IVGID Meeting Highlights – Ordinance 7

April 13, 2022

The Board of Trustees of the Incline Village General Improvement District held their April 13, 2022 meeting as an in-person meeting at the Chateau.  The public was allowed to make public comment in person and via Zoom.

The meeting included the first presentation to the Board of Trustees on the recommendations from the General Manager and the Ordinance 7 Committee on potential amendments to “Ordinance 7, An Ordinance Establishing Rates, Rules and Regulations for IVGID Recreation Passes and Recreation Punch Cards.”  The board packet pages 39-61 (found here) contains the written recommendations from the General Manager; pages 113 – 140 includes a preliminary draft of some of the proposed changes to Ordinance 7. The Trustees had discussions on the recommendations. The proposed amendments are intended to:

  1. Reduce beach over-crowding
  2. Balance the interests of property owners in Incline Village by giving each Parcel Owner the opportunity for the same amount of access to the beaches consistent with the Beach Deed
  3. Protect the Beach Deed

The Committee identified a number of factors contributing to beach overcrowding and attempted to address each of these factors in the proposed amendments to Ordinance 7.  The recommendations of the Ordinance 7 Committee and the General Manager included: 

  • Retaining the current limit of 5 passes per parcel and limiting the total number of additional passes that may be purchased to 5 per parcel
  • Limiting Picture Passes to family members listed on the Family Tree; with the addition of a Domestic Partners to the Family Tree
  • Retaining Recreation Punch Cards or a similar type of Card, with Recreation Punch Cards not being refillable and unusable once their full balance is used
  • Guest access to beaches would only be available if a guest accompanies a Picture Pass Holder or by using a Recreation Punch Card, with sufficient funds remaining to pay for each guest access fee
  • A Guest is now defined as a person invited by a property owner, with beach access, to use District owned beaches, and no compensation can be received for guest access
  • Commercial use of the beaches is not allowed
  • Businesses may only launch watercraft at the District ramp located at Ski Beach for the benefit of IVGID Pass Holders with beach privileges; if a Recreation Punch Card is used it must have sufficient funds to cover the cost of the launch and all guests
  • Unbuildable lots, without recreation privileges as of June 1, 2022, will not be provided IVGID recreation privileges at any time in the future. Those unbuildable lots having paid the IVGID Recreation and Beach Facility Fees can only use the privileges while the current owners own the unbuildable lots; these privileges will cease when the lots are sold or transferred. 

A number of decisions were left for the Trustees to consider and discuss further. The Trustees will continue to discuss the proposed amendments to Ordinance 7 at the April 27 and May 11 Trustee meetings

The Board of Trustees set a public hearing for May 26, 2022 to adopt amendments to Ordinance 7.

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