IVGID Meeting Highlights

February 9, 2022

The Tahoe Daily Tribune summarized the meeting held on February 9th, however in doing so they didn’t accurately reflect the increases proposed for the water and sewer rates or mention the potential for other agency funding. The proposed increases in the materials result in a 54% increase in water rates over 5 years and a 47 % increase of sewer rates over this same 5-year period. The Board approves rates on an annual basis, so these rate increases could be changed.

The Board was asked to approve a roughly 20% increase in water rates and a 15% increase to sewer rates beginning this year. The Board has yet to receive the final rate study report and asked many questions about the capital project budget numbers used for the rate study. The study did not take into consideration any state, county or Army Corps of Engineers potential funding for the effluent pipeline or pond lining projects, so it is a ‘worst case’ scenario. Our legislative lobbyist estimated the District could receive as much as 75% of the cost of the pond lining project from various agencies. Trustee Wong stated she prefers to increase rates to the ‘worst case’ scenario and adjust rates when the funding is received. Trustee Dent requested the Board be provided estimated numbers for the anticipated funding to understand the impacts on the rate study and subsequent rate increases. The Board asked to review the Capital Plan so as to better understand how the significant increases were justified. Staff will be bringing more information to the Board at their next meeting. Click here for materials provided to the Board. The day before the meeting supplemental information for agenda item I1 was posted to the website.

Click here to read the summary in the Tahoe Daily Tribune.

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