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Tahoe Transportation District (TTD) Program Implementation Committee
November 2, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Wednesday, November 2 at 1:00 pm at the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, 128 Market Street, Stateline, NV 89449 or via GoToWebinar.
To register and access the agenda, click here: https://www.tahoetransportation.org/meetings/program-implementation-and-regional-partnerships-committees-november-2-2022/
Agenda items include:
A. Informational Only: Informational Update Regarding the Nevada Department of Transportation’s U.S. 50 East Shore Corridor Management Plan
B. For Possible Approval: Recommendation to Authorize the District Manager to Negotiate and Execute a Purchase Order with Gillig, LLC Under the Washington State Department of Enterprise Services Cooperative Purchasing Agreement for Transit Buses, Master Contract No. 06719, for the Purchase of Up to Four 30 Foot Buses and Associated Modifications and Equipment Not to Exceed $600,000 Per Unit to the TTD Board of Directors at the December 7, 2022 Meeting
C. Informational Only: Presentation on the Lake Link Micro-Transit Service for Discussion and Deliberation Regarding Integration with the TTD Fixed Route and Paratransit Service Through the Short-Range Transit Plan Update Process
D. Informational Only: Receive the City of South Lake Tahoe’s Report, “Comprehensive Transit Analysis of Current Mobility Services in the South Shore”