IV/CB CAB Meeting Highlights

November 2, 2023

The November 2nd Incline Village/Crystal Bay Citizen Advisory Board (CAB) heard the presentation of Tahoe Transportation District (TTD) Manager Carl Hasty on the proposed Incline Village Mobility Hub.  The library was filled with 42 people with 20 additional people attending via zoom. Many in attendance expressed their continued opposition of TTD’s plan for the Mobility Hub at the old elementary school. Others commented in opposition of ANY Mobility Hub in Incline Village and suggested it be placed outside the basin to reduce the number of vehicles traveling into the basin. It was later learned that Kings Beach was successful in eliminating their proposed Mobility Hub based on a decision made by the Placer County Board of Supervisors. This change will result in a larger demand for the Incline Village/Crystal Bay Mobility Hub. Mr. Marion, the TTD manager of the Mobility Hub project, stated the citizens of Incline Village/Crystal Bay community would need lobby Washoe County to take a stand in opposition of a hub in Incline Village with TRPA and TTD and that citizens lobbying TRPA and TTD would not result in a change of plan.

One community member asked what would happen with the old elementary school land  if the site was found unacceptable, based on the criteria set forth by TTD. Mr. Marino stated one possibility is that the property could be sold or donated to a local government, if it included a transportation element. 

The new TTD Public Information Officer stated that TTD had done a poor job in public outreach in the past and she was in the process of developing an new outreach program.  She appeared unaware of the public workshop held at the Parasol Building in November of 2022 attended by over 100 diverse community members. The workshop attendance included individuals who lived near the site, individuals from the Hispanic community, mothers of children, workers and community members representing all demographics and economic groups who spoke in opposition of the proposed location.  

Later in the meeting, CAB member Roxanna Dunn walked through a proposed presentation to be given to each of the Washoe County Board of Commissioners. The goal of the effort is to inform all of the Commissioners on the most important issues and concerns of our community. Her presentation calculated the time to evacuate our community in the peak of the summer tourist season. She received input from fellow CAB members and members of the public for some minor refinements. This will be the first time the CAB, as a group, has put forth an effort to reach out all 5 Washoe County Commissioners.

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