Letter To IVGID Employees Regarding Beach Access

February 1, 2023

At the Board of Trustees meeting on January 25th, the board voted 3-2 to modify the employee benefits to exclude access to the District’s beaches in protection of the beach deed (the link allows you to view the beach deed). The deed states the beaches are for “recreation by, and for the benefit of, property owners and their tenants (specifically including occupants of motels and hotels)“. It is important to note there are exempt properties located within the current geographic boundaries of the District. These properties are exempt from paying Washoe County property tax. Because the properties are exempt, they also do not pay the IVGID Facility Fee (Recreation and Beach Fees). The exempt property includes but is not limited to, real property that is used or intended for use for religious or educational purposes, condominium and town house common areas that do not include any dwelling units, and publicly owned property. Publicly owned property includes, but is not limited to, Washoe County, the US Forest Service, UNR and IVGID.

Below is the content of the memo contained within the board packet for the meeting:

Dear IVGID Staff,
Over the past couple years, the District has been evaluating Ordinance 7, an Ordinance establishing Rates, Rules, and Regulations for IVGID Recreation Passes and Recreation Punch Cards by the Incline Village General Improvement District. The General Manager’s Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee) on Ordinance 7 was tasked with evaluating and formalizing recommendations to the Board of Trustees for revisions to the ordinance. During its discussions, the Advisory Committee recommended that the subject of beach access, for District employees and their dependents along with the holders of Silver and Gold cards, should be evaluated by the District to ensure compliance with the 1968 beach deed. The Board of Trustees authorized Staff to hire Special Legal Counsel to review the issue.

Out of an abundance of caution, the District’s Board of Trustees has made the very difficult decision to discuss and possibly eliminate beach access for all employees as well as holders of Gold and Silver Cards. This potential decision will not affect those employees’ entitled to access by the beach deed as set forth in Ordinance 7.

A discussion of this potential difficult decision and possible action will take place at the January 25, 2023 Board of Trustees meeting. One of the primary purposes to revising Ordinance 7 and other associated District policies is to ensure the District is in strict compliance with the beach deed. To clarify, the District may revise employee benefits, including the privileges extended to employees and the holders of Gold and Silver cards, at any time. The Board of Trustees and the General Manager appreciate your attention to this communication and understand the sensitivity of the potential decision. Please contact the Human Resources Department at 775-832-1100, the General Manager at 775-832-1206, and/or IVGID Board of Trustee Chairman Matthew Dent at 775-530-1345 to discuss any questions and/or concerns you may have.

You will receive follow up correspondence related to any formal action taken after deliberation on this matter at the January 25, 2023 meeting of the Board of Trustees.

Deepest Regards,
District General Manager Board of Trustees
Indra S. Winquest Matthew Dent, Chairman
Michaela Tonking, Trustee
Sara Schmitz, Vice Chair
Ray Tulloch, Treasurer
David Noble, Secretary

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