IV/CB Community Forum Minutes

June 11, 2021

Peter Todoroff – Moderator

John Crockett – Washoe County Library Zoom-master

Ronda Tycer – Recap Editor [The link to the recording of the meeting is

Peter Todoroff – Moderator

I’d like to start out by thanking Mr. Crockett. The next Forum meeting June 25th we’ll be able to meet at the library face-to-face. I’ll send out the information. Thanks to John for getting this taken care of. It means a lot to many. I’ve been asked by several people when are we going to meet face-to-face.

John Crockett – Washoe County Library, Head Librarian

It will be great to have people back. Our only requirement is that we require masks for those who aren’t fully vaccinated. We don’t want to see a card or anything like that. It’s up to everyone coming in. Please wear a mask if you’re not vaccinated. There will be no social-distance requirements. We will still have zoom for people who want to continue to attend from home.

Ann Nichols – Crystal Bay Resident, North Tahoe Preservation Alliance, Director

I want to give a recap of what happened at the hearing on Boulder Bay. There was unanimous approval by the Planning Commission of the abandonment variance—the requested abandonment of Reservoir Road and a portion of Wassau Road. The Planners justified their decision saying there wasn’t a project in front of them. However, the first 18 condominium units have already been built. We did manage to get them to agree to do a traffic study no matter how many buildings they construct first. I understand it may be 150 condos. We did save Wellness Way. They wanted the road out but we got it back in. And we got it heated. So we claim some small victories through a lot of work and a lot of money. Thanks to everyone who helped.

We paid for a traffic engineer to analyze the only traffic study they have right now, which is from 2008. There were lots of problems with it. So when they come back with their project for their next phase—we’ll be watching carefully. That’s definitely a pinch point for congestion and traffic and we want to ensure we residents are not going to be gridlocked.

Kathi Julian – Incline Resident, IVCB Citizen Advisory Board, Member

I stopped by Boulder Bay yesterday on my way to Tahoe City. I wanted to check out the public park they built there. It’s very small. I spoke with a resident of the new condominiums—Granite Place. It made me feel better. Even though he’s only one resident, he was supportive of Wellness Way. He acknowledged lots of the issues we raised. He was a former resident of Incline Village. He told me that on weekends when he pulls out of the Granite Place parking lot, if he wants to make a left-hand turn onto Highway 28 to go to Incline Village, he has to drive all the way down to Kings Beach and make a U-turn at one of the roundabouts. I couldn’t believe it. But that is some indication of the traffic challenges getting to and from that complex even now.

Ann Nichols

One of the main things that happened since the 2008 traffic study is that they changed the roads in Kings Beach from 4 to 2 lanes with a center turn lane, which reduced capacity by 30%. For all of us living in the area, it’s been the case for years. It’s a real problem. I think many just don’t understand the magnitude of what’s going to be put in there.

Peter Todoroff – Moderator

Mark Alexander mentioned at the Planning Commission that they put in a stop light there so you can make a left-hand turn at that intersection.

Alexis Hill – Washoe County Commissioner, District 1

Good morning. I have an update from the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) Housing Study group that met this week. The committee did accept the staff recommendations. Just to be clear, as I’ve stated in past meetings, the major concern this group has had about Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)—those would require changes to the Tahoe Area Plan. Any revisions to lot size, to coverage, or to noticing—those are the things that dropped with this change—would need to be made in the Tahoe Area Plan and approved by the Washoe County Commission.  

We’re doing some internal studies to look at whether ADUs are going to be necessary in Incline Village, which would warrant these additional changes. We’re doing the Tahoe Prosperity Housing Study. I hope that everyone has filled out that survey Peter has sent around.

English: http://s.alchemer.com/s3/Washoe-Tahoe-Housing-Survey

Spanish: http://s.alchemer.com/s3/Washoe-Tahoe

That study will let us know what people are looking for, what are their housing needs. It will give us a really good idea to see where ADUs might be located.

If that is something Washoe County pursues, we’ll be working with the community on that. What’s really exciting is one of the items that does not need to go through the Tahoe Area Plan is to allow the conversion of tourist motels and properties into residential properties with the same density as the motels. I know two developers are looking to do that in Incline Village but were hesitant to convert their properties because they couldn’t have those densities. I think that will help with affordable housing in Incline. I’m looking forward to this going before the TRPA Board.

I remind you that I’ll be holding a community zoom Q&A at 6pm June 24. I’ll put the zoom link in the Chat Box.

And relative to the East Shore Express, we are looking for drivers.  Right now the service is suspended. TTD has had major issues with hiring people. This is not a unique thing. Sadly it’s happening everywhere. The Reno Transportation Commission (RTC) is also having major problems hiring drivers in Reno. So we’re working hard with groups to see if we can get this going. I do want to update you about that. The press release went out last week.

There were many questions about a distillery on Village Boulevard at Incline Way.  I just heard back from staff they have not seen a license in months for a distillery. And the only entitlement on that property was a Special Use Permit that was applied for to build a cell tower that was denied by Commissioners in 2020. If you have additional questions I’m happy to address them.

Ann Nichols

The Prosperity Center has been around for 13 years. They are the ones that came up after 2008 with the idea that we needed 8 projects the size of Boulder Bay to create prosperity around the lake. So this is kind of what they do. They do studies. And this can be very scary. And just a comment on this shuttle thing—to make the Old Elementary School (OES) a transit center—if we can’t keep the shuttle going to Sand Harbor. It seems contradictory.

Alexis Hill

This is a temporary shortage that’s being seen across the nation. Economists predict hiring will kick back up. It’s just something that’s sadly happening with many organizations.

Steve Dolan – Incline Resident, Friends of Third Creek, Director

Alexis, I have a few things. First, with this motel conversion concept, it would be nice if you would put in the wording somewhere that it cannot be converted into Short Term Rentals (STRs).

Alexis Hill

Thanks for bringing that up. That was discussed and that will be in there because of the very strict California rules. I’ll make sure when it comes to the Governing Board that is still in there.

Steve Dolan

With regard to the buses for Sand Harbor, I heard part of that the news release—a bit of an infomercial—that it’s good for Incline Village and will reduce traffic to Sand Harbor. It maybe should be noted that because of the Tahoe Transportation District’s (TTD’s) interaction with the Washoe County School District (WCSD) and the potential escrow going on, that may also be something to clear the way for that purchase.

Lastly Alexis, I’d like to thank you for your work with the US Forest Service (USFS) in attempting to get us some property for the dog park. We need all the help we can get there. It’s a good piece of property and I appreciate your work. Thanks.

Alexis Hill

Absolutely. Indra and I are working hard on that. We’re running two channels to make that happen’on the permitting side with USFS, and the Lands Bill that’s moving forward with Washoe County. I’ll get into more detail about that down the line once we start that process again.

Steve Dolan

Thanks Alexis. And Peter you asked for an update on the fisheries. There were four of us who worked it this year. The lead biologist is Travis Hawks with the State. He’s been working on it for 7 years; I’ve been working on it for 6 years. Jack Dalton has been working for a couple of years. And Marlene Borges also joined us. It was a record year, a wonderful year. It’s the first year we’ve had a full season. We had the highest number of fish ever captured. We harvested 48,000 eggs to be sent to Yerington. Some of the fry—the small rainbow trout— will be distributed throughout the lake and the majority will go back into the lake. The fishermen on the North Shore have been raving about the fishing over the last few years. There’s a direct relationship between that and our 7-year project. It takes 3-4 years before the fish are mature enough to spawn, and so the fish we had this year were extraordinarily large. All the fish we spawn we return to the lake and they come back year after year. It was a great year, and it really shows that the fisheries project does two things: (1) successfully adding to the number of rainbow trout for the fishermen; and (2) it’s also a study to help determine a healthy environment for the Lahontan cutthroat trout which we hoped to see for the past 2 years but haven’t. It turns out that the USFS is putting in smaller, younger fish that are for the most part becoming bait for the Mackinaws and large rainbow trout. [inaudible].

Kathie Julian

I’d like to follow up with Alexis on the ADU issue. Thanks Alexis for raising that concern at the meeting. My main concern is—while I support ADUs for getting more affordable housing and workforce housing—a critical issue is to make sure that if Washoe County changes the Tahoe Area Plan to allow ADUs on parcels of 1 acre—that they put in the same restriction that California has—which is no rentals under 30 days. This would help these newly increased units from being used as STRs and simply increasing the inventory of STRs. That would work against the motivation behind the code change. So I appreciate Alexis for flagging that, and we as a community need to watch carefully if and when any code changes come to the Tahoe Area Plan.  

Alexis Hill

Absolutely. I agree with you. If we allow ADUs on less than an acre, we would need to look at deed restrictions or something that ensures they would not become STRs. We’d look at doing that. That’s my other major concern about moving forward with that without having a really thoughtful approach from the staff. I’ll keep you updated.

Peter Todoroff

I see Joy Gumz has posted a question in the Chat Box. Is she still on the call? [no]

Steve Price – Incline Resident, McCloud Homeowners Association, President

First, thanks Alexis for following up on the distillery. Now they have the back of a camper parked there with a “For Sale” sign on it on Village Boulevard. That property is totally out of control.

Secondly, down the street at Southwood and Village there are two new businesses that have moved in. It used to be a real-estate office and a barbershop. Now they have a Rockwood Tree service with 3 large vehicles parked behind the building. On the road they had two huge chippers. The size of the building is too small for what’s going on there. Now on the other side there are two offices. Where the barbershop was, now they’re putting in—they have a sign hanging between two trees—which is a sign for a new kayak rental place. I wonder how such a small building on a corner could occupy so much space. I know further along Southwood there’s a storage area for large vehicles—snow removal in winter and other things in summer. But it’s got a fence around it. I don’t see anything like that around this property. It’s just a mess. That whole corner and up the street to Incline Way is a disaster. The only good thing is the dental office. So I’d like some help on those two things.

The last thing is this summer they’ll start the pilot shuttle program for transportation around the village, which is a great idea. The question is where will they park the 3 vehicles that will shuttle people around the village. I hope they don’t decide to park those vehicles at the proposed transportation hub site (OES). Because that’s another linkage in trying to position Carl Hasty’s new building on that site.

Alexis Hill

On the Southwood and Village Boulevard questions, I’ll look into why there isn’t sufficient parking and what the parking standards are. I think that’s the issue on that.

The shuttles for Incline transportation are parking at the Washoe County Sheriff Substation. The Sheriff has an agreement with the IVCB Visitor Center. We are doing a big grand opening for that in 2 weeks. Sadly I won’t be able to come to the Forum at 10am. I’ll be driving up to Incline. But I hope y’all will come out for that and I can send Peter the details so people can learn more about the program. I agree it’s going to be an awesome program and I’m excited for it to start.

Rafael Ortiz – Incline Resident

I’m new to the Forum so if my questions are completely ignorant, I beg your indulgence. First, on the ADUs, is there going to be an ordinance restriction for parking—so that with each unit they provide off-street parking for at least 2 vehicles per unit? If you don’t do that, it will increase the on-street parking problem we already have. My recommendation is that any new ordinance we have includes that.  Secondly, regarding brush clearance and fire clearance. I’m a Southern California transplant. Down there they had a brush clearance ordinance where if the owner did not clear the brush after two notifications, the County would do it and then charge the owner of the parcel on their property taxes. Is there anything like that currently in play here?

Alexis Hill

Rafael you bring up a great point that we’ll make sure if we do any expansion of ADUs that’s written into the code, I agree with you, and not something we wrote on with STRs. I believe people shouldn’t be parking on the street for permanent uses.

Ryan Sommers—North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District, Chief

Mr. Ortiz. Yes, the ordinance is in place and has been for quite a few years. There’s quite a bit of information on our website (webpage). I know the timeframe isn’t all that great, and we’re working on that. But we first notify the people. About 90%– 95% comply with our 1st notification and the 1st letter. Beyond that we send a series of 4 certified letters after which we can go on the property and clear it. Then we put the lien on the owner’s property taxes. We’re in process of doing that right now for a property on Country Club. This is the first one. Everybody’s been great and in compliance. However this absentee owner of a lot—no structures—we did need to go and clear it and will get money back via the tax. So the ordinance is in place.

We’re plugging along with the chipping service. We’ve been busy the past couple of days. A hand-crew and I went down to the Jacks Valley incident. Meeks Bay had an incident. But both fires are secured and controlled. We’ll have a big press release coming out soon on our new boat.

Peter Todoroff

Did they find out what the causes were of the fires?

Ryan Sommers

I have to say they are under investigation.

Judy Miller – Incline Resident

It’s interesting to hear the discussion about the ADUs. For some time citizens have been aware that illegal ADUs exist here in Incline Village that are being used as STRs. Before, when we brought them to the County’s attention, they said they had no jurisdiction to go in and investigate. Has that changed?

Alexis Hill

I don’t know about these. But I’m open to telling Code Compliance to look into them.  Do you have specific information like where they’re located or anything else that I can send to staff? We put in the STR Ordinance that you have to have a legal permitted ADU to use it as a STR. I don’t have the information, but my understanding from staff is that we don’t have any ADUs that have asked for STR permits.  But I can keep this group posted on that.

Judy Miller

Actually I have seen one. In the diagram they submitted with their application, it  shows a full secondary kitchen.  So I’m surprised to hear that your information is that there are none. I can send that info to you.

The other thing regarding the STR permit application—I believe now 4 permits have been processed—but they don’t show approved occupancy. So if someone wants to report a violation of occupancy—now that you have the site up for complaints and one could be over-occupancy but the website doesn’t show approved occupancy—how will a citizen know if the occupancy number has been exceeded?

I have contacted Planning, but as yet I have no response even acknowledging that the number isn’t available on the website. I’ve looked at it pretty extensively but couldn’t find that number anywhere.

Alexis Hill

That’s a good suggestion. I’ll follow up with Mojra and see where that’s at. And any information you have about illegal ADUs please send my way.

Judy Miller

Okay. The other thing that has arisen on the STR applications is that I made a Public Records Request (PRR) for data from the system. Data is much more useful than a screen print. I believe there is a recent Nevada case in 2018 where the Supreme Court declared that if data is available, it is a public record, and should be produced. Yet I’m getting denied my public record request from the Accela database. I believe all of these modern systems do allow downloads of data. It’s quite simple, not excessively difficult. And I believe because of that Nevada case it is public record and yet I’m being denied.

Alexis Hill

Judith, just send me your email correspondence with staff so I can find out what’s going on.

Judy Miller

Actually it’s on the washoe311 site. You can probably pull it up there. But I’ll send you the information. The excuse I was given was that “our attorneys are too busy to handle it.” That wasn’t very satisfactory.

One of the reasons I was asking for the data is because it’s fairly easy to take a list of addresses to link them up on a map. I know you’re collecting data. One thing Douglas County has done is to integrate their STRs with their GIS map so you can see what areas of the community are being most impacted. They made changes to their ordinance because some neighborhoods are being overwhelmed with too many STRs. It’s not right to the inhabitants. That’s why I want the data. I don’t seem to be able to get the data. The County said their IT department is too busy to integrate the STRs with the GIS. So I would like to have that data.

Alexis Hill

That’s something I asked staff to do, to create a map so you can see where these are. I just think we’re still in June and we’re collecting applications until August. So maybe there’s a delay with that. But I’ll follow up on it, so you don’t have to do it yourself.

Judy Miller

I appreciate that, Alexis.

Kristina Hill – Incline Resident, Washoe Board of Adjustment, Member

I went to the County last week to submit an application and I was shocked how disorganized it was. You could only submit an application on one day of the month—the 8th. I got there around 10am to submit my application and the girls at the counter had no idea what I was talking about. Luckily Trevor Lloyd—the Planning Manager—came out and I asked “What should I do with this application I’m trying to submit?” And he said, “Oh just put it in the box.” There was a cardboard box on the counter. I thought, “Oh my gosh.” I didn’t get a receipt for my filing fee or anything like that. I still haven’t received a receipt since Tuesday.

Another thing, I was walking out and I saw Carl Hasty who was at the Washoe County Commissioners meeting to request additional funding for more parking for the East Shore Trail. I haven’t heard anything about that. I wonder if Alexis can clue us in on where that will be located.

Alexis Hill

My understanding is it’s to finish the trail. But I can get that information on the specifics of the plan and send that over.

Kristina Hill

What do you mean finish the trail? Do you mean beyond Sand Harbor? [Yes] So that would be over on the south end of the trail?

Alexis Hill

That’s what I had understood. I could be wrong. But I’ll follow up and make sure and get back to this group about that.

Kristina Hill

Today Tahoe Fund released information about them doing another bike trail near Tunnel Creek. Everyone’s scratching their head with all the people that are up here, all the traffic and parking issues. When are you going to stop and realize that these people are here because they are building these facilities that attract people here? They are trying to accommodate all these additional people. It seems like it’s a real impact on the environment, on traffic, on erosion. I can’t understand how the Tahoe Fund that touts themselves as being so environmentally conscious, can do these new trails all over— and the USFS with their new e-bike trails— and not be aware that they are creating additional erosion and harm to the environment. It seems pretty common sense to me, but I guess not to transportation planners.

Bruce Townsend – Incline Resident, IVGID Ordinance 7 Committee, Member

I had a question I think it was about a month or so ago when I asked about the property at 948 Tahoe Boulevard. It was the old Incline Realty, and was purchased by somebody that’s now using it for boat storage. Does Alexis have any update on that?

Alexis Hill

I can look into it. What’s the address again?

Bruce Townsend

The address is 948 Tahoe Boulevard, right across from where Stanley’s Restaurant was.

Peter Todoroff

Margaret’s office used to be over there too.

Bruce Townsend

Correct. It was the former Robinson property. The building is still there and now the parking lot is full of boats.

Alexis Hill

Okay I’ll see what permitting was approved for that and update the group.

Steve Dolan

I can throw in a bit of information. If you recall when Margaret’s office was there, there were always boats there—3-5 from time to time. So I don’t know if that’s a big change. But I know boats have been there.

Bruce Townsend

Yes there were boats, but the Robinsons said the boats belonged to them. There are now 10 boats there.

Ann Nichols

I was just going to ask Ryan a question. You know I live on the point. I’m wondering about all the brush on the point. I think Duffield owns the property. I think he owns 12 acres over there that is the old Stack Property. Is there any way you can convince him to thin the Manzanita?

Ryan Sommers

The old Stack property? Yes, we’ll reach out to him.  We’ll have a forester go over there and see if they can come up with a plan.

Kathi Julian

I have one more question for Ryan. It’s about the issue of when you see a household burning a charcoal or wood fire. I contacted the fire department and they suggested that the appropriate number to call was 911. I thought that seems a little excessive. Is that the recommended path in dealing with a neighbor who may be violating the fire ban?

Ryan Sommers

Yes, please dial 911 for that. Right now there is a charcoal and a hardwood ban, but you’re allowed to have propane gas for BBQs and fire pits. When we say, “open fire,” we have to be careful we know exactly how it’s fueled. I just replied to Ronda’s email she sent on Wednesday—but I’d already left for that fire in Jack’s Valley, and I think she’s going to be pushing something out as well. It’s no solid wood burning within our fire district. The USFS is working on a draft right now and will soon come out with their basin-wide restrictions. I’ll make sure Tia pushes that out as well.

John Crockett

Commissioner Hill posted in the Chat Box a link to her Q&A on June 24th at 6pm.

Alexis Hill

I’ll get it to you too, Pete.

Peter Todoroff

Send it to me because I can get it out to the forum community that way. The Forum community has been growing. Five people from the Conversation Café joined the list because they didn’t know anything about what was going on in the community. They want to help. I said actions speak louder than words. If you want to help, join this group. Every single meeting, we’ve had new people joining in. I’m hoping these people will follow through and get involved in what’s happening in the community. We definitely need their help to get things on the right track.

Kathi Julian

I’d like to make an announcement about the Citizen Advisory Board meeting which is the first Monday of the month. This past CAB meeting was cancelled because they need to deal with some of the intricacies of how they do a hybrid in-person and zoom meeting. I hope Alexis can offer something on this. I hope we’ll be having CAB meetings in July and August in some hybrid fashion. The first Monday of the month at 5:30 the CAB meeting is open to everyone and folks can come to listen to whatever the County has put on the agenda. That’s another way those folks can get connected to what’s happening in the community.

Alexis Hill

I’m working with the Community Services Department to make sure we have a CAB meeting in July. It’s still a work in progress. They are going to redo how they get community input on development projects. I’m really excited about the process they’re looking at. I’m hoping I can announce that at the meeting on the 24th. We’re looking to get input from the community before a developer is even able to submit an application. The developer will be required to incorporate community input into the application. I know that members of the CAB are upset when they see an application and it’s already a done deal. They either deny or approve it and then it goes through the process. I think this will be a much better way to do things. Whether we’ll have that in place by July… I’m hoping we can still continue to have a community meeting. It’s really important for this District to be able to get together. There are other districts that are more in the city and don’t have as much need for a CAB. But I believe Incline Village really needs to keep the CAB. I’m fighting to get our own hybrid meeting and to see what that will look like. I’ll keep you posted.

Peter Todoroff

I think one of the good things to do would be to give the agenda—what they’ll be talking about—at least to the chairperson who can then post that information like I did when I was chair of the CAB. When there was a project, basically the place was filled up because of interest in the project. For example the cell tower was one of the projects that filled the room. The community has to be advised of projects going on rather than having a bunch of people come to the CAB meeting. If they have something specific on the agenda that is going to affect Incline, then I think announcing it is a very important thing.

Things have been happening up here that bypassed the CAB and went right to TRPA without any input from the community. And this is wrong. I know of two instances where things went by. I don’t know how the County can address this. But I think this needs to be taken care of. For instance, the Hyatt went right to TRPA for charging for parking. The community had no input on it. They didn’t do an EIS but there was a problem. I took a picture of the TART bus driving in the middle of Country Club because there were cars parked on both sides. There wasn’t enough room for the TART bus to stay in one lane. This is unacceptable. Do what you can do to get this straightened out so they don’t bypass the CAB. Like Kristina says, she has one day a month to submit the application information and nothing gets done. She didn’t even get a receipt for her money. Something has to be taken care of. Just talking about it isn’t going to help.

Alexis Hill

I’m sorry I didn’t get to address Kristina’s concerns. I wrote a note about it and I’ll look into it. I’m really shocked, honestly. I thought we were all back in our offices full time. So I’ll check to see what’s going on. Relative to the CAB, I’m fighting to keep the CAB. I think it’s extremely important. I think the chair and vice chair should be able to work together to put their agenda together instead of asking for permission from the Community Services Department. So these things are in flux. Restructuring has been in discussion for a long time. So as long as I’m around, I’m going to make sure the CAB can meet, and give us input, and have community speakers, and feel part of the community once a month. So I’ll be keeping the group posted.

Steve Price

I think Alexis addressed this issue but I want to know why from the sheriff. We have a trailer parked for more than 3 weeks on the easement on Village Boulevard near McCloud at Juanita and Village. I’m wondering why a vehicle can’t be towed or removed out of there. It’s got CA plates on it and it’s been there for 3+ weeks. It’s an eyesore and nobody’s doing anything about getting rid of it. I understand it’s on an easement but that should make no difference about having an unbelievably ugly object sitting on or next to a property with a “For Sale” sign on it. It doesn’t make any sense to me.

Alexis Hill

I sent this to the WCSO. So nothing has been done about it? [Nothing has been done, it’s still sitting there.] This is something that the new team you’ll be seeing up there will be working on very aggressively. I’m not sure where this is in the process but I’ll follow up.

Steve Price

They have had in the past someone who just came by—because we’ve had other problems of people just parking vehicles for 3 or 4 weeks—and they’ve come by and told them to move them and they got moved. So I don’t know why there’s a difference in this case. Thank you Alexis.

Rafael Ortiz

I want to thank everyone, especially all the officials who are on this call. I understand that all your information is on the web. The wonderful thing about the web is that everything’s there; and the hard thing about it is that everything’s there. I would suggest for outreach, if we could at least put notices to some of these meetings in the IVGID Quarterly. I think they might be amenable to that. I think it would be a great way to advertise some of these community events.

Kari Ferguson – Incline Village General Improvement District – Communications Coordinator

We can put in the Quarterly or as a link on our website. I know a lot of people are digital and go to our site and our social media for information. I’d be more than happy to share the information. I feel like we get everything out to Pete that we put out as well, so I definitely try to flow the information back and forth. We’re more than happy to share.

Rafael Ortiz

That would be great. That the CAB is on the first Monday of the month—that information both on the web and in the Quarterly would be great.

Kari Ferguson

I will put my email into the Chat Box. Feel free to email me and I will get it approved for the Quarterly.

Kathie Julian

Also can you push to ask folks to fill out the housing survey that the Tahoe Prosperity Center and others are sponsoring? It’s the basis of the Housing Needs Study. The more we get the word out about filling out the survey—it is really important—including all of your staff at IVGID. I hope someone is in charge of promoting it among your staff members.

Peter Todoroff

I believe I sent it out to everybody on my mailing list as soon as I received it and filled it out myself.  

Kathi Julian

Yes, I’m just suggesting to reach out through IVGID as well. Kari let me know if we should talk to Indra or something else, okay?

Kari Ferguson

Just send me the information and I’m happy to get it out to all the staff and I’ll also push it on our social media accounts as well.

Peter Todoroff

When I sent it to all on the mailing list I thought they could also forward it to their friends and relatives.  

Frank Wright – Crystal Bay Resident, Ordinance 7 Member

I’m wallowing in frustration as to the understanding of the community that their beach deeds are being severely violated. Nothing seems to get done. They were going to hire a litigator to investigate the IVGID employee giveaways of our facilities. They say they use it for retention. But giving beach access to employees who live in Reno for life—I find strange. It’s a huge violation of the beach deed. When you violate a protective covenant like that deed, and do nothing about it—and the information has been brought before the board so many times and the Board does nothing about it—eventually the beach deed is going to be invalidated. I think this would be on the front burner of every citizen in this community to make sure the protective beach covenant stays in tact.

But I’m not getting anybody to pay attention. If it would be challenged in court the first question would be how long has this been violated and what’s been done to stop it? Giving away access for life to employees who don’t pay into the Recreation fee or the Beach fee. I just can’t believe no one in this town has jumped on this and is asking the Board to do something to stop it. It’s not being done. I keep bringing it up at the Ordinance 7 meetings. I brought it up at the last Board meeting. No one understands the implication if they go along with it. They were going to hire an attorney –but I think that’s a waste of time because it’s just going to be an opinion. They need to do a judicial review immediately—not next week—right now —to get an opinion from a judge. It doesn’t cost that much to find out if this practice is legal or if it is in fact going to invalidate the deed. If it invalidates the deed, you can understand the implications. Something that belongs to the community could be impacted severely. I’m trying to get this information out and to get someone to pay attention.

John Crockett

There’s nothing new at the library at the moment. We’re starting to welcome meeting- room use back. We’re easing into it. We’re starting with the Forum and other local agencies and will have it ready for the public soon. We’re now open 10-6 M-F. You can come inside. We’d love to see any new residents come in to get their library cards.  

Ryan Sommers

Somebody needs to replace the battery in their smoke detector. Every time they’re talking, I can hear the alarm beeping in the background.

Bruce Townsend – Incline Resident, Ordinance 7 Committee, Member

I want to respond to Frank’s comments. I too am on the Ordinance 7 committee. We took a vote to have the General Manager talk to the Board of Trustees about this. It’s not in our purview. Our purview is to give recommendations, not give orders.

Steve Price – Incline Resident

I want to thank everyone who came to the Veteran’s Memorial Day service down at Burnt Cedar Beach. We had 150 people and also a fly-by. It was a great success. And thanks to IVGID for doing such a great support job. The team was so good they even cleaned up a lot of the bird stuff before the visitors came. I also want to say that on the 4th of July—not on the 3rd —that’s the Fire Department breakfast—but on the 4th the Veterans Club will be having their pancake breakfast at Aspen Grove. I hope a lot of you will show up for that.

Peter Todoroff

For those of you who knew Art Berliner, he passed away last week in his sleep.

Thank you all for coming. I’ll see you face-to-face next time on the 25th of June at the library. Bring your mask if you haven’t been vaccinated. I’ll send out the reminder on Monday before Friday the 25th. Thanks everyone for participating today.



Alexis Hill

Ann Nichols

Bruce Townsend

David Simon

Denise Davis


Dr Di

Edie Farrell

Frank Wright

Heather Lunsford

Heather Williams


Jack Dalton

Jacque & Patrick ONeil

Joe Farrell

John Crockett

Joy Gumz

Judy Miller

Kari Ferguson

Kathie Julian

Kristina Hill

Kurt Koch

Pete Todoroff

Rafael Ortiz

Ronda Tycer

Roxanna Dunn

Ryan Sommers

Steve Dolan

Steve Price

Svata Trossen


00:19:11          Joy Gumz:       QUESTIONS FOR ALEXIS HILL:

In 1974, Washoe County levied a 1% PARKS CONSTRUCTION TAX on all construction in Washoe County. This money was to be put in a Special Revenue Fund.  Incline Village received over a million dollars towards the RECREATION CENTER in the mid 1990s. However, Incline has received NOTHING since that time of these funds.

Q1. Why not?

Q2.  How can Incline obtain some of these funds? [Perhaps for the renovations at INCLINE PARK near the middle school.]


In prior budget books listed below (FY2006 – FY2011), Incline Park improvements were included in the Washoe County budget.

FY2006: Parks – Incline Park Improvements    $397,514 https://www.washoecounty.us/budget/library_of_budgets/FY06BudgetBook/01FY06 Budget Book.pdf

FY2007 Parks – Incline Park Improvements $443,500  https://www.washoecounty.us/budget/library_of_budgets/FY07BudgetBook/01FY07 Budget Book.pdf  page 358

FY2008 Parks – Incline Park Improvements $473,000 https://www.washoecounty.us/budget/library_of_b

00:43:05          Alexis Hill:       Incline Village / Crystal Bay Q & A with Alexis Hill on zoom https://bit.ly/3pFQgwe

00:43:26          Alexis Hill:       June 24 @ 6pm

00:56:26          Alexis Hill:       Running to another meeting. Shoot me an email if you have questions ahill@washoecounty.us 775.447.3017

00:57:32          Kari Ferguson- IVGID Communications Coordinator: KMF@ivgid.org

01:01:33          Kari Ferguson- IVGID Communications Coordinator:

Change those smoke detector batteries every time 🙂

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