Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights

September 2, 2021

Approval of agenda

Items H2 (Rec Roll Policy) and H5 (Strategic Plan) were removed for consideration at a future meeting due to the absence of Trustee Dent.

Long Range Calendar

GM Winquest announced the next Board of Trustees meeting dates were scheduled for 9/15 and 9/30. The Ordinance 7 Committee would be meeting either later this month or early October to work on recommendations to the Board of Trustees.

Reports to the Board

Audit Committee Chair Ray Tulloch spoke about the 8/18 Audit Committee meeting, and the draft Audit Committee Charter which the board is considering this evening

Consent Calendar

After a number of clarifying questions by Trustee Schmitz, the consent items were unanimously approved.

  • Amendment #2 for the Effluent Pond Lining project in the amount of $435,339 plus 10% contingency with Jacobs Engineering for additional design services. Trustee Schmitz noted that the project summary needed to be updated.
  • Utility Rate Study contract with HDR Engineering in the amount of $74,935. Trustee Schmitz asked for clarification on the term of the rates to be recommended; Public Works Director Underwood responded it would be for 5 years, but included a 10 year examination.
  • Mountain Golf Course cart path reconstruction project phase 1 contract in the amount of $357, 138.80 plus 10% contingency with F. W. Carson Co.
  • Authorization to transact under Blanket Purchase Orders with listed vendors. Although some of the vendors had state purchasing contracts with negotiated pricing, and some were the sole/local source.
  • Purchase of 40 security cameras and licenses at a cost of $87,545.08 from SHI.

General Business

Paul Raymore, Marketing Manager, requested approval of an agreement for media buying services with EXL Media in the total amount of up to $265,000 for various venues. and direction as to whether competitive bids should be sought for the next fiscal year. Trustee Schmitz asked why there was no ROI analysis. The contract was approved in a 3-1 vote, Schmitz opposing.

In a 2-2 vote (Wong and Tonking dissenting), the contract to provide an opinion on various provisions in the beach deed in the amount of $25,000 with special (outside) counsel, requested by the Audit Committee as well as the Ordinance 7 committee, failed to pass.  This item will be brought back before the Board when all five Trustees are available to vote.

The Board unanimously approved proceeding with a scope of work to review and update IVGID policies relating to Dillon’s rule, employee benefits, and non-profit use of District venues.

No vote was taken on Policy 15.1.0 (Audit Committee Charter) in light of Trustee Dent’s absence. However, several sticking points emerged in the discussion. Trustee Tonking wanted a different selection process for At-Large Members from the one that was previously used where interviews were held and the Board voted to select the best candidate. Instead, she wanted each Trustee to each appoint their own representative. There was also some question as to the number of members and how the audit committee chair is chosen. Questions will be formulated for consideration by the Board at a future meeting when all Trustees are present.

The four trustees in attendance voted unanimously to reappoint a willing Trustee Dent to the Audit Committee.

Chair Callicrate led the discussion of possibly engaging Dr. Bill Mathis to provide training to the Board. Other than Trustee Wong, there was general support for the concept. Chair Callicrate will develop a scope of work and cost estimate for the Board to consider.

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