Proposed Lands Bill – Impact on Incline Village

May 20, 2023

United States Senator Jacky Rosen and Washoe County would like public feedback for the proposed Washoe County Lands Bill. Questions, comments or requests for information related to the draft Truckee Meadows Public Lands Management Act may be submitted to   Nevadans wishing to provide comments on this working draft may submit them until June 6th, 2023. A meeting is scheduled for this Wednesday, May 24th, at 1001 E 9th St., in the atrium of Building A, Reno from 4pm- 6pm.

Legislation to expand:

  • Economic and Housing Development Opportunities
  • Improve Public Lands Management
  • Support Local Tribes
  • Promote Conservation

The bill includes two proposed parcels to be transferred to IVGID and two to UNR. To look up the parcels on the Washoe County Tax Assessor’s Real Property Assessment Data system you may click here. The two parcels related to IVGID are APNs 131-110-04, the 12.96 acres located on Village Blvd. across the street from Incline High School and APN 124-071-50, a 1.135 acre parcel located on Northwood Blvd. next to Pet Network. The parcels related to UNR are on SR-28 near the intersection of Country Club Blvd. The APNs are 130-50-06 and 130-50-08.

The other parcels of interest are 81 and 135 acres located near Sand Harbor and adjacent to State Park land.

The full list is available here:

Map is available here:

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