A Message From IVGID On Rec Center Project

October 25, 2022

At a Special Meeting of the IVGID Board of Trustees last night, the General Manager began the meeting by reading the statement below:

“On behalf of the Incline Village General Improvement District, we would like to thank the Dave & Cheryl Duffield Foundation (Foundation) for the opportunity to collaborate on a potential Recreation Center Expansion Project. In addition, the District would like to take this opportunity to recognize the unfortunate circumstances surrounding the termination of the project and any negative impact as a result.

Much time and effort has been expended reflecting upon the project and the timeline of events to better understand how we can work together more effectively should such an opportunity to collaborate with an external entity present itself in the future. Our reflection has resulted in realizing several lessons learned, in particular, clear and concise communication amongst all parties both at the onset as well as throughout the project timeline. We pledge to the community our desire for continued improvement for the benefit of all.

While everyone is disappointed with the outcome, as a community, we’ve learned the importance of open dialog, reflection instead of blame, and the belief we are all neighbors who love our community.”

Click here to view the supplemental materials provided hours before the meeting.

Click here to view the original board materials.

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