IVGID Board Approves Bobby Magee as Potential GM

February 19, 2024

To view the Board of Trustees meeting synopsis’, visit the District web page.

At their meeting on February 14th, the board approved developing an employment contract with Bobby Magee, the Interim Director of Finance, as the potential District General Manager. Mr. Magee has worked for the District for approximately six months where he has taken on the challenges of the District’s financial reports and systems. He hired outside consultants to bring the District’s bank statement reconciliations up to date, has been working to produce accurate financial reports, been refining and completing the implementation of the Tyler Munis system after much delay, and is working to improve various accounting processes to ensure proper internal controls. He has also spearheaded the Forensic Due Diligence Audit while working the Nevada Department of Taxation and Davis Farr, the District’s external annual financial statement audit firm. The proposed contract and terms, along with a tentative organizational structure, are expected to be included as part of the March 6th special meeting agenda. The board expressed support for Mr. Magee as a candidate for the position of GM, however there was a lack of consensus as to the duration of a proposed contract.

The next regular meeting of the IVGID Board of Trustees is on February 28th at 6pm at the District Administration Building.

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