IVGID Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights 11/10/21

November 10, 2021


The meeting began with a verbal update from two members of the District’s Golf Advisory Committee.  The consensus among committee members is that the resident’s play should be the priority and that the Global Golf report is too outdated to provide them with helpful recommendations. They are working to review service levels and provide fiscally responsible suggestions to the Board. They have been discussing pricing, resident access and ways to increase the availability of tee times. 

Director of Finance Navazio gave an informative presentation on the framework for determining a District wide pricing policy.  His presentation may be found here.

Director of Public Works Underwood reviewed the materials and information learned regarding the Phase 1 of the Mountain Golf Cart Path replacement project.  The issue being reviewed is that the method and means for delivering the project were not the same as the bid documents and the contract.  The method and means are acceptable, it simply wasn’t how the bid documents and Board approved contracts were written.  Mr. Underwood and his team are finalizing change orders to be brought to the Board for approval. The materials presented may be found here.

Mr. Underwood also provided a verbal update on the Effluent Pipeline design project and explained costs may be increased due to the potential that NDOT may not allow abandoned pipe to remain below the roadway.  The cost estimates may be viewed here.


The consent calendar included the purchase of fairway and rough mowers for a total of $253,183, rejecting the wetlands effluent disposal facility improvement bids, and the approval of 3 janitorial contracts including $67,340 on an annual basis for the Recreation Center, $42,250 on an annual basis for Diamond Peak and $95,000 on an annual basis for several District venues.  The consent calendar was approved 3-1 (Trustee Tonking was absent) with Trustee Schmitz opposing and making a statement that she would not approve the contracts because they were not complete and she would not approve incomplete contracts. Early she had pointed out the Exhibits for the Scope of Services, for two of the three contracts, and billing rates, for the Alta Vista contract, were blank or missing. Legal Counsel indicated the contract issues would be fixed before being signed. Since no Trustee/Chair signatures are required on the contracts, the revisions would be completed without any further Board member review. The agenda item and contracts can be reviewed here.


General Business item 5, the review and discussion of possibly adopting a Resolution authorizing a medium term installment purchase agreement for a 54-month lease of lithium battery powered golf carts for the Championship Golf Course, was moved to item 1.  Director of Finance Navazio highlighted areas of his presentation (which can be found within the agenda item here).  The vote was 2-1 (Trustee Dent was absent for the vote).  Trustees Callicrate and Wong in favor and Schmitz opposed because she stated that to her, purchasing the carts made more sense given the 3.9% interest rate on the lease and the District’s excess fund balance of over $10M.  The Trustees could not vote on the purchase option due to the wording of the agenda.  This will be brought back before the Board with both the lease and purchase options.

A representative of HDR gave the Board an in-depth presentation on the methodology they’re using with the utility rate study analysis and recommendations. 

Mr. Underwood presented a design services contract with Lumos for Phase 2 & 3 of the Mountain Golf Cart Path project.  He recommended some language changes to the contract and assured the Board there would be better oversight of the vendor and the project so as to not have issues similar to Phase 1.  The vote was 3-1 with Trustee Schmitz opposing.  She suggested awarding this contract should be postponed until the details and cleanup of Phase 1 are complete.

Diamond Peak General Manager Bandelin presented the immediate need to purchase snowmaking replacement parts totaling $71,680. The Board unanimously approved the purchase.

The final agenda item, the review, discussion and possible approval of the format, structure, and contents of Board packets was postponed so as to include Trustee Tonking.

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