IV/CB Community Forum Minutes

May 28, 2021

Peter Todoroff – Moderator

John Crockett – Washoe County Library Zoom-master

Ronda Tycer – Recap Editor [The link to the recording of the meeting is


Peter Todoroff – Moderator

I’d like to start out with announcements.

Ann Nichols – Crystal Bay Resident, North Tahoe Preservation Alliance, Director

There is a meeting at 6:30 on Tuesday June 1 at the Washoe County Planning Department. It’s to review the Boulder Bay abandonment and variance request. It’s super important for our community. I think it needs a traffic study because the one they did was from 1996 to 2007. Everything has changed since then. They’re saying NDOT will do an update later. What NDOT usually does is rubber stamp – you add a roundabout or a turn lane, and they’re happy. So we really need someone who can analyze what’s going on here.

Peter Todoroff – Moderator

Can you send me that information so I can pass it out?

Ann Nichols

Yes. We need people to comment on it, so that would be great.

Ronda Tycer – IV Forum Recap Editor

I’d like to make a correction; I think it’s at 6pm according to what I just read.

Ann Nichols

There are some items on the agenda before this so it should be about 6:30. It was supposed to come before the IVCB Citizens Advisory Board (CAB) again but they elected not to do that.

Ronda Tycer

I will put the information into the Chat Box.

Margaret Martini – Incline Resident, Ordinance 7 Committee Member

I attended a Washoe County School District (WCSD) Board meeting. There was a small protest in front of folks protesting the curriculum for what they’re calling “social justice” but basically it’s Critical Race Theory (CRT). So many people spoke against the curriculum. They postponed the actual vote on it to June 8 because it was so controversial. I don’t know if they just didn’t want to deal with it or what. Anyway June 8 is the next WCSD Board meeting when they’ll be voting on the curriculum. They did vote in a very aggressive sexual-orientation curriculum called the Share Program, which has been there forever. This is a lot over the top. So if you have kids or grandkids in the WCSD, I’d let the Board know. This is pretty much led by the Board Chair, Angie Taylor, and the Superintendent. She is totally bad news for conservative families.

Peter Todoroff

Margaret, send me that information and I’ll post it so people can attend if they think it’s important.

Margaret Martini

Critical Race Theory basically teaches the kids to be racist. It’s really sad. Most people said we want education; we don’t want orientation, we don’t want your political views. And according to the WCSD “policy” the teachers are supposed to leave their political views, etc. at home. But they are sure bringing them in there. Some of the younger teachers were pretty amazing. In one of the email threads, one of the teachers has blatantly said, “What goes on in the classroom, stays in the classroom.” If I were a parent, I’d be terrified of that statement.

Kristina Hill – Incline Resident, Washoe County Board of Adjustment, Member

I got on a bit late and missed what Ann said about abandoning the roads in Crystal Bay. I want to let the group know I sent Chris Broznyk—the head planner for this issue—an email yesterday saying I was adamantly opposed to the abandonment. They’re taking away roads in a densely populated residential area for a project approved 10 years ago that was never constructed. So why are they allowing these roads to be abandoned when they haven’t shown they can build a building? I think it’s putting the cart before the horse. I guess you all felt the earthquake this morning. If there are disasters where we have to evacuate, that’s going to be one less road on which to evacuate. That’s just not right.

Kathie Julian – Incline Resident, IVCB Citizen Advisory Board, Member

About Margaret’s comments regarding the WCSD Board, I think this session is for announcements. So I suspect what we should have is people from each side of the issue on education speaking before this group to give background on both viewpoints in terms of CRT or whatever it’s called, and the Share Program to better inform the community. Not just one side, not just comments about conservative families. I think this group is a great vehicle to have both sides come and present their views and let the community learn what’s going on at the School Board.

Also, as a member of the CAB, I sent in a comment on the abandonment and variance request for Boulder Bay. I reviewed the documentation. And while I’m certainly in support of the development of a mixed-use commercial/residential project in that spot, that request was based on traffic studies dating back to 2008. There hasn’t been anything more recent. So my recommendation was to postpone a decision on their request for variance and abandonment until they update and redo that study to better inform the project. My understanding is that TRPA is responsible for doing such traffic studies. I spoke to Jeff Cowen who said they decided they didn’t want to do a new study and didn’t feel a need to update the old study.

Peter Todoroff

I have a question for Alexis Hill. I’d like you to give the community an update on the question I posed about the marijuana money. Where is that money going? It was supposed to go to the community in which the store was located. My understanding is that it is no longer the case. I wonder why and how did that change all of a sudden?

Alexis Hill, Washoe County Commissioner, District 1

I don’t know what the history on that is. But the fees that come in, next fiscal year, we’re projecting about $500,000 to the County Commission. We don’t get the tax but we get the fees when they come in to pay their business licenses. If you’ll recall, the County has committed about $200,000 to IVCB on different initiatives for this next fiscal year, so we are trying to directly give back to IVCB through the General Fund. We are certainly looking to invest in the community.

Peter Todoroff

On another item, I’d like to find out about the Old Elementary School. How can the County, TRPA or anyone else make a good assessment until they actually visit the property? When I went to the Commissioner’s meeting, there was nobody from Washoe County who came up and looked at that property before making that decision. Is there an update on that project?

As CAB chairman I went to every property so I could make an intelligent assessment and get behind the community—which is what the CAB is supposed to do—and if there were issues with it I would definitely mention it. As far as I know there was nobody in the community in favor of the project. I don’t know anyone from the County, TRPA or anybody else making the decisions for this community that are doing anything about it, actually coming up and taking a look at the property.  

Alexis Hill

My understanding is that Commissioners have looked at the property and TRPA Board members have looked at it. I don’t want to call out individual people because I don’t know if others have looked at it, but I know I have. It’s looking like there may be an agenda item on TTD on the June 8 Commissioners meeting. I’ll keep you and Ronda posted if anything changes on that.

Peter Todoroff

Please send me that information because I’m sure community members want to be involved in that. Quite frankly, all they have to do is see the cars parked along Southwood, which Denise Davis brought up. The apartment complex is using the County road as an extended parking lot, which poses a real problem

There needs to be an EIS on that property because it’s definitely a problem. The Hyatt was a problem as well. They went right to the TRPA. I talked to the General Manager when the Hyatt began charging for parking. The community had no input on it. And it caused a problem for the residents and surrounding associations—Country Club Center and Village at Incline. People were using association property for parking. Nobody had any input on it. There was no Environmental Impact Study. How is it that government agencies approve these projects without any community input? It doesn’t make sense to me. I don’t understand why this is happening.

Alexis Hill

As I’ve explained before if this purchase goes through—which is still an if—the TTD and Washoe County will be taking over a year-long process to work with the community on alternative sites to really find the best site if the Old Elementary School site is not for a place to park buses, essentially, to ensure that we get vehicles off the road. We will be working with the community if this proceeds. We’ll be forming a community group to help us choose the consultant who will be coming in to help us with community outreach—how we want to talk to folks, how we want to make sure people are heard, how many meetings we want to have… all of those things we will be actively working with the county.

I have a few other announcements. There’s been a lot of talk about Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and I want to keep the community informed.  In January, the Local Government and Housing Committee at TRPA had an ADU presentation. No action was taken, it was just a discussion on affordable housing and ways to do workforce housing, and how to look at that missing middle, which is folks who want to live in a house but can’t afford to buy a house, and how to do that type of development in Tahoe. ADUs were certainly part of the discussion. The LGHC will be meeting again on June 9 at 1 pm. I’m assuming ADUs will be discussed along with those other housing options. It’s all in a very initial phase. I know there’s a concern that this will happen overnight. But according to TRPA there are 5 meetings being held about this. It still has to be adopted by local communities if we were to be more lenient and allow additional ADUs in communities. I’m still learning whether this is a good fit for Incline Village and I hope you all will take part in those discussions.

I’m hosting a community Question & Answer (Q&A) on June 24 via zoom. I’m hoping to do an in-person one come this summer. I’m happy to address your questions. I’ll have some experts from the Fire Department, the Washoe Planning Department, TTD, etc. to discuss all the things you have questions about in the community. I hope to do those quarterly as we move forward.

The County budget I discussed a few meetings ago was approved. So Clean Tahoe will move forward starting in June. You’ll see them out and about two times a week helping to clean up Incline Village and Crystal Bay. The Planning Funds were approved, so I’ll be getting an update soon on how those will proceed and what major priorities we’ll be working on for those planning funds. I’m hoping to have you all involved with that.

The Prosperity Center Affordable Housing Study is starting in June. I hope you’ll be able to participate.  IVGID is helping us push out the surveys, as well as different IVCB employers so we can get a really good idea of what’s happening and what opportunities there are for workforce housing and affordable housing in Incline.

I’m happy to answer any other questions you may have.

Kathie Julian

Thanks Alexis. About the housing study that’s beginning in June, I understand there will be surveys going out. One concern is that there is a very methodical way to survey the population on Southwood and other pockets of lower-income housing and apartments.  IVGID is very good at reaching out to parcel owners, but we don’t really have a great media—we don’t have a newspaper and all those things—to get word out. I recommend a door-to-door canvassing with surveys of those apartments along the Southwood corridor and some other places to reach out to families that are service workers. You will not necessarily get them through the employers because many are working as freelance housekeepers, landscapers, or on construction jobs. So you’re not going to contact them through employers. I think that needs to be an important focus and it needs to be in Spanish and English.

Alexis Hill

We have the survey in Spanish and English. We are trying to think of other ways we can reach folks who aren’t employed by the major employers in Incline. I’m so glad to have you because you’re on one of these committees. I’m glad you are because you’re bringing up a really good point on how we can reach these folks. I appreciate that and will definitely pass that on to our consultant when we meet again.

Kathie Julian

Okay, if you can. I did raise those points but I’m not sure they were conveyed strongly enough. The second point is an observation that TRPA has such an impact on this community. I’m just beginning to get a handle on all the various things TRPA does that have an impact on this community. I think at some point you… maybe during one of these meetings… we can have a presentation on just how TRPA intersects with and affects Incline Village. You are our voice into TRPA. It is confusing. When you mentioned local authorities would be speaking about ADUs, it occurred to me I don’t know what the local authority is in the context of Incline Village.

Alexis Hill

That would be Washoe County.

Kathie Julian

Okay, Washoe County. Yes. I think all of that could use an explanation at some point in time.

Alexis Hill

Sure, I’ll be happy to pull that together.

Judy Simon – Incline Resident, IVCB CAB, Alternate Member

I have a question for Alexis and generally about the Boulder Bay project and where we are on that. I think it’s going to Planning, but I know when it went to the CAB—before I was an alternate member— we declined to act because of lack of information. It’s about abandoning some of those roads that go up in there. I’m wondering where we are on that.

Alexis Hill

Earlier we discussed this would be on the Planning Agenda on Tuesday, I think Ronda said 6pm. That information is at Washoecounty.us

Judy Simon

Is this the same proposal or has it been amended? Because I think the sense of the CAB was that this was a pretty thin proposal.

Alexis Hill

I think it’s been amended to add back in Wellness Way. If this goes before the Board of County Commissioners, I will be acting in a judicial role for that. So I can’t really discuss it before it goes to the Commissioners. That’s what I saw in the last proposal, but I think someone else could speak to it.

Steve Dolan – Incline Resident, Friends of Third Creek, Director

Commissioner Hill I wanted to ask a similar question trying not to get too far away from Kristina Hill’s abandonment of roads issue. I wanted to ask you directly your opinion, but you’re saying you can’t give an opinion because you’re acting in a judiciary role.

Alexis Hill

For Planning issues that might come before us we have to wait until they come before the Board.

Steve Dolan

So you can’t give us your opinion?

Alexis Hill

That would not be a smart thing to do. No.

Steve Dolan

Well it would be smart in our community to hear how you are going to address it because it’s directly affecting us specifically, and not necessarily Washoe County in general. That’s interesting to me.

Steve Dolan

I brought up the ADU issue before which is coming to the Board on June 9. You said you don’t have access to the agenda but I’ve seen the agenda. So I don’t understand that. The thing about that particular ADU proposal, it speaks to California’s desire to expand workforce housing, but we know that translates into short-term rentals (STRs). Because of TRPA’s proclivity to ask for continuity around the lake because they’re bistate, pretty much everything they do has to apply to the whole lake. To me it’s important that you find an opinion and let Incline Village know what its impact might be. I know that I asked your representative 2 weeks ago to inform me of that. And I know we had a little back and forth that you hadn’t heard about it. I know that in the past things like these studies come up in the background, but by time they get to the surface – it’s too late. So I would appreciate it if you would look deeply into the studies TRPA is doing, and give Incline Village the information you get from that before it becomes a proposal. Because again, like the TTD and our school, by the time those proposals get to the surface, they are done deals. So I would hope you could do what I’ve been able to do, which is go deeper into the issues and find them before they become proposals, because that’s the end of the road.

Peter Todoroff

I’d like to point out that Jeff Cowen of TRPA is not in attendance. Ryan Sommers is not in attendance. And neither is Judy Miller. So does anyone have an update on STRs?

Alexis Hill

We’re plugging along with permitting. I can address any questions you have.

Peter Todoroff

The only question I have is Steve Price brought up an issue that Ryan Sommers was to answer about what’s happening with the tree and brush clearing of the parcel on Village. What process did that go through to do this, and did it go through the CAB, TRPA, and did the community get involved because no one seemed to know anything about it.

Alexis Hill

I don’t have any information on that.

Ronda Tycer – Incline Resident, IV Forum Recap Editor

I drove by the parcel the other day and it looks much better. They’ve cleaned out all the debris. It looks like it was just defensible space activity. It looks good to me and I’m pretty picky.

Steve Price – Incline Resident, McCloud Homeowners Association, President

In walking up and down the street every day, I know what’s going on. I talked to the man taking out the trees and shrubs so it looks nice. It’s going to be some kind of an alcohol refinery to make whiskey. The plan is to first start off with refining the grains. It’s a particular brand. They’ve already reached out to the Village Market and Raley’s for distribution of this when it comes on line. Initially it will be just the refinery, but then also a tasting place. Then they hope to open a little restaurant where people can sit around and taste and have some food. That’s the long range plan. My question still remains unanswered. Who approved all this? There are 3 or 4 vehicles sitting there— a trailer, jeep, and boat trailer—sitting on property. I don’t have a problem with that because it’s not visible from Village, only on Incline Way. But I do have a problem with nobody knowing where this came from and who approved it and why didn’t we know about it? Why don’t we know what’s going in there? That’s not right.

Peter Todoroff

Exactly the point I’m trying to make. TRPA and the County don’t know what’s going on with this property? The government takes over without any community input. This is wrong. So Alexis I’d like to find out exactly what is going on to answer Steve’s question.  

Alexis Hill

Where is it exactly? I’ll look into it.

Steve Price

It’s on the corner of Incline Way and Village—the part of Incline Way that goes from Village around to the IVGID building. There are a couple of other buildings they’ve put in there recently, which is a nice addition—a research place or whatever. This is totally different when you start putting in eating places or a refinery. I’d like to know what the smell’s going to be. I don’t have any idea of what it’s going to be. That’s something that should have been done a long time ago to tell us the details.

Alexis Hill

I’m not sure when this was permitted. It hasn’t gone to the CAB or Planning Commission since I’ve been elected. But I’ll look into this for the community and get back to you.

Steve Price

It’s the same piece of property they wanted to put the cell tower on. We took that away. So I guess Dr Cherry—or whoever—sold the property. So there had to be a transfer of ownership somewhere along the line. And then somebody had to say what’s going on here. It’s awfully strange.

Kristina Hill

I see from the chat that Ann said she knew about the distillery Steve is talking about. So maybe she can add something about that.

But I’d like to comment about the STRs Alexis, is there any way we can track whether a permit has been applied for? There are STRs on either side of me now. The people are clueless as to what defensible space is, what is anything. We told them you have to get a permit. Their eyes glazed over. So how do you know whether they get permits or not?

Alexis Hill

You can email washoecounty.us/311 [https://www.washoecounty.us/311/index.php] and they’ll look it up for you as a public records request. I don’t know if they can tell you a permit is in progress but they can tell you if the permit has been granted or denied.

They still have untll August 1st to work on it, so it might not be in the database. But that’s something you can ask the County for.

Kristina Hill

So they have to submit an application by August 1st?

Alexis Hill

Yes, and be approved with inspections and all.

Kristina Hill

What happens if they’re not approved by August 1st?

Alexis Hill

They can’t have a STR rental. Then Code Enforcement happens. We’ll be getting out the information on how you can call our non-emergency number to complain about the issue.  

Kristina Hill

Thank you so much.

Indra Winquest – Incline Village General Improvement District, General Manager

At the Board meeting this past Wednesday we were able to get the 2021-2022 budget unanimously approved. Anytime the Board approves unanimously, it’s a big deal. We want to thank our Board. That includes all of our capital projects. A few project updates… They have started demolition of the old Burnt Cedar pool. If you want to say goodbye before it’s gone, take a walk down to the beach. We’re really excited to kick off that project which is scheduled for complete in late May of 2022. We’ll have the pool open next season. We also are finishing up the Tennis Center renovation. We’re hoping to have a small event in June as a grand opening. We also converted Court 9 into Pickleball courts. That’s to support the massive growth in popularity of Pickleball. Some really cool things happening there. We’re fully staffed at the beaches. We’re preparing for what we think will be a very busy season. The Board passed the resolution that is similar to last summer as far as somewhat restricting access as we’re transitioning hopefully permanently out of COVID. We’re trying to transition smoothly.

There have been a lot of questions about the boat ramp. We heard some ramps will be closing soon. We’re not 100% sure what this is going to look like. We’ll know a lot more in the next few weeks. But one thing we know is we’re fine right now with 50-60% of normal snowpack. So there’s no runoff. We’ll likely need to transition to serving only single axle trailers. Hopefully we can get through the July 4th timeframe. It’s eventually going to become difficult to launch really big boats. We hope we can survive the core of the season and keep the ramp open. We’re not 100% sure. We know there are a few ramps around the lake that won’t make it through this summer.

The golf courses are both up and in great condition. Get out there and play some golf. The Tennis Center is open. It’s really exciting to see everyone out recreating and using the venues. Thankfully as we talked about a few weeks ago, working with Washoe County and NLTFPD – almost all of our staff has been vaccinated. A lot of the anxiety about working with the public is not there anymore. That’s making it a lot easier. But we are  – at least those who chose to be vaccinated. We are struggling with recruitment and retention of staff. It’s becoming a bigger and bigger issue for IVGID as well as others up here. The Hyatt’s having a hard time as well.

I like the conversation of workforce housing. I think that’s one of the biggest issues we have in this community– the shrinking amount of long-term rentals – which makes it difficult for folks to be able to come here and work, particularly in the summer. So the areas in which we’re really struggling to get staff are Parks and food and beverage in particular. So if you know anyone who’s looking for a job we have plenty of availability. We’re gearing up getting as creative as we can on how to recruit and retain enough staff to work the venues.

Finally, I don’t see how many members of the Ordinance 7 committee are on this call. We had 3 very successful community forums the last few weeks. About 250 people participated—many of you on this call. We got a lot of great feedback. We’re now in the process of finalizing our survey. We’ve delayed getting it out only because we want to make sure the survey is set up the way it needs to be so that we can get the information the committee needs to formalize the recommendations and options we’ll be giving to the Board for them to make potential revisions to the Ordinance.

There’s a lot going on. I may have missed a few things. I’m happy to answer any questions you have about what’s going on.

John Crockett – Washoe County Libraries, Head Librarian

There are a couple of items in the Chat. Ann Nichols would like to comment on Boulder Bay. And Kari mentioned the Tahoe boating app you can get through TRPA. And a question from Joe Farrell “Does anyone know what’s going to happen with the Bank of America building?”

Ann Nichols

Washoe County was responsive in making Boulder Bay change their application so it isn’t 10 condo towers, and remained the original project, which is now 10 buildings up to 75’ high. And they got us back Wellness Way, which… Boulder Bay wasn’t going to let us have our 4th exit out of the community. So I really have to thank Chris Bronczyk for standing up for us for that. Then he tried to do something for a new traffic study by having NDOT do one after the fact at some later time. But that’s not really good enough for what’s going on. But if they change the project too much, they have to do a whole new environmental study. One of the conditions of approval is that if they are in “substantial conformance” it’s okay, whatever they want to do. So there’s no definition of what that is. Is that a 50% change? Are they going back to condo towers, which probably will be STRs. It’s a complicated and difficult thing.

And as far as the Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), what Placer County did with a swipe of their hands, the Supervisors passed it. You can do it anywhere in Placer. Let’s hope Washoe County isn’t going to do something like that.

Kari Ferguson – Incline Village General Improvement District – Communications Coordinator

I just have a couple of additions to what Indra said. I want to let you know about the Boating App from TRPA. All the Public Information Officers (PIOs) are trying to get this information out so everybody knows about the slow-wake zones and which ramps are open. It’s a “know before you go” before you get on the lake so boats are safer. I don’t see NLTFPD on the call, so I want to make sure everyone knows about the charcoal and open fire-pit ban. That includes our beaches and parks as well. If you’re going to BBQ, please use propane. The ban is throughout the entire Tahoe basin.

Steve Price

I just want to make sure everybody knows the Veterans Club is having our annual Memorial Day ceremony at Burnt Cedar beach at 10 am. Guests should arrive around 9:30. But because of the reconstruction of the pool, parking will be very limited. My biggest concern is where are these people going to park? Maybe 25-33% of parking has been wiped out. Is there some other place people can park and be bussed there? I know it’s late to think about that. It will be a very interesting weekend with all the people coming in.

Indra Winquest

It’s unfortunate about that project but there’s nothing we can do about it. It’s really just that one side gone at the west end parking lot. They can park on the street in certain areas— not on bike path. We’re happy to work with you to use other IVGID parking lots and shuttle people over there. Because of the time of day my hope is there will be enough parking. Do you know how many you’re expecting at this point?

Steve Price

Last year, we had about 100 but that included all the people on the beach who participated. It was neat when all the people on the beach stood up and participated in the ceremony. But with all the problems we’ve been experiencing the last year and a half, we’re expecting a lot more people. I anticipate we’ll have 120 or 130. It all depends. It’s open to the community and we have no way of knowing how many will show up.

Indra Winquest

Steve, I’ll talk to Jennifer to see if there’s a way we can use the van to let people park somewhere and get people over there. We definitely want to help you guys out. I went to the event last year and plan to be there so let’s talk off-line and see if we can get some ideas.

Steve Price

Thanks. I’ll talk to her.

Kari Ferguson

I just wanted to get back about the charcoal ban. We contacted Raleys and Village market and they’re depleting their supply of charcoal. We’re working with them because one of the things that happens when it’s banned in the Basin but not in the grocery stores, is people still purchase it.

And one more announcement. At the Tennis and Pickleball Center, there’s a free ice cream social next Wednesday at 3pm on June 2. That’s for families to come out and see the new Center, and to learn about some of the summer programs.

Peter Todoroff

Please send that information to me so I can pass it on. I’ve heard nothing about it. 

Kari Ferguson

Yes, and I’ll also put it on the Facebook page.

Peter Todoroff

I’ve put things on the Facebook page but there are a lot of people who don’t use it.

Margaret Martini

I have a comment regarding the charcoal ban. I know the WCSO sheriff isn’t present at this meeting, but we should probably put some pressure on them. Because when you go to Carson City and pass all the East Shore parking, all the time you see people hauling little Weber charcoal BBQs down to the beach. I don’t know what the USFS, and NV State lands and state parks that own that property can do. If nothing else perhaps put signs that say “No charcoal cooking allowed” There are so many people in the summertime hauling them down to the beach. There’s got to be some method to control that huge fire danger for all these years. It’s a perfect opportunity to curtail that.

Peter Todoroff

My suggestion is to put that information up on the electric signs along the road for people coming from Sacramento and San Francisco and from Carson City. Maybe we can contact the Fire Department or the Sheriff to see whether we can do something like that. I think that would solve announcing that so we don’t have any problems with fires. We’re in a pretty moderate-to-severe drought. So maybe that should be posted so people see before they get up here that’s not going to be happening. Kari, maybe you can find out for us.  

Joe Farrell

What’s happening with the abandoned Bank of America building?

Alexis Hill

I don’t know anything about it but I’ll look.

Indra Winquest

I have not heard.

Peter Todoroff

So Alexis thanks for sending that information for me to pass on to everybody. I don’t know who is approving things that are happening up here without community input and without environmental analyses. This has to stop. It’s ridiculous. The Hyatt pushed it through with TRPA. No one knew about it and it definitely has an effect on the Country Club center and the association behind that center. The Hyatt completely passed up the CAB. TRPA approved it without community input and it causes a problem. This can’t continue on. They just go around the CAB, go around the community, and approve things which definitely has adverse effects on the community. I sent a photo of the TART bus driving in the middle of Country Club because cars were parked on both sides and there was not enough room for the bus. This is a problem. And the parking in Country Club center was also a problem with visitors parking there and walking to beach because they don’t want to pay at the Hyatt. This is wrong. The community has to have input. There needs to be an environmental impact statement. You’re on the TRPA like Marsha was, and this is something that needs to be addressed.

John Crockett

We just had a question in the Chat. Is there a process for getting the charcoal ban information out to STRs in particular? That’s another question for Alexis. How do you want to handle that?

Alexis Hill

I know we are requiring inspections so that’s certainly part of it. We can make sure that’s in the safety literature as well if it’s not already.

Peter Todoroff

This is important. We don’t want a fire like they had in South Shore that destroyed a bunch of property. 

Steve Dolan

Rob Galloway is on line. He might be able to help us with putting an announcement in the newspaper about the charcoal and fire bans.

Robb Galloway

I actually just messaged our editor while you were talking about it, so I’m on it.

Joe Farrell

I just want to reiterate Kathie Julian’s post in the Chat about charcoal fires. Just a block up the mountain from where I live, twice last summer, there were open pit fires, charcoal, BBQs and the Fire District was called. They were in STRs. I know for a fact this owner is absent. I think Kathie’s point about STR owners not living in the area, is very important. As Pete said, it just takes one mistake and this place will be torched like South Shore was in 2010. The County needs to look into this and be very strict. We can’t wait until August. The fire danger is horrible now. What’s it going to be like in August?

Peter Todoroff

Alexis, this is very true. Put this information out to everybody. Make it a prerequisite that renters and the property managers who handle STRs are aware. This needs to be posted on every property. It was devastating what happened with the Angora Fire. And it happened so fast. It started small and it was windy and it burst into devastation.  

Steve Price

I’d like to ask a question. I know the Sheriff isn’t here. But there’s a small camper—one that you tow—sitting on Village Boulevard near Juanita right next to McCloud’s property. It’s for sale. It’s been sitting there for 3-4 days. Number one, it’s ugly, but number two, why do we allow something sitting on a main street with a “for sale” sign? It’s not occupied. But I guess you have to call somebody. But that’s egregious and I’d like to know how we can get it removed. I know it’s a holiday weekend so people will likely be stopping and looking at it. But parking will already be a problem on Village because they park all the way up Village from the beaches. I know the Sheriff’s not there, but maybe somebody else can tell me.  

Alexis Hill

I’m working with the WCSO on additional signage as well as enforcement. A citizen has sent in a bunch of these requests that we’re actively working on. So this is something on our radar. I wrote down this particular concern and will definitely pass it on to the WCSO.

Steve Dolan

Yes, just to continue on this fire issue, and to scare the daylights out of people, recently a study was done that a friend of mine was privy to regarding upper Tumbleweed. If a cigarette butt is thrown out on Highway 28 near Second Creek, fire will race up the mountain to the houses at the top of Tumbleweed in 12 minutes. So that’s something to put in your hat and make everybody understand the threat we’re under. That’s 12 minutes from Highway 28 to the top of Tumbleweed.

Lieutenant Miceli –  Washoe County Sheriff Office, Lieutenant

I’ve been on the call the whole time. I don’t know how it appeared I wasn’t here. But I heard everything about the parking situation on Village and Juanita and all that Commissioner Hill talked about. We are working together on several of the parking issues and will have someone look into that one specifically. I also heard everything on the burn ban, and the illegal BBQs. Obviously any County code laws that are in place, the WCSO will enforce. I’ve heard all those comments and concerns.

Peter Todoroff

Great. Do you think we could work with California to post the electronic signs on the road saying, “No charcoal burning”? Is that possible?

Lieutenant Miceli

Yes, it’s possible to reach out to them to put up messages on those readerboards.

Peter Todoroff

There’s one coming up from Carson City as well, which is still in our jurisdiction. So maybe we can have another sign there saying there’s no charcoal burning whatsoever in the Lake Tahoe area…

Lieutenant Miceli

I can reach out to our partners in the other agencies all around the egress areas. I’ll see if that’s something they can do.

Margaret Martini

Maybe make part of the STR licensing that all charcoal BBQs and non-gas firepits are removed from the property. Just saying, “no you can’t use them” —most of the STR people won’t be reading those rules. So it could be an ordinance that if you’re going to put your home as a STR because of the fire danger, that all of those possible open-fires be removed from the property.

Peter Todoroff

I think Chief Sommers said at the last meeting, that if there’s someone using a fire pit, just call the NLTFPD and they will go over and address that problem. Having STR owners take out those things probably won’t happen. But we can mention the problem to people coming up here. And the STR owners and property managers mention there’s no charcoal burning whatsoever that will work. At the last meeting Chief Sommers said they’d come check things out, so calling NLTFPD is probably the easiest way to do it.

So if there are no other questions or issues, thanks everyone for coming. I hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend. Thanks for participating and see you next month.


775-232-6744 WCSO Lt Miceli

Alexis Hill



Alexis Hill

Ann Nichols

Chris Wood

David & Judy Simon

Denise Davis

Doug Flaherty

Edie Farrell


Indra Winquest

Jack Tedford

Joe Farrell

John Crockett

Jon & Beth Davidson

Kari Ferguson

Kathie Julian

Kristina Hill

Louise Cooper

LT Miceli

Margaret Martini

Pam Straley

Peter Todoroff

Rob Galloway

Ronda Tycer

Steve Dolan

Steve Price


09:14:51          From  ann nichols : THEY WILL TAKE OUR ROADS ON TUESDAY 6/1/2021 6:30 PM IF WE DON’T STAND UP.


Please send your comments on an urgent basis to Washoe County Planning-

Bronczyk, Christopher <CBronczyk@washoecounty.us>

Tuesday 6/1/2021 6:30 pm Zoom meeting information-This meeting will be held in the County Commission Chambers and via Zoom teleconference. To attend this meeting via Zoom teleconference, please log into the Zoom webinar at the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88904150676. As an alternative to this link, you can join the meeting by typing zoom.us in your computer browser, clicking “Join a Meeting” on the ZOOM website, and entering this Meeting ID: 88904150676. NOTE: This option will require a computer with audio and video capabilities.

09:24:46          From  Washoe County Libraries   to   Rob Galloway(Direct Message) : Hi Rob!  Welcome.  Conversation so far has been about upcoming WC Planning meeting about Boulder Bay.  Old Elementary School/Mobility Hub.  Commissioner Hill announcements on budget approval, affordable housing study committee.

09:25:12          From  Rob Galloway : Listening to Kathie say there is no newspaper to help with a survey, we can use the Incline only distribution of the Tribune for a survey.

09:26:21          From  kathie julian : Rob, your newspaper does not adequately cover Incline Village.  Sad to say.  But encouraged that you have a new reporter hired that lives in Incline.  Thanks!

09:26:34          From  Rob Galloway   to   Washoe County Libraries(Direct Message) : I was listening via phone.

09:32:42          From  ann nichols : This is ann nichols, can i speak to answer the question of what has changed with the Boulder Bay project?

09:35:14          From  kathie julian : And can we report unpermitted STRs after what point?

09:37:08          From  Washoe County Libraries : The WC STRs web page has an update from 5/27/21 and other info:  https://www.washoecounty.us/csd/planning_and_development/short_term_rentals/index.php

09:37:43          From  Washoe County Libraries : Washoe County Public Records Request  https://www.washoecounty.us/311/public-records-request.php

09:39:47          From  Kari Ferguson- IVGID Communications Coordinator : here is a link to the Tahoe boating app: www.trpa.gov/programs/shoreline/tahoe-boating-app/

09:39:50          From  Joe Farrell : Does anyone know what is going to happen with the abandoned Bank of America building?

09:50:32          From  Kari Ferguson- IVGID Communications Coordinator : all of the local agencies are working on getting out the message to folks on the charcoal ban

09:51:44          From  kathie julian : Is there a process for getting the no Charcoal status out to STRs in particular?  Since so many owners live elsewhere, the word may not get to the units being rented.  Perhaps outreach to Airbnb? VRBO?

10:02:31          From  kathie julian : IPM and other property managers should be asked by Sheriff Dept to notify units they manage, esp those with STR presence.


No updates were posted regarding WCSO activity in Incline Village and Crystal Bay.

Washoe County Sheriff’s Office Incline Village Substation

Guide to door to door solicitors. The Washoe County Sheriff’s Office is noticing more members of the community encountering door to door solicitors. Many residents throughout the region have reported some door to door salespeople as aggressive, and suspicious in nature. With this, the Sheriff’s Office would like to remind the public what identification is required for door to door solicitors in unincorporated Washoe County to carry. A person conducting lawful business door to door must carry two forms of documentation which must be presented upon request. First, a solicitor must have a business license obtained through the Washoe County Business Licensing Division that is specific for door to door sales. The person must also carry a solicitor work permit card obtained through the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office. This work permit card is a plastic, wallet-sized identification which also has a picture of the individual salesperson. These cards are valid for five years. A temporary (paper) work permit is provided by the Sheriff’s Office until the identification is mailed to the solicitor. The temporary permit is valid for 90 days from its date of issuance. Both the business license and the work permit cards are to be presented upon request.

Here are some guidelines on how to help protect you and your family from illegal solicitors:

• If you don’t know the person, don’t open the door. Never feel obligated to greet an unfamiliar person knocking at your door.

• Always keep doors and windows locked. Storm doors or security doors are helpful when dealing with solicitors, because you can see and speak safely through the door. Never allow an unfamiliar person into your home.

• Solicitors must have a business license and permit. Call your local law enforcement agency if a solicitor is aggressively attempting to get into your home or refusing to show their license/permit.

• Always use extreme caution before providing any personal or financial information.

• If you are not interested, simply close the door and lock it. You don’t owe the person an explanation.

• Stand in front of your home to see what is visible from the street. If you can see your valuable items through the front windows, so can potential burglars.

• Residents can put a “no solicitors” sign on their door to help keep solicitors away.

• If you observe criminal or suspicious activity, call non-emergency dispatch at 832-WCSO (9276) Attached photos: sample work permit card (good for 5 years), sample temporary work permit (valid for 90 days)

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