Golf Rate Meeting – A Deep Dive

May 7, 2023

Monday evening the board will be reviewing not only the recommendations on golf rates, but also a review of the community organized Golf Clubs along with the financial performance of food & beverage operations and the Pro Shops at both the Championship and Mountain Golf Courses.

The board directed a “deep dive” into golf operations as part of the effort in determining golf rates for the 2023 season. The detailed report may be found on the District website by clicking here. The report is broken into the following sections:

I Recommendations
II Background
III. Financial Reporting History
IV. Financial Results for District-Owned Golf Courses
V. Golf Clubs & Non-Profit Events & Services Provided
VI. Factors Affecting Golf Course Financials
VII. Plans for a More Sustainable Business Model
VIII. Fiscal Analysis of Options and Recommendations
IX. Additional Decision Points
X. Supplemental Information
XI. Attachments

The meeting is set for 6pm on Monday, May 8th at the Chateau. You may provide public comment in person, via Zoom or by writing

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