IVGID Board of Trustees Meeting Synopsis “Catch Up”

March 20, 2023

As we reported, the Board of Trustees meetings synopsis are emailed to subscribers, however a few were missing from the District website. Below are the links to the January 25th and February 22nd synopsis for your review. The District has assured us, that in the future, they would be posted on the website at the same time they are emailed to subscribers. If you’d like to subscribe to receive them, email communications@ivgid.org and request to be added. We will continue to share them in newsletters and on our website for easy searching and reading. For your reference, each meeting has its synopsis posted on the District website. Below are links to the ones that were previously missing:

Link to the January 25th: https://mailchi.mp/ivgid/botsynopsis1252023

Link to the February 22nd: https://mailchi.mp/ivgid/botsynopsisfebruary222023

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