WCSD To Ratify the Sale of the Old Elementary School Property – Trustee Church Urges People to Speak Up

November 20, 2021

We received the below email request from Washoe County School District Trustee Church. Trustee Church represents District A that includes Incline Village. He is making the request for the public to attend and write the Board because there wasn’t a community notice of the School Board meeting where Trustees who don’t live or represent our community voted in favor of the sale for the use, while our representative Church was the only opposing vote.

At the upcoming Washoe County School Board Meeting scheduled on Tuesday November 23rd at noon, Trustee Church intends to request Consent Calendar item 2.14 be removed from the Consent Calendar and moved to a General Business item allowing for further discussion. The agenda item is for the ratification of the approval of the purchase and sale agreement and escrow instructions related to the WCSD sale of the Old Elementary School to the Tahoe Transportation District (TTD) for the appraised value of $2.35M. The agenda may be viewed by clicking here.

Trustee Church stated, “If folks in Incline Village do not weigh in, I will assume you are OK with the hub. I’ll fairly and openly listen and consider all sides but as I’ve said, I favor using the land for WCSD Staff housing with options for other governmental uses from other govt housing (not affordable housing) and or a park, etc., but once it’s gone it’s gone. At a bare minimum, if it is turned over to TTD, we  should discuss that an area be set aside for WCSD housing and it needs re-appraisal. I think the TTD needs to do a scientific study of public opinions and publish such. VIEWS ARE MINE.

If you’re unable to attend the meeting, he is asking you to email: BoardMembers@WashoeSchools.net

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