Donald Tatro to Fill Keickhefer’s Senate Seat

November 10, 2021

A special concurrent meeting of the Carson City Board of Supervisors and the Washoe County Board of County Commissioners was held November 10, 2021. Motions were made to appoint Donald Tatro to the open Nevada Senate District 16 seat. The Washoe County Commissioners voted 3-1 in favor (Herman – no, Jung – absent). The Carson City Supervisors voted 4-1 in favor (White – no).

The agenda, including applicant submissions, may be found here.

The meeting video is found here.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: On October 8, 2021, Nevada State Senator Ben Keickhefer resigned from his Nevada Senate District 16 seat to accept an appointment to the Nevada Gaming Commission. District 16 includes portions of Washoe County and Carson City. The two entities have agreed to each select a nominee, then meet jointly to appoint one of the nominees to the vacant seat.

The same 13 applicants were presented for consideration to each entity.

The Carson City Supervisors selected Robert Weise as their nominee at their November 4, 2021, meeting.

The meeting agenda, including applicant submissions, and video are located here. Agenda item 23A (Nevada Senate District 16 nomination) begins at 2 hours 10 minutes.

After interviewing applicants, each Supervisor listed his/her top candidates. As Mr. Weise was the only applicant listed by all Supervisors, the motion was made, voted on and passed to name him as the Carson City nominee.

The Washoe County Commissioners selected Donald Tatro as their nominee at their November 9, 2021, meeting.

The agenda, including applicant submissions, is located here.

The meeting video is located here. Agenda item 13 (Nevada Senate District 16 nomination) begins at 3 hours 5 minutes.

After interviewing applicants, Commissioners Lucey and Hartung expressed concern that appointing current Nevada Assembly member Lisa Krasner to the open Senate seat would then leave the District 26 Assembly seat vacant. Due to the impending legislative special session to address redistricting, there may not be enough time to then appoint someone to the Assembly seat. Commissioners cast ballots for his/her top candidate; Donald Tatro received four votes and Melissa Clement received one vote. A motion was made, voted on and passed to name Donald Tatro as the Washoe County nominee.

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