IVGID Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights

December 8, 2021

A general business item proposing change orders for the already completed phase of the Mountain Golf Cart Path Project was pulled from the agenda by the General Manager.

GM Update

Mr. Winquest reported that the Rec Center Pool repair was completed at a cost of $13,500 and the pool had reopened.

He expected to have a signed engagement letter with an attorney to assist with the recommendations from the Ordinance 7 Committee and other policies.

He indicated there would be a District web page with updates on the Dog Park project.

Reports to the Board

Golf Season Wrap-up by Director of Parks and Recreation, Darren Howard

A PowerPoint presentation gave detailed information on rounds of golf, cost per round, and revenue per round.

Finance Director, Paul Navazio, gave a 1st Quarter FY21-22 Budget update.

The Consent Calendar was unanimously approved. It included an Additional Services Amendment to the Professional Services Contract for Public Utility Rate Study and templates to be used for services for professional service contracts and agreements.

General Business

Trustee Tonking led a discussion of the latest draft of the Audit Committee Policy 15.1.0  Several items remain under discussion, such as need for references. Trustee Callicrate suggested using Dr. Mathes as a resource to help resolve the few remaining issues. GM Winquest will request a cost estimate.

District Counsel Josh Nelson presented recommendations and sought direction on revisions for policies dealing with use of facilities by non-profits and employees, as well as cash donations to non-profits.  There was general agreement to remove the policy which provided for cash donations, as well as to tie facility use to pricing policies. Mr. Nelson will bring revised policies back to the Board for their consideration.

Election of Board Officers – All Board officer positions will remain the same for the coming year, decided by a 3-1 vote, Trustee Schmitz opposing. She had proposed the following slate: Chair – Dent, Vice-Chair – Callicrate, Treasurer – Tonking and Secretary – Schmitz but it was not supported by the 3 others present (Trustee Dent was absent).

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