IV/CB Community Forum Minutes

January 7, 2022

Denise Davis – Moderator, Citizen Advisory Board Member, IVGID Ordinance 7 Member

John Crockett and Amanda McPhaill – Washoe County Library Zoom-masters

Ronda Tycer – Recap Editor

[The Chat Box information appears at the end of the meeting minutes.]

Participants (n = 31)

Alexis Hill

Bruce Townsend

Chris Wood

Corey Solferino

David Simon

Debbie Nicholas

Denise Davis

Doug Flaherty

Jack Dalton

Jim Nadeau

John Crockett

Jon & Beth Davidson

Joseph Colacurcio

Judith Simon

Judy Miller

Kari Ferguson

Kathie Julian

Kristina Hill

Linda Offerdahl

Margaret Martini

Mike McNulty

Pam Straley

Pamela Tsigdinos

Rafael Ortiz

Rob Galloway

Ronda Tycer

Ryan Sommers

Steve Dolan

Svata Trossen

Tia Rancourt

Yolanda Knaak

Denise Davis – IVCB Forum Moderator, Citizen Advisory Board Member, Ordinance 7 Member

Good morning, Forum! I’m Denise Davis moderator of the Community Forum. I have John Crockett here as our tech guru and Ronda Tycer our recap editor on line. As a reminder, this meeting is being recorded. Before you begin speaking, please state your name, and while speaking be respectful. Personal attacks will not be tolerated. You can disagree without being disagreeable. For those online, if you’d like to share URLs, post them in the Chat Box and they’ll be included in the meeting recap. We use a lot of acronyms and abbreviations. If you’d like our list or if you’d like to sign up for meeting notices and recaps, send an email to the Forum at ivcbcommunityforum@gmail.com. John is posting a couple of URLs right now. Just as a reminder to those of you in person, if you want to speak, please get close to one of the microphones.

Kari Ferguson – Incline Village General Improvement District, Communication Coordinator

Good morning everyone. Happy New Year to all. I’ll give you a few IVGID updates. As you know, we got a little bit of snow before Christmas. So Diamond Peak is open and hosted a bunch of people—families and the like skiing over the holidays, which was awesome. Denise I heard you didn’t get out there, which is unfortunate, because it was really good. The weather was a little tricky and the power was tricky one day, too. It was a great start to the season. And we have lots of fun events coming up at Diamond Peak. I’ll post the calendar of all the IVGID events in the Chat.

Next week on Wednesday January 12 we have an IVGID Board meeting. The link to that is on a page on our website so all can have the information:


Our holiday tree-recycling program is still happening until the end of the month. If you need to recycle your tree, just make sure it’s free of any tinsel or ornaments or anything else. Bring it over to Preston Field. So get your Christmas tree over there so we can recycle it. We use the wood chips at the golf courses and in the parks. So your Christmas tree will be part of the village.


We started our 55+ Ski Clinic started this week. That is going really well. That is held Wednesday mornings at Diamond Peak. You can sign up for multiple sessions or drop in. If you’re looking for a ski buddy—it’s always safer to ski with a friend especially when the powder is deep. So sign up for the Ski Clinic. It’s actually a lot of fun. I like to go too because some of my favorite ski buddies are there. 


We have some other ski clinics as well. There’s the Ski-ster ski clinic, which is kind of like a twist on the Tee-sters in the summertime for golf. That’s for women and starts next week. We have about 20 registered already, which is awesome. That’s another way if you want to get on the hill but you don’t want to ski by yourself, this is a great opportunity to meet new people and brush up on your skills.

We have a youth program at the Diamond Peak Village Terrain Snowboard Clinic. The Terrain Park did open yesterday at Diamond Peak. We have one of our youths who teaches in our skate school program. He is holding a clinic starting next week on Wednesdays and Sundays for local youth.

Starting on the 20th we have a Locals Lunch Brunch Ski Clinic. So if you’re not 55+ and don’t fit into the Ski-sters, maybe you can join the Local Lunch Brunch. Grab a bite to eat and meet some new ski buddies.

Our first Moonlight Snowshoe Hike is this month on the 21st. If you’ve never done this, it’s a lot of fun. We hike up Freeway at Diamond Peak and meet at Snowflake Lodge.  We have three different tour times this year to spread it out a little bit so there are fewer people up at the lodge at the same time. COVID friendly—of course.


We have Sunrise Skin starting on January 23rd. If you’re someone who loves to go uphill on your skins—they’re something you put on the bottom of your skis so you can climb uphill—we’ll have a group doing that. It’s another way to get outside, get some exercise, and meet some friends… and stay safe on the hill. Lots of fun things happening.

Our Youth Basketball League is starting, and Incline gymnastics for girls and boys. Very exciting that a team of gymnasts formed 4-5 months ago in Incline will compete in Reno at the end of this month. That’s kind of an exciting thing. We’ll have a little contingent there.

Denise Davis

Thanks for all that, Kari. I was contacted yesterday by IVGID General Manager Indra Winquest to announce the following. The 947 Tahoe Boulevard condo project will be on the IVGID Board of Trustees agenda Wednesday. He wanted to make clear to the community that the agenda item is for a “will-serve for water service only.” The project managers are only asking for utility service. A lot of people wanted to talk about the project in general. But he wants to make everyone aware that IVGID doesn’t approve or disapprove the project. That would be Washoe County Planning.

Kari Ferguson

Thank you. And I’ve been invited to their meetings because they have a meeting next week. Ill then have more information on the project because truly I don’t’ have any. But I expect to get more information next week. I’m on their list for meetings. I’ll get more of an idea, so if people have questions… 

Denise Davis

The Project Developer spoke at the Citizen Advisory Board (CAB) meeting Monday night, and also the IVCB Community 1st.org website has information available.

Ryan Sommers – North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District Chief

Good morning everybody. I’ll make an attempt at this but Tia is the expert with everything going on. She can fill in behind me. As mentioned earlier, we got a little bit of snow. So if you’d like to adopt a hydrant, we’d appreciate that. We’re doing our best to get them uncovered. Know this is a timely, lengthy process after a snowstorm of the magnitude we just got. You can go online to our website and there’s a link there to adopt a hydrant. 

Ash cans. For those residents who are burning wood in your fireplaces and you need a place to put the ashes, please be safe about it. You’re more than welcome to come down to the station and talk to us about getting a can. We currently have 4 in inventory but hopefully we’ll be getting some more.

We’ll be pile-burning next week in the area of Lariat Circle and the Mountain Golf Course. If you have any questions about that, you can contact me offline. If it pertains to the group, you can ask here. Tia is there anything else I forgot?

Tia Rancourt – NLTFPD Public Information Officer

Thank you Chief. Yes, if we can get more folks out for the hydrants that would be great. The guys are out there every day working really hard. It’s easy to fill out the form on-line to adopt one. The only other thing is the Christmas -ree chipping program curbside is going to be from January 10-14th to and you can dump your tree off at Preston Field through January 31st.

Corey Solferino – Washoe County Sheriff Office

I see Commissioner Hill is on here too. I just want to give a brief update. We have some of the participants who participated in our CAB on Monday in reference to the Incline Village constable position. So just a brief update on that. At the December 14th meeting of the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) there was an agenda item that addressed the possible elimination of the Incline Constable position. I was asked by my sheriff to create a proposal for the WCSO to assume the duties of the Incline Constable. I think we were able to clear up a lot of the misinformation out there. If the BCC does vote to eliminate that position I did submit a proposal to the County Manager’s Office about what it would look like for the WCSO to assume those duties. 

Some of the concern in Incline Village was about the recent award of the Dave and Cheryl Duffield Public Safety grant that enabled us to restaff the Incline field office, and a concern that those positions would be dissolved into the Court and we’d be back to square one. I can assure you that isn’t the case. The proposal is for us to take over the Constable’s budget and to produce an additional Deputy Sheriff operations-trained Category 1 officer to assume those duties.

The duties that the Constable routinely performs are consistent with things we are already doing and have policies on in the valley. I had the opportunity when I was a young sergeant to supervise the Reno Justice Court and the Second District Judicial Court. I got to see how a lot of those processes work. We also have a Civil Division that serves writs, executes civil judgments, and serves temporary orders of protection (TPOs), and extended temporary protections, and new red flag legislation where (some of you may have heard of it) a legal-2000 or a mental health hold wasn’t necessarily required. But you hear these national stories of a person who was acting erratically, has firearms—and there’s a formal process by which you can go before a judge and can potentially have the person’s firearms removed. Our Civil Division for cases in our jurisdiction would serve those as would happen in Incline Village.

I want to assure the Incline community that if this were to happen, we have a plan in place, and a timeline of events June 2022 to January 2023. If they did dissolve the position, whoever the County Commissioners deem as the heir apparent would take over services in January 2023. The current Constable would serve the remainder of his elected term. I’ll be happy to answer any questions. I know there’s a lot of confusion out there and I want to put any rumors to bed. I did make a timeline of events of what would need to happen for us to take over those things. I’m happy to entertain any questions. To Chief Sommers point, Sergeant Colacurcio is world famous. We were able to do an excellent public service—a welfare check to an elderly couple that was unable to access their caretaker. So a team of our deputies under Sergeant Colacurcio led a charge to take care of snow in their driveway to give them access. And it hit national news. So I commend them for their excellent public service. And when we have time permitting, we’ll adopt a couple of fire hydrants to help the Chief and our brothers and sisters at the NLTFPD. I’ll let Sergeant Colacurcio hit on that and I’ll answer any questions you have about the Constable’s position.

Denise Davis

Okay. So that we can finish our announcements, we’ll circle back to the Constable in a couple of minutes. Just hold your questions.

Linda Offerdahl – Incline Village Crystal Bay Business Association Executive Director

Hi everybody. We’re busy just starting to plan the year. Our next Live, Work, Play Quarterly will come off at the end of March. So if you have a story or a local you’d like to have us feature, please pass that on. The nonprofits right now are kind of quiet and a lot of meetings are getting cancelled because of the high rate of COVID positivity right now. We’ve adopted a Christmas Tree Village [inaudible] and Mountain Workspace for our offices for the Tahoe Blue Crew. And we’re looking for volunteers to help with that. We’ll start opening up our Mainstreet USA program that would help revitalize the downtown. We will work closely with the entire community [inaudible].

Denise Davis

Thanks, Linda. I received information from my contact at the IV Community Hospital so I want to share it. The IV Community Hospital is doing intermittent Moderna vaccine clinics as staff becomes available. Currently they have two clinics scheduled. Tuesday January 11 clinic appointments are already filled. But you can send an email to Ivchvaccineclinic@tfhd.com, and if they get cancellations they will contact you. The other clinic is scheduled for Tuesday January 18. They do have appointments available. We will put the URL in the Chat Box and it will be in the meeting recap. They also want to let everyone know that vaccines are also available at the Tahoe Forest Hospital in Truckee. There’s testing available at both the Tahoe Forest Hospital and IV Community Hospital for symptomatic patients only. And you need to schedule an appointment. You can also get more information from the Washoe County Health District.

John Eppolito – Incline Resident

I want to make an announcement about a meeting tonight from 7-8:30 at the Village Church. I didn’t organize this meeting, but it’s a school-related meeting. Here are the topics:

• COVID policy

• Medical discrimination

• Social justice

• Child Data mining

• School Board

• Etc.

I’ll be talking about child data mining. A few new lawsuits against WCSD probably haven’t got a lot of publicity yet. But I know they’ll talk about those also. So if you’re interested and available, tonight at the Village Church from 7-8:30.

Alexis Hill – Washoe County Board of Commissioners District 1 Commissioner

Good morning everyone. I have some updates for the group and am happy to address questions. The developers of 947 Tahoe Boulevard are having their community meeting January 24 from 5:30-6:30 at the Chateau. I just received that update from our staff. The meeting was moved because the CAB pointed out there wasn’t a lot of notice on the last scheduled meeting. So this is giving them more time to get the word out. Our team also posted this on Next Door. I don’t live in Incline Village so am not on the IV Next Door. But let me know if you didn’t see it on that. And that’s the way we’ll be getting the word out as well as with the CAB and through the Community Forum.

TRPA has a meeting on January 26 regarding the Tahoe Keys. The CAB had two presentations: one in December and one at our last meeting on Monday about the Tahoe Keys. I think those minutes will be up soon. Denise has pushed to have those videos up as well. So I’m hoping you’ll have access to those. If in the meantime you want to review the videos and they’re not quite up on the website yet, email me or Washoe311 and I’ll get those over to you.

Additionally on January 26 is the County Commission Strategic Planning Meeting. That meeting really outlines what we want to go over for the entire year. We did this when I first started on the County Commission in January of last year.

I’m pushing affordable housing that I hope will be an initiative that will extend up to Incline Village. We’ll finish that action plan from the study we’ve commissioned as well as the community members who worked with the Tahoe Prosperity Center. I’ll be balancing those two meetings and hopefully you’ll be able to log on to both. I’ll also put in my newsletter that if there are initiatives you want to see tackled for the next year, I’d love to hear from you on those.

The TTD Board met Wednesday and reviewed options for regional funding for public transportation. There were a lot of Incline and Crystal Bay folks who had concerns about some of the ways our consultants were looking at making the regional funding puzzle work. There is not an appetite for the State to proceed with a basin entry fee. Some of those other ways are sales tax, property transfer tax—which was taken off of the options because it’s not a fair way to balance those public transportation needs. So, I did want to get that on the record. I’m really not for the local community paying for public transportation in Tahoe because impacts are day users. I think that TOT tourism tax could be part of the solution because visitors pay that. But we want to take another stab at doing a basin entry fee because we could fill the gap on public transportation and have that free, frequent public transportation. We won’t have those empty buses because people can rely on it. And we can have a lot of different types of transportation. I know a lot of you experienced the micro-transit this summer, which was a big success. We’ll be looking at those things as well. We’re looking at perhaps doing a survey of the Tahoe community. Also we’ll work with the states on how we can take another stab at a Basin entry fee, so we can also reduce traffic in the Basin. Even if we look at these other funding sources, it won’t stop the vehicles from entering the basin. A Basin entry fee will probably help with that and reduce the Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), which we’re all looking to do. Additionally, with TTD, if you missed the CAB on Monday, there will be opportunities for folks to get involved in choosing our consultant to do the Alternative Site Study on the mobility hub. And also look at what the mobility hub will look like. So we’ll have applications out I’m hoping this month for folks to fill out and apply. And then those folks will be selected in a public meeting in Incline and Crystal Bay. I received a concern from constituents, “Oh, you’re going to fill the committee with people who love the transportation hub.” That’s not what we’re going to do. We actually want to put folks who are skeptical of the hub, because we want you to help us to reach out to community members and also help us find those alternatives. I’m looking forward to that.

We’re closing escrow on the site between TTD and the WCSD I think next week. Very soon.

Regarding the Constables Office, in addition to what Captain Solferino said, I have emailed folks who had questions about the Constable’s Office … and general direction that the Board gave to a 1st and 2nd reading to abolish the office in Incline Village. This is something that was not my initiative, and was something I wasn’t expecting to see on the Commission’s agenda. But I do want the group to know when the 1st and 2nd readings will be held: the 1st on Jan 25 and the 2nd on February 8. I voted against it, because I need to get more information about how this will work with the budget, and whether this is a good program change, and just see an overall picture that was not supplied to the community or me. I also wanted to see community outreach so the community wasn’t concerned if there was a change. And to show that there was still a commitment by Washoe County to have resources in Incline Village, and have a Court. I will say even folks who voted for the Constable’s office to be abolished still want a Court in Incline Village. It’s just, how it’s done—that’s the disagreement. So I want to see what the plan will be and what that will look like moving forward. So those are my updates. I’m happy to address questions.

Denise Davis

Commissioner, did you want to comment on the email you sent me about the parking lots?

Alexis Hill

Yes. Those parking lots that are part of the East Shore Trail have not been cleared of snow. And I know there were concerns about that on Next Door that Denise had pointed out to me. I looked into who manages those lots and and who owns them. The County owns the lots and TTD manages them. However, the way that those were created was to ensure snow removal wouldn’t be required because it has this permeable surface that won’t allow snowblowers on it. Apparently it’s supposed to melt the snow better. I haven’t been up to Incline recently. I assume it’s still a problem. I don’t know why it was done that way, but that’s how the procedure was put in place for those lots.

Denise Davis

We’ll now circle back to the Constable discussion, raise your hands. Judy Miller will start.

Judy Miller – Incline Resident, Former CAB Chairperson

I’m not sure who is best to answer my question. But I know WCSO is starting to formulate the plan if the move is approved by the Commissioners. So will a position be added to the current staffing at the Incline’s sheriff office, or will it be handled by existing staff?

Corey Solferino

Basically if the Commissioners decide to dissolve that position, we’d absorb that budget and hire an additional deputy that would be a liaison to the Court and work independent of the substation. The Incline Justice Court is only open Monday through Thursday depending on arraignments, pleas, and what have you from 8am to 4pm. Monday it’s normally closed for administrative work. The running Court is Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. With the number of cases that come through there—roughly 300 annually – we see there would be a lot of downtime. So to maximize that position we have hypothesized about a potential community liaison when the Court isn’t in session. So when there’s not a writ or order to serve and the Court is not in session, we would have that staff person out in the community.

I had the opportunity to sit down with Judge Tiras last week and get a better understanding of how he runs the Court and the different things we are able to do. It’s really quite interesting. In the time of COVID, we’ve created this hybrid both in person and virtual forum like we’re doing right here, where people are attending from all different areas. I think that’s the wave of the future for courts. It has dramatically reduced the amount of transports we’ve had to do across the entire Washoe County region. Inmates who aren’t able to bail out or are in jail are able to appear virtually before the judge. We don’t have to take them out of their housing unit and transport them to the court of jurisdiction, have them go through their hearing, and then bring them back to the jail. Those that are out of custody that might have financial considerations—the Judge was telling me how they have the ability to literally sit on a phone or at a desk at work and appear in court. I just think it’s phenomenal that we’re able to do that and somebody doesn’t have to miss a day of work when financial constraints are already bad and miss a day of work while attending court. So there are a lot of different things we can do with this position. We’re just barely scratching the surface with it. Initially my request was to see if financially based on the budget we could absorb that budget and provide a service to the Court. I think we can enhance those services merely by having a person embedded in the Court, better communication, and utilizing some of our resources out in the field to streamline the process.

Judy Miller

Thank you for that very good clarification. I appreciate it.

Yolanda Knaak – Incline resident

I’d like to know why they are getting rid of the Constable. According to the Constable, he makes less money than the sheriff’s deputies. It’s going to cost more money. So I assumed in the beginning that they were doing this for financial savings—to save a buck. And so I want to know why they are doing it. And first of all I want to tell you I’m opposed to this. He is an elected official, and taking away an elected official doesn’t sit well with me.

Alexis Hill

I don’t think the Captain or I can address that. I have that concern as well. I wanted to see a full budget breakdown. I’m making decisions as a Commissioner on any issue. I want to see how this affects the bottom line and are better services going to be provided. The way that the Captain discussed this, there may be a possibility of that. But I haven’t seen a budget. There may be a cost savings, but I haven’t seen that. I hope the staff report will shed light at the 1st reading on the 25th so we can understand what this change is for and whether it’s a good decision for IVCB moving forward.

Margaret Martini – Incline Resident, Ordinance 7 Committee Member

I also have big concerns about eliminating an elected official. I’d like to know which law states that can be done. So between Corey and Alexis, I think an explanation is owed. And then I’d like to see the legal process of how that happens – instead of just saying, “The Commission says we can eliminate that.” I’d like to know if legally the Commissioners can do that. Thank you.

Alexis Hill

A state law allows for the Commission to remove the Constable’s office. I can find the chapter and put it in the Chat for you all to evaluate.

Corey Solferino

It’s NRS 258 that addresses the office of the constable. And there’s a provision (I believe it’s Section 3 Subsection A) that allows a township of under 700,000 to essentially start this process. So it is delineated in the Nevada Revised Statutes that gives the Board of County Commissioners the authority. You’ve seen historically how the Office of Constable in northern and central Nevada has been pretty much eliminated. The only jurisdictions that are still running Deputy Constables are in southern Nevada– Clark County. Several years ago before I was a commissioned law enforcement officer, such positions were eliminated in Washoe County. I don’t know the rationale behind it or speak to the finances. The Constable’s budget is just around a $250,000 annually for salary, benefits, and supplies. A Deputy Sheriff position is about $2000 on the top end. There’s 7 steps for deputy sheriff’s so depending upon who gets the position—we spec out cost analysis based upon a senior deputy sheriff, which is a 7-year tenured deputy. There’s about a $2000 difference between the top step of what a constable makes with their salary and benefit package and what the top Washoe County Sheriff Deputy makes. It’s about a $2000—not cost savings—a little bit more. But there might be duplications of services and things that could be absorbed that could cut the bottom line elsewhere. That would be up to additional conversations and direction with County management. 

Chris Wood – Incline Village Crystal Bay Citizen Advisory Board Member

Isn’t this elected official coming up for election quite soon? And isn’t in part the timing to eliminate the position so that people putting in applications for it know that it’s not going to be there?

Alexis Hill

Yes, that’s my understanding of the timing. I know you can file for this position in March. So that’s why the timing is what it is, to make sure that folks don’t file for the position, and the County Commission eliminates it after they’ve filed. I don’t think that would work. That’s the timing and the dates of the meeting that have come up so quickly—even though I’ve expressed concern about the community giving their input.

Chris Wood

So it’s fair to say that the term is coming to an end. So would this individual be in the position until the end?

Alexis Hill

Yes. You can’t remove him from office. The County couldn’t do that under that NRS Chapter. So he would serve out his term until January 2023.

Denise Davis

Are there any more comments or questions about the Constable?

Ronda Tycer – IVCB Forum Recap Editor

I would like to ask Alexis if Incline Village is a township. Thank you.

Alexis Hill

This is a question and a concern I’ve been hearing. I’m looking into it. I have an email out to the District Attorney’s office because I’m not sure how that definition works. But I can get back to the group with that information.

Denise Davis

We did have a Citizen Advisory Board (CAB) meeting on Monday. They’re held the first Monday of every month. At the meeting we covered the 40-unit condo project at 947 Tahoe Boulevard. We did have a Constable discussion. We had a conversation with Carl Hasty of the Tahoe Transportation District (TTD). We also had a presentation by Dennis Zabaglo of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) about the herbicides. Our CAB chair Diane Becker did a great job of getting information. And she’s always interested in people letting her know what issues you would like discussed at the CAB. With that, I’m going to open the discussion for any topic anyone would like to talk about.

Kathie Julian – Incline Resident, Citizen Advisory Board Member

Hi. I have a question for the County. I read the notification for the meeting about the 947 Tahoe Boulevard condos. It’s said to be an hour long from 5:30 to 6:30. So I’d like to understand whether the developer is willing to have a longer meeting should there be more questions and concerns from the community.

Alexis Hill

I don’t know Kathie, but I can find out.

Kathie Julian

We really need the County Planning staff to give us some detail on the processes behind the neighborhood meeting concept and developer outreach going forward and also provide scope for the community to weigh in to some of these processes and procedures that they’re developing. It would seem to me the amount of time these neighborhood meetings are required to have might be one such aspect to be covered. That seems an important point. We shouldn’t just be leaving it up to the developer to decide, “Well, I’ll give it an hour.” 

Alexis Hill

I hear you. I will say I think this process is better than in the past, but I want it to improve. Previously these development projects went to the CAB and there were no notices that came to the neighborhood as far as a neighborhood meeting and giving that input. So this is an improvement, but I want to see how we can continue to improve. I will check with the team and see where we go from there. Thanks for the input Kathie.

Kathie Julian

Right. Thank you very much.

Judy Simon – Incline Resident, TRPA Advisory Planning Committee Member

I have a question about the COVID Omicron variant. I had heard through some grapevine that there was an increase in cases in Incline Village. I don’t know if this is a question for Alexis through the Health District or IVGID. Does anyone have any information about a spike in our community?

Alexis Hill

I think you can look that up on the Health District website or maybe the State of Nevada website as to the testing positivity rate.

Kathie Julian

I actually can answer this question.

Judy Simon

I thought you were keeping up with this Kathie, but I thought I’d just put the question out there.

Kathie Julian

I was actually checking it weekly. The County has an excellent website – covid19washoe.com.  You go to that website, and there is a dashboard. Here’s where it gets tricky. You go to the dashboard and in the right-hand corner there’s something you can click on saying “Expand This Dashboard.” Then you click on “Download Data.” Under Download Data you have choices of what to download. And one of the choices is to Download by Zip Code. Click on that. Then you see a list of all the Washoe County zip codes. We have two: 89451 and 89402, which is Crystal Bay.

As of last week, we had 70 active cases in 89451. As of this week we had 213 cases. I haven’t checked it today. I will put that link into the Chat Box.


Judy Simon

Thank you Kathie. I do remember looking at this about a year ago. It’s not user friendly. So that certainly sounds like a spike.

Chris Wood

Kathie, could you comment further about the underreporting issue. It’s pretty clear that Washoe County Health District doesn’t require reporting if you self-test positive, you sit at home, and you never see a doctor.

Kathie Julian

Right, right. These are obviously underreported numbers. If you’re doing self-testing I don’t think anywhere in the country you’re required to report it in. Yeah. That’s a larger question.

Margaret Martini

I have a question for Alexis. I know when you got elected you were going to do a financial analysis of how much the County spends on Incline in contrast to how much we send down in taxes to Washoe County. I wonder how far you have got on that.

Alexis Hill

We actually have done that work with the Budget Office. It’s something that the CAB is going to have the Budget Office review at an upcoming meeting. I talked to Diane about getting that on the agenda. Essentially, it looks like the amount of taxes is equal to the services delivered. We can go over those details at the CAB meeting and folks can give their input. We’ll make sure you know when that upcoming meeting will be held.

Judy Miller

This question is for our Commissioner. I have been on the Washoe County website GIS. It’s called WRMS GIS, and I found that STRs now have their own separate layer, which I think is a very useful tool. But unfortunately it hasn’t been updated since October 19. I spoke to Mojra and she indicated it’s not something they have automated. Hopefully in the future they can do that. I know that takes time. But we could use an update especially if the County is going to reconsider short-term regulations in the near future. Maybe you can give us an idea of when that meeting will occur. I thought it was going to be in January.

Alexis Hill

Thank you, Judy. I really appreciate you reaching out to staff with concerns with the website and how to improve it. I think that you’ve made us better. And I think the reason that layer popped up is directly due to a lot of your activism. So thank you so much for doing that.

The meeting I have on my calendar is the January 25th meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, which is the same day as the agenda item for the Constable. So that’s what the team told me in November, so I’ll double check and make sure that’s still the plan.

Judy Miller

Just as a follow-up, the Planning staff is making recommendations. But primarily they’ve been dealing with applications and getting operators signed up and approved. Is there going to be an opportunity for the public to suggest changes to the regulations?

Alexis Hill

Absolutely. That’s what the Public Process is all about. I think the Board is looking for your input on how to improve. That meeting will be your opportunity to give us input. The County Commission will take recommendations and will make decisions on what we’d like staff to work on, and bring back those changes to code or policy moving forward.

Denise Davis

Are there any further questions or comments on line? Seeing none, I’ll make a few announcements. First I’d like to thank the County or IVGID, for getting the pedestrian paths cleared off. It’s been hazardous with pedestrians needing to walk in the roadways after our recent snowstorms. So I really appreciate that the paths are cleared off.

I also want to let everyone know that on the County Commission agenda for Tuesday January 11, one item is repair of our library parking lot, which if you’ve seen it, is getting old. So that’s a much-needed item.

I would also like to remind everyone that we are partnering with IVCB Community 1st to get out alerts and updates, so be sure to go to the IVCBcommunity1st.org website and sign up for any type of notifications to receive via email.

I’d also like to remind everyone that at the upcoming Wednesday’s IVGID Board of Trustees meeting, that Peter Todoroff who was our previous Forum moderator, will be recognized for his contributions to our communities. He retired from his duties in October due to health problems. Pete has worked on a myriad of issues through the years. We would like to pass along any notes you’d like to send thanking Peter for his efforts. So send your notes of appreciation to ivcbcommunityforum@gmail.com.

I think that’s everything on my list. John do you have any announcements?

John Crockett –  Washoe County Library Head Librarian

I’d just like to remind everyone that our public meeting room is available after hours and weekends when the library is closed. So if you need to have an HOA meeting or community group meeting on a Saturday, you can reserve it online, and we give you a visitor badge to enter. And also, our library-lending kiosk will be functional next week. We have it outside and as soon as we get that going, you can check out books in 24 hours. So that’s coming very soon.

Denise Davis

Last call. Anybody on line have anything to discuss? I see no hands. So I’m glad to see everyone back in the New Year. As you heard here, we’re off to a running start. So stay tuned. Be sure to sign up with Community 1st for public notices by email, and we’ll see you in 2 weeks. Thanks.


09:10:07 From  IVGID Communications : All of the events I mentions are listed here:


09:10:27 From  IVGID Communications : Board meeting updates:


09:10:30 From  Washoe County Libraries : Thanks Kari!

09:11:08 From  IVGID Communications : https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/events/holiday-tree-recycling

09:11:16 From  IVGID Communications : Tree info above!

09:12:10 From  IVGID Communications : Ski clinics for 55plus:


09:12:55 From  IVGID Communications : Moonlight Snowshoe events: https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/events/moonlight-snowshoe-hike

09:18:44 From  Washoe County Libraries : booking.appointy.com/ivchvaccineclinic

09:19:51 From  IVGID Communications   to   Washoe County Libraries(Direct Message) : Can I please get the email address again? I want to send all of the event links to it. Sorry.

09:20:44 From  Washoe County Libraries   to   IVGID Communications(Direct Message) : Hi Kari, ivcbcommunityforum@gmail.com

09:21:00 From  IVGID Communications   to   Washoe County Libraries(Direct Message) : Thank you!!!

09:22:30 From  kathie julian : 947 TAHOE BLVD CONDOS NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING. The neighborhood meeting is scheduled to be held on the following date and time:

What:    Neighborhood Meeting for Proposed Residential Condominium Project and Subdivision

Where: The Chateau at Incline Village – 955 Fairway Blvd, Incline Village, NV 89451

Date: Monday, January 24, 2022

Time: 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

We welcome you to attend and ask questions about this project.  However, if you are unable to attend the meeting and would like to discuss the project further, please feel free to contact Chuck Butler at 214-269-3404 or at cbutler@palominocap.com with any questions, comments or concerns regarding the provided application information prior to the meeting. You can also contact the Washoe County staff planner for the project, Courtney Weiche, at (775) 328-3608 or by e-mail at CWeiche@washoecounty.gov.


Chuck Butler, Manager


09:31:47 From  Washoe County, Alexis Hill : My info if you’d like to ask questions or give me input on the upcoming Board of County Commissioners Strategic Planning meeting on the 26 – Alexis Hill ahill@washoecounty.gov 775.447.3017

09:32:18 From  Washoe County Libraries : Thank you Commissioner Hill!

09:35:31 From  kathie julian : Alexis, the 947 Tahoe Neighborhood meeting is only an hour long, as per announcement.  This seems too limiting.  Will the Developer allow it to proceed longer if needed to secure public questions and concerns?

09:37:06 From  Doug Flaherty : I am not sure IV/CB is an actual township.

09:41:07 From  Washoe County Libraries   to kathie julian(Direct Message) : We’ll be sure to ask your question Kathie.

09:46:20 From  Washoe County Libraries : https://washoe.maps.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/0db36fa8fa9c47758bc38210e4c23818

09:46:46 From  Washoe County Libraries : There’s a tab at the bottom:  Downloads & Resources

09:49:44 From  Washoe County Libraries : https://gis.washoecounty.us/wrms/

09:49:52 From  kathie julian : Thanks John for the link to the specific website link for the Active Covid 19 Cases by Zip code.  Incline Village Zip code had 213 active COVID cases as of 6 Jan, while CB Zip code (89402) had 15 active cases.  This is up from about 70 cases and 3 cases last week.

09:52:18 From  Washoe County Libraries : IV/CB Community Forum


IV/CB Community 1st


IVGID BOT (Board of Trustees) agendas and Livestream link


Washoe County BCC (Board of County Commissioners) agendas

scroll down the page to the “Meetings” section


all commissioners serve on a variety of boards – the complete list is at the end of every agenda

Washoe County YouTube channel (BCC meeting is streamed live)



Proclamation: A proclamation recognizing the contributions to the communities of Incline

Village and Crystal Bay, Nevada made by Mr. Peter Todoroff

Notice: The IVGID Board of Trustee meetings aren’t available to the public on zoom, they’re on Livestream.

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