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Washoe County Planning Commission – Amendment to IV Town Center Zoning
November 1, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Tuesday, Nov. 1 at 6 p.m. in Reno and Zoom. A Public Hearing on the potential zoning amendment for the Incline Village Town Center, Special Area 1 will be heard. This change would allow single family condos as acceptable use in the commercially zoned Town Center. As of today, the Town Center commercial zones are limited to multi-resident (apartment) and affordable housing. This potential change would then allow condos to be constructed in the Town Center commercial zone all along SR28 in Incline Village. This change may set a precedent around the basin and reduce the incentive of affordable housing, which is why TRPA increased the height and density in these Town Center areas.
Agenda Item D: Development Code Amendment Case Number WDCA22-0002 (Amends Chapter 110, Article 220 (Tahoe Area), Section 110.220.145 (Incline Village Commercial Regulatory Zone Special Area 1) and Section 110.220.150 (Incline Village Commercial Regulatory Zone Special
Policies)) [For Possible Action] – For hearing, discussion, and possible action to approve a
resolution to amend Washoe County Code Chapter 110 (Development Code), Article 220 (Tahoe
Area), Section 110.220.145 (Incline Village Commercial Regulatory Zone Special Area 1) to add
single family dwellings, limited to air space condominiums, as an allowed use in Incline Village
Commercial Regulatory Zone Special Area 1; and to amend Section 110.220.150 (Incline Village
Commercial Regulatory Zone Special Policies) referring to land use to add Tahoe Area Plan Policy LU2-9 as a special policy; and all matters necessarily connected therewith and pertaining thereto.
The Planning Commission may recommend approval of the proposed ordinance as submitted,
recommend approval with modifications based on input and discussion at the public hearing, or
recommend denial. If approval is recommended, the Planning Commission is asked to authorize the Chair to sign a resolution to that effect.
The agenda and all supporting materials may be viewed here.
This meeting will be held in the County Commission Chambers and via Zoom webinar. To participate via Zoom, please log into the Zoom webinar at the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84272659406, or you can join by typing zoom.us into your computer browser, clicking “Join a Meeting” on the ZOOM website, and entering this Meeting ID: 842 7265 9406. NOTE: This option will require a computer with audio and video capabilities.
Alternatively, you can join by telephone only by dialing +1-669-900-9128, entering the Meeting ID: 842 7265 9406 and pressing #.