Incline Village Mobility Hub Survey

April 2, 2023


Take 5 minutes to complete before April 30th. Click here to access the survey. The survey is written in a way that assumes you’re in favor of a mobility hub in Incline Village, so if you have differing thoughts, type in your suggestions when responding to the survey.

With its stunning natural beauty, numerous recreational opportunities, and vibrant economy, traffic and parking issues have become issues to be addressed throughout the Lake Tahoe Basin. The region’s rugged terrain and environmental sensitivity severely limit the potential for expanding existing roadways or constructing new ones. TTD is examining alternative modes of mobility or multi-modal solutions as an alternative to address transportation needs.

Incline Village was identified as one of several locations for a mobility hub as part of a larger transportation network connecting Tahoe and out-of-basin communities. Like others, it is located at the convergence of key roadways that travel around and into the Lake Tahoe Basin. Together with the community, TTD is working with local agencies and partners to define a location and develop a design concept for the Incline Village Mobility Hub to address the area’s current and future transportation needs.

The new multi-modal network of mobility hubs, transit, trails, bike, and pedestrian amenities are planned to connect Incline Village to the rest of the Basin, providing alternative travel choices, helping alleviate congestion, and improving safety while reflecting the community’s values in protecting the natural environment, and ultimately lessen the impact of visitor demand.

Understanding the thoughts of mobility hub stakeholders is a vital component to the development of the project. The results of this questionnaire will help the planning team better understand the communities’ and your concerns and preferences to ultimately better guide the decision-making process. The survey questions are listed below along with another link to participate in the survey.

For more information, please visit the website at:


What is the zip code of your primary residence

Which of the following best describes you:

Full time resident of IV

Part time resident of IV

Employee who commutes to IV

Overnight visitor to IV

Day visitor to IV


Do you use public transportation when you are outside of Lake Tahoe:



Do you use public transportation when you are at Lake Tahoe:



If yes, what form of public transportation do you use while in Lake Tahoe

Bike or scooter

Summer seasonal shuttle: TTD East Shore Express

Microtransit (TART connect)

TART mainline route from Tahoe to Incline Village


What are your primary transportation challenges when traveling around Incline Village (Select your top 3)

Access to a vehicle

Access to jobs, recreation, shops/business, residences

Bad weather


Cost of driving

Lack of information about travel options


Reliability and frequency of transit options



What important transportation connections should the mobility hub serve?

(Select your top 3)

Activity centers and businesses (shops, restaurants, etc.)

Employers (hotels, offices, etc)

Residential communities


Services (government, healthcare facilities, etc.)

Tourist and recreation destinations

xOther (special events: 4TH of July, etc.)

What transportation features would you like to see? (Select your top 3)

Bike parking (bike locker)

Car parking (park and ride)

Electric vehicle charging

Microtransit (TART Connect)

Micromobility options (bikeshare and scooters)

Regional connections outside of the basin (Reno, Truckee, etc.)

Regional connections with the North Shore

Regional connections between North Shore and South Shore

More local services within Incline Village

Taxis and ridesharing

Walking and biking connections


Which amenities (above and beyond the transportation elements) would you like to see? (Select your top 3)

Coffee shop or convenience store

Indoor seating or waiting area

Information booth or kiosk

Mixed-use development with housing and businesses

Real-time transit and wayfinding information


Public space (plaza, events, etc.)



What criteria should be prioritized when determining a suitable location for the Incline Village mobility hub? (Select your top 3)

Proximity to recreational destinations

Proximity to retail destinations

Proximity to residential areas

Proximity to hiking/biking trails


Are there specific locations in Incline Village that should be considered as a location for the mobility hub, and why?

[Fill in the blank square]


Optional: Please provide your email address if you would like to receive project updates.

What is your age?

Under 18



Over 70

Prefer not to answer

What is your race?

American Indian and Alaska Native


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander

Hispanic or Latino


Multiracial (non-Hispanic)

Prefer not to answer


What language is most frequently spoken in your home?



Asian and Pacific Island Languages

Indo-European Languages

Prefer not to answer


What is your income level?

Less than $24,999


$35,000 to $49,999

$50,000 to $74,999

$75,000 to $99,999

$100,000 and over

Prefer not to answer

Any other suggestions or recommendations?

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