IVCB Community Forum Minutes

July 1, 2022

Denise Davis – Forum Moderator

Good morning, Forum. I’m Denise Davis your moderator. Ronda Tycer is our Forum recap editor. And John Crockett is our tech guru today. As a reminder, our meeting is being recorded. Before you begin speaking, please state your name. While speaking, be respectful. Personal attacks will not be tolerated. For those online, if you’d like to share URLs, post them in the Chat Box and they’ll be included in the meeting recap. We partner with IVCB Community 1s.t.org and IVCBA.org to get information out. So be sure to visit their websites and sign up for their newsletters. To sign up for our Forum meeting notices and recaps, send an email to us at ivcbcommunityforum@gmail.com.

Linda Offerdahl – Incline Village Community & Business Association, Executive Director

Does anyone know if there is a parade tomorrow? (wink) See www.4thofjulytahoe.com for a list of the events. Tomorrow is the Heroes Parade and the Community Fair. The Veterans Club is bringing back all of their patriotic events.  On Sunday the US Air Force is back again including a helicopter landing on the Village Green and the 129th Rescue Wing training mission over Lake Tahoe. I finally learned what a PJ is. It’s a Para-rescue Jumper. They jump into the water—so at 1:30 on the beach.

Now about the drone show. I think the biggest question is how to get to the drone show. All the obvious parking spaces—the Rec Center parking lot, the Middle School parking lot—go for it. There’s no parking on the streets. There are several business lots around. They aren’t official parking places but nobody will tow you. There are shuttles from the Chateau and from the Diamond Peak parking lot. That brings you right to the Middle School, so that’s probably the easiest way. If you live across the street in the 3rd Creek complex, you can walk over. We will have a crossing guard and they have lights on that intersection. There are two showings of the drone show, but it’s the same show. It’s just that it cost a lot of money to get it up there, and it’s not all that long, so they’re going to do it twice. But there will be a laser show in between. You need to bring your own chairs. Stadium seating for the ball fields is available if you get there really early—but probably not. There were questions about, “Can you see it from above?” What I was told is that if you can see the Hyatt from your house, you should be able to see the drone show. It’s high above the tree-line, but, where the other trees line up, it’s really hard to see. Any questions about the 4th of July?

We had a lot of fun putting up the decorations. We’re probably going to need help to take them down. It’s sort of like “the day after the party.” It’s not so much fun. So if you can help, please reach out to me. And if you see stuff that needs to be taken down, do me a solid, pick it up, and bring it back to the Mountain Workspace building.

The Washoe-Tahoe Housing Partnership is the fledgling group we’re trying to form to look at the housing issues in IVCB. They did that big survey last year. They received some more funding this spring. So they’re moving forward with some things but I’m sorry to say it’s slow going. However, here’s one step we’ve taken. Especially with the price of gas, our workforce living in Reno and Carson is having a hard time getting here. So Hyatt has a bus. They go back and forth, I think to Carson. But the Washoe Tahoe Housing Partnership committee is spearheading looking at workforce transportation. We have a

Monkey Survey on Facebook. [https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YFPH7TC]

It’s for workers who commute. We’re asking what are their hours? Would they take advantage if there were a shuttle? So it’s a first step in getting some public transportation up here. It’s an admission that our workforce will probably never be able to afford to live here even if they want to.

Ryan Sommers — North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District Chief

Good morning. How’s everybody doing? [Denise Davis – We’re good. How are you?] I’m busy. I’m coming from a meeting in South Lake Tahoe. All the Fire Chiefs and Federal and State met down here this morning to talk about the big weekend coming up. Our biggest thing is our pancake breakfast tomorrow morning from 8-10am. Please come by the Fire Station and have some breakfast with us. We’re looking good for staffing throughout the weekend. You heard all the activities there from Linda. We anticipate everybody having a safe, fun weekend. But remember, “If you see something, say something.”

Kathie Julian – Incline Village Resident, Washoe County Board of Adjustment Member

I have just a quick question for Chief Sommers. I believe you have a 3rd party provider consultant doing research for an evacuation plan. And I believe they were asked to calculate an estimate of how long it might take per car to exit the Tahoe Basin in the event of a wildfire. Or they were going to look at a kind of formula to figure out the timing of any kind of evacuation. It hadn’t been done before. This came up at a CAB meeting. Do you have any idea if that is being done, and when that kind of plan might be available for public review?

Ryan Sommers

That is not NLTFPD’s vendor. That is Washoe County’s Emergency Managers 3rd party vendor. They are in contract with them for that. I’ve asked twice now when that information will be available, and “not yet.” I’m hoping… I’ll get on them. Let me get through this weekend because we’re busy with everything going on, but I will get back on this the first part of next week for sure and ask where we’re at with that. I’ll try to get a report back from them. That’s not a very good answer, but we’re at the mercy of a contractor.

Kathie Julian

Okay, thank you.

Ray Tulloch – Incline Village Resident, Candidate for IVGID Trustee

I don’t have a question, Ryan, but I would like to thank you for making that IVGID Board meeting announcement Wednesday night about the Crystal Bay pumping station. I know a lot of the community has been concerned about some of the claims that were being tossed about that we didn’t have sufficient fire protection unless Crystal Bay was reopened. So thank you for making that comment that you have very good coverage without it. If it’s reopened it would be helpful, but it isn’t essential. And we’re not at “extreme risk,” as claimed by commentators. Thank you.

Ryan Sommers

I thank you for that. And Ray I’ve actually been using your line from a meeting a few weeks back where those two tried to “put fear into the citizens of IVCB,” and that’s absolutely the wrong approach. And as I stated before, their using NLTFPD in their business plan was absolutely inappropriate. Thank you, Ray. I appreciate that.

Kari Ferguson – Incline Village General Improvement District Communication Coordinator

Good morning Incline Village and Crystal Bay. Can you all hear me? Just want to make sure [inaudible].

Denise Davis

Kari, you’re breaking up.

Kari Ferguson

We did have a Board meeting and I will put a link to the livestream in the Chat Box. If anyone has questions for me, go ahead, and I’ll put answers in the Chat. I’ve lost service here so I don’t know what’s going on. I want to personally thank Chief Sommers and Linda Offerdahl for all their hard work in preparing for this weekend. I’ll put links in the Chat Box for all the things this weekend that IVGID is sponsoring and helping out with. If anyone has questions, ask and I’ll do my best to answer.

Jack Dalton, MD – Incline Village Resident

The trustee meeting 2 nights ago was excellent. But there were two problems—1—the venue. I hope it changes. I made a complaint. It’s crowded and very tight together. COVID is around. (I know 4 people who have COVID who are fully vaccinated.) And I was the only one wearing a mask. The other thing I’d like to see is that IVGID would have a Zoom meeting. If IVGID would like to talk to John or Amanda about how to run a Zoom meeting, I know it’s cheap. I looked at the price. Livestream is terrible. It actually worked slightly better Wednesday night because people were able to get through. But a lot of people have not been able to get through. So I was hoping that IVGID would change the place. If they wanted to have it in the library that would probably be okay, but best would be the Chateau because we have enough space there. And let’s switch to Zoom. Thank you.

Steve Dolan – Incline Village Resident, Friends of 3rd Creek Director

I’d like to back up Jack on that request. A month ago I made the same complaint about the venue for the meeting. There was solid people… not a chair… people standing… and only 1 or 2 masks. The air was stale. It was bad. I made an official complaint, but it appears nothing happened. So I’d like to see something happen also.

Sara Schmitz – Incline Village General Improvement District Trustee, IVCB Community 1st Director

Thank you Kari. I couldn’t hear if Kari announced the Veterans Pancake Breakfast on the 4th of July. That’s their annual big fundraiser event. I believe it’s from 8 to noon. [Correct.] Than I just want to give a quick update on the Board Meeting. The Board moved forward with plans for expansion of the Recreation Center and some improvements to the Center. The Board unanimously agreed to move the project forward. We expect to have a 60% design that will be coming before the Board, and therefore available to the public, about October. It’s an aggressive schedule, but it’s really exciting. One of the things we’re intending to do is put an elevated walking path around the existing gym, which I think will be really nice. And we’ll also be expanding the fitness rooms that exist so that the bikes don’t have to be dragged in and out. I think this is a great thing for our community. And thanks to the Duffield Foundation.

Also, the Board approved a new plan with the Diamond Peak Ski Education Foundation. It’s really wonderful. This is now using our newly crafted District pricing policy. So, that was an exciting thing to happen. And lastly, the Board has approved a settlement agreement with Mark Smith. So the Mike Smith case is finally behind us.

I am in the process of doing an IVCB Community 1st newsletter. A couple of things are really important to the communit. The TART-Connect free shuttle is back up and running. That will be in the newsletter along with an update on the Resort and Residences at Tahoe (formerly Boulder Bay) project. If you have meetings to be included in the newsletter, please reach out and let me know.

Jack Dalton

The new Recreation Center is a big plus, and I totally support it. And thanks to the Duffield family. The comment was made that they would support it financially for any negative cash flow for 3 ½ years. The only thing I ask is that IVGID make an assessment going forward about what they think the cash flow will be over the next 3 years, as a “guess-timent.” They said they would be working hard on it but some things don’t happen very fast.

The other thing was that the meeting on June 8th was interesting because—I don’t want to say anything whereby you’ll cut me off, Denise, because I’d be critical of people—but there was some really powerful speaking there. And thanks to all those people who did really powerful speaking. So you should go on livestream and listen to the public comments. It’s very worthwhile. Thank you.

Sara Schmitz

I have one last IVGID announcement. On July 13th the kayak storage rack waiting list will open [inaudible] at 10am. I know there are a lot of people out there.

Denise Davis

If you want to get on the wait list, July 13th, 10am, online only.

John Crockett – Washoe County Incline Library, Head Librarian

Kari posted in the Chat to Jack and Steve that she will forward your comments.

Corey Solferino – Washoe County Sheriff Office Captain

Good morning, everyone. I’m doing wonderful, and I hope everyone else is too. Like Chief Sommers, law enforcement is very busy this weekend. We encourage everyone to exercise patience. Like Linda said, please utilize the shuttles this weekend if you’re out and about the Incline area. Parking will be at a premium, so please exercise patience with residents, visitors, and law enforcement professionals who will be up there. If you have any concerns, or you see something out of the ordinary, like Chief Sommers says, “see something; say something.” And then just enjoy the 4th of July holiday. It looks like temperatures are going to be dropping, not so much this weekend, but definitely on Monday. So dress accordingly.

Denise Davis

Any questions for Captain Corey or Sergeant Cola? I don’t see any. So everybody just stay safe this weekend. I have a few things to run through. I do know I have people who want to make some announcements, but I’ll make mine first. On June 23rd there was a meeting at the Parasol Foundation for the Fire and Insurance forum. If you want to participate in their Nevada Insurance survey, go to Parasol.org and find it on that site. Also, if you want to donate to the Tahoe Fire Safe Fund, you can do that through the Parasol. I saw Chief Scott Lindgren who gave a talk to us about the helicopter, and sadly, he has not received many donations after his presentation. So that’s something to work on.

If you want to catch up on TRPA’s presentation about what’s happening on Tahoe’s east shore, that URL will be in the meeting recap. Another TRPA issue is that the RPIC Housing meeting has been rescheduled to the July 27th TRPA Governing Board meeting.

For those who didn’t catch the news, the East Shore Express is up and running again. It runs out of the Old Elementary School parking lot over to Sand Harbor. That’s a free service.

And I want to put in a plug for CERT, our Community Emergency Response Team. You will see some of us this weekend helping with traffic and pedestrians. Our Incline team is very small and we’ve had several departures in one form or another. So if you’re interested in learning how to take care of yourself, and your family, but also your community, we have training coming up in July. We do six training sessions in Reno. After that you get your certificate, and you can decide how much or how little you want to participate. But you get a backpack filled with safety supplies and lots of good training.

Sadly, the start of the Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival is delayed because they had some COVID cases. So Shakespeare will not be starting until Friday July 8th with “Much Ado about Nothing.”

Our County Commissioners are having a special meeting Thursday July7 at 9am. There’s no agenda posted yet, so I don’t know what’s going on. I do know that our Registrar of Voters, Deanna Spikula has left her position, but I don’t know if that is what the meeting is about.  

Also from the IVGID meeting Wednesday night, if you’re interested, in the General Manager’s report, it was mentioned there was an agreement reached with Parkside Inn regarding their hotel patrons’ access to the beach. There are 3 pages of details in the GM Report.  

The IVCB Citizen Advisory Board (CAB) has an opening. Kathie Julian has moved up to the Washoe County Board of Adjustment, so alternate Chris Wood is filling her CAB seat. So we now have an alternative position open. If you’re interested in participating on the CAB, please contact Commissioner Alexis Hill or apply on line. The next CAB meeting will be Tuesday July 5. We have a full agenda for Tuesday night. We have an update on the Incline Village Justice Court. We have an update on Tahoe Housing and Community Revitalization. We have an update on the Washoe County Leadership Academy. And at our last CAB meeting we had an update from President Ebbie K. Nakhjavani, who is the head of EKN developers at the Resort and Residences at Tahoe (formerly Boulder Bay). If you want the URL, let me know.

I also have a message from Sara Tone who works in the Washoe County Community Services department. They have set up a project map to show road construction in the Incline area. It’s a pilot program so they’d like for us to look at it and give them feedback. Those URLs will all be in the meeting recap.

There is also an update to the Resort and Residences at Tahoe (formerly Boulder Bay) that was distributed. If you did not get that, send an email to our email address (ivcbcommunityforum@gmail.com), and I will forward it to you.

We also had a TTD Mobility Hub Committee meeting June 27. John Crockett is a member of that committee. It was basically saying we’re still getting the committee up and running.

John Crockett

They sent out a request for proposals (RFQs) to consultants who are going to do a study of the scope of the project and also a site-selection study. I believe that goes through July. From those candidates, they will select a consultant and begin the research into what the project looks like, and gather community input on selecting a site.

Also, Amy Cummings with Parametrix has contracted with Washoe County to do a Transportation Mobility Survey. The deadline for completing that survey has been extended to July 15th. And the next meeting of the TTD Mobility Hub Committee will be July 25th.

Jack Dalton

Online regarding the Mobility Committee there was a comment from our Commissioner Alexis Hill that evaluation had already been contracted and done for $100K. Was that buried? My understanding is that the questions had already come out. John do you know anything about that? I read online several months ago that through Commissioner Hill the commissioners had appointed someone …

Denise Davis

That is Parametrix. The Commissioners hired Parametrix to do the Transportation Mobility Survey. That is in Washoe County.

Jack Dalton

So this is different.

Denise Davis

Yes. The TTD Mobility Hub committee will hire a consultant to study the mobility hub.

John Crockett

It’s two studies. The Washoe County study has to do with traffic in the Tahoe area. The Tahoe Transportation District mobility study is different. They still have open RFQs for that. Parametrix is the one working with the County doing the traffic survey.

Sara Schmitz

As of this morning on the TTD website there’s nothing about the meeting you’re talking about on July 25. It isn’t listed there. Will they be posting an agenda?

Denise Davis

They tend not to get it posted too far ahead of the meeting. The TTD Incline Mobility Committee meets the last Monday of the month at 5:30pm.

John Crockett

It’s at 5:30 and it will be here at the library. It will be a hybrid meeting—in person and on Zoom. You can join “gotowebinar” when they post the agenda.

Denise Davis

They do not have a listing of their meetings.

Shirley Appel

Are the meetings open for anyone who wants to attend or only for the committee?

John Crockett

Absolutely it’s an open meeting with public comment throughout the meeting and at the end.  

Ann Nichols – North Tahoe Preservation Alliance Director

So I went to the first TRPA meeting I’ve been to in a few years—because they never seem to listen to us anyway. But it was quite a shocker. They approved the 947 Tahoe Boulevard condominium project as a Consent Item. Consent Items are usually things that are just matter-of-fact with no controversy. The 947 Project has been controversial. So I, and a couple of people, asked to have the item pulled from the Consent calendar. Usually you would have a hearing with the Governing Board. But this just sort of slid through. I find it interesting that Jeff Cowen who comes to these meetings, and Alexis Hill never warned us. Alexis was like “yeah!” and seconded the issue, and it’s through. This is a big tall building. The TRPA attorney’s justification was that this conforms to the TRPA Regional Plan. So it’s a go. Anything that conforms to the Regional Plan, I’m afraid, they consider to be a slam dunk. This is a worry. If you have concerns about that, I suggest you talk to TRPA. I never knew that a project of this size—40 units—could go on the agenda as a Consent Item.

The other thing is they want to do a Zonal Congestion Management pilot program on Highway 28 in Incline Village and on South Shore before Emerald Bay. This will be a pilot program in both places. What they’re going to do is build parking lots to manage congestion. They are going to photograph license plates. Anyone who stops would be charged a fee. Then they’ll build more parking lots and they’re building more attractions—by continuing the East Shore Bike and Walking Path. Anyway it’s kind of nutty because when you build more attractions, there’s more traffic. And this will be for everybody—everybody will have to pay. They’re just talking about it. Everybody on the Governing Board said, “Yes, that sounds great.”  

I thought too that we’re going to be coming out with something on this. There are going to be a bunch of projects coming through:

There is “37 Degrees,” which is the Kings Beach Town Center, of course there’s Boulder Bay, and the Cal Neva whenever that happens. Then there’s Ferrari Louima that’s 150 units, and then Martis Valley West, which is still on the books. They just have to redo their EIS, and that’s 760 units. Then in Tahoe City there’s the Boatworks redevelopment —another 130 units. Then there’s Homewood and the Tahoe City Lodge. The question is how our 2-lane road Highway 28 is ever going to be able to handle all this. I’m afraid Washoe County is not going to really consider these things. They’re only considering their little area and not looking at the totality of our traffic issues.

Helen Neff – Incline Village Resident

Thank you, Ann for the big picture. I’m going to talk about the small picture, which is just crosswalks in Incline Village. So this is an update on crosswalks and street marking. A crosswalk is an indication to slow and watch for pedestrians. It needs to be properly maintained in order to be effective. You all know our crosswalks are in dire need of repainting. I have submitted multiple requests to Washoe County 311 requesting this be done after I was hit while legally walking across the street in a crosswalk. On last Monday I wrote to Commissioner Hill to ask her for help, and I’d like to thank her for her prompt response and her follow-up with Dave Solaro, our Assistant County Manager. Mr. Solaro communicated to Commissioner Hill that he was told a painting crew has been working In Incline Village for the past weeks, and they should finish Lakeshore on June 30, which was yesterday. Unfortunately, the information he’s receiving is not correct. And I replied to him and let him know a partial list of crosswalks in the Lakeshore, Northwood, Southwood, Incline Way—streets most heavily impacted by the July 4 traffic and pedestrians. I sent photos. And yesterday, an additional crosswalk was painted on Village and 28. So just to let everyone know, I’m waiting to hear back from Mr. Solaro

We also have an issue with NDOT, which is responsible for State Route 28 crosswalks and painting. I just pray it won’t take a fatality before we’re provided this basic safety protection for us, our visitors, and everyone else. I will put my email address in the Chat Box if anyone wants copies of my communication or to be updated on what’s going on. Just feel free to email me.

Also, on the 947 Project I was in communication with Jeff. I asked him why it was a Consent Item, and  – he wasn’t even aware it was on the agenda. So there seem to be communication issues there as well.

Steve Dolan

Two weeks ago I notified people that we had a group studying the Incline Beach algae potential. On Wednesday, one of our members registered an algae bloom occurring overnight, which set into motion an impressive machine. Nine agencies responded, and a 10th showed up which was the State Department of Environmental Protection. They came and tested the algae and said it wasn’t a toxic problem. So that’s a good thing about this bloom. In the process we learned that in Kings Beach there was a toxic bloom, and they asked us to continue the study in case this occurs this summer. So it is an ongoing study.

I want to thank GM Indra Winquest and Park Superintendent Sheila Lejion for their really great response. They were ready to send out notices as recommended by some of the agencies. But when the State showed up within 24 hours and tested it, no notices were needed. It wasn’t a toxic issue. So we’re going to keep an eye out for different types of blooms that may be occurring. Probably more will happen, but it was a great response by Indra and the community of agencies studying the algae around the lake. I want to inform everybody that the bloom they saw overnight on Wednesday was not at issue. It was what we see around the lake a lot. But we’re supposed to keep our eyes open. This was a fibrous-type bloom, whereas, the ones that may be hazardous algae blooms (HABs) are oily-greasy on the surface. They’re not a fibrous bloom. They kind of look like an oil slick. So anybody who sees those things should give us a call. And thank you again to Indra and Sheila. The number is 775 843-7244. Our study is specifically centered on Incline Beach.

John Crockett

We have a great start to summer at the library. Next week on Tuesday July 5th at

5pm, we have an artist reception for local photographer Dottie Bolts. She does beautiful landscape photography and always has stories to share.

Then we also offer a service twice a week on Tuesday and Friday called Book-a-Librarian. If you reserve a 50-minute time slot you get 50 minutes with a librarian to help you answer any questions you may have. We had a patron last week who had a new laptop and wanted to find out some features to use along with that, and wanted to learn how to use a speech-to-text transcription app. So any type of tech questions you have—readers advisory, help create an email, or things along those lines –you can reserve time for help at the library.

Andrew Whyman, MD – Incline Village Resident, IVCB Community Forum Moderator Emeritus (2018)

I haven’t been around in a while but I was intrigued by the comments made about consultants, and the growth and development in the Basin. If you’ve been involved in either corporate culture or nonprofit culture, one of the nice things about being in charge, is if you have an idea about what you want to get done, you choose your consultant to get that answer that you want. So we have to be very careful when we talk about bringing in consultants who are objective and provide neutral commentary. Thank you.

Ronda Tycer – IVCB Community Forum Recap Editor

I’d first of all like to recommend the Book-a-Librarian. I was the person who came in for 50 minutes of working with John, and it was an absolutely superior experience. He’s incredibly knowledgeable, and I’m sure other librarians are as well. That’s a service I decided on a whim to take advantage of, and I couldn’t be more grateful that I did.

There’s really nothing happening at the government level with short-term rentals. However, we’re now in the height of the season. I want to continue encouraging all of our residents to make the effort—whenever there is a disturbance or a problem—to report it. I know it seems useless. We never get any feedback about anything. It seems like it falls into black space. But we just need to keep on top of it and keep up the effort to give the County some feedback. We don’t expect any changes to the Ordinance. And as we know, the Ordinance does not limit short-term rentals in our area. So they will continue to increase. But other than encouraging everybody to keep up the good fight, I think there’s nothing more to say.

Denise Davis

I know that someone reported they were having problems with the hotline number. Have you had anyone else report problems with the hotline?

Ronda Tycer

I had a call from a person who tried to use the hotline to submit material and he was having difficulty. When he reported this to the County, they said, “Well, take a screen shot when you’re having difficulty and that will help us identify what the problem is.” It was almost as if they couldn’t take the time to check their own equipment to find out what was wrong. That’s the major problem I heard about. I responded to that person. But I haven’t heard about anyone else having difficulty.

If you’re going to report something, the only way to report it is with some kind of evidence. Just calling in and saying you’ve got a problem… they probably won’t even hear you, especially if it’s not between 8-5 Monday through Friday. So after hours or on weekends, the best action for any kind of disturbance—is simply to call the Sheriff Department non-emergency or emergency number depending on how big the disturbance is. As far as using the Washoe County Host Compliance recording, go ahead and use it, but have some kind of backup. If you don’t have any video or any pictures or any way to prove something, they don’t listen.

Denise Davis

Again, the Washoe County nonemergency dispatch number is 775 785-9276.  

Sara Schmitz

Know that as a citizen you have NRS rights to enjoy your property peacefully 24 hours a day. If there is disturbing of your peace, you have the authority and the ability and the legal right to record anything on your cell phone from your own property. I would encourage you to make that recording and call the Washoe County non-emergency number and file a complaint for disturbing of the peace. But you must be willing to sign your name to the complaint. Washoe County deputies’ peace cannot be disturbed—only yours can be disturbed. So you must sign. But it is important to have backup for your allegation. And know that you do have the right to record disturbances from your own property. I will be including in the newsletter just as a reminder these types of things, along with the information about how to report the STR Ordinance complaints as well.

Denise Davis

For STR complaints, the hotline is Host Compliance. Ronda, please put that phone number in the recap. [STR Hotline is 775 277-6701]

Ray Tulloch

I won’t make any election speeches here but I will say on behalf of all the successful IVGID candidates who got through the primary, that most of us will have a booth at the community fair tomorrow. So I would encourage everyone to talk to us candidates personally. Find out what they actually propose to do, and if they have some proposals rather than just slogans. I look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible.

Denise Davis

I have just a couple of other announcements. There are some revised beach gate hours now posted on the IVGID website.

The beach gate hours are:

July 2nd and 3rd — 7am-9pm

July 4 —6am to 9:30pm

The boat ramp hours:

July 4 – 6am -8:30pm

There is also Holiday Preferred Parking for Picture Pass holders on July 2, 3, 4.

As I said earlier the kayak rack waitlist is opening on July 13 at 10am—online only.

The Washoe County COVID level is “High.” Please keep that in mind when gathering for your BBQs and festivities over the 4th.

Also the TRPA wants to remind everyone that they have a Tahoe Boating app and Boating Safety video. That URL will be in the meeting recap. Please check that out. You can go to the TRPA.gov website. We want everyone to have a safe and conflict-free and fire-free weekend.

Andrew Whyman, MD

I just want to follow-up on a few comments about the STRs. My wife and I relocated back to McCloud, which is where we owned a unit for 20-some years. And we were out strolling the other day, and we ran into a delightful young couple—both teachers in our school system in Incline Village. They of course can’t afford to buy anything here, so they are renting a unit at McCloud. They had lived in a unit there long-term for 3 years. That got sold. They were able to find another one after a month of being homeless. They moved into that unit. And they told me their story, which was that over the time they lived in the McCloud unit, they’ve called the Sheriff on 3 different occasions to report disturbance of their peace. They were thanked roundly for doing that. This is a major problem. Much of the disturbances go unreported because of the way we do things here. You have to give your name to make the report count. And a lot of people don’t want to get into that imbroglio. Thank you.

Jack Dalton, MD

Well I can tell a story. I don’t live in McCloud. But I was walking through with a friend, and I met this nice couple from Sacramento who bought. They said, “You know there are a lot of problems here with STRs at McCloud.” I asked, “Would you be open to walking around with leaflets saying don’t do STRs?” They said, “Sure,” and gave me their telephone number. I called them up, and the second time they responded. And the people who they talked to said it’s an interest. In terms of selling the property, having STRs in McCloud is an asset so they can get more money. The other thing I learned while walking around a lot and talking to the people that I can, is it’s pretty clear some of the HOAs have been able to get rid of STRs. So Dr. Whyman, at McCloud, if you and your buddies get together, you might be able to limit them. I mean there are already 40 STR McCloud units, right? An IVGID employee is in an HOA, and hers doesn’t allow STRs. There are quite a few HOAs that do not allow STRs, which is a good thing for our community. I’ve met people at the beach—all young – no money – they’ve been evicted because their units were sold. The houses have been sold. So it’s a real problem for our community in terms of “affordable housing.”

Our commissioner hasn’t responded yet to my query about Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs aka “granny flats”). They are legal in California, which I support. There are some ADUs you can see if you walk around. What I don’t want to see is that they open them up. I totally support ADUs and want to put one on my property. But they can’t be used for STRs, and shouldn’t be used for STRs. I haven’t yet had a response. So I think we have to be very careful if we have ADUs that they not be STRs. It’s a major problem.

Denise Davis

My understanding is in Nevada ADUs are not allowed on less than a 1-acre parcel size. I believe that’s still the current ruling. It could change in the future, but right now if you have less than 1 acre, you can’t have an ADU.

Ray Tulloch

Just to follow up on that. That’s my understanding Denise, with less than an acre you can’t build an ADU. And even if you do build, it’s limited to 800-900 square feet of living space in Washoe County. But I have a different follow-up question. Denise, you mentioned the Preferred Parking on July 2- 4th. Is that going to be Picture Pass only, because that’s something that I—and others—have urged in the past. Because in the past Preferred Parking was also for Recreation Punch Cards, which I think would encompass everybody with legal access to the beach. I just want to ascertain that it is only for Picture Pass holders.

Denise Davis

The IVGID website says Picture Pass holders Holiday Preferred Parking.

Ray Tulloch

Excellent. I’m glad that they made that change. Thank you.

Steve Dolan

Regarding ADUs, California has adopted a new position allowing multiple units on less than 1 acre. It is my understanding that Commissioner Hill pretty much follows suit with TRPA’s approval of that California new ruling. So, I believe—and correct me if I’m wrong—that our commissioner is in favor of reducing the amount of land needed in order to initiate a conformity around the lake with regard to ADUs. So Nevada may be changing soon if our commissioner doesn’t hear a lot from us.

Denise Davis

I would urge you to contact our commissioner and find out her opinion.

Kathie Julian

I just want to say, Steve, that is not my understanding of Commissioner Hill’s position. Because California has a rule that ADUs cannot be used for STRs, and Nevada doesn’t have the rule that ADUs cannot be used for STRs. I do know that Alexis Hill is aware of that and aware of the challenge because California has different rules than Nevada vis-a-vis use as a STR. So again, I would let Alexis state her views on this, but I don’t think you correctly described her view.

Steven Dolan

I wasn’t speaking about STRs. I was speaking only of ADUs, and not their legal expansion into STRs. But as far as ADUs go, I’ll stand firm on that.

Sara Schmitz

The Washoe County Commissioners special meeting agenda was just posted. It’s actually just to submit a recount of the Republican primary votes for governor.

Denise Davis

The governor’s race? Just the governor candidates? So it’s just to address the recount. Okay, final call. Anyone else have anything to add? I don’t see any hands on line and no one here in person. All right. So just remember, no solid fuels; keep an eye on the wind; if you see something, say something; and keep in mind COVID is still around; and have a great holiday weekend. And we’ll see you in 2 weeks.


Andrew Whyman, MD

Ann Nichols

Barbara Perlman Whyman

Beth and Jon Davidson

Corey Solferino

Denise Davis

Helen Neff

Howard Beckerman

Jack Dalton, MD

Jeremy Krenek

Joe Farrell

John Crockett

Joseph Colacurcio

Kari Ferguson

Kathie Julian

Mary Dennehey

Pam Straley

Ray Tulloch

Ronda Tycer

Ryan Sommers

Sara Schmitz

Shirley Appel

Steve Dolan


09:05:31 From  Ronda Tycer : John, I can’t understand what Linda is saying, … there’s a tinny quality and her words aren’t distinct.

09:05:33 From  ann nichols B.4527 : Difficult to hear. Sounds like she is in a bathtub.  It may be my computer

09:05:34 From  Washoe County Libraries : Ronda, our mic isn’t working this morning.  I’ll try to get it going.

09:06:11 From  Helen N   to   Washoe County Libraries(Direct Message) : Audio is bad.  Cannot understand Linda.  Too much background noise … 🙁

09:06:35 From  ann nichols B.4527 : its better

09:06:41 From  Helen N   to   Washoe County Libraries(Direct Message) : Better!  Thank you!!!

09:06:54 From  Washoe County Libraries : Sorry folks, got it going now.

09:07:05 From  IVGID Communications   to   Washoe County Libraries(Direct Message) :

09:15:16 From  ann nichols B.4527 : real garbled

09:17:39 From  IVGID Communications   to   Washoe County Libraries(Direct Message) : Thanks Jack. I’ll forward your concern

09:18:19 From  IVGID Communications   to   Washoe County Libraries(Direct Message) : Thank you Mr. Dolan

09:18:40 From  IVGID Communications   to   Washoe County Libraries(Direct Message) : Yea

09:18:42 From  IVGID Communications   to   Washoe County Libraries(Direct Message) : Yes

09:20:20 From  IVGID Communications   to   Washoe County Libraries(Direct Message) : https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/ivgid/board-of-trustees/streaming-video

09:21:20 From  Washoe County Libraries : https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/ivgid/board-of-trustees/streaming-video

09:22:23 From  IVGID Communications   to   Washoe County Libraries(Direct Message) : Yes.

09:23:04 From  IVGID Communications   to   Washoe County Libraries(Direct Message) : https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/events#category=9

09:25:16 From  kathie julian : Is there a link to that fire meeting on line for listening?

09:34:42 From  IVGID Communications : Kayak waiting list: https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/events/kayak-waitlist

09:36:25 From  Washoe County Libraries : our email is: ivcbcommunityforum@gmail.com


Nevada Insurance Survey

Tahoe Fire Safe Fund

TRPA “What’s Happening on the East Shore” webinar  June 23, 2022

https://vimeo.com/724589921TRPA Tahoe Boating app and boating safety video https://www.trpa.gov/boat-like-a-tahoe-pro-video-improves-safety-recreation/Tahoe

Transportation Plan survey (Washoe County mobility project) deadline extended to July 15

https://tahoe-transportation-plan-washoe.hub.arcgis.com/4th of July events

https://www.4thofjulytahoe.com/SR 431 and SR 28 road construction info**NO CONSTRUCTION JULY 1 – JULY 10 (construction resumes 7/10/22 at 8:00 pm)

**https://inclinehighways.com/TTD East Shore Express press release

https: of County Commissioners (BCC) general info www.washoecounty.gov/bcc/board_committees/index.phpcounty test program – road construction

09:36:30 From  Washoe County Libraries : https://gis.washoecounty.us/wrms/quick/roadprojectshttps://www.washoecounty.gov/csd/engineering_capitalprojects/Traffic%20and%20Roads/index.phphttps://www.washoecounty.gov/csd/engineering_capitalprojects/Traffic%20and%20Roads/Road%20Construction.phpIV/CB

Citizens Advisory Board (CAB) agenda for JULY 5, 2022


Community 1st meetings and community info at ivcbcommunity1st.org

IVCBA (Incline Village Crystal Bay Community and Business Association) ivcba.org

09:38:38 From  IVGID Communications : Sorry my audio isn’t great today. I’m out and about and don’t have great service.

09:41:01 From  Helen N : For Updates on pedestrian and cyclist safety  hneff9@earthlink.net

09:41:18 From  kathie julian : Where was the toxic bloom in Incline? Sorry, the NON Toxic bloom in Incline!

09:43:11 From  Washoe County Libraries : 775-843-7244

09:49:35 From  Washoe County Libraries : WCSO non-emergency 775-785-9276

09:59:46 From  IVGID Communications : Only for Picture Pass holders

10:00:44 From  IVGID Communications : When there were guest passes, picture pass and recreation punch cards were accepted for preferred parking.  Now it’s only PIcture Pass holders

10:02:47 From  kathie julian : Steve, I believe you are misinformed on Hill’s position.


Do you need to contact authorities immediately about an STR?

If you need immediate resolution of an issue that is not an emergency, you can call:

• Washoe County Sheriff Office deputies for noise and parking complaints (775 832-4107)

• IVGID/Waste Management for trash complaints (775 831-2971)

• North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District for non-emergency fire and safety hazards (775 831-0351).

Is the STR near you burning wood or charcoal?

•To report an open wood or charcoal fire Dial 911.

Do you need to contact Washoe County regarding an STR problem?

Call the Washoe County Host Compliance STR Hotline at 775 277-6701

[Host Compliance will contact the Property Manager who has 30 minutes to respond and 60 minutes to get to the STR property]


• Submit a complaint using the Washoe County Complaint form:


Using the online form will require that you give your name.  

You will be asked to indicate the type of issue.

You will need to submit “evidence.”

Is the STR near you legally permitted?

Washoe County has created a website to search the list of applications for Short Term Rental permits in IVCB. Search the address or APN for an issued permit on the online Acela portal.

You can also search the address on the STR Permit Map https://ivcbmatters.com/short-term-rentals/


Our email is:



Nevada Insurance Survey

Tahoe Fire Safe Fund

TRPA “What’s Happening on the East Shore” webinar  June 23, 2022

TRPA Tahoe Boating app and boating safety video

Tahoe Transportation Plan survey (Washoe County mobility project)

deadline extended to July 15


4th of July events

SR 431 and SR 28 road construction info

**NO CONSTRUCTION JULY 1 – JULY 10 (construction resumes 7/10/22 at 8:00 pm)**


TTD East Shore Express press release


Board of County Commissioners (BCC) general info


County test program – road construction mapping




IV/CB Citizens Advisory Board (CAB) agenda for JULY 5, 2022


IV/CB Community 1st meetings and community info


IVCBA (Incline Village Crystal Bay Community and Business Association)


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