Board Of Trustees Meeting Highlights

August 10, 2021


Trustee Tonking asked to remove from the agenda the item to review the Audit Committees proposed Whistleblower Policy until the Audit Committee Policy (15.1) is reviewed. Trustee Schmitz, supported by Trustee Dent, objected since the report was only one element of the Policy and Ray Tulloch, Audit Committee Chair was present and prepared to make a presentation to the Board. Chair Callicrate, Trustees Wong and Tonking voted to remove the item.

GM Update:

In response to a public comment, GM Winquest reported that some of the signs “Private Property, No Trespassing” have been removed. “No Trespassing” signs will be needed at some locations to protect infrastructure. Appropriate warning signs will be placed at other locations to address concerns by NLTFPD and others.

In response to another public comment, GM Winquest said that he had met with Dave Solaro, Washoe County Assistant Manager, to discuss a 1990 agreement for payment of $4,000 per year by the County to IVGID for maintenance of two small County park properties at either end of Lakeshore Boulevard.  The District only had record of payment for 4 of the 31 years. The County has agreed to pay for the past 2 years and a new agreement reflecting today’s costs will be drafted.

GM Winquest reported the Ordinance 7 Committee is in the process of reviewing the survey data and has a meeting scheduled on 8/12/21 to discuss recommendations to the Board.  The survey data and comments will be posted on the website (no personal data will be posted).

Long Range Calendar:

The next meeting is tentatively set for Tuesday, August 24.

Trustee Schmitz commented that the agreed upon quarterly updates on the Tyler Software implementation had not occurred. Additionally, she recommended that periodic major contract reviews should be added to the long rang calendar.

Trustee Dent asked why there was no item re-appointing him to the Audit Committee, since he had indicated at the last meeting he was willing to serve on an interim basis. Chair Callicrate responded that there was some confusion.

Reports to the Board:

Audit Committee Report

Audit Committee Chair, Ray Tulloch, reiterated the need for the Board to act swiftly to reappoint Trustee Dent to the committee since the 2020-21 audit was underway. He reported that Jennifer Farr, of Davis Farr, had given an update on the progress of their audit. Director of Finance, Paul Navazio, with Controller Martin Williams, gave a status report on internal controls. Member At-Large Cliff Dobler will meet with the Controller regarding allocation of interest on investments among the various projects/funds.

Treasurer’s report/Nevada League of Cities Report:

Treasurer Tonking announced that the League of Cities will hold their annual conference in Sparks from August 26-28. The League of Cities’ lobbyist is aware of the District’s Effluent Pipeline Project. Trustee Tonking was hopeful that it might be considered for funding through the pending infrastructure bill.

Investment Report:

Director of Finance, Paul Navazio, presented what he believed to be the first investment report in many years. Board Policy calls for these reports to be presented quarterly and at the fiscal year end.

Legal Update:

District General Counsel, Josh Nelson, reported the latest decision against IVGID confirming that the emails identified by Special Master Sharp as not privileged and must be turned over to Mr. Smith. Further legal action is in process; IVGID has not paid the Special Master because the District has yet to receive a detailed invoice, as requested by the Board.  The Board has approved the payment after it receives a detailed invoice to support the $12,500 invoice.  A motion to compel payment has been filed by Mr. Sharp.

Consent Calendar:

Items were unanimously approved and included:

Approval of purchases of a snowmaking gun in the amount of $122,600, and a surface lift in the amount of $55,565 and acceptance of the Audit Committee’s Annual Report with a modification noted by Trustee Schmitz.

General Business:

The following items were unanimously approved:

  • Authorization for a sole source purchase and replacement of the lightning damaged ski lift haul rope $95,893.59 and appropriate budget augmentation.  The costs have been submitted to the District’s insurer.
  • Authorization to enter a contract with Tri-Strategies in an amount not to exceed $20,000 for legislative advocacy services, working with the Nevada League of Cities lobbyist.  The goal is to obtain Federal Funds for the Effluent Pipeline and Pond Lining projects.
  • Authorization for Washoe County Roads Department to repair damage to asphalt pavement on Tumbleweed Circle caused by a water line leak at a cost to the District of $97,300.  While this is an unbudgeted expense, Director of Public Works Brad Underwood stated he will work hard to find other cost savings so as to not require a budget augmentation.
  • Additionally the Board approved including Correspondence on the District website with responses, when appropriate.

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