Tahoe Basin, NV Energy has called the start of the fire season

June 7, 2021

Due to concerns from the National Weather Service and the extremely dry conditions in the Tahoe basin, NV Energy has called the start of the fire season for Northern Nevada beginning June 3, 2021.  This means that identified transmission and distribution circuits will be operated in fire season mode until the end of fire season.

In the event the circuits affecting your property may be affected by a proactive de-energization event for public safety outage management, the following notifications will be provided identifying the potential de-energization event, or cancellation if applicable:

  *   48 hours prior to a Public Safety Outage Management (PSOM) event
  *   24 hours prior to a PSOM event
  *   2 hours prior to a PSOM event
  *   1 hour prior to a PSOM event
  *   At the time of de-energization
  *  During the PSOM event
  *   At the time of re-energization
  *  Immediately upon cancellation of a PSOM event

In addition to these Major Account notifications, I also recommend that you consider enrolling in our automated outage alert notification  on the NV Energy My Account application at https://www.nvenergy.com/

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