IVGID Meeting Highlights June 9th, 2021

June 23, 2021

Long Range Calendar

Items for the July 13 meeting include the Raftelis report on utility assets and infrastructure, options for the Recreation Center locker room remodel, Incline Beach House design project and approval of several sizable Diamond Peak capital/maintenance expenditures, including a $400,000 snow groomer.

The Ordinance 7 Survey was originally scheduled to be sent on June 11th with a presentation on the results to the Board of Trustees in late July.  The Ordinance 7 Committee decided the survey should be translated into Spanish and sent to the public for input in both languages at the same time.  The survey is expected to be sent the week of June 28th.  This delay will likely change the date of the presentation to the Board to August.


Andy Chapman, of the Incline Village/Crystal Bay Visitor’s Bureau, made a presentation on the free IV/CB “curb to curb” micro-transit pilot program to begin on June 24th. Three vehicles are available for IV/CB. Rides can be reserved by calling (530-214-5811) or downloading the TART Connect app.

Mr. Eddie Ableser of Tri-Strategies gave a recap of legislation introduced in the 81st Session, many having nothing to do with IVGID. He encouraged the Board to explore any opportunities for funding from the American Rescue Plan and be involved in the upcoming special session of the Nevada Legislature. GM Winquest will look into possibly engaging Mr. Ableser for further work during this session, although it was noted by Trustee Schmitz that Marcus Faust is contracted to provide lobbying services and some review is needed to prevent duplication of services.

Consent Calendar

The Board unanimously approved items 1 and 2 of the consent calendar, authorizing a contract with HDR in the amount of $115,614 for design services for the Effluent Pipeline Project and the contract for unemployment insurance with First Nonprofit.

General Business

Effluent Pond Lining Project

Trustee Schmitz requested the item be removed from the consent calendar and moved to General Business.  The agenda item was having to do with the pond lining project and involved a proposed unbudgeted expenditure. (NOTE: Some years ago the District increased utility rates to set aside $2M/year for the effluent pipeline replacement project.  In January 2020, when the Board learned money had been spent on items not in the effluent pipeline project description, the Board requested a separate pond lining project be established  and that the effluent pipeline funds collected from rate payers be restricted for the effluent pipeline project.  The pond liner project has had an interesting past. In 2018 it was reported that effluent pipeline project funds had been expended to line the effluent pond. Former GM Pinkerton claimed money was spent on the pond liner and characterized the effluent pond as part of the effluent pipeline project.  It was discovered that the pond  had not been lined and the funds were expended on other utility needs.)  The Board discussed the lack of budget for the pond lining project and the need to have the pond lined prior to the commencement of work to repair/replace the effluent pipeline.  The Board approved the use of effluent pipeline funds to be expended on the pond lining design effort.  The Board unanimously authorized a contract with Jacobs Engineering in the amount of $36,000 for design services for the Effluent Pond Lining Project.

Recreation Center Locker Room Remodel Project

The Rec Center Restroom Remodel contract amendment with Ward-Young Architecture in the amount of $17,000 was unanimously approved to pay for several items including help with the bidding process, design changes already provided, as well as work to present options to the Board before proceeding.

Nevada Division of State Lands – Sale of District Excess Coverage

The vote was 4-1 in favor of amending the agreement with the Nevada Division of State Lands to continue the process of making excess District owned coverage available for sale. Trustee Schmitz expressed numerous concerns. She pointed out that the Policy for the sale of coverage has not been followed. She also pointed out that this program enables larger construction projects on parcels, which may conflict with the District’s own Strategic Plan Principle #1.

Water Main Replacement Project

The Slott Peak water main project was put on hold after staff learned that materials are not only higher in cost, but essentially unavailable at this time.

Audit Committee Appointment/Vacancy

The Board interviewed three candidates to serve a two-year term on the Audit Committee.  Their resumes and applications may be found here (beginning on the page labeled 176).  One candidate was a retired nurse, another was a retired audit partner at Ernst & Young and the third was a sitting Audit Committee member who is a local business owner.  The Board reappointed Mr. Derrek Aaron, a local business owner, in a 3-2 vote with Trustees Callicrate, Tonking and Wong supporting the reappointment with Audit Committee members Trustee Dent and Schmitz in opposition.  Trustee Dent announced his resignation from the Audit Committee and Trustee Schmitz was reappointed as an Audit Committee member. The remaining Trustee vacancy will be addressed at a future Board meeting.

Employee Benefits and Dillon’s Rule

The Audit Committee recommended the Board seek further legal advice regarding employee benefits as they relate to Dillon’s rule. District Counsel Josh Nelson was directed to develop a scope of work and cost estimate for the Boards review.

Pricing and Use of Facilities by Non-Profits – Dillion’s Rule

The Board discussed discounted/free use of District facilities by nonprofits.  Board members had a number of questions and concerns about District Council Josh Nelson’s written opinions. He noted that unlike cities and counties, the District does not have legal authority to give monetary contributions to non-profits. Trustee Schmitz commented that there is no District policy to this effect. He clarified the District’s ability to allow non-profits to use the District’s venues at any price they choose because they have the express authority to set rates.  Chair Callicrate noted that we no longer have the “traditional” shoulder season where facilities might be under-utilized, so there is now an economic impact to these in-kind donations. He stated the “tradition” of providing non-profits use of facilities at little or no cost should be maintained. He criticized members of the community who objected to current policies and practices. No Board action was taken.  District Counsel Josh Nelson will provide the Board with a scope of services and cost to review existing policies and recommend needed changes.

Strategic Plan Review

The Board gave direction to the General Manager to include more specific measures/goals, a 20 year CIP, environmental impacts of major projects and educational goals. The majority also indicated interest in seeing an additional administrative section.

Smith v. IVGID Payment to Special Master

The Board unanimously approved payment of $12,500 to Special Master Matthew Sharp for reviewing allegedly confidential emails in the Mark Smith case involving denied requests for public records. 


At the May 26th meeting, Trustee Wong asked that the minutes from the April 29th meeting be amended with a change that was inconsistent with the official record. Legal Counsel Josh Nelson stated in order to retain the accurate record, the minutes were unchanged with the requested change by Trustee Wong noted in brackets.

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