Highlights from the IVGID Meeting on 8/30

September 1, 2023

The board took time to correct some public comments. It was corrected that the vote on the golf rates was unanimous (not a 3-2), the vote on Diamond Peak rates had only Trustee Tulloch opposing, the 2023-24 budget was approved unanimously which included rates at venues, policies have not been changed however it was discovered they were not being equally and consistently administered, and no employee benefits have been changed other than for beach access at the recommendation of legal counsel.

The consent calendar agenda items F2 & F3 and General Business items F4 & F7 were removed from the agenda. The Moss Adams report, which may be viewed here, was moved to the first General Business item. This report was the result of the management consulting engagement to provide recommendations on the Strategic Plan, the review of the senior management organizational structure and job descriptions, a review of District polices, financial operational procedures and internal controls.

The board received a report on the costs of the effluent pipeline replacement project (found here) and expressed appreciation for the work of staff in their efforts to drive down the anticipated costs over the past few months. The project is now estimated at $64M, up from the estimate in January of $58M, but down from the $78M estimate provided to the board in May.

The board discussed the idea of restricting public comment to be more “civil” in tone and content. Again, legal counsel advised the board regarding 1st Amendment rights. The board opted to include the chart provided by legal counsel, of what is and isn’t ‘acceptable’, as part of the meeting agenda to remind the public. Trustee Tulloch confirmed with legal counsel that public comment is protected by the 1st Amendment, but isn’t protected from liable.

The Moss Adams Report for the Management Consulting Engagement (here) provided the board and staff with an actionable plan. The board stated the priority is to hire a new GM before starting the core of the strategic planning process. There are some activities, such as a community wide survey of overall priorities, the board stated were important and could move forward. The high priority expressed by the board was to take action to address the high-risk gaps in policies and procedures (beginning on page 29 and 39 of the report). Moss Adams will return to the board at their next meeting to present the costs and timelines for implementing the recommendations.

The board awarded a contract with Bob Hall and Associates for the recruitment of a new General Manager.

The board approved the purchase of a new snow grooming vehicle and an upgrade to the snowmaking equipment for Diamond Peak.

The board acted and assigned the task of drafting letters to various agencies on behalf of our community. Trustee Tonking will be drafting, for the board’s review, the letter related to the Evacuation Plan and Trustee Schmitz will be drafting the letter related to the proposed Mobility Hub.

The board requested staff provide a report after investigating the issue of non-public documents being obtained and shared on social media. Having non-public documents made public without legal review and approval places the District at legal risk.

The board requested staff provide a report on the allegations regarding Mr. Dobler.

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