along with it. 

 As you’ve noticed, the parking lot has been undergoing repaving and getting the curbs fixed.  Monday they’ll be pouring the slurry, so we’ll be using half the parking lot. So just be aware that will be happening on Monday. [Inaudible] Oh, that’s Junteenth so we are closed on Monday. Maybe it’s Tuesday. At some point, there will be slurry in the parking lot… sometime soon.

Diane Becker

I was disappointed at the last IVGID meeting and quite upset at something that occurred. And I think that community members who did not watch the last IVGID meeting should do so. There was a consultant hired by the District. I felt the consultant was horrible in the way that he attacked Trustee Schmitz. I felt the way he attacked Sara was outrageous and uncalled for. This individual wrote reviews of the General Manager on behalf of all of the trustees. As a retired General Counsel after many years, I have never heard of someone writing a review for another person. And in this case, the person didn’t even show what he wrote in the reviews to the people whose names he put on the reviews. He then attacked the reviewers when they said that those weren’t their reviews. I think it’s important for community members to look at this particular consultant. If going forward he is going to be hired as a consultant to our trustees and General Manager—what will he tell them to do? Will he be telling them to do some very nonstandard practices? I don’t think he investigated at all before he made his attacks. I think one of his attacks was completely untrue. I just don’t believe consultants hired to bring the Board together should be attacking a particular Board member, and then allowing other Board members to attack that one. 

I would encourage people to look at the last IVGID Board meeting, and if you have an opinion, to write to the Trustees to give your opinion. 

Denise Davis

For anyone who wants to know where that video is, go to the IVGID website (https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/),  click on IVGID, click on Board of Trustees, click on Meetings and click under the livestream logo, then click on the meeting recorded for 6/8/22 (beginning at 1:24). If you’re interested in reviewing any trustee meeting, that’s how to find it. 

Ray Tulloch – Incline Village General Improvement District Audit Committee, Candidate for IVGID Trustee 

Yes, I would like to echo Diane’s comments. I’ve never seen such a disgusting hatchet job in my life as what was performed by that consultant. That consultant should have been fired. It appeared to be an orchestrated effort by three board members to abdicate their responsibilities to formally assess the General Manager, and pass it over to a consultant to keep their hands clean. If that consultant was working for me, he would have been out the door before he finished his speech. I felt it was an absolutely disgusting display. I think the Trustees that plotted that should be ousted. Thank you.

Helen Neff

I was not at the meeting and did not look at the video. But I have a question to Diane. What is the name of the consultant and what are his professional criteria? Is there some professional board he’s part of where a formal complaint could be filed?

Diane Becker

His name is Bill Mathis. He’s a licensed psychotherapist in California. I was more encouraging people to speak to the Trustees. I don’t know what the consultant was hired to do or told to do. I don’t think he acted appropriately. I was probably more upset at that meeting than any other I’ve attended since I’ve been in Incline. I think the important thing is—everyone can decide what to do—I assume he’s licensed by the Board of Psychology in California. 

The bigger issue is really to talk to the Trustees if you look at what happened, and you agree that this is not a person who is going to bring the Board together or will help the Board perform with greater accuracy and transparency for us. It was very clear he hadn’t looked at anything done by Trustee Schmitz. The list of things she’s done for the community is so long. We all know that. But he instead attacked her because she wasn’t coming to a kumbaya moment with the other Trustees—that they should all be in agreement and working in an agreeable fashion. And you can’t always, because people have different points of view. That isn’t to say one point of view is either right or wrong, but when people have different points of view, they need to express them and say what they honestly believe. That’s the duty of a Trustee. And instead he became increasingly critical of her. It was supposed to be a review of the General Manager, which is what all of us went on to watch. The General Manager has done many things we’re pleased with—and in some areas, we’d like to see changes. This wasn’t to be a review of a Trustee. Instead we got virtually no review of the General Manager at all. This gentleman wrote a bunch of things that were poorly written down. And three Trustees even said there were errors made in what he wrote. So, it was a very upsetting and disappointing meeting.

Denise Davis

His name is Dr. Bill Mathis. The Board of Trustees hired him so there is a scope of work outlined when the Trustees approved the funds to hire him. I can’t give you the exact date of when that was. But if you go back through the Board packets, the scope of work should be in a packet perhaps around the end of last year or early this year. Actually, it might be earlier than that because Bill Mathis was scheduled to work on the project earlier, but had COVID and other health issues, so the project got delayed. So, information in the Trustees packet could even be from the middle of last year.

Diane Becker

Actually Denise, there’s a January 4, 2022 memo that has his contract. I pulled that up as part of what I was planning to write. What he’s to do is discussed there. He’s to… “coaching the team and leadership board to move in smarter directions, and eliminating behavior that’s counterproductive.” I didn’t see anything about preparing or writing reviews. It’s a 3-page document attached to a January 4, 2022 memo. So, it will be on the meeting agenda right after that.  

Helen Neff

I will definitely watch the meeting—thank you for that information. I will write to the Trustees but I also think a complaint against the Professional Board… I will watch it first, but it sounds like behavior that needs to be stopped. It’s not only us, but this guy is going to go on and do it someplace else. 

Ray Tulloch

I’d just like to thank the community for all the support I received in the primary election. And following on from Diane’s point, if I’m fortunate enough to be elected Trustee, I 

I won’t be abrogating any of my duties as a Trustee to a consultant to provide opinions for me. The community can rest assured I’ll stand by my policies. I’ve been very clear in stating my policies, unlike some other candidates who just campaigned on slogans. But, yes, I would expect the Board to do their duty and not delegate to consultants on their behalf.

Denise Davis

Just for everyone’s information, Yolanda Knaak was here earlier but got a phone call and had to leave. In case you haven’t heard the primary results, the top vote getter was David Noble, then Ray Tulloch, Gail Krolick, Yolanda Knaak, Bradley Mindlin and Al Buckner.  

Sara Schmitz 

I just want to let people know that Dr. Bill Mathis was brought in to conduct Board training because another Board member and I had—after an outburst by another Trustee last year—requested that our Board receive some training. Dr. Bill Mathis’s contract was approved in January. He was to come in and help us as a Board to work more collaboratively, productively, and less combatively. It was to deal with that. 

I had reviewed this contract. And many people who follow Board meetings know I’m one who wants very specific statements of work and scope of work. I had reviewed the contract and provided feedback to the Chair and also to the General Manager with suggestions on how to make his contract “deliverables” more clear and precise so everyone could understand and be in agreement about what the deliverables were. There is no language in that contract stating he is to conduct and deliver the General Manager’s review. I had proposed language that he would be providing for us some training to ensure we have consistency in how we conduct our evaluations. That language was never included in the contract. Dr. Mathis was not willing to make any clarifications or modifications to his contract. Because of that, I wasn’t in favor of the contract. The deliverables are not specific and clear. And it was unfortunate that what was delivered was—instead of being constructive—was destructive. Unfortunately, it  worked against what we were actually bringing him in to do—to leverage each of our strengths and our uniqueness to be a high-functioning Board. It was disappointing. I just want people to know as it relates to his scope of work, I did request it be more specific so these types of situations didn’t happen.

Helen Neff

I just want to say my kudos to the library. They have been such a wonderful resource, that I did not know was here. I usually come here as an adult but I was thrust into taking care of my 2 ½ year old grandchild for several weeks. Coming to the library has just been wonderful. They have programs here for toddlers, books, and everything. I didn’t realize they were so great.

Denise Davis

Yea Library!! [clapping] Mr. Crockett, we see you’re on there too. He’s our Branch Manager –and leader extraordinaire. So, yea Library! 

Are there any final comments or questions? Fire season is here. We have a lot of people headed to our area. So, pay attention while you’re driving, walking, or biking. No solid fuels. Our next meeting is July 1st and we hope to see you all there. Please stay safe and we’ll see you in 2 weeks.


Alan Tiras

Amanda McPhaill

Angela Knauf

Ann Nichols

Denise Davis 

Diane Becker

Helen Durfee

Helen Neff

Howard Beckerman

Jack Dalton

John Crockett

Jon and Beth Davidson

Joseph Colacurcio


Linda Offerdahl

Miles Riner

Pam Straley

Patricia Moser Morris

Ray Tulloch

Ronda Tycer

Ryan Sommers

Sam Levine

Sara Schmitz

Shirley Appel

Steve Dolan

Svata Trossen

Tia Rancourt

Yolanda Knaak


09:06:07         From  Washoe County Libraries : 

Tahoe Community Fire Forum at Parasol  June 23, 2022  5:30 pm

register at  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tahoe-community-fire-forum-tickets-345906604967?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

TRPA East Shore webinar  June 23, 2022  6:30 pm

register at  https://bit.ly/eastshorewebinar

Tahoe Transportation Plan survey (a Washoe County project)


4th of July events

Board of County Commissioners (BCC) general info


BCC agenda for June 21, 2022


Planning applications for Commission District 1



IV/CB Citizens Advisory Board (CAB) agenda for July 5, 2022 https://www.washoecounty.gov/CABS/IVCB_CAB/index.php  IV/CB Community 1st

09:06:24         From  Washoe County Libraries   to   Tia Rancourt(Direct Message) : Can you bring flyers to the library?

09:06:40         From  Tia Rancourt   to   Washoe County Libraries(Direct Message) : Yes I will today

09:16:10         From  ann nichols : Chief summers- do you or Tahoe City have plans to practice at the Biltmore. I know it’s a good idea for the fire dept.  They aren’t going to demolish it for a year now.

09:49:41         From  raytulloch : Dr. Bill Mathis

09:50:06         From  Tia Rancourt : You can dispose expired rx meds at the WCSO substation. No liquids. If office is closed, pick up the phone and a deputy will come get them. 775-832-4107 WCSO substation admin office

09:58:02         From  Tia Rancourt : https://www.nltfpd.org/outdoor-burning



Tahoe Community Fire Forum at Parasol  June 23, 2022  5:30 pm

register at  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tahoe-community-fire-forum-tickets-345906604967?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

TRPA East Shore webinar  June 23, 2022  6:30 pm

register at  https://bit.ly/eastshorewebinar

Tahoe Transportation Plan survey (a Washoe County project)


4th of July events

Board of County Commissioners (BCC) general info


BCC agenda for June 21, 2022


Planning applications for Commission District 1



IV/CB Citizens Advisory Board (CAB) agenda for JULY 5, 2022 


IV/CB Community 1st meetings and community info

IVCBA (Incline Village Crystal Bay Community and Business Association)



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