Recall Timeline

July 15, 2023

Below is a detailed explanation of the potential recall process timeline. In the end, should enough verified signatures be obtained, and if no candidate gathers 1,801 verified signatures required to be on the special election ballot, the special election is a simple vote to recall or not to recall. Should there be more votes to recall, then the position(s) are filled through appointment(s) by the IVGID Board of Trustees. If this isn’t successful, meaning there is a split vote, then the appointment will made by the Washoe County Commissioners.

At 48 days, all signatures and the funding/support of the recall campaign are made public. Any donation with a value of $100 or more, including in-kind donations, must be reported as part of the committee’s public financial disclosure.

At any time prior to the recall petition being submitted for signature verification at 90 days, which is September 20th, a person may request to have their name removed from the petition to recall list by writing the Washoe County Registrar of Voters requesting to strike their name from the recall petition. The email address is:


  1. Committee to Recall.  The committee is responsible for public financial reporting (at 48 and 93 days after notice of intent is filed with the SOS) to the SOS on funds raised and expended on the recall effort. There are two committees; The Committee to Recall Matthew Dent and The Committee to Recall Sara Schmitz (Committee Members: Tim Callicrate, Mary Kleingartner, Tia White)
  2. Notice of Intent to Recall.  3 registered voters who voted in the district or municipality electing the public officer must sign the Notice of Intent with the SOS. (Signers:  Tim Callicrate, Darolyn Skelton, Mary Kleingartner) The document was received by the Washoe County Registrar of Voters on  6/22/23. Click here to view the Intent to Recall Notice; both have the same signatures.
  3. Number of Signatures Required for the Recall.  The filing officer determines the number of signatures required (1,801 signatures). This is 25% of the number of persons who voted in the district at the election in which the officer was elected.
  4. Who May Sign the Petition.  Only registered voters who voted in the election in which the subject of the recall was elected may sign the petition.
  5. Nomination of Candidates.  A person may be nominated as a candidate for the office through the petition process. The nominating petition must be signed by at least 1,801 registered voters of the district where the election is to be held. The nominating petition must be filed at least twenty (20) days before the special election. If no other candidates quality, only the person being recalled will be on the ballot. If no candidates are on the ballot and the officers to be recalled are effectively recalled replacements are appointed by either the IVGID BOT or the Washoe County Commissioners.
  6. Timing for Filing of the Petition. The petition must be submitted to the filing officer within 90 days which is September 20th. On or before the 48th day (August 9th), all signatures collected during the first 45 days must be submitted to the county clerk and be made available for public inspection. All signers may be contracted to inform them of their ability to be removed from the petition.
  7. Verification of Signatures – after 90 days. The County Clerk counts the number of signatures on the petition and forwards that number to the Secretary of State (SOS) within 4 working days after receipt of the petition. After determining if the petition contains the correct number of signatures the SOS notifies the County Clerk/Registrar. The County Clerk verifies the signatures within 20 working days after notification by the SOS.
  8. Challenge of the Legal Sufficiency of the Petition. The legal sufficiency of the petition may be challenged by filing a complaint in district court not later than 15 working days after the Secretary of State’s notification that the petition is sufficient.
  9. Special Election.  If there are a sufficient number of verified signatures, the filing officer will issue a call for a special election 20-30 days after the filing officer issues the call. If there are no candidates with the adequate number of signatures to be included on the ballot, the special election will be a vote to recall or not to recall.
  10. Appointment(s). If the person(s) are recalled and there were no other candidates on the ballot, then the appointment process is followed.

Approximate Dates

6/16/23    Committee formed

6/22/23    Notice of Intent to Recall Submitted

8/9/23      Signed Petitions (first 45 days) to the County Clerk, first financial contributions report filed with the SOS (48 days from 6/22/23)

9/20/23    Count of signatures provided to SOS, if adequate signatures County Clerk is notified to begin signature verification (90 days from 6/22/23)

9/25/23    Second financial report filed with the SOS by the Committee (93 days from 6/22/23)

10/18/23  County Clerk completes signature verification (20 working days from 9/20/23).

11/7-11/17/23 Special election conducted, if the person being recalled does not receive sufficient votes to be retained, an “appointment” by a quorum of the IVGID BOT is made for the open position(s) and if unable, the appointment will be done by the Washoe County Board of Commissioners (20-30 days from 10/18/23)

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