IVGID Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights

December 3, 2020

Board of Trustees Meeting
November 18th & November 23rd; for LiveStream viewing click here

Director of Finance Navazio provided the 1st fiscal quarter financial reports.  He created a new format for the reports to aid in understanding the overall financial results by venue.  A number of purchases and projects without carry-over budgets from the last fiscal year ending June 30th were highlighted.  The budget was submitted to the Department of Taxation at the end of May and assumptions were made regarding receipt of products and completion of projects.  Because of these assumptions, some 2020-21 fiscal year expenditures are not included in the budget.  Budget augmentation is needed to correct this fiscal year’s budget.  This should be scheduled at an upcoming Board of Trustees meeting.

The Diamond Peak Ski Education Foundation (DPSEF) made a presentation to the Board regarding their wishes for a new facility to be built on District land.  DPSEF has paid a consultant for their special needs requirements and two proposed locations for the new building.  DPSEF will be raising funds for the estimated $2M in construction costs. The Board approved moving forward with Staff and District Legal Counsel developing the terms of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) including a long term lease between DPSEF and the District.

The Board discussed the Burnt Cedar Swimming Pool Improvement Project.  Trustee Schmitz requested the costs for the pool and wading pool be separated from the costs related to the design and construction of the proposed connector pathway.  This pathway would connect the west parking lot to the beach and be constructed along the lakefront, outside of the pool fencing.  Her reasoning was to have clear cost estimates for the pool project and not inflate the costs with the expenditures related to the connector pathway.  Others on the Board and staff agreed with this approach.

The Board discussed the merits and costs of replacing the Championship Course golf carts.  This was the 4th season of the fleets’ use with this year having heavier use due to COVID restrictions requiring golfers to use separate carts. The driver for replacement was primarily due to battery life and concerns of diminishing resale value.  Director of Golf Howard also stated the need to maintain the expected level of service as an additional justification for replacement. The condition of the cart paths was identified as a reason for degradation of the carts.  After much discussion of costs of leasing vs. costs of replacing the batteries and maintaining the carts, the Board decided it would be most prudent to maintain the existing carts and upgrade the cart paths before procuring new carts.  This decision has an impact on the Capital Improvement and Operational Budgets.  This issue will be addressed at an upcoming meeting.

The Board also received a project closure report on the Watermain Replacement Project in the Martis Peak Road vicinity.

The Board discussed different options for District legal services with current Counsel Best, Best and Krieger (BB&K).  The Board did not initiate any changes to BB&K’s legal services or accept any new options.

At a Special Meeting on November 23rd, the Board of Trustees voted to refund a parcel owner $14,643.  The parcel owner was billed and paid for 2 Rec and 2 Beach fees on their one parcel for over 15 years. While Legal Counsel stated the statute of limitations for tax related issues is 3 years, the Board voted to refund the total overpayment with a letter from Legal Counsel stating the Board was not bound by the statute of limitations and could provide the parcel owner with a refund.

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