Audit Committee Meeting Highlights

June 29, 2021

Trustee Schmitz informed the Committee that she had met with Jennifer Farr and will give the committee a report at their next meeting. The internal auditor will meet with the Committee in August at which time additional tasks not part of the original scope of services will be discussed.

Audit Committee At-Large Member Ray Tulloch was elected Chair of the Audit Committee, effective immediately, with At-Large members Tulloch and Dobler in favor and Trustee Schmitz in opposition (2-1 vote). His term as Chair will end on 6/30/2022.

The Committee voted unanimously to recommend that the Board appoint an additional At-Large Member to fill the vacancy created when no trustee other than Trustee Schmitz was willing to serve on the Audit Committee. Since the Board recently interviewed interested members of the public, it would be recommended that the candidate who received the next highest number of votes (Chris Nolet) be appointed, if he were still interested in serving on the Committee.

The Committee reviewed the latest suggested revisions to the draft whistleblower policy prepared by Chair Tulloch and District Council, Josh Nelson. The Committee decided they would need a revised draft incorporating a number of changes agreed upon by the members, including several presented by a member of the public, Linda Newman, in the meeting’s opening public comments. Sara Schmitz volunteered to bring the revised draft back to the Committee at their next meeting on August 13 for a vote, followed by forwarding to the IVGID Board for review and hopeful approval.

The Audit Committee reviewed their year end self-assessment prepared by At-Large Member Dobler. Minor revisions were suggested before the final version is sent to the Board of Trustees.

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