Additional Dwelling Units (ADUs)

June 15, 2021

The TRPA Advisory Planning Commission Tahoe Living Working Group has recommended that additional dwelling units (ADUs) be allowed on parcels of less than one acre in size within the Tahoe Basin.  This zoning change is being considered to increase the inventory of available housing.  In California, ADUs cannot be rented for less than a month, thus any new ADUs would be available for longer-term rental, and not Short Term Rental (STR) use.  
Should this change be approved by TRPA, Washoe County would need to consider whether it would change its Tahoe Area Plan to be consistent with TRPA for Incline Village/Crystal Bay.  Washoe County would need to determine if ADUs would be restricted to rentals of longer than 30 days to be consistent throughout the Tahoe Basin.  There are many things to consider with ADUs such as parking requirements, etc.
Click here to access the agenda item and staff memorandum on page 25 of the document.

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