What’s Happening at the Old Spitsen Lumber Property?

May 20, 2022

On the May 25th TRPA Governing Board consent calendar is an application for approval of a proposed new warehouse/office space building; the warehouse is to be used for storage of a private vehicle collection on this commercial parcel at 1054 Tahoe Boulevard. The application includes the allocation and transfer of Commercial Floor Area (CFA). TRPA Staff is recommending the Governing Board approve the proposed project subject to the conditions in the draft permit.

This redevelopment project includes demolishing the existing buildings associated with the previous use (Spitsen Lumber) and constructing a new two-story 20,139 square foot building comprising a 14,836 square foot warehouse and 5,303 square foot of mezzanine level office space. The applicant is proposing to use the warehouse for private vehicle storage. The proposed height is 29-feet 10-inchdes from the historic natural ground elevation (the TRPA maximum height is 31 feet 5 inches) and 50 feet 4 inches from the existing grade. An 11-foot cut is proposed below ground surface for the new building. The project will result in 42,077 square feet of Land Capability District (LCD) Class 1c coverage and 33,245 square feet of LCD Class 1c banked land coverage. Portions of existing pavement will be removed and restored with the project. The site is within Crystal Bay Scenic Roadway Unit #22, which is currently out of scenic attainment. The proposed building design and new gate, wall, and landscaping that will be installed to provide screening from Tahoe Boulevard will help to move the area towards scenic threshold attainment. Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be installed with the project. Click here to view the details beginning on page 107.

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