IV/CB Community Forum Minutes

August 20, 2021

The links to the two-part recording of the meeting are:

IV/CB Community Forum 8/20/21 part 1

IV/CB Community Forum 8/20/21 part 2

Peter Todoroff – Moderator

First I’d like to say is thanks to the Sheriff for attending these meetings. It means a lot to the community.  We at least have something we can say and get some action. Does anyone have questions they’d like to start with?

Margaret Martini – Incline Resident

I drive Mt. Rose a lot, and it seems there’s been a lot more accidents. Do you guys patrol that road or is that Nevada Highway Patrol?

Noah Boyer – Washoe County Sheriff Office, Deputy

Both 431 and 28 are all NHP. We’ll respond just because they don’t have any law enforcement agencies in those areas right now; they’re short-handed like we are. So we’ll respond and help out. The problem we run into is that if I take both my guys and we go to an accident say on Hwy 28, it ties them up for 1½ hours. While we investigate and address all this stuff we’re not there protecting the Village. So we have to balance and try to assist as much as we can. But when it comes to enforcement we try to stick to our area of responsibility. 

Margaret Martini

I just wondered, because you’re all over Washoe County, so I didn’t know how that works.

Noah Boyer

Well we have done enforcement especially in winter near the recreation areas. We try to slow people down. And we’ll assist. If we’re traveling on 28 or 431 and we see something that violates the law—speeding, reckless driving, whatever it might be—

we’ll take appropriate action. But I’d rather spend our assets in our true area of responsibility. We could sit on the highway and issue speeding tickets all day long. That’s easy. But I’d rather focus on our residents. 

Margaret Martini

Okay, thank you. 

Joe Farrell – Incline Resident

I just want to quickly thank Deputy Boyer and the Sheriff’s Office. My wife and I had a scam experience on Craig’s List where people showed up at our house thinking they could rent it short term. And WCSO did a tremendous job to help us. We had a hard time removing the ad off of Craig’s List. So the sergeant got right on it and helped us get that off. It was quite a frightening experience. It could have gone south. But you guys did a great job in helping us. So I just want to thank you. 

Peter Todoroff

I have a question. What is the phone number to call about illegal e-bikes on State Park trails?

Tia Rancourt – North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District 

They should call 775 785-WCSO. I think Noah mentioned this at the last meeting.  

Peter Todoroff

And we wanted to make sure that Raley’s the Post Office the Library and Incline realtors have the Evacuation Plan to hand out. And updates?

Tia Rancourt

Yes, thank you. The Emergency Preparedness brochures are being distributed through IVCBA.org, which is Linda Offerdahl’s new organization.  They’re also being inserted into the IVGID Welcome Packet. They’re also located at the Incline Board of Realtors office. I did place a call with them to make sure they have an ample supply. Also, we have a couple of volunteers helping us to get them out to property management companies, the Post Office, Postal Express, and Pak Mail. I’m sure you’ve seen them around. We’re getting those out as best we can. 

Peter Todoroff

Do you have a link to the Evacuation Plan on the NLTFPD website?

Tia Rancourt

Yes, it’s on our website and on all our social media. And hard copies of the brochures are available at all those locations I just mentioned. The brochures are available electronically on our website, and there are hard copies in English and Spanish being distributed at all those locations. 

Steve Dolan – Incline Resident, Friends of Third Creek, Director

Tia I have a question for you. Last week it was reported that the crews fighting the wildfires are running short on supplies. I don’t know what type, but I understood water and food.  I know in the past I personally delivered supplies to McQueen. Is there a location or a unified effort to supply either to this location or some other location where Incline can donate—hopefully massive quantities of supplies? And what would they be if we were to donate them?  

Tia Rancourt

I haven’t heard that. I can look into it for you. Are you speaking of all fires in general, or one specific fire? 

Steve Dolan

All in general, but it was reported about the Dixie fire. But we’ve got several around us. So I would assume you’d centralize the donations. 

Tia Rancourt

Right. I don’t’ know about the Dixie fire specifically, I haven’t heard that. I can follow up with Chief Sommers in terms of that. And in terms of just a general donation location, 

we don’t have anything set up for that right now. But I’ll ask and get back to you guys. Typically we funnel those requests and discussions to the Red Cross. They’re usually involved with all the larger incidents. And folks usually just want money donations so they can get their own personal effects depending on what their needs are. For the firefighters on the fire, if that’s what you’re asking, that’s kind of a different scenario.

Steve Dolan

Yes, that’s what I’m asking. I know in the past I’ve loaded up my car with palettes worth of water and food and taken them to McQueen. 

Tia Rancourt

I’ll try to find out for you Steve. I have your contact info. I do have an update on the Caldor Fire. They held it pretty good last night. It’s 73,415 acres and they are getting a line around it. I don’t see a percentage of containment. But they are hopefully going to contain it by the end of this month so in the next couple of weeks. We’ve had our hand crews at the Tamarack and Caldor fires. Both hand crews got back home last night and they’re on R&R for a few days and then will be back out there. 

Weather-wise we have a wind shift coming in tomorrow so we’ll see some smoke impacts into the basin again.  That will be coming and going as the wind shifts, so we’ll be in this a while. 

Pete Todoroff

With all the technology we have now, why can’t they seed the clouds of smoke like they’ve done in the past to stop the fires. We have so much new technology about everything. Usually what happens is in the 41 years I’ve been here is that the rain stops the fires. Why can’t they do that now?

Tia Rancourt 

That’s probably beyond my knowledge base.  I know that the Alert Wildfire cameras do a great job. And I’ve heard recent discussions that they’re introducing a new FLARE technology into those cameras. They hope to integrate that into the cameras. It’s another way to see infra-red and heat that will be incorporated into the cameras. I just heard that about a week ago. So that’s exciting and will be very helpful. 

Peter Todoroff

I just don’t understand why they can’t seed these fires. Usually the fire subsides and we get back to normal. And we need to definitely alleviate some of this smoke. Thank you.

Cathy Spector – Incline Resident

My only thought was, to contribute donations to the firefighters, couldn’t we just call the Fire Department and speak to someone so we can find out what to do so we could do something immediately rather than waiting for the next meeting?

Tia Rancourt

I am from the Fire Department. 

Cathy Spector

Oh, okay, great.

Steve Dolan

When I get the information I’ll forward it to you Peter.

Peter Todoroff

And I’ll forward it to everybody. 

Tia Rancourt

I know it may sound… you guys may be wondering why I don’t have an answer for where to donate. But we’re so busy sending out resources and trying to make sure we have our bases covered here in town and helping out at these other fires, and responding to calls locally. Our hands are full and that’s another layer of coordination and getting something together.  But I’ll definitely ask some questions and get back to you.

Cathy Spector

I’m wondering why there aren’t enough resources to start out with for the firefighters. I’m amazed that they’re running short.

Tia Rancourt

 I haven’t heard any specific comments being made. So I’ll find out and get back. There’s a lot of information circulating out there and a lot of it isn’t accurate.

Helen Durfee  – Incline Resident

I am commenting about seeding the clouds. If the clouds are too thin, their tops are too warm for cloud seeding. The tops must be colder than freezing.  

Margaret Martini

I have a tip for people. Yesterday my dishwasher started to catch on fire while it was running. It didn’t reach the trip on the electrical panel before my husband saw it smoking. We had put a surge protector on it because previously a lightening strike took out the whole computer and it was cheaper to replace the dishwasher. I replaced it with a Bosch thinking that’s a quality brand. But the electrician who came out to see if it fried any of our wires said that if you put a GFI plug in the back where the dishwasher plugs in… Most dishwashers plug in behind the cabinet so you don’t really see that especially in older construction. Put a GFI plug in the back where your dishwasher plugs in, then you can do your surge protector. The GFI will trip the electricity to the plug before any of that happens. So I just want to relay this tip if you don’t have a newer house with GFI plugs and your dishwasher plugs in under or behind the cabinet, put a GFI plug in to trip it.  

Peter Todoroff

Alexis, I have a question. Is there an update about the RTC strike in Reno?

Alexis Hill – Washoe County Commissioner, District 1

Yes. As far as the RTC Strike, it has been resolved and people are back to work. [?} and the Teamsters are working out those negotiations. They aren’t final but the strike has ended and bus service is back to normal.

Peter Todoroff

I’d also like to find out if Carl Hastings has the OES funding coming from the Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, does the funding need to be approved in a public meeting? 

Alexis Hill

So Carl is out of town the past week and this, so I didn’t get this information. So I’ll keep everyone posted. I still don’t know all the origins or even where it’s coming from. I’ll keep everyone posted as soon as I learn that. 

Peter Todoroff

The best way to keep people posted is to contact me via email. Several weeks ago I asked you to send me a list of the construction projects in Incline so people are aware, but I haven’t received that. I have about 250 on my mailing list, and the community would like to know where construction is going on up here. There is no CAB and that went through the CAB before, so now we’re depending on information from you. So if you could send me that information I would appreciate it so it could get out to the rest of the community. 

Alexis Hill

I hear your frustration. I am frustrated as well. When I worked in the City of Reno we had a link you could go to for all construction projects. It was a map and you could see the dates and times roads would be closed on any given week. We do not have that up here yet. It’s something I’ve been pushing for, but it still has not been done. I will definitely get you that information as soon as I have it, but it seems like there’s not that central coordination we really need on the County side. I’ve heard that from Sara and some other community members, and it’s something I’m actively working on through the … bureaucracy of government. 

I can give an update on where we are with CABS. At the County Commission on Tuesday, we voted to reinstate CABs so they can meet and discuss community issues. The whole purpose behind the meeting to ensure that CABs are reviewed and looked at was because CABs could only review—as many of you know that are on the CAB— development issues, and couldn’t come to the community with community issues, or get updates from the Sheriff’s Office, get updates from the Engineers Office on road closures, or get input on different projects. So we’re looking to separate Development Reviews where that will be in the neighborhood development review process where developers have to actually go out and notice the neighborhood before they submit their permits to get feedback from the community. They then have to hold a meeting, and the meeting has to be recorded, and the developer has to incorporate the neighborhood questions and concerns within the development project. 

So the concerns I was hearing from the CAB is we give input and it doesn’t matter. It goes to the Board of Adjustment or to the Planning Commission or the County Commission and nothing happens. We’re hoping to resolve that with this change. In addition, I’m going to see if we can have major projects still go before the CAB after these neighborhood meetings, because I think it’s still important for the CAB to weigh in and give their input. CAB members could be included.  So we’ll actually hopefully be having a CAB meeting in September where we’re going to put together our mission and our goals for the next year—what we want to get done—and what we’d like the County to come to us with, and how we can give community input. So I will keep everyone posted on that upcoming meeting. But I’m really excited for this change. I think you’ll also see we’ll have a devoted staff person who can also help with these meetings. 

Just to give you a little bit of an update… the Lake Tahoe Summit happened yesterday. I’m not sure if anyone had a chance to tune in virtually. It was a great event. There were some exciting things. The Secretary of the Interior spoke to the fact that the Biden administration is going to give more money to the US Forest Service to prevent fires to really help folks. And also ensure firefighters are paid more than $15/hour because their work is so essential, as we all know. 

I was able to meet with Senator Catherine Cortez-Masto after the meeting, and we discussed things like Tahoe evacuation plans—which I know comes up a lot here in this group—and how seriously she takes that, and what the Federal government can do to support the process of people getting out of the Basin in case of emergencies. She also wants to do a summit on the smoke in the air and see what kind of technologies and Federal support they can provide. So that was a really great meeting. And just a reminder to folks, September is National Preparedness Month. You can find out how to be ready at readywashoe.com and get your go-bag together and learn how you can be prepared. 

And another quick update, I’m working with Indra at IVGID and also Linda Offerdahl at IVCBA.org to look at a Mainstreet Program for Incline Village. We want to look at Route 28 and how we can support safe pedestrian movement on Hwy 28 by slowing down the traffic. I had a really great meeting with NDOT about that. They are very interested in working with Washoe County. So that’s going to be a program that you’ll be seeing come up here. 

Peter Todoroff

Is there an update on STRs in Incline?

Alexis Hill  

The Commissioners are still planning to review the STR Ordinance in November. I’m hearing feedback from folks who want to see whether their neighbor has a STR. You can actually find that on the County website. And you can issue complaints about STRs today. We have our staff member and employees enforcing these things. I’m happy to hear any feedback you may have on the program as well right now. 

Peter Todoroff

Please send me that link so I can forward it to the rest of the community. I would appreciate it.

Kristina Hill – Incline Resident, Washoe County Board of Adjustment, Member

It’s come to my attention and many of you know this—Pete you do—that there are Washoe County easements for public access down to the lake. Specifically I’m talking about the Stateline area by Cal Neva. We met down there before—remember Pete—when the owner of that property wanted to remove the public easement. [Peter Todoroff – I sure do.] And we went by there the other day… I don’t think it ever was… I was looking at the Assessor Map today and there is a public easement on the map. But we went by there the other day—which is a beautiful beach now that there’s such low water—and there are signs all over the beach saying, “No Trespassing,” “Private Property,” “Video Camera In Use,” “Keep Out,” and that isn’t right. Alexis, I’d like to—I know Alexis is with child and congratulations on that—but it’s a great hike—I mean Pete could do it, right—and show you this County easement that has been blocked off by these wealthy property owners on the lake. We feel that’s unfair and should be brought to the County’s attention and I Have photos I can send you. It’s just not right. Those are public easements made so the people around the Summers Loop Neighborhood can access the lake.  

Alexis Hill

Absolutely, let’s set that up. 

Kristina Hill

Okay, sounds good. It’s a great place for a picnic lunch, if we don’t get hauled off by the security guards. 

Judy Simon – Incline Resident, TRPA Advisory Planning Commission, TRPA Living Housing Working Group  

Just to piggyback on Kristina, I’d like to participate because I live near that area and I’m aware of the issues. 

My other point I was going to raise with Alexis is that the CAB discussion was a bit confusing. I did listen to the Commissioners meeting—about what standing when the CABs (or whatever is going to replace them) are reconstituted—whether they would be subject to Open Meeting Law. And it seemed like that was permissive. And I think it’s very important that it does stay subject to OML. Because how are people going to participate and ensure that their voices are heard? 


Alexis Hill

I hear you Judy. And I actually advocated for that during the meeting. My CAB will be subject to OML because I like those kinds of meetings. I agree with you. How will people know where to go and where will we post it to get the information out?  

Judy Simon

Okay, thank you.

Linda Offerdahl – Incline Resident, Incline Village Crystal Bay Association, President

I’d like to make some announcements on behalf of our nonprofit members who have events coming up.  

Tahoe Family Solutions is bringing back their Shabby Chic August 31 at Aspen Grove. 

The Rotary Club of IV pivoted last year from a duck race on the 4th of July to a duck drop on Labor Day, which was wildly successful. Who knew? They’re doing it again this year on Labor Day at the Village Green. 

Then the third one that’s pretty important is the Sierra Community House has changed the date of their annual fundraiser, the Chocolate and Wine Festival. It always used to be in November. But in order to be able to get something outside, they are moving their date to September 10 at the Hyatt. It’s going to be outdoors and they’re calling it Gratitude Garden. It’s a wine and food pairing—something that will accommodate social distancing better. 

The last announcement I’d like to make is that IVCBA.org, and IVGID are starting to put together the Northern Lights celebration in December. This has been an ongoing thing— primarily just a calendar of events with one focal weekend —with family activities in December. We’re going to work even harder this year to light up the town. There’s a meeting next Wednesday August 23 at the Visitor Bureau if anybody is interested in volunteering to help with that activity. 

Kathie Julian – Incline Village Resident, Citizen Advisory Board, Member

I’d jut like to follow up on Kristina’s point about the access. Alexis, there is another piece of land that may have a similar issue.  The CAB discussed it maybe 2 years ago. It’s somewhere between Lakeshore and Sand Harbor where those houses are along the edge of the lake. As I understand it, there is a piece of county easement there. And there was a case for abandonment of that easement. And I think there was a pathway for the public to get down to the lake there. It was another issue of private parties trying to claim that for themselves. In this case one of the private parties was asking for an abandonment with the adviso they would actually improve the public access. I’m not sure where that ended up. But I think that’s another area we might want to look at in the general scheme of these public access ways to the shore, and how they do not necessarily fall into the hands of private parties. 

My second query is just a note on the issue with the OML. I appreciate the concern and the need to keep things subject to the OML. But I wonder if we can look into how much flexibility there is in the OML for real dialogue when you’re in some of these meetings.  Because I know a lot of people expressed frustration that they feel so constrained—they can’t say this, they can’t say that. So if we could —and I know the Governor’s office has a couple of people who focus on OMLs and how it’s implemented—perhaps we can investigate if there is some flexibility to interpret OMLs so we can allow for the kind of dialogue people enjoy in this forum here—this back and forth. 

Alexis Hill

Thanks, Kathie. That’s why I’m so glad you’re on the CAB because I’m going to look to you and the rest of the CAB members to really help us on what we want the Board to look like. I think there’s a balance in figuring out how we can do both.  

Joe Farrell

I have an update related to evacuations. Last meeting I reported that I’m on the Board of the Pulse Point Foundation. There is a free app that is designed to alert the public of individuals who need CPR or are undergoing cardiac arrest. There’s also something very important for us during fire season. They will give you the latest information on local fires, instantaneously from the 911 system. Last year, in Oregon and Washington, our Foundation got many emails of thanks for their app from the [?], which includes all of the coast of the Western United States—RENSA is part of this right now. It’s saved thousands of lives. It gives up-to-date real-time evacuation information—how to get away from fires. That’s really important for us. Chief Sommers reported last month that we were going to be going live on this app. Unfortunately there’s some technical difficulties with the 911 system, which is Cal Fire. [?] I think it’s really important that we all know. I’d like to do something in this meeting. My wife and I have talked about it with Ronda. When this does come live, it will be a free app on your phone. You’ll just need to enable it for fire, CPR, traffic, hazardous waste, etc. It will help us get out of here quick. Commissioner Hill I think it’s really important that you know this information, too. It’s called Pulse Point app. Go to the app store for your I-phone or Android or Google Play. When it goes live you can download it for free, enable it, and you’ll get notices instantaneously. As a matter of fact, in LA County, the Bay Area, and San Diego the firefighters use this app because they get information quicker as to where the fires are. I’ll send the link to Peter. We’re currently working out technical difficulties with the 911-system. The fire district here—we’re integrating the CAD system —the 911- system—with our software.  We’re hoping to go live within the next 4-6 weeks. It’s been a little slow working with Cal-Fire. 

Bruce Townsend – Incline Resident, Ordinance 7 Committee, Member

I have a question for Alexis. There’s a property at 948 Tahoe Blvd that was originally a  real-estate company. They’re now using it as boat storage. I don’t believe it’s zoned for boat storage. Do you have any information on that?  

Alexis Hill 

I do. I’m not sure if you or someone else brought this up in a previous meeting. There is no permitting for that. So if they are doing that, we ask you to call Code Enforcement so we can investigate it. I have let staff know about the concern. 

Bruce Townsend

I called TRPA. So I need to call Code Enforcement at Washoe County?

Alexis Hill

Yes sir. You can actually put it in by calling washoe311 as well.

Judy Miller – Incline Village Resident

I don’t know why there’s no way for me to raise my hand on the zoom app. I have a couple of questions for Alexis. Once again I still don’t see any number of approved occupants on the STR site. I know they’ve had a lot on their hands the past month. But that’s the only way the public knows what the allowed maximum number of occupants is. Maybe there are 20 people but it isn’t a violation. 

The other thing I wanted to mention is the topic of accessory dwelling units. You missed the last TRPA Board meeting but apparently they have now approved on the California side of the lake that up to two ADUs can be constructed or reconfigured on lots of any size. So far that hasn’t happened on the Nevada side. Do you know the timetable? For this community to consider multiple ADUs on a small lot seems to be an unacceptable solution to the workforce-housing situation. It would be much preferable to just put a limit on short-term rentals and stop the conversion of our workforce housing into STRs. 

Alexis Hill

ADUs are going back to TRPA in September. My understanding is that you still have to get a Development Right as a part of your ADUs. So for folks to convert a Development Right into an ADU instead of a fulltime large home… I’m not seeing that it is going to be a big boon. 

As far as what I see on ADUs, I first want to see how do we enforce STRs. I discussed this with this group before.  I think it’s going to be hard to enforce a prohibition of STRs on ADUs if we expand them in Incline Village. I want to see how this STR enforcement goes because it’s difficult to enforce prohibitions of certain properties. Before we make any changes to the Tahoe Area Plan—that’s the hold up. And even if it’s approved by TRPA in September we still have to make that change through our Tahoe Area Plan. And that goes through a public process and will go to the CAB. That’s a whole other process. It’s something TRPA is pushing. If Douglas wants to see it happen, and we don’t want to be a holdup on the Nevada side, it still has to go through the Tahoe Area Plan changes.

Judy Miller 

I know we don’t have control over what’s happened already but it is a concern. I think even the residents in California should be concerned. There are apparently quite a number of Residential Allocations (Development Rights) that can be purchased. They have accumulated in our area over the years so we have probably several hundred at this point in addition to the Bonus Units. I don’t think this has been really studied in detail about the potential impact on growth, which was supposed to be controlled. Especially now, we hear there’s talk about diluting the limits in Residential Allocations (Development Rights) that were in place. Instead of an ADU using one whole entire Residential Allocation (Development Right), they’re discussing that maybe we’ll give 2 ADUs for one Residential Allocation (Development Right). So the impacts on population and growth in this area could be sizeable and I think it’s been underestimated. I hope there will be some thorough environmental impact studies before we would do that. I think it even has to be reconsidered for the California side as well. Even if California allows those restrictions to stay in place, there are overriding environmental concerns and safety concerns. I hope it will be looked at in more detail. 

Alexis Hill

There is a lot of pressure to get ADUs up and going in California because of the State mandate for affordable housing. But we’re not under the same pressures in Nevada. Certainly it’s something that TRPA wants us to look at. I agree with you, which is why I’m saying even if it’s passed on the Nevada side, we have to change the Tahoe Area Plan. And I want to wait. I want to see where we’re at with STRs. I’ve gotten more information on how many ADUs we could have in Incline and what that would look like. We still have to take our time and do it right. 

Margaret Martini

I have a question on these ADUs. What are the parameters for parking?  We can’t just put them up without… If you’re going to do an ADU and two people are going to live there, then they’ll bring 2 cars in addition to the cars for the main property. I think that there are probably only 10 properties up here that would accommodate all that parking. In order to do an ADU, there needs to be a parking strategy plan in place. You can’t put up ADUs and let them park in the street, especially in winter.

Alexis Hill

Yes I agree. And we are doing a parking and traffic study. Hopefully that RFQ will be released here soon. A as I discussed with this group, we have a lot of work to do in Incline still without adding additional density. I agree. 

Diane Becker – Incline Village Resident, Washoe County Manager Citizen Committee, Ordinance 7 Committee, Member, CAB Member

I want to raise the issue further of the Evacuation Plan. I attended a meeting of the Washoe County Emergency Management Group. One of the questions we asked was if we could have an evacuation drill up here, and what we could do to develop a true evacuation plan for here considering different times of year, particularly the summers when there are so many tourists who won’t know anything about evacuation and how that would happen and getting us real information. I’ve been told there would be Sheriffs helping us going door-to-door. But most of us don’t know what’s really going to happen in an evacuation. We all know that even without emergencies, just trying to get from Incline to almost anywhere—in the summer it’s extremely busy. So my question is

Alexis if you could help us set up an evacuation drill, and set up a committee or a group of people from our locale who could work with the County Emergency Management Group – to set up a real evacuation plan that everybody knows about. Having a plan that we don’t know about is not as useful as if we all have some knowledge and training and practice. I do want to say I spoke with the Fire Department about a possible evacuation drill after I spoke with the County Emergency Management Group, and I was told by the Fire Department that there was a drill in 2019 and virtually nobody attended. It was very doubtful that those resources would be spent up here. I had just moved here in 2019 and so I know I was here at the time of the drill, but I was completely unaware of the drill. I think that’s because at that time we had so little communication of information. So one, if there’s a way you could help us get some participation and training knowledge of the real evacuation plan and how it would work I think it would alleviate our concerns. And two if maybe we could have a drill at some time. 

Alexis Hill

I’m writing this down.

Kathie Julian

I’d like to follow up on the ADU question with Alexis. That’s mainly just to clarify where does it stand now. Because my understanding of watching and listening to the meetings was that they approved allowing for ADUs on less than 1 acre on the California side. And they said this would not apply to Nevada, leaving it to Nevada to chime in at some later date if it wished. That was my understanding of where that stood. As well, saying to the Working Group that it would look at issues of Coverage and Development Rights, and whether these should be diluted in some sense to allow for more ADU development for the purpose of workforce housing. That was my understanding. And if that’s the case, then it seems to me we should encourage our community here to be aware of what TRPA’s Housing Working Group is doing, and to do that, people can ask to be put on the mailing list for the Working Group meetings to be informed of things through Karen Fink at TRPA. I’ll provide Pete with that email. Tim Callicrate was our representative on that Tahoe Living Housing and Community Revitalization Working Group, but he’s no longer there. I think it’s still pending who’ll be the designated person. 

Just to go back to Alexis’s point about the numbers—and I’ve been in the loop on some of these numbers flying around for how big of an issue this could be on the Nevada side—should Nevada change the Tahoe Area Plan and allow for ADUs on parcels of less 1 acre. Those numbers are in flux because people can buy Development Rights even though we may only have 250 or 290 Development Rights available over the next 10 years. It’s in flux because first TRPA could actually change the rules about Development Rights and allow for ADUs to use just a half of a Development Right—and two, because you can buy Development Rights. And when you’re talking about ADUs that could possibly be used for STRs, you’re talking about a cash flow coming out of some of these investments that might make purchase of a Development Right a good investment. It’s really a different dynamic in the context of Incline Village because this is an investment place. So we’re talking about cash flows coming out of STRs. We’re not talking about a choice between building a small property or a 10-bedroom house. We’re talking about what kind of cash flow you can get from development of a parcel. And that will dictate how much someone might pay for a Development Right. I just want to put that on the table because I completely get where Alexis is coming from. We’ve got to understand the data and get more information before we can even enter into the conversation of whether ADU expansion in Incline Village is a reasonable idea. Would this even support workforce housing or would it just go into the hands of STRs. 

Sara Schmitz – Incline Village Resident, IVGID Trustee 

Thank you, Peter. I just want to make a couple of announcements. The IVGID Board of Trustees meeting that was scheduled for Tuesday of next week has been cancelled and not rescheduled. I want to remind everyone that on the IVCB Community 1st website, there is a Resource Page. On that Resource Page I just added the information that Joe Farrell provided about the Pulse Point app. There’s also information there on all the STR contacts and all the information related to Fire Safety and Red Flags Please feel free to make use of the page and let me know if you need more information. I’m keeping the page current as a resource for the community. Everything is captured and available on one page. The website is IVCBcommunity1st.org—Resources Page.

Peter Todoroff

Send me that and I’ll send it to the mailing list to let people know. 

Tia Rancourt

I’d like to let people know that the last drill we did was in 2018. It was a bi-state drill. Over 200 folks attended it. We had Washoe County, Placer County, and North Tahoe Fire District. It went very well. The public did attend that drill. We had over 200 participants from the agency contingency, which was of immense value to the Fire Districts and the agencies that would be responding in an incident. Previous to that we did a drill in 2015 in Mill Creek that went well. It was at Diamond Peak but the fire was simulated to be in Mill Creek. So we do these periodically. Just so everyone knows, it’s a monumental planning effort if we do it to the scale we have in the past. I don’t know where the planning efforts are for the next evacuation drill in terms of location and jurisdiction… whether it will be in California or another area. Our Fire District has taken the lead on the last two big ones. I’m not sure where the planning efforts are, but I can try to find out for you. I did want to summarize the last two drills. In terms of information provided, Diane you’ve mentioned there was no information. If you want to give me a call my number is 775 833 8106. I’d be happy to talk with you. 

Steve Dolan

Regarding Commissioner Hill, respectfully, Commissioner you stated you were against ADUs if they were to be allowing STRs. And I guess you missed the meeting where there was a unanimous vote for the ADUs in California. But you also seem to have drifted towards allowing them with ADUs because you don’t understand a way to enforce them. However even in the permitting process, you have access to enforcing the prevention of turning ADUs into STRs. So I hope that you can see a way to do that rather than claiming the incapability of enforcing such a rule. This ADU use is really a dramatic change to the environment and the impact on Lake Tahoe.  

Judy Simon – TRPA Advisory Planning Commission, Tahoe Living Housing and Community Revitalization Working Group

I put in the Chat that I have been appointed to that Tahoe Housing Working Group. I’m reviewing the prior documentation at the moment. And I believe the next meeting is in September. Karen Fink is the person at TRPA that staffs that group, or at least that’s my perception. 

Peter Todoroff

When you get updated information could you send it to me Judith? I’ll pass it on to the rest of the community. Thank you.

Judy Simon

I will do that Pete. 

Kathie Julian

I mentioned to you that I saw IPM staff taking down notices at the Post Office. It didn’t seem as if they had any specific criteria for taking down notices. It wasn’t just taking down old notices; it was taking a variety of notices. If folks put something up there, they may wish to check to see if it’s there and also check with Incline Property Management who manages that Post Office property to give criteria for what notices are taken down—specifically the age of a notice rather than just what the guy taking the notices down wants to take down. 

Peter Todoroff

I gave you the contact information. Did you make contact? 

Kathie Julian

I haven’t yet but I didn’t put a notice up. But others should if they have a notice going up.  

Peter Todoroff

Seeing no more questions, I’d like to adjourn the meeting. Thank you for participating.


Alexis Hill

Bruce Townsend

Cathy Specter

Chris Wood

Corey Solferino

David Simon

Denise Davis

Diane Becker

Doug Flaherty

Edie Farrell

Gary Stewart

Helen Durfee

Howard Beckerman

Jack Dalton

Jeff Church

Joe Farrell

John Crockett

Jon & Beth Davidson

Joyce Bock

Judy Miller

Judy Simon

Karen Farrell

Kathie Julian

Keli Maiocco

Kevin Lyons

Kristina Hill

Linda Offerdahl

Louise Cooper

Margaret Martini

Noah Boyer

Peter Todoroff

Ronda Tycer

Sara Schmitz

Sherry Butler

Shirley Appel

Steve Dolan

Tia Rancourt 

Yolanda Knaack


10:01:49          From  Washoe County Libraries : ivcbcommunity1st.org/resources

10:02:31          From  kathie julian : Thanks Judy.  Please give folks your contact information so they can reach out for comment in advance.  As well, great to get regular updates.  If folks want to be on the Housing working group mailing list, they should contact Karen Fink at TRPA.  kfink@trpa.gov. Also, see website:  https://www.trpa.org/tahoe-living-housing-and-community-revitalization-working-group/

10:04:38          From  Washoe County Libraries : Steve, she is not on the call at the moment.  She often has to leave for another meeting.

10:06:31          From  Washoe County Libraries : Please take the library’s community input survey as part of our strategic planning process:  https://washoecountylibrary.us/plan2021/

10:07:53          From  Tia Rancourt : Thank you everyone, if anyone would like to give me input/feedback on Evacuation, Emergency Preparedness, please feel free to call me at 775-833-8106

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